April 8, 2011
Byington/Conner Memorial Scholarship
Eligibility: Student must be graduating from a Nevada High school, be a son/daughter of a current NASA member, planning
to attend a Nevada college/university/school, have a minimum 3.0 GPA (4.0=A), participation in extra-curricular
activities (attach a statement), submit school transcript, and write a 1 page essay on a separate page on the
topic “How This Scholarship Will Help Me Achieve My Goals” (attach). For more information visit
Deadline: April 15, 2011
Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees Scholarship
CCASAPE Scholarship Committee
Eligibility: CCSD high school senior, must be a legal dependent of an active CCASAPE (Clark County Association of
School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employee) member. Please submit an essay (no longer than
two typewritten pages based on one of the following: a.) Recount an educational experience that has made or
left a significant impression on you and discuss how it has influenced your life or b.) Complete and discuss this
phrase: Education is__? Resume must demonstrate participation/leadership in extracurricular activities and
community service, transcript of the high school grades including the first semester of the senior year, and two
letters of recommendation (one of the two letters should be from a counselor and the other from a teacher). You
can obtain essay instructions and the application from your high school college counselor. Send completed
application to: Stephen Augspurger, CCASAPE Office, 4055 S. Spencer St #230, Las Vegas, NV 89119.
Deadline: April 15, 2011
Neal Lyon High School Prevention Scholarship
LARS Research Institute
1- $1,000.00
Eligibility: Graduating High School seniors enrolled in public or private high schools. The $1,000.00 scholarship is awarded
to the “best” essay examining the need for drug abuse prevention in the schools. The essay should be no less
than 1,000 and no more than 1,500 words. The essay should examine the need for school-based drug
prevention, how it works, and whether current resources in the schools adequately address drug prevention from
a young person’s point of view. For more information and an application go on-line to or call
(702) 228-6631
Deadline: April 15, 2011
Official 2011 Farwest Region Scholarship
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
Up to $30,000.00
Eligibility: Female African-American high school senior during the academic year of 2010-2011. Student must reside in the
states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, or Washington. Students can also
reside through the military installations in Okinawa, Tokyo (Japan), and Seoul (Korea) in which our organization
also services, legal U.S. citizen, less than 21 years of age, GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or 2.0 on a 3.0 scale.
Students must receive official admissions from a Historically Black College or University during their senior year.
Students must be enrolled in and attend an HBCU starting the fall of 2011. Scholarship funds will be paid directly
to the HBCU.
Deadline: April 15, 2011
Curriculum and Professional Development
Guidance and Counseling Department
April 8, 2011
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April 8, 2011
Renew 12 Scholarship
$5,000.00 per year with possibility of renewable up to five years
Eligibility: New UNLV students who have graduated high school. Or are transferring from another college, must have
applied to UNLV and be admitted in any field that supports the renewable energy sector, cumulative unweighted
high school GPA of 3.5 or higher, or transfer GPA of 3.2 or higher, SAT score of 1210 or high or ACT score of 27
or higher, must be enrolled in Solar and Renewable Energy Minor at UNLV while receiving the scholarship. Must
submit letter of recommendation from one your high school teacher or college professor, 500 words essay
(minimum of 10 point font) that addresses the following three questions: 1.) What are you academic interests in
the renewable energy sector? 2.) Cite three ways renewable energy education could make a difference in your
community? 3.) Describe what type of job or career you would like to pursue after graduating? Student must
submit an application and all materials as a PDF to
Deadline: April 15, 2011
Sons of Norway (Norwegian) Vegas Viking Lodge 6-152 2011 Scholarship
Vegas Viking Lodge 6-152
Eligibility: Must be of Norwegian descent; a legal resident of Clark County, Nevada, or a member of the Vegas Viking
Lodge or child or grandchild of a member of the lodge; at least a senior in high school; and you must maintain
full-time student status to be eligible for this scholarship, transcript of grades from this year and cumulative
grades to date, a photocopy of your driver’s license or other photo identification. You can obtain essay
instructions and the application from your high school college counselor or visit All completed applications must be returned to the Vegas Viking
Scholarship Committee, Suzan Sibert, 5980 W. Alfred Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89108.
