Poems I Teach - saysomethingwonderful

Poems I Teach
9th grade
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” , Shakespeare
“My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun”, Shakespeare
“anyone lived in a pretty how town” , E.E. Cummings
Carpe Diem, Robert Frost
Richard Cory, E.A. Robinson
“titledivine—is mine!”, Emily Dickinson
Daddy, Sylvia Plath
Lady Lazarus, Plath
Jazz Fantasia, Carl Sandburg
In Just-- spring, E. E. Cummings
Mother to Son, Langston Hughes
Birches, Robert Frost
One Art, Elizabeth Bishop
“love is more thicker than forget”, E. E. Cummings
“i carry your heart with me”, E. E. Cummings
Demain, des l’aube, Victor Hugo (“Tomorrow at Dawn”)
Puedo escribir , Pablo Neruda (“Tonight I Can Write”)
The Road Not Taken, Frost
Stopping by Woods, Frost
Chicago, Sandburg
The Red Wheelbarrow, William Carlos Williams
An Apology, FJ Bergmann
The Tyger, William Blake
The Lamb, William Blake
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, Marlowe
The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd, Ralegh
Valentine for Ernest Mann, Naomi Shihab Nye
Song of Myself (50, 51, 52), Whitman
10th grade
“I Felt a Funeral, in my Brain”, Dickinson
“I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—“ Dickinson
Litany, Billy Collins
“Pity this busy monster, manunkind”—Cummings
Language Lesson: 1976, Heather McHugh
Dover Beach, Matthew Arnold
Cool Tombs, Sandburg
“The typewriter’s the kind” , Heather McHugh
“Stop all the clocks”, WH Auden
The History Teacher, Collins
“Let me not to the marriage of true minds”—Shakespeare
To a Daughter Leaving Home, Linda Pastan
Dream Song 14, John Berryman
Wish You Were Here, Robert Phillips
View #1: West, Thomas Centolella
Snow, Louis MacNeice
Wintering, Plath
Myth of Devotion, Louise Gluck
The Colossus, Plath
Living in Sin, Adrienne Rich
How I Discovered Poetry, Marilyn Nelson
Fearful Women, Carolyn Kizer
To Dorothy, Marvin Bell
Fuel, Naomi Shihab Nye,
Sonnet, Cummings
To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell
Introduction to Poetry, Billy Collins
A Study of Reading Habits, Phillip Larkin
“A child said, What is the grass?” excerpt, Whitman
“Since feeling is first” E.E. Cummings
Portrait, Cummings
Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night, Dylan Thomas
When You Are Old, WB Yeats
Penelope, Dorothy Parker
I Hear America Singing, Whitman
I, Too, Sing America, Langston Hughes
Theme for English B, L. Hughes
Because You Asked about the Line Between Poetry and Prose, Howard Nemerov
Poetry, Pablo Neruda
Going There, Jack Gilbert
The More Loving One, WH Auden
Cut, Sylvia Plath
Poetry Friday poems so far
“my father moved through dooms of love”, Cummings
“somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond”, Cummings
“why must itself up every of a park”, Cummings
Fever 103, Plath
The Language, Robert Creeley
To a Young Child, Gerard Manley Hopkins
If You Forget Me, Pablo Neruda
ONE: The Portrait, Stanley Kunitz
The Heaven of Animals, James Dickey
Paradoxes and Oxymorons, John Ashbery
Gratitude to Old Teachers, Robert Bly
The Hollow Men, T.S. Eliot
Poem, Donald Justice
“i have found what you are like”, Cummings
“o sweet spontaneous”, Cummings
Tariff, Michelle Boisseau
One is One, Marie Ponsot
In Your Years, Adrienne Rich
Listen, Miller Williams
A Poetry Reading at West Point, William Matthews
First Hour, Sharon Olds
Variation on the Word Sleep, Margaret Atwood
The First Photograph of Hitler, Wislawa Szyborska
Taking off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes, Billy Collins
Jeep Cherokee, Bruce A. Jacobs