YOUTH COURT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA RULES being Youth Court of South Australia Rules (Govt. Gaz. 23 December 1993, p. 3090) INDEX 1.00 CITATION AND COMMENCEMENT SECTION A: GENERAL APPLICATION 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 Definitions Seal Practice Directions/Case Management Principles Compliance Documents Forms Legal Representation Summons to Witness Witness Fees and Expenses Authority to Enter and Inspect Appeals Interpreters Court Records SECTION B: FAMILY CONFERENCES UNDER THE YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 Notification Conduct of Family Conferences Result of Conferences Records of Family Conferences SECTION C: CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 Magistrates Court Rules to Apply Magistrates Courts Forms Adapted Young Offenders Act Forms Election to be Treated as an Adult SECTION D: CHILD PROTECTION JURISDICTION 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.0 31.0 32.00 Application for Investigation and Assessment Order Application for Care and Protection Orders Accompanying Documents Affidavits Evidence Expert Evidence Details of Evidence for Trial Discovery and Inspection 31.00 Conferences Procedural Orders 2 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.0 Undertakings Persons not Party/Joinder Service Amendment YOUTH COURT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA RULES Pursuant to Section 32 of the Youth Court Act 1993 and all other enabling powers, we the undersigned Judges of the Youth Court do hereby make the following Rules. 1.00 CITATION AND COMMENCEMENT 1.01 These Rules may be cited as the Youth Court Rules. 1.02 These Rules shall come into operation on the 1st day of January, 1994. 1.03 Subject to the Acts, these Rules and any practice directions issued by the Court, the practice and procedure of the Court shall be that which pertained in the Children's Court immediately prior to the commencement of the Youth Court Act 1993. 1.04 These Rules shall be divided into the following sections: Section A Section B Section C Section D - Rules of General Application Rules relating to Family Conferences under the Young Offenders Act Rules relating to the Criminal Jurisdiction Rules relating to the Child Protection Jurisdiction SECTION A GENERAL APPLICATION 2.00 DEFINITIONS 2.01 In these Rules unless the contrary intention appears; (a) "the Acts" means the Summary Procedure Act, Youth Court Act, Young Offenders Act, Children's Protection Act and Adoption Act; (b) "Adoption Act" means Adoption Act 1988; (c) "Children's Protection Act" means Children's Protection Act 1993; (d) "Costs" means party and party costs and includes disbursements, witness fees, experts' charges and other costs of and incidental to the conduct of proceedings; (e) "Court" means a Judge or Magistrate of the Youth Court of South Australia; (f) "Principal Registry" means the Registry of the Youth Court of South Australia at Adelaide; 3 (g) "Sealed" means sealed with the seal of the Court or otherwise endorsed by an officer of the Court; (h) "Senior Judge" means the Senior Judge or Acting Senior Judge of the Youth Court of South Australia; (i) "Youth Court Act" means the Youth Court Act 1993; (j) "Young Offenders Act" means the Young Offenders Act 1993; (k) Reference to an Act shall mean that Act as amended from time to time. 3.00 SEAL 3.01 The Youth Court of South Australia shall have a seal inscribed on it "The Seal of the Youth Court of South Australia" and the name of the registry to which the seal relates. 3.02 The Seal of a Registry shall be in the custody of the Registrar of each Registry. 3.03 The Seal of a Registry of the Court shall be fixed on such process or orders issuing from that Registry as the Senior Judge shall direct. 4.00 PRACTICE DIRECTIONS/CASE MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES 4.01 The Senior Judge may issue, vary or revoke Practice Directions and the practice and procedure of the Court, subject to these Rules, must be in conformity with the Practice Directions. 4.02 The Registrar of the Principal Registry must maintain a register of all Practice Directions. 4.03 The practice, procedure and processes of the Court shall have as their goal the elimination of any unnecessary lapse of time from the date of initiation of proceedings to their final determination. 4.04 Case Management principles shall be incorporated in Practice Directions with the object of: a) b) c) d) e) promoting the just determination of litigation; limiting the cost of proceedings for the litigant where possible; facilitating the timely disposal of business; disposing efficiently of the business before the Court; maximising the efficient use of available judicial and administrative resources. 