
Kervin Matos
Professor Iryna Vushko
Europe History 12200
October 1, 2013
Analysis of the Communist Manifesto
The communist manifest was a book published by two famous authors that wanted
to make a point and soon make changes to the world. Both, Karl Marx a German
philosopher and Friedrich Engel also a German philosopher wrote the “Manifesto of the
Communist Party” as the communist League (an international political party). The two
authors, Marx and Engels had similar ideas and eventually start on working together on the
Manifesto. The communist manifesto reflects the attempt the goals of communism. The
goal of Communist manifesto is to make the world in the direction to communism without
having a social class being superior to the other.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel work intensively hard to publish the manifesto. By
translating it in different language in Western Europe and the America. The communist
manifesto is a publication in 1848 that reveal the truth about capitalism and the class
struggles and send their political belief of communism. One of their achievements is to
send their political message throughout all of Europe with the success of publishing in
every language in the western part of the world. Apart of all of this capitalism allows the
free trade market which both authors believe the cause of society having a class struggle.
Both Karl and Engel had a theory called Marxism. Their effort of spreading their theory was
in order to change the world by having “one nation, with one government, one code of laws,
one national class-interest, and one custom tariff” and the wealth to be shared between all
people in order to get rid of the class struggles.
The Industrial revolution transformed the way European lived. Because of
capitalism, was a new age if the Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution,
there were two class conflicts, the bourgeois and the proletarians. The bourgeois was the
middle class that rose up and established new class, while the proletarian was the modern
working class. With new technology, such as factories, the main source of making mass
production of goods. As demand increased for manufactured goods, the economy change
and so did social class. Markets force grew stronger and was the cause of the two classes to
be in conflict. The bourgeois which was the property owning class, gained wealth and
power while the proletarians were the industrial working class under the bourgeois.
In the middle ages, bourgeoisie were self employed. After the middles ages, the
bourgeois were highly dependent on the working class. The rise of the industrial middle
class and the leader of the whole industrial army were the modern bourgeois. With the help
of machinery, mass production was made to provide goods. The market has given an
immense development that it gave the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie was responsible for
taking away the man kind that used to be and replaced it with paid wage laborers. Because
of that, family relation has reduced to a “mere money relation”.
The Proletarian went under struggle with the bourgeoisie. In Great Britain, where
the industrial revolution first began, laborers, crowded into the factory like slaves of the
bourgeois. As the repulsiveness of the laborers work increased, the wage decreased. As the
bourgeois exploits the proletariat, the proletarians retaliated directed their attack to the
bourgeois in order to restore “the vanished status of the workman of the Middle Ages.
Karl Marx believes that a capitalist government had caused the proletariat to
revolutionize against the bourgeoisie. The proletariat lack of owning a property, “a class of
labourers, who live only so long as they find work and who find work only so long as their
labor increases capital.” They were dependent on the bourgeoisie in order to make a living
while some of them had small businesses. Eventually, the small entrepreneurs and peasant
gradually sink into the proletariat. Soon as the development of the industry improved,
proletariat increased its size, power and later begins to form a combination (Trades’
Union) against the bourgeois. In order to keep the wages up, the Union created modern
industry which became really powerful. The proletariat class gets stronger as the ruling
class joins them. Conflicts began with the two classes and started a civil war.
Finally the class struggles have come to an end, the proletariat defeats capitalism.
Classes are drift away back joins other part of the class while other classes decay in Modern
Industry. The ruling class the once join the proletarians, joins the revolutionary class
which hold the future in its hands. In addition, the bourgeoisie eventually no longer the
ruling class which society no longer recognize. Replace what use to be the bourgeoisie,
were the pauper, a class that develops rapidly than population and wealth. History once
again repeated itself from French Revolution till Marx and Engel era. Their theory showed
evidence of the struggle class has showed. Marxism proves disasters of having a working
class taking over the ruling class.