MONDAY, APRIL 30, 2012 08:00 AM05:00 PM 08:00 AM05:00 PM 08:00 AM12:00 PM 08:00 PM12:00 PM 01:00 PM05:00 PM 01:00 PM05:00 PM 01:00 PM05:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Pre-Conference Agency Workshops (Contact Your Own Agency for Registration) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency LOCATION U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs PIEDMONT U.S. Department of Health and Human Services LENOX U.S. Department of Agriculture AZALEA U.S. Department of Interior LIBRARY Federal Bureau Investigation PIEDMONT WELCOME RECEPTION Emcee: TBD Guest Speaker: Guest Speaker: Guest Speaker: Guest Speaker: of Commerce PEACHTREE GRAND BALLROOM Kasim Reed, Mayor, City of Atlanta (invited) Alex Wan, Atlanta City Council Judge Alvin Wong, DeKalb County, GA John Lee, President of Korea-USA Chamber Special Remarks: Peter Nguyen, Sr. Vice President, FAPAC Dr. Kin Wong, President, FAPAC (Dress Code: Ethnic fashion or business casual) TUESDAY, MAY 01, 2012 08:00 05:00 09:00 10:30 AMPM AMAM Registration/Exhibits OPENING CEREMONY BUCKHEAD BALLROOM GRAND BALLROOM Emcee: TBD Presentation of Navy Color Guard Welcome Remark: Dr. Kin Wong, President, FAPAC Keynote Speaker: John Berry, Director, Office of Personnel Management (Invited) Special Remarks: Dr. Jarris Taylor, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Air Force for Strategic Diversity Integration Special Remarks: Sachi Koto, The WWAAC Alliance Foundation, Inc. (Invited) 10:30 10:45 10:45 11:45 AMAM AMAM Rev 3/28/12 (Dress code: Business formal) Morning Break - Visit Exhibits P1. Plenary Session: White House Initiative and AAPI Healthcare. Keynote Speaker: Hines Ward, Commissioner White House Initiative AAPI (invited) Moderator: Dr. Vaiyapuri Subramaniam, Dept. of Veterans BUCKHEAD BALLROOM AZALEA 10:45 AM11:45 AM 12:00 PM01:30 PM Affairs Panel: Dr. Ernest Moy, Dept of Human and Health Services Dr. Richard Wild, Dept of Human and Health Services P2. Plenary Session : NCEPS Forum Moderator:Julius Crouch, Executive Director Panel:Presidents of BIG, FAPAC, FEW, National Image and SAIGE AGENCY AND SPONSOR APPRECIATION AWARDS LUNCHEON LIBRARY GRAND BALLROOM Emcee: TBD Keynote Speaker: Michele Leonhart, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration (Invited) Guest Speaker:David Kim, Associate Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, Dept. of Transportation 01:45 PM03:15 PM 03:15 03:45 03:45 05:15 PMPM PM– PM 07:00 PM08:30 PM 08:30 PM10:30 PM Rev 3/28/12 Award Presentation Workshop Session A A1. Always Ready Leadership - Presenter:CAPT Jason Lyuke US Coast Guard A2. Time Management – Presenter: Cynthia D. Dunn, Director, Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, TG/GE, Internal Revenue Service and Margareth J. Bennett, Director, Institute and Center Services, National Institute of Health A3. Being A Woman, Being Successful, Learning the Game – Presenter: Oliver Allen Jr. Director of EEO Staff, Drug Enforcement Administration A4. Pacific Islander Issues– Presenter:TBD Afternoon Break - Visit Exhibits Workshop Session B B1. AAPI Health Education Forum – Presenter: Dr. Long Nguyen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Moderator: Dr. Damber Gurung, DC Government B2. A Roadmap for Financial Well-Being during “Economic Challenge” for the Government WorkforcePresenter: G.B. Bose, President & CEO of Washington Retirement Planning Specialists B3. Social Security Services - Presenter: Alicia Saile, Social Security Administration B4. More than Tolerance: Embracing Diversity Now Presenter:Melvirta Marshall, US Customs & Border Protection Dinner on Your Own P9. FAPAC Chapter Forum: Member and Chapter Orientation Moderator: Olivia Adrian, Vice President of Committees Panel: Dr.Vaiyapuri Subramaniam, Chapter Committee Chair, FAPAC Panel: Dr. Vanee Komolprasert, Chair, Membership Committee, FAPAC (All Attendees Welcome) Member Networking Dance Party with Live D.J. A1.AZALEA A2.PEACHTREE A3.LENOX A4.PIEDMONT BUCKHEAD BALLROOM B1.AZALEA B2.PEACHTREE B3.LENOX B4.PIEDMONT AZALEA GRAND BALLROOM WEDNESDAY, MAY 02, 2012 08:00 05:00 08:00 12:00 08:30 