Deadline: April 20, 2011
Las Vegas Blues Society Music Scholarship
Bet on the Blues
3 - $500.00
Eligibility: Student must have a GPA that meets minimum requirement of the accepted University or Music College, and
student must submit a link to a YouTube video of their performance, and/or composition as performed along with
the application. Student must submit an application via e-mail to: by midnight
April 23, 2011.
Deadline: April 23, 2011
Curriculum and Professional Development
Guidance and Counseling Department
April 8, 2011
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April 8, 2011
NPRI Freedom Scholarship
Nevada Policy Research Institute
Eligibility: Any graduating high school student from Southern Nevada, who will be pursuing a four-year degree program in
Business, Economics, Political Science, Public Administration or a related field, at any accredited college or
university. Full and part time employees of the Nevada Policy Research Institute, as well as children and
dependents of NPRI employees, are not eligible to receive this scholarship. Student must have 3.2 cumulative
GPA to apply for this scholarship. Please submit 2-page essay on how would incorporating free-market
principles into Nevada’s K-12 education system impact student achievement and the quality of
education in Nevada? Also, any documentation showing that you were a volunteer (Community and Extracurricular activities), Income proof will be required if you are selected for this scholarship. Parents’ combined
Annual Gross Income, as shown in 2010 IRS Form 1040 line 22, should not exceed $100,000.00
Please mail completed application and supporting documents to: Scholarship Committee, Nevada Policy
Research Institute, 3155 E. Patrick Lane, Suite 10, Las Vegas, NV 89120.
Deadline: April 25, 2011
Statewide Arts Scholarship
Nevada Arts Advocates (NAA)
4 - $1,000.00
Eligibility: Nevada residents who are currently seniors in an (accredited) Nevada high school and who have demonstrated
a commitment to the study of the arts. Students must pursue post-secondary, accredited study and enroll in an
arts education degree or applied degree in dance, music, theatre, or the visual arts. A minimum 3.0 cumulative
GPA is required and students must demonstrate financial need. Please submit Cover sheet (page 1 of the
application indicating which arts discipline you are in), student information form, financial statement (please also
include your parent’s most recent tax return), two letters of recommendation (on letterhead) from a teacher,
counselor, club advisor or private instructor, resume emphasizing past artistic efforts, awards, activities,
employment and community service, transcript, and on separate page in an essay format not to exceed one
page. Please answer both questions in one essay: 1.) How have you shown leadership or used your personal
skills to promote the arts or arts education?
2.) Describe your goals and indicate how you will use your post-graduate education to further promote the arts or
arts education? For more information visit
Deadline: April 29, 2011
Black Community Organizations Network Scholarship
BCON (Black Community Organization Network Award Program)
Eligibility: Student must be African-American high school seniors who must complete 50 hours of voluntary community
service. Scholarship recipients must participate in the BCON Baccalaureate Ceremony on June 11, 2011.
Student must submit Application, school transcript, letter of recommendation from a school official,
documentation of Voluntary Community Service hours, and applicant’s personal statement (500) words or less.
Return to BCON Scholarship Chairperson by May 6, 2011. c/o Gwen E. Amie, Assistant Principal, Centennial
High School, 10200 W. Centennial Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89149, 702.799.3440 x4202.
Deadline: May 6, 2011
Curriculum and Professional Development
Guidance and Counseling Department
April 8, 2011
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April 8, 2011
Sons of Italy Las Vegas Lodge Scholarship
Las Vegas Sons of Italy
3 - $500.00
Eligibility: The Local Las Vegas Lodge will award scholarships for students who will be pursuing their college education.