4.05 The Court may at any time of its own motion on notice to the parties review the progress of proceedings and make such orders or give such directions to lead to their efficient and timely disposal and make such orders concerning default committed by any party as it may consider just and expedient. 4.06 A Court or a Registrar exercising jurisdiction under these rules shall have regard to the need to provide a prompt and inexpensive resolution of the matters in issue between the parties. 4 5.00 COMPLIANCE 5.01 The Court shall have power at any time to dispense with compliance with all or any part of these Rules and on such conditions or terms as the Court directs (including a Rule relating to or governing powers that the Court may exercise of its own motion). 5.02 Where the Court is satisfied in the circumstances of the particular case that: (a) the provisions of these Rules or the practice directions do not make adequate provision for a matter of practice or procedure, or; (b) a difficulty arises or doubt exists as to a matter of practice or procedure, it may give such directions with respect to the practice and procedure to be followed in the case as it considers necessary. 5.03 It is sufficient compliance with the Rules as to the form of any document if the document is substantially in accordance with the appropriate form. 6.00 DOCUMENTS 6.01 The Registrar shall cause the date of filing to be marked on every document filed. 6.02 A document to be filed must not be lodged by facsimile transmission without the leave of the Registrar. 6.03 An address for service, contact person, and telephone number (and, if applicable, the facsimile transmission number) of any party filing or serving any document must appear on the document unless the Court or a Registrar directs otherwise. 7.00 FORMS 7.01 Forms under the following sections of the Youth Court Act shall comply with the corresponding forms set out hereunder as numbered and appearing in the Schedule. Section 18 Section 18(3)(b) Section 20(2) Section 21(a) Section 21(b) Section 27 Summons to Witness. Application for a warrant re witness. Authority to enter and inspect. Summons requiring Custodian to produce person. Warrant authorising Sheriff to take person from Custodian to Court. Warrant of commitment for contempt. Form No. 11Y Form No. 12Y Form No. 27Y Form No. 13Y Form No. 14Y Form No. 24Y 7.02 Forms not provided for herein may be prepared at the direction of the Court or by the Registrar on behalf of the Court. 7.03 The party instituting a proceeding or process shall prepare the requisite form and shall provide such number of copies thereof as the Registrar directs. 7.04 The party required to serve a form shall do so by serving a sealed copy of the form in the manner directed by the Acts, Rules, or by the Court. 5 8.00 LEGAL REPRESENTATION 8.01 The legal representative of a party to proceedings must inform the Court of that status and of any change therein as soon as practicable. 9.00 SUMMONS TO WITNESS 9.01 At the time of service of a summons to witness, the person serving the summons shall, if directed by the Court or Registrar, tender to the person served sufficient money for return travel by the person served between the person's place of residence or employment (whichever is appropriate) and the Court. 9.02 Any summons to witnesses shall not without leave of the Court or Registrar be served less than seven days before the date on which the evidence is required to be given or the evidentiary material produced. 10.00 WITNESS FEES AND EXPENSES 10.01 A person who attends in obedience to a summons or request to give evidence or produce evidentiary material is entitled to be paid fees and travelling allowances according to the scale of fees and allowances payable to witnesses in the Supreme Court of South Australia, or in special circumstances fees and allowances as the Court or a Registrar directs (less any amount previously paid to the person in accordance with Rule 9 hereof). 10.02 Unless the Court or a Registrar otherwise orders fees and travelling expenses payable under these Rules are payable by the party at whose request the summons was issued or the witness called. 11.00 AUTHORITY TO ENTER AND INSPECT 11.01 An authority pursuant to Section 20(2) (entry and inspection of property) shall be issued at the direction of a Judge or Magistrate. 6 12.00 APPEALS 12.01 A Notice of Appeal pursuant to Section 22(2)(a) of the Youth Court Act (appeal from interlocutory judgment of Magistrate or justices) shall comply with Form No. 36Y. 12.02 A Notice of Appeal pursuant to Section 22(2)(b)(c) or (d) (appeal to single Judge or the Full Court of the Supreme Court of South Australia) shall comply with Form No. 37Y. 12.03 An appeal pursuant to Section 22(2)(a) shall be instituted by filing in the Youth Court Principal Registry and serving on all parties a Notice of Appeal. 