Hello, My name is Denis R. Boissonneault. I am a true ambassador of aviation. I have given over 200 charitable flights at no charge to share my love of flying. I began my flight training in January 2004 and earned my flight instructor rating in July of 2005. I have instructed in such busy places as Miami and Orlando Florida and provided flight training at quiet airports in Clearwater Florida and Ridgeland South Carolina. I have flown many different aircraft from a 1946 Ercoupe to an Extra 300, King Air 200, Cessna Citation 5, Schweizer 300CB and Hughs 500. I love everything about aviation, but my favorite thing to do is to share that passion with anyone who wants to learn. I have given instruction to many people including a deaf man, a 72 year old man, and several children. I love the fact that I was the only Sea Plane Instructor and unusual upset attitude aerobatic and tail wheel instructor in the area! I have given over 3,850 hours of flight instruction and I can't wait to add more hours to that time. I strive to make every flight a memorable one and keep the people coming back for more. Some of the aircraft I have flown are the Liberty XL, Diamond DA20/DA40/DA42, Extra 300, Pitts S2C, Bellanca Super Decathlon, Aeronica Champ, Aeronica Citabria, Aeroprakt A22LS, FPNA Capetown Amphibian, Columbia 350, Lancair 360, Mooney M20, Cessna 152/172/182, Piper PA28-140/180/201 PA34, Schweizer 300, Hughs 500. I am proud member of the following aviation groups: AOPA, EAA, NAFI, IAC, WAI, and the Savannah Aviation Association. I was also on the Board of Advisors for the Aviation Department at Woodville Thompkins Technical Institute in Savannah Georgia and I am a Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Counselor. I am not looking for a job, but a career and a place my family and I will become part of a new aviation community and family. We do not look at this as a transitional or time building position, but a position of permanence. We have traveled the world and are accustomed to the different cultures that encounter and we embrace them. I have flown all over the United States, Caribbean, Central America, and Indonesia. I look forward to speaking with you soon about this great opportunity. Please feel free to contact me via email: denis@idreamofflying.com Skype: Denisb73 Denis Richard Boissonneault Villa Panbil Blok E-27 Mukakuning Batam 29485 Tel: +6281314007831 Email: denis@idreamofflying.com OBJECTIVE To adequately use my skills and knowledge with motivation and passion to provide the best flight experience for your distinguished clients. LICENSES AND RATINGS FAA Airplane Single Engine Land and Sea Commercial Rating Airplane Multi Engine Land Commercial Rating Certified Flight Instructor, Certified Flight Instructor Instrument and Multi Engine Instructor FAA Part 135 ATP Written (23 March 2012) Aerobatic Instructor Seaplane Instructor CE560XL SIC Type Rating High Performance Endorsement Tail Wheel Endorsement FAA, TC, CASA 1st Class Medicals DGCA Validated ASEL and CFI License ARN 807302 ICAO Level 6 English FCC License U.S. Passport RELATIVE EXPERIENCE High Performance and Tail Wheel Endorsement Over 250 hours Aerial Photography Experience 0ver 500 water landings 17+ years of safe aircraft operations and handling 97% First time pass rate for students Over 280 hours of International flight experience 350 hours Cessna 172 FLIGHT TIME Total Time- 4237 PIC- 4089 Cross Country- 1867 Night- 252 Rotorcraft - 7 Multi Engine - 116 Flight Instruction Given- 3859 Ground Instruction Given- 3000+ Simulator Instruction Given – 500+ Garmin G1000 1000+ Seaplane- 384 Tail wheel- 261 Light Sport- 600 Aerobatics- 82 Instrument - 269 AIRCRAFT FLOWN Liberty XL, Diamond DA20/DA40/DA42, Extra 300, Pitts S2C, Bellanca Super Decathlon, Aeronica Champ, Aeronica Citabria, Aeroprakt A22LS, FPNA Capetown Amphibian, Columbia 350, Lancair 360, Mooney M20, Cessna 152/172/182, Piper PA28-140/180/201 PA34, Hughs 500, Schweizer 300 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY FlyBest Flight Academy Jul 2012 - Present Chief Flight Instructor Designed curriculum for startup part 141 flight school in accordance with current DGCA regulations. Curriculum included Private Pilot, Instrument, ASEL Commercial, and the AMEL Professional Pilot Program. Set up the company Quality and Safety program. Performed student ground and flight stage checks as well as instructor check flights. Maintained school first time pass rate at 100% for both written and flight checks. Produced company power point presentations for corporate and airline presentations about school and school programs. Consulted with airlines and charter companies around Indonesia to provide flight training with standards higher than desired. Worked with the DGCA navigation and multiple local Air Traffic Control agencies to develop new training areas and VFR departure and arrival procedures. Worked with the DGCA Standards division to prepare all written exams for PPL, IFR and CPL courses (13) for DGCA evaluations. Prepared the Safety Program Manual, Training Procedures Manual, Student Air Training Manual, Student Information Manual, Flight Instructor Standardization manual, PPL/IFR/ASEL CPL/AMEL CPL/Professional Pilot Program Syllabus and Practical Test Standards manual and first approved Foreign Pilot License Conversion program for the