Gaussian Elimination Major: All Engineering Majors Author(s): Autar Kaw Transforming Numerical Methods Education for STEM Undergraduates Naïve Gauss Elimination Naïve Gaussian Elimination A method to solve simultaneous linear equations of the form [A][X]=[C] Two steps 1. Forward Elimination 2. Back Substitution Forward Elimination The goal of forward elimination is to transform the coefficient matrix into an upper triangular matrix 25 5 1 x1 106.8 64 8 1 x 177.2 2 144 12 1 x3 279.2 5 1 x1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 x 96.21 2 0 0.7 x3 0.735 0 Forward Elimination A set of n equations and n unknowns a11x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 ... a1n xn b1 a21x1 a22 x2 a23 x3 ... a2 n xn b2 . . . . . . an1x1 an 2 x2 an3 x3 ... ann xn bn (n-1) steps of forward elimination Forward Elimination Step 1 For Equation 2, divide Equation 1 by a11 and multiply by a21 . a21 a (a11x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 ... a1n xn b1 ) 11 a21 a21 a21 a21x1 a12 x2 ... a1n xn b1 a11 a11 a11 Forward Elimination Subtract the result from Equation 2. a21x1 a22 x2 a23 x3 ... a2 n xn b2 a21 a21 a21 − a21x1 a a12 x2 ... a a1n xn a b1 11 11 11 _________________________________________________ a21 a21 a21 a22 a12 x2 ... a2 n a1n xn b2 b1 a11 a11 a11 or a x ... a x b ' 22 2 ' 2n n ' 2 Forward Elimination Repeat this procedure for the remaining equations to reduce the set of equations as a11x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 ... a1n xn b1 ' ' a22 x2 a23 x3 ... a2' n xn b2' ' ' a32 x2 a33 x3 ... a3' n xn b3' . . . . . . . . . ' an' 2 x2 an' 3 x3 ... ann xn bn' End of Step 1 Forward Elimination Step 2 Repeat the same procedure for the 3rd term of Equation 3. a11x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 ... a1n xn b1 ' ' a22 x2 a23 x3 ... a2' n xn b2' " a33 x3 ... a3" n xn b3" . . . . . . " an" 3 x3 ... ann xn bn" End of Step 2 Forward Elimination At the end of (n-1) Forward Elimination steps, the system of equations will look like a11 x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 ... a1n xn b1 ' ' a22 x2 a23 x3 ... a2' n xn b2' " a33 x3 ... a3"n xn b3" . . . . . . n 1 n 1 ann xn bn End of Step (n-1) Matrix Form at End of Forward Elimination a11 a12 0 a' 22 0 0 0 0 a13 ' a23 " a33 0 a1n x1 b1 ' ' a2 n x2 b2 " " a3n x3 b3 (n1 ) (n-1 ) 0 ann xn bn Back Substitution Solve each equation starting from the last equation 5 1 x1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 x 96.21 2 0 0.7 x3 0.735 0 Example of a system of 3 equations Back Substitution Starting Eqns a11 x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 ... a1n xn b1 ' ' a22 x2 a23 x3 ... a2' n xn b2' " a33 x3 ... an" xn b3" . . . n 1 . . . n 1 ann xn bn Back Substitution Start with the last equation because it has only one unknown ( n 1) n ( n 1) nn b xn a Back Substitution ( n 1) n ( n 1) nn b xn a xi bii 1 ai,ii11 xi 1 ai,ii12 xi 2 ... ai,in1 xn i 1 aii i 1 xi bi aiji 1 x j n j i 1 i 1 ii a for i n 1,...,1 for i n 1,...,1 THE END Additional Resources For all resources on this topic such as digital audiovisual lectures, primers, textbook chapters, multiple-choice tests, worksheets in MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, MathCad and MAPLE, blogs, related physical problems, please visit nation.html Naïve Gauss Elimination Example Example 1 The upward velocity of a rocket is given at three different times Table 1 Velocity vs. time data. Time, t s 5 Velocity, v m/s 106.8 8 12 177.2 279.2 The velocity data is approximated by a polynomial as: vt a1t 2 a 2 t a3 , Find the velocity at t=6 seconds . 