The award will be based on grades, school activities, an essay, and their contribution to their community. Please
submit copy of social security card, official certification of scholarship standing. SAT/PSAT/ACT scores and
activity records, official transcript (certified and unopened), printed essay of 250-500 works (provide digital copy)
on one of the following themes: a.) Influence of Italian Culture in your life b.) Influence of Italian-American history
in America and its influence on you c.) How your Italian-American upbringing influence your decision to continue
your education, a short bio on future goals, past or current work experience, extracurricular activities and your
involvement in organizations, teacher evaluation form & letter of recommendation on letterhead, letters of
recommendation, and photograph (with digital color copy) for SOI publication. For more information and an
application go on-line to
Deadline: May 10, 2011
Dharhan Daylight Lodge #55 Scholarship
Public Education Foundation
Eligibility: Henderson, Nevada high school seniors who plan to attend college may apply for this scholarship. Please
submit typed and double-spaced 500 word essay on “What Effects Has Freemasonry Had on American History
and/or on Our Culture?” a letter from your counselor or principal must accompany your application. It must
address your qualifications for this Masonic scholarship, a copy of your latest high school transcript from your
counselor. If should include class size with your class rank and grade point average. For information and an
application go on-line to
Deadline: May 13, 2011
Asian-American Democratic Caucus Scholarship
Asian Heritage
5 - $500.00
Eligibility: CCSD high school seniors planning to attend college. Please submit a one-page essay on “How have you
contributed to the retention of culture within your particular Asian-Pacific American community? OR “How will
you give back to the Asian-Pacific American community in the future?” on separate pages list your honors and
awards with dates, list you’re civic and community involvement, and explain how scholarship will be used. For
more information e-mail, submit application electronically to
Deadline: May 15, 2011
Patrick Kelley Youth Foundation Scholarship
Public Education Foundation
Eligibility: Applicant must indicate that he/she is a full time student enrolled in a public or private school, must have 3.0
GPA while on scholarship, lettered in a high school varsity sport for a least one year, be involved in some type of
student or extra-curricular activity. Please submit an essay, no more than one typed page telling us about
yourself and any extracurricular activities in which you have been involved, two letters of recommendation.
Please return application to: The Public Education Foundation, 3360 West Sahara Ave., Suite 160, Las Vegas,
NV 89102 or call 702.799.1042
Deadline: May 31, 2011
Curriculum and Professional Development
Guidance and Counseling Department
April 8, 2011
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April 8, 2011
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program
Nevada Department of Education
$1,500.00 annually for 4 years
Eligibility: A junior in High School, take the ACT or SAT prior to January 1 of your senior year and score at least a 25 on
the ACT or 1100 on the SAT (The optional essay portion is not included in the minimum score). A unweighted
GPA of 3.5 or higher, apply or be accepted for enrollment as a full-time student for the 2011-2012 school year at
a public or private institution of higher education you are planning to attend, if required by the school, in
accordance with the Student Assistance General Provision Regulations (34 CFR Part 668).
Deadline: Ongoing
The Global Entrepreneurship Experience at UNLV Scholarship
Wells Fargo
20 - $20,000.00 ($5,000.00 per year)
Eligibility: High School seniors who plan to attend any of UNLV’s academic majors while focusing on
entrepreneurship. may apply for this scholarship. Please submit a 500-1,000 word essay on “What is the role of
entrepreneurship in the life goals you listed above?”, high school transcripts, ACT and/or SAT test scores, two
(2) letters of recommendation commenting on your academic achievement and skills, in sealed envelopes and
on official stationery from instructors or counselors familiar with your academic work (e-mail letter from official
educational e-mail servers are welcome and can be sent to please follow e-mail letters of
reference with hard copies on school stationery, resume consisting of academic honors, extracurricular activities,
community activities and educational travel, and an interest statement in 50 words or fewer per question: Where
do you want to be in 5 years? Where do you want to be in 10 years? Where do you want to be in 15 years? Visit for additional details on how to apply for the scholarship. If you have any questions
about the Global Entrepreneurship Experience, e-mail or call 702-895-3022.
Deadline: Ongoing
Sarah “Sadie” Wilson Scholarship Fund
Las Vegas Insurance Professionals, NAIW
Eligibility: To be eligible to receive a scholarship from LVIP’s Sadie Wilson Scholarship Fund, a student must maintain 2.75
GPA, must visit at least 2 association general meetings per year (either Las Vegas Insurance Professionals or
Sierra Nevada’s Association of Insurance Professionals). Students must receive a nomination from an LVIP
Member, be enrolled, or accepted for admission for the Fall/Winter Semester, for a minimum of 12 credits per
semester at a Nevada State College or University, major in Business or related area, never been convicted of a
felony. Please submit a letter (1 page essay) explaining why they would be a good recipient, submit an outline of
community service experience. Preference will be given to those students with financial need. For more
information e-mail or call 702.580.6722.
Deadline: July 1, 2011 or November 1, 2011 preceding the semester
Curriculum and Professional Development
Guidance and Counseling Department
April 8, 2011
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