10:00 AMPM AMPM AMAM 10:30 AM01:00PM Registration/Exhibits BOP Agency Forum (BOP Employee Only) P3. Plenary Session: Department of Defense Program Keynote Speaker: VADM Harry Harris, Assistant to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy (All attendee welcome) P4. Plenary Session: Student Career and Mentorship Program – Keynote Speaker: RADM Earl Gay, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command BUCKHEAD BALLROOM LIBRARY GRAND BALLROOM AZALEA Panel: RDML MacLaren, Defense Logistics Agency; Nelson Santos, Drug Enforcement Administration; CAPT Cynthia Macri, Navy Medicine; CAPT (ret.) Donnie Cochran, Coca Cola; CDR David Neal, Navy Nuclear Power and Surface Warfare; CDR Greg Burel, CDC; TBD, CIA; Kathy Day/ Sandra Griffin, GSA; TBD, NCIS; TBD, U.S. Patent & Trademark; TBD, Public Health Service 10:30 10:45 12:00 01:30 AMAM PMPM (Pre-registration require) Morning Break - Visit Exhibits FAPAC MILITARY AWARD LUNCHEON BUCKHEAD BALLROOM GRAND BALLROOM Emcee – TBD Presentation of Air National Guard Color Guard Keynote Speaker: MGKelly McKeague, Assistant to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 01:45 PM03:15 PM 03:15 03:45 03:45 05:15 PMPM PMPM Rev 3/28/12 Award Presentation Workshop Session C C1. Adults Behaving Badly (ABB): Bully, Harassment, and Other ABB Behaviors in the Workplace – Presenter: Janice Caramanica, Associate Director, Office of Civil Rights, Dept. of State C2. Careers in Criminal Justice - Moderator: Tat Shum, Panel: NCIS –TBD, DEA – Nelson Santos, Deputy Administrator of Forensic Science; FBI – TBD; ATF – TBD; US Marshall Service - TBD C3. Interview Techniques – Presenter: DeShan Mingo, Human Resources Specialist, Office of Personnel Management C4. Veteran’s Empowerment 101 – Moderator, Ronald Sagudan, Dept. of Veterans Affairs; Presenter: Yvette Arrindell, Mia Coleman, Dept. of Veterans Affairs Afternoon Break - Visit Exhibits Workshop Session D D1. NeuroFed: Leading With the Brain in Mind – Presenter: Dr. Peter Ronayne, Sr. Faculty Member, The Federal Executive Institute and Dr. Patricia J Rooney, Training Director, Army National Ground Intelligence Center C1.PEACHTREE C2.LENOX C3.PIEDMONT C4. AZALEA BUCKHEAD BALLROOM D1.PEACHTREE D2.LENOX D3.PIEDMONT D4. AZALEA D2: Ethical Leadership - Presenter: Jan Keith, Social Security Administration D3. Resume Writing For Government jobs - Presenter: DeShan Mingo, Human Resources Specialist, Office of Personnel Management D4. Veteran’s Empowerment 102 - Moderator: Ronald Sagudan, Dept. of Veterans Affairs; Presenter: Al Rosado, Kevin Green, Dept. of Veterans Affairs 07:00 PM10:30 PM Social Events (Advanced Registration and Payment Required) 1. Baseball Game: Braves vs. Phillies, 7:10 PM at Atlanta Braves Stadium 2. Theatre: Stephen King’s “Ghost Brothers’, 7:30 PM at Alliance Theatre. THURSDAY, MAY 03, 2012 08:00 05:00 09:00 10:30 AMPM AMAM 09:00 AM16:00 PM Lunch Break 12:00 PM13:45 PM Rev 3/28/12 Exhibits P5. Plenary Session: Working with Government – Moderator: Tricia Sung, President, OCA Georgia Panel: Clarence Tong, DOE; Dr. Jane Suen, CDC; Viren Mayani, Kennesaw State University; Jane Rolen, SSA; Amy Phuong, Office of Mayor, Atlanta; Baoky Vu, Silverberry Capital; Danielle Fernandes, Metro Atlanta Chamber; Meiling Lamquach-Holt and Esperanza Yeager, Georgia Assembly P6. Plenary Session: Executive Coaching One on One (Preregistration Required) Coordinator: Peter Nguyen, Sr. Vice President, FAPAC and Kevin Le, Affirmative Committee Chair, FAPAC Mentors: Kingman Wong, Legal Attache’ in Canada, FBI Nelson Santos, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration Janet Nuzum, Associate Administrator, Foreign Agriculture Service, USDA Oliver Allen Jr., Director of EEO Staff, Drug Enforcement Administration Jim Chow, Brigadier General, Air National Guard Mike Spencer, Deputy Chief Engineer, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SAPWAR) Dr. Parveen Setia, Chief, Policy Analysis and Development Staff, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), USDA GiaoPhan, Deputy Program Executive Officer, US Coast Guard Francey Lim Youngberg, Deputy