5 t 12. Example 1 Cont. Assume vt a1t 2 a2t a3 , 5 t 12. Results in a matrix template of the form: t12 2 t 2 t32 t1 t2 t3 1 1 1 a1 v1 a v 2 2 a3 v3 Using data from Table 1, the matrix becomes: 25 5 1 a1 106.8 64 8 1 a 177.2 2 144 12 1 a3 279.2 Example 1 Cont. 25 5 1 a1 106.8 25 5 1 106.8 64 8 1 a2 177.2 64 8 1 177.2 144 12 1 a3 279.2 144 12 1 279.2 1. Forward Elimination 2. Back Substitution Forward Elimination Number of Steps of Forward Elimination Number of steps of forward elimination is (n1)(31)2 Forward Elimination: Step 1 25 5 1 106.8 64 8 1 177.2 144 12 1 279.2 25 Divide Equation 1 by 25 and 64 2.56 . multiply it by 64, 25 5 1 106.8 2.56 64 12.8 2.56 273.408 . Subtract the result from Equation 2 Substitute new equation for Equation 2 64 64 0 1 2.56 177.2 273.408 4.8 1.56 96.208 8 12.8 5 1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 96.208 144 12 1 279.2 Forward Elimination: Step 1 (cont.) 5 1 106.8 25 Divide Equation 1 by 25 and 0 4.8 1.56 96.208 144 144 12 1 279.2 multiply it by 144, 25 5.76 . 25 5 1 106.8 5.76 144 28.8 5.76 615.168 12 1 Subtract the result from 144 144 28.8 5.76 Equation 3 0 16.8 4.76 . 279.2 615.168 335.968 5 1 106.8 25 Substitute new equation for 0 4 . 8 1 . 56 96 . 208 Equation 3 0 16.8 4.76 335.968 Forward Elimination: Step 2 5 1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 96.208 0 16.8 4.76 335.968 0 Divide Equation 2 by −4.8 and multiply it by −16.8, 16.8 3.5 . 4.8 4.8 1.56 96.208 3.5 0 16.8 5.46 336.728 Subtract the result from Equation 3 Substitute new equation for Equation 3 0 0 0 16.8 4.76 335.968 16.8 5.46 336.728 0 0.7 0.76 5 1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 96.208 0 0 0.7 0.76 Back Substitution Back Substitution 5 1 106.8 25 5 1 a1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 96.2 0 4.8 1.56 a 96.208 2 0 0 0.7 0.7 0 0 0.7 a3 0.76 Solving for a3 0.7a3 0.76 0.76 a3 0.7 a3 1.08571 Back Substitution (cont.) 5 1 a1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 a 96.208 2 0 0 0.7 a3 0.76 Solving for a2 4.8a2 1.56a3 96.208 96.208 1.56a3 a2 4.8 96.208 1.56 1.08571 a2 4.8 a2 19.6905 Back Substitution (cont.) 5 1 a1 106.8 25 0 4.8 1.56 a 96.2 2 0 0 0.7 a3 0.76 Solving for a1 25a1 5a2 a3 106.8 106.8 5a2 a3 a1 25 106.8 5 19.6905 1.08571 25 0.290472 Naïve Gaussian Elimination Solution 25 5 1 a1 106.8 64 8 1 a2 177.2 144 12 1 a3 279.2 a1 0.290472 a 19.6905 2 a3 1.08571 Example 1 Cont. a1 0.290472 a 19.6905 2 a3 1.08571 Solution The solution vector is The polynomial that passes through the three data points is then: vt a1t 2 a2t a3 0.290472t 2 19.6905t 1.08571, 5 t 12 v6 0.2904726 19.69056 1.08571 129.686 m/s . 