Top 5 Amendments - tkuhrtgovernment11

Top 5 Amendments
Trevor Kuhrt
US Gov.
26th Amendment
• Voting age set to 18
• The right to vote for US citizens at least 18
years of age cannot be taken away
• Ratified 7/1/1971
17th Amendment
• Senators are elected by popular vote
• Each state shall be represented by two
senates chosen by majority of the people
• Ratified 4/8/1913
14th Amendment
• Citizenship rights
• All persons born and naturalized in the US
are US citizens
• No state can make laws that interfere with
privileges and rights of US citizens
• Ratified 7/9/1886
13th Amendment
• Slavery Abolished
• Slavery nor involuntary servitude shall
exist in the US
• Ratified 12/6/1865
1st Amendment
• Freedom of speech, press, expression
• Congress cannot make laws limiting the
practice of religion/expression.
• Ratified 12/15/1791
Cuban Independence
The long road…
• Cuba started its long fight for
independence in 1868
• The rebellion consisted of 3 main fights
• It was claimed a colony of Spain
• Poor ruling lead to a rebellion
10 years war
• Cubans were under the guidance of
Carlos Manuel de Céspedes
• Started in 1868
• Started by the “Grito de Yara”
• Nearly 200,000 people died
La Guerra Chiquita
• Started in 1879
• Led by Calixto García
• The rebellion was crushed by the spainish
forces in the autumn of 1880
• Cuba did gain some of their demands
Spanish American War
• Spain canceled a trade pact between US
and Cuba
• Cuba again started to rebel
• Later that year they gained control of the
• Reconcentration was initialized by Spain
• In 1898, America stepped in
• It finally gained its independence in 1902
• Cuba continued to grow economicly