12.04 An appeal pursuant to Section 22(2)(a) shall be instituted within 14 days from the giving of the interlocutory judgment complained of, or such extended time as the Youth Court may fix. 12.05 The Senior Judge may give such directions as may be deemed fit for the conduct of any appeal pursuant to Section 22(2)(a). 13.00 INTERPRETERS 13.01 If a party or witness of the party needs the services of an interpreter, the party, upon receiving the date fixed for the trial, must forthwith notify the Registrar of that need and of the language and dialect to be interpreted. 13.02 If the party fails to so notify the Registrar, costs occasioned by the non-attendance of the appropriate interpreter may be ordered against the party in default. 14.00 COURT RECORDS 14.01 The records of the Court shall be in the custody and under the control of the Registrar. 14.02 Any party to a proceeding or solicitor or counsel for any party may search or inspect any record in the said proceeding or take or request a copy thereof (on payment of the appropriate copying fee) except to the extent that the same would be contrary to any Act, Rule or order of the Court. 14.03 Subject to the provisions of the Acts and these Rules, a person other than a party and party's solicitor or counsel shall not be entitled to search or inspect any records or to take or request any copy thereof without first having obtained the leave of a Judge. 14.04 A Judge or Magistrate may give such directions as shall be necessary to produce any record of the Court to any other Court or tribunal. 7 SECTION B FAMILY CONFERENCES UNDER THE YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT 15.00 NOTIFICATION 15.01 A notification to a Youth Justice Co-ordinator by a Police Officer requesting that a Family Conference be convened shall comply with Form No. 61. 15.02 As soon as practicable after receipt of the notification, the Youth Justice Co-ordinator shall fix a date, time and place for the Family Conference and issue such notices and invitations to the relevant persons as required by the Act. 15.03 The following forms shall comply with the corresponding forms set out hereunder and as numbered and appearing in the Schedule: a) b) c) d) e) Notice to the Youth. Form No.62. Invitations to the Guardians of the Youth. Form No.63a. Invitation to the Victim. Form No.63b. Invitations to other persons. Form No.63c. Notice to Police. Form No.64. 15.04 Notices or invitations to Family Conferences are sufficiently served if: a) b) served personally on the youth or otherwise in accordance with the directions of the Youth Justice Co-ordinator, and; for other persons if posted by pre-paid ordinary post to the last known residential or business address of that person. 16.00 CONDUCT OF FAMILY CONFERENCES 16.01 At the Family Conference, the Youth Justice Co-ordinator shall: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) ensure that the Representative of the Commissioner of Police provides full particulars and details of the allegations and the offences to which such allegations relate and, if relevant, previous offending behaviour; encourage the youth to participate fully in the Conference and be heard on all relevant issues; ensure that the Conference does not proceed in relation to any offence which is not admitted by the youth; encourage the victim or the victim's representative to participate in the Conference and be heard on all relevant issues; encourage the guardians of the youth, relatives and other persons who have accepted an invitation to attend the Conference to participate and be heard on all relevant issues; subject to sub-rule (g) hereof ensure that the youth participates personally in the Conference and that representations are not made to the Conference by a legal practitioner or other person purporting to act on behalf of the youth; without adjourning the Conference, allow the youth and any legal practitioner advising the youth, the guardians, youth worker, or other participant (if present or available by telephone) an opportunity to confer in order that the youth may be advised. 8 16.02 The Youth Justice Co-ordinator will: a) b) c) encourage and facilitate discussion and mediation; provide details of available options to the Conference; prepare details of the outcome and undertakings agreed. 17.00 RESULTS OF FAMILY CONFERENCE 17.01 If the Family Conference fails to reach a decision, the Youth Justice Co-ordinator shall refer the matter forthwith to the Youth Court by notifying the Registrar. 17.02 As soon as practicable thereafter, the Registrar shall notify the youth, the guardians of the youth, the representative of the Police Commissioner, and the victim of the date and place of the Court hearing of the matter in accordance with Form Nos. 65, 66, and 67. 17.03 If a formal caution is administered at the Conference, the Youth Justice Co-Ordinator shall file with the Registrar a form which complies with Form No. 70. 17.04 Family Conference undertakings entered into by the youth shall comply with Form No. 68 and be filed by the Youth Justice Co-ordinator with the Registrar. 