2 THE END Naïve Gauss Elimination Pitfalls Pitfall#1. Division by zero 10 x2 7 x3 3 6 x1 2 x2 3x3 11 5 x1 x2 5 x3 9 0 10 7 x1 3 6 2 3 x2 11 5 1 5 x3 9 Is division by zero an issue here? 12 x1 10 x2 7 x3 15 6 x1 5 x2 3x3 14 5 x1 x2 5 x3 9 12 10 7 x1 15 6 5 3 x2 14 5 1 5 x3 9 Is division by zero an issue here? YES 12 x1 10 x2 7 x3 15 6 x1 5 x2 3x3 14 24 x1 x2 5 x3 28 12 10 7 x1 15 6 5 3 x2 14 24 1 5 x3 28 12 10 7 x1 15 0 0 6.5 x2 6.5 12 21 19 x3 2 Division by zero is a possibility at any step of forward elimination Pitfall#2. Large Round-off Errors 15 10 x1 45 20 3 2.249 7 x 1.751 2 1 3 x3 9 5 Exact Solution x1 1 x 1 2 x3 1 Pitfall#2. Large Round-off Errors 15 10 x1 45 20 3 2.249 7 x 1.751 2 1 3 x3 9 5 Solve it on a computer using 6 significant digits with chopping x1 0.9625 x 1.05 2 x3 0.999995 Pitfall#2. Large Round-off Errors 15 10 x1 45 20 3 2.249 7 x 1.751 2 1 3 x3 9 5 Solve it on a computer using 5 significant digits with chopping x1 0.625 x 1.5 2 x3 0.99995 Is there a way to reduce the round off error? Avoiding Pitfalls Increase the number of significant digits • Decreases round-off error • Does not avoid division by zero Avoiding Pitfalls Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting • Avoids division by zero • Reduces round off error THE END Gauss Elimination with Partial Pivoting Pitfalls of Naïve Gauss Elimination • Possible division by zero • Large round-off errors Avoiding Pitfalls Increase the number of significant digits • Decreases round-off error • Does not avoid division by zero Avoiding Pitfalls Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting • Avoids division by zero • Reduces round off error What is Different About Partial Pivoting? At the beginning of the kth step of forward elimination, find the maximum of akk , ak 1,k ,................, ank If the maximum of the values is a pk in the p th row, k p n, then switch rows p and k. Matrix Form at Beginning of 2nd Step of Forward Elimination a11 a12 0 a' 22 ' 0 a32 0 a'n 2 a13 ' a23 ' a33 ' ' an 3 an 4 a1n x1 b1 ' ' a 2 n x2 b2 ' ' a3n x3 b3 ' ' ann xn bn Example (2nd step of FE) 6 14 5.1 3.7 6 x1 5 0 7 6 1 2 x2 6 12 1 11 x3 8 0 4 x 0 9 23 6 8 9 4 0 17 12 11 43 x5 3 Which two rows would you switch? Example (2nd step of FE) 6 14 5.1 3.7 6 x1 5 0 17 12 11 43 x 3 2 12 1 11 x3 8 0 4 x 0 9 23 6 8 9 4 0 7 6 1 2 x5 6 Switched Rows Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting A method to solve simultaneous linear equations of the form [A][X]=[C] Two steps 1. Forward Elimination 2. Back Substitution Forward Elimination Same as naïve Gauss elimination method except that we switch rows before each of the (n-1) steps of forward elimination. Example: Matrix Form at Beginning of 2nd Step of Forward Elimination a11 a12 0 a' 22 ' 0 a32 0 a'n 2 a13 ' a23 ' a33 ' ' an 3 an 4 a1n x1 b1 ' ' a 2 n x2 b2 ' ' a3n x3 b3 ' ' ann xn bn Matrix Form at End of Forward Elimination a11 a12 a13 0 a' a' 22 23 " 0 a33 0 0 0 0 a1n x1 b1 ' ' a2 n x2 b2 " " a3n x3 b3 (n1 ) (n-1 ) 0 ann xn bn Back Substitution Starting Eqns a11 x1 a12 x2 a13 x3 ... a1n xn b1 ' ' a22 x2 a23 x3 ... a2' n xn b2' " a33 x3 ... an" xn b3" . . . n 1 . . . n 1 ann xn bn Back Substitution ( n 1) n ( n 1) nn b xn a i 1 xi bi n i 1 aij x j j i 1 i 1 ii a for i n 1,...,1 THE END Gauss Elimination with Partial Pivoting Example Example 2 Solve the following set of equations by Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting 5 1 a1 106.8 25 64 8 1 a 2 177.2 144 12 1 a3 279.2 Example 2 Cont. 25 5 1 a1 106.8 25 5 1 106.8 64 8 1 a 177.2 64 8 1 177 . 