Steady-State AC Power The power absorbed or delivered by any element is the product of the voltage and current associated with the element. i(t) + v(t) - If the current and voltage are functions of time, then so is the power: p(t) = v(t)i(t) Specifically, if v(t) and i(t) are sinusoids, the power, p(t), will also be a sinusoid: v (t ) V cos( t ) M v i (t ) I M cos( t i ) p (t ) VM I M cos( t v ) cos( t i ) Using the trig identity: cos 1 cos 2 1 cos(1 2 ) cos(1 2 ) 2 We can write: Spring 2001 p (t ) VMIM cos(v i )cos(2t v i ) 2 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 1 v (t ) 4 cos( t 60 ) volts , f 60 Hz 120 Example 9.1 i (t ) 2 cos( t 30 ) amps p (t ) v (t ) i (t ) 8 cos( t 60 ) cos( t 30 ) watts p (t ) 4 cos(60 30 )cos(2 t 60 30 ) p (t ) 4 cos(30 )cos(2 t 90 ) 8 6 p(t) 4 2 0 -2 v(t) -4 Spring 2001 i(t) 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 0.025 0.03 2 Average Power The average value of any periodic waveform can be found by integrating (summing) the function over one complete period and dividing by the length of the period. 1 X avg T t0 T x (t ) dt t0 The average value of a sinusoid such as a sinusoidal voltage or current, then, is zero: 1 Vavg T t0 T VM cos( t ) dt 0 t0 The average value of the instantaneous power function, however, is not zero: t T VM I M 1 0 VM I M Pavg T cos( v i ) cos(2 t v i )dt 2 2 t0 cos( v i ) VM I M Pavg cos( v i ) 2 Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 3 Average Power- Continued + I=I I + V=V V - VM I M Pavg cos( v i ) 2 +- Z=Z Z - I I V V V V Z (V Z Z Z z ) V Z and I (V z ) I (V z ) If Z is purely resistive Z = 0 and PAVG = VMIM/2 since cos(0) = 1. If Z is purely reactive Z = 90 and PAVG =0 since cos(90) =0. Reactive elements absorb (store) power during one half cycle and deliver (release) that power during the next half cycle. Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 4 Maximum Average Power Transfer ZTH=ZT T + VTH = VOC V - + - ZL + VL=VL VL - PL , the power delivered to ZL , is maximized whenever ZL = Z*TH (The load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of the Thevenin equivalent impedance). Z L RL jX L RTH jX TH * or Z L ZTH Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 5 Effective (RMS) Value The effective (or rms) value of a periodic signal is the dc equivalent value. For example, household power is typically 110V, rms. This means, that a resistive load connected to 110V ac source would absorb the same amount of power if it were connected to a 110V dc source. The term rms stands for root-mean-square and comes from the mathematical definition of effective value: X eff 1 T It is easily shown that for a sinusoidal signal: t0 T x 2 (t )dt t0 X eff XM 2 So, the 110Vrms household power is a sinusoid with a peak value of: 110 2 155.6V The rms value of non-sinusoidal signals must be found by applying the definition. Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 6 Effective (RMS) Values In Power Calculations The average power formulas were written in terms of the peak values of the sinusoidal voltage and current: VM I M Pavg cos( v i ) 2 But these can be re-written in terms of rms values: VM I M Pavg cos( v i ) 2 2 Pavg VRMS I RMS cos( v i ) For a resistor: Pavg Spring 2001 2 V 2 I RMS R RMS R EE202 Steady-State AC Power 7 The Power Factor For a given load, the average ac power absorbed by the load is given by: I=Irmsi P = VrmsIrmscos (v -i) + V=Vrmsv - ZL Notice that the passive sign convention is being used: power absorbed (+) , power generated (-) The product VrmsIrmsis called the apparent power, and is the power that would be delivered if ZL were a purely resistive load. The units for P, sometimes called the real power, is watts (W). However, apparent power is specified in volt-amps (VA) or kilovolt-amps (kVA). The power factor (pf) is the ratio of the real power to the apparent power and is given by: pf cos(v i ) Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 8 The Power Factor - Continued I=Irmsi P = VrmsIrmscos (v -i) + V=Vrmsv - ZL For a purely resistive load, pf =1 since the voltage and current are in phase (v = i ) For a purely reactive load, pf =0 since the voltage and current are 90 out of phase. The pf will range between 0 and 1 since the phase angle between the voltage and current varies between 90 . The power factor angle, (v - I), is determined by the angle of the impedance ZL, since I = V/ZL. If ZL is inductive (ZL = R + jX = Z +), then the pf angle will be negative and I will lag V lagging power factor. If ZL is capacitive (ZL = R - jX = Z-), then the pf angle will be positive and I will lead V leading power factor. Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 9 Example 9.12 RW = 0.08 + VS IL P=88kW @ 0.707pf lagging 480 V rms - An industrial load consumes 88kW at a pf of 0.707 lagging. The voltage at the load is 480V (rms), find the total power supplied by the source if the load is connected to the source via a transmission line that has a total resistance pf 0.08 . P = 88kW = VrmsIrmspf Irms= 88kW/(480V 0.707) Irms= 259.3 A rms. Pwire = (259.3 A)2 0.08 = 5.38kW Psource = 88kW + 5.38kW = 93.38 kW. Suppose that the load power is maintained at 88 kW, but that the pf is improved to 0.9, determine the rms load current and the power delivered by the source. P = 88kW = VrmsIrmspf Irms= 88kW/(480V 0.9) Irms= 203.7 A rms. PWire= (203.7 A)2 0.08 = 3.31kW Psource = 88kW + 3.31kW = 91.31 kW. Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 10 Complex Power * S Vrms I rms Complex power is defined as follows: If I rms I rms i * I rms I rms i Complex power has magnitude and phase and is found by multiplying the voltage phasor with the complex conjugate of the current phasor. * S Vrms I rms Vrms v I rms i Vrms I rms ( v i ) The expression above represents the complex power in polar form, but we can also represent it is rectangular form. S Vrms I rms ( v i ) Vrms I rms cos( v i ) jVrms I rms sin( v i ) P = real power (Watts) Q = reactive power (volt-amps reactive or VARs) S = P + jQ Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 11 Complex Power - Continued As stated previously, the complex power is composed of a real part (Watts) and an imaginary part (VARS). S = P + jQ P = Re(S) and Q = Im(S) The magnitude of S, is what we have called the apparent power (VA), and is the hypotenuse of the power triangle. S z Q P It can also be shown that: Some observations can be made from the power triangle using trig identities: P = |S|cos z Q = |S|sinz |S| = [P2+Q2]0.5 z = tan-1(Q/P) P I 2rms Re( Z) I 2rms R Q I 2rms Im( Z) I 2rms X Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 12 The Power Triangle S = P + jQ = |S|Z (inductive load) S Q z (Lagging pf) P If the load ZL is inductive, ZL= R + jX, then Z is positive and Q is also positive, as shown in the diagram above. This is called a lagging pf since the current lags the voltage. P S = P - jQ = |S|-Z (capacitive load) z S -Q (Leading pf) If the load ZL is capacitive, ZL= R - jX, then Z is negative and Q is also negative, as shown above. This is called a leading pf since the current leads the voltage. If the load ZL is purely resistive, ZL= R, then Z =0 and Q =0. In this case, P = S. Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 13 Power Factor Correction The overall power factor of the typical industrial plant is lagging due to the inductive nature of the devices used: motors and transformers. It is generally economically viable to take some steps to improve (correct) the overall power factor. There are at least two benefits to improving power factor: (1) the same amount of real power can be delivered at a lower current; (2) most power suppliers charge for the VAs used, not for Watts. To improve power factor, a capacitive load is added to the system to offset the inductive VARs generated by other equipment. Often, the only function of the capacitive load is to improve power factor. I new + Power Source Iold IC VS - Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 14 Power Factor Correction - continued Inew Inew = Iold + IC + Power Source Iold IC Ic VS VS Inew - Iold • Since the capacitive current leads VS by 90, Inew = Iold + IC will be smaller in magnittde than the original current. • Also, the phase angle between the voltage and current will be closer to zero (power factor will be closer to unity). Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power 15 Power Factor Correction - continued Power factor improvement can also be visualized using power triangles: Pnew = Pold = P Qnew = Qold - QC Snew = P + jQnew Inew + Power Source Iold IC new = tan-1[(Qold - QC)/P] VS Sold QC Qold Snew - old P Spring 2001 EE202 Steady-State AC Power new 16 Example 9.15 Plastic kayaks are manufactured using a process called rotomolding, which is illustrated in the diagram below. Molten plastic is injected into a mold, which is then spun the long axis of the kayak until the plastic cools, resulting in a hollow, one-piece craft. Suppose the induction motors used to spin the molds consume 50kW of power at a 0.8 lagging pf. The power source is 2200 , rms. Determine the rating of the capacitive reactance required to raise the pf to 0.95 lagging. Also, calculate the new current demanded from the 220V source. kayak mold Solution: old = cos-1(0.8) = 36.87 Sold = 50k/0.8 Sold = 62.5kVA old Qold = S sinold Qold = 37.7kVAR induction motor new = cos-1(0.95) = 18.2 Snew = 50k/0..95 Snew = 52.6kVA P = 50kW P = 50kW Qnew = S sinnew Qnew = 16.4kVAR new Qc = Qnew - Qold = 21.1kVAR Iold = S/V = 62.5kVA/220V = 284A Spring 2001 Inew = S/V = 52.6kVA/220V = 239A EE202 Steady-State AC Power 17