Assistant Secretary, US Housing and Urban Development Sharon Dunbar, Major General, US Air Force Dr. Vivian Chen, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Public Health Science, USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service Bryan Scurry, Head, Command Control, SPAWAR Jonathan H. Lee, Division Chief for Strategic Initiatives, Naval BUCKHEAD BALLROOM LIBRARY GRAND BALLROOM Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS),(retired) M. Farook Sait, Esq, Director, Civil Right Division, FSIS/USDA (retired) Helen Hagin, Director of Civil Rights, PHMSA, Dept. of Transportation John Burden, Director, Office of Diversity, Dept. of Interior Jason Lyuke, Captain, US Coast Guard Samuel Tinsing Mok, Managing Member of Condor International Advisors, LLC Mr. Bryan Scurry, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) National Competency Lead for Command and Control David Kim, Associate Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation Dr. Meng, Director of Special Projects, Naval Sea Systems Command (SEA00R) 10:30 10:45 10:45 11:45 AMAM AMAM 10:45 AM11:45 AM 12:00 01:30 01:45 05:15 PMPM PMPM Morning Break - Visit Exhibits P7. Plenary Session:AAPI Women and Leadership Forum Moderator: Janet Nuzum, Associate Administrator, Foreign Agriculture Service, USDA; Panel: MG Sharon Dunbar USAF; Francey Youngberg, Deputy Assistant Secretary, HUD; Dr. Vivian Chen, Deputy Assistant Secretary, FSIS/USDA P8. Plenary Session: Diversity and Inclusion – Moderator: TBD. Guest Speaker: LCDR Michael B. Russell, US Coast Guard Guest Speaker: Veronica Villalobos, OPM (invited) Guest Speaker: Dennis Taitano US Navy (invited) Guest Speaker: Moshi Ramdass USDA (invited) Lunch On Your Own Workshop: E1 and F1 Myers Briggs Indicator – Presenter: Elaine Westley, EEO Manager, Drug Enforcement Administration BUCKHEAD BALLROOM AZALEA LENOX AZALEA (Pre-Registration Required) 01:45 PM03:15 PM 03:15 03:45 03:45 05:15 PMPM PMPM Rev 3/28/12 Workshop Session E E2. Diversity and Inclusion Leadership: Mission Critical Imperatives for the 21st Century Workforce - Presenter: John W. Burden, Dept. of Interior E3. EEOC Case Update – Presenter: Jo Linda Johnson, Director of Federal Training and Outreach, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission E4. Fair and Equitable Treatment: Progress Made and Challenges Remaining – Presenter: James Tsugawa, Sr. Analyst, Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) Afternoon Break - Visit Exhibits Workshop Session F F2. Managing Your Boss – Presenter: Samuel Tinsing Mok, Managing member of Condor International Advisors LLC F3.Navigating the EEO Process- Presenter: Jo Linda Johnson, Director of Federal Training and Outreach, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) E2.PEACHTREE E3.LENOX E4.PIEDMONT BUCKHEAD BALLROOM F2.PEACHTREE F3.LENOX F4.PIEDMONT F4. How to Prepare ECQ for an SES Position – Presenter: Dr. Karl Narang, Department of Agriculture 06:30 PM09:00 PM FAPAC CIVILIAN AWARDS DINNER BANQUET GRAND BALLROOM Emcee - TBD Keynote Speaker: TBD; Guest Speaker: Francey Lim Youngberg, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Guest Speaker: Michael Grochowski, Regional Commissioner, Social Security Administration Award Presentation (Dress Code: Black Tie Optional) Friday, May 04, 2012 (Conference Ends at Noon) 08:00 12:00 09:00 10:30 AMPM AMAM 10:30 10:45 10:45 11:45 AMAM AMAM Rev 3/28/12 Exhibits Workshop Session G G1. How to Sharpen Your Business Writing Skill – Presenter: TBD G2. Cultural Competency Training: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual Employees in the Workplace – Presenter: Mathew Murphy, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Morning Break Workshop Session H H1. History of APA Civil Rights – Presenter: Dr. Jane Suen, Center for Disease Control, Tricia Sung, OCA-Georgia; David Furukawa, Emory Eye Center; Michael Lin, 1882 Project H2.Special Emphasis Program Manager Best Practice – Presenter: Frederick Cheng, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) BUCKHEAD BALLROOM G1. PEACHTREE G2. LENOX PEACHTREE FOYER G1.PEACHTREE G2. LENOX