2 2 144 12 1 a3 279.2 144 12 1 279.2 1. Forward Elimination 2. Back Substitution Forward Elimination Number of Steps of Forward Elimination Number of steps of forward elimination is (n1)=(31)=2 Forward Elimination: Step 1 • Examine absolute values of first column, first row and below. 25 , 64 , 144 • Largest absolute value is 144 and exists in row 3. • Switch row 1 and row 3. 25 5 1 106.8 144 12 1 279.2 64 8 1 177.2 64 8 1 177.2 144 12 1 279.2 25 5 1 106.8 Forward Elimination: Step 1 (cont.) 144 12 1 279.2 64 8 1 177.2 25 5 1 106.8 144 Divide Equation 1 by 144 and 64 0.4444 . multiply it by 64, 144 12 1 279.2 0.4444 63.99 5.333 0.4444 124.1 . Subtract the result from Equation 2 64 63.99 0 8 1 177.2 5.333 0.4444 124.1 2.667 0.5556 53.10 1 279.2 Substitute new equation for 144 12 0 2.667 0.5556 53.10 Equation 2 25 5 1 106.8 Forward Elimination: Step 1 (cont.) 12 1 279.2 Divide Equation 1 by 144 and 144 0 2.667 0.5556 53.10 25 multiply it by 25, 0.1736. 144 25 5 1 106.8 144 12 1 279.2 0.1736 25.00 2.083 0.1736 48.47 . Subtract the result from Equation 3 Substitute new equation for Equation 3 25 25 0 5 1 106.8 2.917 0.8264 58.33 2.083 0.1736 48.47 12 1 279.2 144 0 2.667 0.5556 53.10 0 2.917 0.8264 58.33 Forward Elimination: Step 2 • Examine absolute values of second column, second row and below. 2.667 , 2.917 • Largest absolute value is 2.917 and exists in row 3. • Switch row 2 and row 3. 1 279.2 1 279.2 144 12 144 12 0 2.667 0.5556 53.10 0 2.917 0.8264 58.33 0 2.917 0.8264 58.33 0 2.667 0.5556 53.10 Forward Elimination: Step 2 (cont.) 12 1 279.2 144 0 2.917 0.8264 58.33 0 2.667 0.5556 53.10 0 Divide Equation 2 by 2.917 and multiply it by 2.667, 2.667 0.9143. 2.917 2.917 0.8264 58.33 0.9143 0 2.667 0.7556 53.33 Subtract the result from Equation 3 0 0 0 Substitute new equation for Equation 3 12 1 279.2 144 0 2.917 0.8264 58.33 0 0 0.2 0.23 . 2.667 0.5556 2.667 0.7556 0 53.10 53.33 0.2 0.23 Back Substitution Back Substitution 1 279.2 1 144 12 144 12 0 2.917 0.8264 58.33 0 2.917 0.8264 0 0 0 0.2 0.23 0 0.2 Solving for a3 0.2a3 0.23 0.23 a3 0.2 1.15 a1 279.2 a 58.33 2 a3 0.23 Back Substitution (cont.) 1 144 12 0 2.917 0.8264 0 0.2 0 a1 279.2 a 58.33 2 a3 0.23 Solving for a2 2.917a2 0.8264a3 58.33 58.33 0.8264a3 a2 2.917 58.33 0.8264 1.15 2.917 19.67 Back Substitution (cont.) 1 144 12 0 2.917 0.8264 0 0.2 0 a1 279.2 a 58.33 2 a3 0.23 Solving for a1 144a1 12a2 a3 279.2 279.2 12a2 a3 a1 144 279.2 12 19.67 1.15 144 0.2917 Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting Solution 25 5 1 a1 106.8 64 8 1 a 177.2 2 144 12 1 a3 279.2 a1 0.2917 a 19.67 2 a3 1.15 Gauss Elimination with Partial Pivoting Another Example Partial Pivoting: Example Consider the system of equations 10 x1 7 x2 7 3x1 2.099 x2 6 x3 3.901 5 x1 x2 5 x3 6 In matrix form 7 0 x1 7 10 3.901 3 2.099 6 x 2 = 6 5 1 5 x 3 Solve using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting using five significant digits with chopping Partial Pivoting: Example Forward Elimination: Step 1 Examining the values of