Math Fluency/Gap Analysis

Class Time
• M, W, Th & Friday 8:10-2:57
• Tuesday (Late Start) 9:25-2:57
• Minimum Day 8:10-1:20
• Math Fluency/Gap Analysis
Saturday, May 31 8:00 & 12 noon
School Motto
Today we Learn,
Tomorrow we Lead
921 API
Recipe for Success
• A shared “Recipe for Success” for Bert
Lynn Middle School is built upon a
balance of healthy ingredients, between
school, home, and community.
School Ingredients
– Increased depth of learning, especially in the areas of
reading and writing
– Continued excellence in mathematics
– GATE Activities
– Implementation of a strong a academic support system
to assist all students
– Quality classroom instruction
– Two-way Communication between school and home
( (
– Recreational opportunities (Clubs, noon-league
activities, dances, etc.)
Home Ingredients
– Proactive Communication: Don’t wait to call
when questions or concerns arise.
– Parent Participation increases our school’s
success: Share your talent, volunteer hours
– Consistent Homework Practice: Same place,
same time, Monday – Thursday
– High, but realistic, learning expectations for
both student and school
Learning Community
– Establish communication between local
businesses and school
– Increased articulation between all grade levels
– Provide funding and support for a safe and
clean campus
– Ongoing dialogue regarding standards and
Students come to school to learn.
Teachers come to school to teach.
Anything that keeps these things from happening
becomes my problem.
*(Classroom call slips)
If you feel you are being treated unfairly
Comply with any reasonable request.
Seek another opinion from another adult
•For the safety of your child, all students will remain
on campus for lunch.
•We do not issue permanent student lunch passes.
•Please do not write “lunch notes” for your child.
•Students may not “order-in” food.
•Drop-off table (No deliveries to class)
• Revised State Law authorizes the
possession of cell phones or pagers
provided that these devices do not disrupt
the educational program or school activity.
Cell phones and pagers must be turned off
during class time and at any other time
directed by a district employee. If a
disruption were to occur, the employee may
direct the student to turn off the device
and/or confiscate the devise until the end of
the class period, school day, or activity.
When accidents occur at school,
they must be reported immediately
to the adult in charge. School
personnel may administer first aid.
In case of serious injury, the parents
will be contacted.
Students are responsible for the security of their bicycle, skateboard
and/or roller blades
Bicycles must be walked on campus to the bicycle racks and locked
individually and NOT to another student’s bike.
Skateboards and rollerblades must be walked onto the campus and
kept in the designated area during school hours.
Beginning January 1, 2003, California's helmet
law will be undergoing a change. It will require
that persons under 18 years of age wear a
helmet while operating a nonmotorized scooter
or skateboard, while wearing in-line or roller
skates, or while riding upon a nonmotorized
scooter or skateboard as a passenger.
Possible consequences include:
Parent Contact
Campus service
Saturday School
Class Suspension
Suspension from School
Parent Visitations
Adjustment Transfers
Expulsion from TUSD
Teachers and Staff may assign
detention after school.
After-School detention is served
Tuesdays & Thursdays. 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Saturday Detentions are from 8:00am to
11:30 am
Flat, closed-toed/heel shoes must be worn at all times.
Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags,
water bottles, etc.) shall be free from writing, pictures or any other
insignia, which are vulgar, profane, or which advocate racial, ethnic, sexual
orientation, or religious prejudice.
Sunglasses, hats, caps, and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors.
Only medically/religiously required headgear, approved by the principal,
may be worn indoors. Sun-protective hats must provide maximum sun
Clothes shall conceal underwear at all times. See-through or fishnet
fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and
skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited. (3-4inch inseam)
Swimwear, pajamas, nightgowns, hair rollers, slippers and oversized
clothing are not appropriate school wear.
The principal, staff, students, and parent/guardians at each school may
establish reasonable dress and grooming regulations for times when
students are engaged in extracurricular or other special school activities.
1-1.5 hours (Daily)
1-2 hours (Daily average)
10-15 hours (Weekly Average)
20 to 40 minutes (Daily)
30 minutes to 45 minutes (Daily)
Homework “On-Line”
• Homework is posted daily on-line and on
the student bulletin board by the café.
Parents and students can view daily
homework via the Bert Lynn website at
• “Green Cards” AKA Emergency Cards
• Gradebook “on-line”
• Classroom, School, District Calendars
Honor Roll Standards
The following criteria must be met in order to be on the
Honor Roll at the end of each quarter.:
– Only classes taken at Bert Lynn are used for the
Honor Roll.
– A minimum 3.50 grade point average based on
– The Physical Education grade is included.
– Grade point averages are not rounded off
(a 3.49 is not rounded off to a 3.50).
– All Achievement grades must C or above.
– All Effort grades must be above 3 or above.
– All citizenship grades must be S or above
6th Grade Schedule
English/Language Arts
Physical Education
Social Science
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
(3 Wheel rotation)
– Or a choice of:
– Band
– Chorus
• English Language Development/Support*
Math/Reading Support (by selection)
1 year
1 year
Multiple Subject Teachers
5th & 6th period
PE & Electives
5th & 6th period
PE & Electives
5th & 6th period
PE & Electives
Single Subject Teachers
Historically Education follows a Medical Model
Multiple Subject Teachers are like General Practitioners
Single Subject Teachers who are like Specialist within
their field.
6th Grade Books
• Some lockers -
Resolving Student Conflict
Although Bert Lynn experiences few behavioral
issues we recognize a developmental need to
provide effective strategies for managing
situations involving bullying, teasing, and anger.
Students are reminded to seek adult assistance
before a situation “gets out of hand.” Frequently
the following four-step process breaks the victim
cycle, and continued conflict is avoided.
High School Graduation
•English (usually 3-4 years)
•History/social science (usually 2-3 years)
•Mathematics (usually 2-3 years)
•Science (usually 2-3 years)
•Physical education/health (usually 2 years)
•Some states also require classes in the arts or in a
foreign language.
College Admission Requirements
•College admission requirements differ greatly from one college or
university to the next. A student can maximize his chances for admission
by taking challenging classes in core academic areas. A strong college
preparatory sequence includes the following classes:
•English (4 years)
•History/social sciences (3-4 years)
•Mathematics (3-4 years)
•Science (3-4 years)
•Foreign language (one language for 2-4 years)
•Electives in the arts
“a-g” Requirements
(c) Mathematics
Three units(equivalent to three one-year courses) of
college preparatory mathematics are required.
** Four units are strongly recommended.
–Algebra 1
–Algebra 2
Selection Criteria for Accelerated Math
• 5th Grade Math Placement Score
• CST Scores (must score over 550 in
Math category)
• Good Attendance
• Good Homework habits
• Willingness to “show work”
Single Subject Experience
Advanced STAR Scores
3.5 5th Grade GPA
Strong Study Skills
Application by e-mail link on