The Kite Runner Chapters #6-10 - HOSSEINI

The Kite Runner
Chapters 6-7-8-9-10
Abdullah M.
Antoine C.
Jaime S.
Kite Runner Background Research
1. Islamic Art-what are the characteristics?
-Arabic Calligraphy and intricate pattern
2. What is didactic literature?
-Instructional or informative literature. ie. Bible or
3. What are parables?
-Short story written in prose/verse telling a religious or
moral lesson.
4. What is the Koran?
-Islamic Holy Book
5. What does it mean to be compassionate?
-Being able to show tenderness and kindness to others.
Connections between Research and Book
Chapters 6-10 through The Kite Runner relayed out how
influential Amir is towards Hassan and how Amir truly
feels inside of him.
Hassan follows the path of the humble and loyal person.
The ideal person to be found in the Quran. The one who
will obey unflinchingly towards those he’s loyal to.
Amir is on the other hand shown to have given the darker
theme. For what every servant desires in a master, Amir
has stepped crossed the line and showed just how
uncaring he could be for Hassan, and his guilt through it.
He tries to take the cowards way of facing things.
Chapter 6 Plot Synopsis
- School's out for the Winter and that means it's
the beginning of the Kite Fighting Tournament.
- The tournament is one of the few things that
Amir and his father can get along in.
- Kite fighting and Kite running are Amir &
Hassan's respective strengths.
Chapter 6 Character Development
- Amir is the favor to win the kite fighting
tournament. He wants to win his father's
approval by winning.
- Hassan is a legendary kite runner being able to
predict the locations of kites with jaw dropping
accuracy. Loyalty towards Amir
- Baba is a former champion of The Kite Fighting
Chapter 7 Plot Synopsis
- Hassan has a dream the night before involving himself and Amir,
which he explains in detail the next morning over Tea.
- Amir is thinking to himself why is it that Hassan can read him like a
book, but he can’t read Hassan like one. This makes him feel kind of
comfortable that someone knew exactly what he needed.
- Amir and Hassan won the Kite Fight and got a trophy which Amir
wanted to show it off to his father. While Hassan went running after
the runner-up’s kite
- Amir, Later found Hassan cornered in an alley by neighborhood
bullies with his feet slightly apart and fists clenched to protect
Amir’s prized 2nd place kite.
- A fight breaks out and Hassan gets raped after being beaten as Amir
- Finally Amir ran away because he was scared and took Hassan for
granted and left him.
Chapter 7 Character Development
- Amir who was the victor in the Kite Fighting
tournament. He was ecstatic about his victory till
it was Hassan’s run to get the 2nd place kite.
There Amir selfishly watched Hassan get raped
and yet didn’t stand up to him.
- Hassan- Proved that even through the worst
situations he would remain loyal to Amir
- Baba was Proud that Amir won the kite
Chapter 8 Plot Synopsis
- Amir can't stand to see Hassan because every time he
does there is a feeling of guilt.
- Relationship between Amir & Baba are getting better
because of the win in the competition.
- Hassan tries to rekindle the relationship between him
and Amir. Amir though tries to force Hassan to hit him
so that Amir at least feels like he get what he deserves for
not helping Hassan before. Hassan refuses & stays loyal.
- Amir tries to get Baba to get new servants. Baba refuses
and call Ali and Hassan his dear family members.
- Amir celebrates his birthday in one of Baba's big parties.
Where he has a talk with both Aseff and Rahim Khan.
Chapter 8 Character Development
- Amir - Guilt stricken over watching Hassan's rape
that he can't bear to face Hassan, that he's sunk low
enough to try and remove Hassan's family from his
- Hassan - Must believing in a pit of a despair, after
getting raped and having a friend who starts
betraying he used to be. Still completely loyal to
- Baba - Bond formed from Chapter 6 starts to
deteriorate after Amir made the suggestion that he
needs new servants instead of Ali's family.
Chapter 9 Plot Synopsis
- Chapter starts with Amir opening the two
presents at the party his father threw him for
winning the tournament.
- Ali and Hassan give Amir a present as well. It
was a book.
- Amir frames Hassan for stealing his watch and
some cash. This results in Ali and Hassan’s
departure from their servitude.
Chapter 9 Character Development
- Amir realizes that his father only gave him the party
and tournament because he had won the
tournament. It was not purely love.
- During the discussion about Hassan’s theft, Amir
receives a knowing look from Ali, telling him that Ali
knows about everything. Amir feels glad that
someone else knows. He was tired of pretending.
This shows that Amir has seen that lies are tiring to
keep up with.
- Amir wishes that he could go and stop them from
leaving but he tells himself he can’t. He feels
tortured by the sight of his father slumped in the
rain trying to persuade Ali to stay.
Chapter 10 Plot Synopsis
- We are skipped ahead to March 1981
- At the start of the chapter Amir and his father are in a
human smuggling van going into Jalalabad.
- Amir’s father stands up for a woman while they are at
the checkpoint. He refused to allow the indecency to take
place even when threatened with death.
- The woman’s husband stands up and kisses Amir’s
father’s hand.
- The passengers are held in a basement while waiting for
new car parts for their next vehicle.
- The refugees resort to riding in a fuel truck to Pakistan.
- At the end of the ride, Kamal’s father (who was with
them in the fuel tank) kills himself over his son’s death.
Chapter 10 Character Development
- Amir is hurt by the way his father looks at him
when he is sick from the car ride.
- Amir is shocked at the sight of Kamal’s father
shooting himself.
- Baba showed bravery for others in the face of
Key Words ---- Vocabulary
Kite Fighting
- An event that is the main attraction during Winter in Amir’s town
- To form grooves or deep wrinkles in
Blood Money
- Money obtained ruthlessly and at a cost of suffering to others
- A salutation meaning ‘Peace’
- Arabic meaning “If Allah wills (it)”
- King or Ruler
Journal Prompt
In these chapters, Amir saw his servant Hassan get
raped by Assef and his gang. Hassan allowed all this
to happen just because he wanted to keep the prize
winning kite that Amir had rightfully won safe.
Amir watched all this and than ran away from it.
Seeing all this how far would you let a friend go for
you? Would you be willing to let friends to all your
wishes no matter what the cost or would you be one
who would rather have the friend than the servant?