the first column |10|, |-3|, and |5| or 10, 3, and 5 The largest absolute value is 10, which means, to follow the rules of Partial Pivoting, we switch row1 with row1. Performing Forward Elimination 7 0 x1 7 10 3 2.099 6 x 3.901 2 5 1 5 x3 6 7 0 x1 7 10 0 0.001 6 x 6.001 2 0 2.5 5 x3 2.5 Partial Pivoting: Example Forward Elimination: Step 2 Examining the values of the first column |-0.001| and |2.5| or 0.0001 and 2.5 The largest absolute value is 2.5, so row 2 is switched with row 3 Performing the row swap 7 0 x1 7 10 0 0.001 6 x 6.001 2 0 2.5 5 x3 2.5 7 0 x1 7 10 0 x 2.5 2 . 5 5 2 0 0.001 6 x3 6.001 Partial Pivoting: Example Forward Elimination: Step 2 Performing the Forward Elimination results in: 0 x1 7 10 7 0 2.5 x 2.5 5 2 0 0 6.002 x3 6.002 Partial Pivoting: Example Back Substitution Solving the equations through back substitution 0 x1 7 10 7 0 2.5 x 2.5 5 2 0 0 6.002 x3 6.002 6.002 x3 1 6.002 2.5 5 x3 x2 1 2.5 7 7 x 2 0 x3 x1 0 10 Partial Pivoting: Example Compare the calculated and exact solution The fact that they are equal is coincidence, but it does illustrate the advantage of Partial Pivoting x1 0 X calculated x2 1 x3 1 X exact x1 0 x 2 1 x3 1 THE END Determinant of a Square Matrix Using Naïve Gauss Elimination Example Theorem of Determinants If a multiple of one row of [A]nxn is added or subtracted to another row of [A]nxn to result in [B]nxn then det(A)=det(B) Theorem of Determinants The determinant of an upper triangular matrix [A]nxn is given by det A a11 a22 ... aii ... ann n a ii i 1 Forward Elimination of a Square Matrix Using forward elimination to transform [A]nxn to an upper triangular matrix, [U]nxn. Ann U nn det A det U Example Using naïve Gaussian elimination find the determinant of the following square matrix. 25 5 1 64 8 1 144 12 1 Forward Elimination Forward Elimination: Step 1 25 5 1 64 8 1 144 12 1 25 Divide Equation 1 by 25 and 64 2.56 . multiply it by 64, 25 5 1 2.56 64 12.8 2.56 Subtract the result from Equation 2 64 64 0 Substitute new equation for Equation 2 5 1 25 0 4.8 1.56 144 12 1 . 8 12.8 1 2.56 4.8 1.56 Forward Elimination: Step 1 (cont.) 5 1 25 0 4.8 1.56 Divide Equation 1 by 25 and multiply it by 144, 144 5.76 . 144 12 1 25 25 5 1 5.76 144 28.8 5.76 . Subtract the result from Equation 3 Substitute new equation for Equation 3 144 12 144 28.8 0 16.8 1 5.76 4.76 5 1 25 0 4.8 1.56 0 16.8 4.76 Forward Elimination: Step 2 5 1 25 0 4.8 1.56 0 16.8 4.76 0 Divide Equation 2 by −4.8 and multiply it by −16.8, 16.8 3.5 . 4.8 4.8 1.56 3.5 0 16.8 5.46 . Subtract the result from Equation 3 Substitute new equation for Equation 3 0 0 0 16.8 4.76 16.8 5.46 0 0.7 5 1 25 0 4.8 1.56 0 0 0.7 Finding the Determinant After forward elimination 5 1 25 5 1 25 64 8 1 0 4.8 1.56 0 0.7 144 12 1 0 . det A u11 u22 u33 25 4.8 0.7 84.00 Summary -Forward Elimination -Back Substitution -Pitfalls -Improvements -Partial Pivoting -Determinant of a Matrix Additional Resources For all resources on this topic such as digital audiovisual lectures, primers, textbook chapters, multiple-choice tests, worksheets in MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, MathCad and MAPLE, blogs, related physical problems, please visit nation.html THE END