DGCA. Located and acquired aircraft from around the world and performed post maintenance check flights after arrival in Melaka Malaysia and then ferry flight to Batam Indonesia. Performed pre-selection assessment flights as well as designed an initial CRM/multiengine familiarization program for the number one low cost carry in the world. Lombok Institute of Flight Technology Aug 2011 – Jan 2012 Flight and Ground Instructor Provided council and recommendations to new flight school on part 141 training. Prepared and written final PPL written exams (8) as well as prepared departure and arrival procedures for students. Instructed students on the Liberty XL2 type information, meteorology, air law, aerodynamics, and navigation. Coastal Empire Flight Training: Feb 2008 - Apr 2011 Owner and Chief Pilot Developed and implemented in accordance with all current FAA regulations a new FAA approved Helicopter to Fixed Wing transition course requiring rotary pilots to fly only 7.5 hours dual versus 20 hours dual. Prepared flight school for a new part 141 certificate. Managed three offices at three different airports, a maintenance division, and up to nine aircraft and nine instructors as well as over 500 students and renters in accordance with all Federal Aviation Administration, local, state, city, and airport commission regulations. Managed a flight schedule to perform over 3800 total flight hours in a 24 month period. Performed specialized flight training such as Unusual and Upset Attitude course, Aerobatic training, and Sea Plane training, performed stage checks, renter and instructor check out flights, performed aircraft maintenance, instructed 50+ students. Built and managed company website as well as designed and maintained an active aggressive marketing campaign. Located in Savannah, GA and Fort Stewart, GA, Beaufort SC. Earthworks of Hilton Head Mar 2007- Feb 2008 Chief corporate pilot Pilot of a Cessna 182 for Allen & Kent Wise based in Ridgeland SC for instruction and nationwide transportation from SC to California. Located in Hilton Head, SC. Savannah Aviation Flight School Jul 2006- Aug 2007 Flight Instructor Prepared the company’s FAA part 135 certificate, Student progress check flights, instructor check out flights. Company is under new management. Located in Savannah, GA. Dean International Flight School Jul 2005- Jul 2006 Flight Instructor Performed duties such as new instructor and renter checkouts, perform stage checks and verify FAA regulation compliance as well as giving instruction. Conducted unassisted aerial photography flight of the entire Caribbean for three months. Located in Kendall, FL. United States Army Jan 2003- Jan 2005 Sergeant, Security Police supervisor and trained as a M1A1 Tank Gunner. Performed the duties Security Police supervisor of at Shaw Air Force base. Dyn Corp: Aviation June 2002- Jan 2003 Weapons Support Equipment program and aircraft painting Performed maintenance on aircraft support equipment as a General Mechanic. Located at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, SC. Pelco industries Oct 2000- Jun 2001 Renovation Carpenter, Quality Control Supervisor Performed the duties as crew supervisor and quality control supervisor. Located in Charleston, SC. United States Marine Corps June 1993- Oct 2000 Sergeant Aviation Ordnance Technician Performed duties such as corrosion control, aviation weapon systems troubleshooting, engine and aircraft run up and testing, weapon loading supervisor, Squadron Training NCO, Division Safety NCO, Sergeant of the guard in combat operations in Hungary. Located in Yuma AZ and Beaufort, SC. EDUCATION I am currently scheduled to begin online courses in May at the Utah Valley University Summer Program to finish a Professional Pilot Program. Mar 2012 King School Written Mar 2012 King School Jet Transition, Radar Cert, Risk Management, RVSM Cert, TAWS Cert and High Altitude Ground Cert. Online Course Jul 2011 CFII- Coastal Empire Flight Training Savannah, GA Feb 2011 – Apr 2011 Savannah, GA Helicopter Private- Meridian Helicopters Dec 2009 Winter Haven ,FL Brown’s Sea Plane Base- Sea Plane Rating Oct 2007 Worldwide Online BS Management- University of Phoenix Jul 2006 Kendal, FL Dean International- Multi Engine Instructor Jan 2005- Jul 2005 Pompano Beach, FL Florida Aviation Academy- IFR, ASEL Com, CFI Jan 2004- Jan 2005 Charleston Aero Club- Private Pilot Certification Charleston AFB, Charleston, SC Nov 2002- May 2003 US Army- 19K MOS School Ft Jackson, SC; Camp Shelby MS Nov 1998-Dec 1998 USMC Sergeant’s Residence Course Camp Hanson, Okinawa Japan Nov 1997 Washington, DC Marine Corps University- NCO Leadership Course Jun 1996 Naval Aviation Maintenance Program-Technical Publication Librarian Course North Island, CA May 1996 Naval Aviation Maintenance Program- VIDSMAF /SCIR Course North Island, CA Oct 1993- May 1994 USMC- Aviation Ordnance Technician School Middleton, TN: Havelock, NC Jun 1993- Sep 1993 Parris Island, SC Marine Corps Recruit Training Sep 1989-Jun 1993 Waterboro, ME Massabesic High school ASSOCIATIONS Aircraft and Owners Pilot Association, Experimental Aircraft Association, International Aerobatics Club, Seaplane Pilot’s Association, Board of Advisors Woodville Tompkins Aviation program, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America authorized Merit Badge instructor.