17.05 Any person undertaking at a Family Conference to supervise any undertaking by the youth shall, upon compliance by the youth, complete a record of compliance in accordance with Form No. 69 and forthwith lodge the same with the Registrar. 17.06 Upon the Youth Justice Co-ordinator being satisfied that a youth has: a) b) failed to attend at the time appointed for a Family Conference, or; not complied with a requirement of the Family Conference or undertaking agreed at the Family Conference, the Youth Justice Co-ordinator shall give notice to the Commissioner of Police of such failure or non-compliance in accordance with Form No. 71. 17.07 Upon conclusion of the Family Conference, the Youth Justice Co-ordinator shall provide to the youth, the police representative, the guardians of the youth, and the victim and any person who agrees to supervise an undertaking a copy of the undertaking which has been or is to be filed with the Registrar. 17.08 The Youth Justice Co-ordinator shall explain to any youth who gives an undertaking and to any person who agrees to supervise any undertaking: 1) 2) 3) the provisions of the undertaking, and; the conditions relating thereto; together with the consequences of non-compliance. 18.00 RECORDS 18.01 Records of Family Conferences shall be kept under the custody and control of the Registrar. 9 18.02 Records of Family Conferences shall be kept confidential and not disclosed to any person without the consent of the Youth Justice Co-Ordinator and all persons present at the conference or the consent of a Judge of the Youth Court. SECTION C CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 19.00 MAGISTRATES COURT RULES TO APPLY 19.01 The provisions of the following rules of the Magistrates Courts Rules 1992 as they applied on the 1st day of January, 1994, shall apply to proceedings in the Criminal Jurisdiction of the Youth Court under the Young Offenders Act with such modification as necessary or as hereinafter set out, namely; Rules 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (except 21.01, 21.02, 21.03) 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 43 and 44. 20.00 MAGISTRATE COURTS FORMS ADAPTED 20.01 Forms referred to hereafter shall comply with the corresponding Forms as numbered and appearing in the Schedule. Description Youth Court Form No. Complaint ................................................................................................................................ 1Y Complaint and Summons ........................................................................................................ 2Y Complaint and Summons with Endorsements and Form for Pleading Guilty in Writing ..................................................................................................................... 3Y Information .............................................................................................................................. 4Y Information and Summons ...................................................................................................... 5Y Summons .............................................................................................................................. 5AY Warrant of Apprehension ........................................................................................................ 6Y Warrant of Remand ................................................................................................................. 7Y Election Form (new form) ....................................................................................................... 8Y Committal for Trial/Sentence ................................................................................................ 10Y Notice to Defendant as to a Penalty ...................................................................................... 15Y Notice to Defendant as to Penalty Sought............................................................................. 16Y Notice of Previous Convictions and Prior Offending (new form) ........................................ 17Y Notice of Pecuniary Penalty .................................................................................................. 18Y Application for Rehearing (set aside).................................................................................... 19Y Alibi Evidence ....................................................................................................................... 21Y Proof of Service by Certificate .............................................................................................. 22Y Complaint for a Summary Protection Order ......................................................................... 28Y Summons to Defendant ......................................................................................................... 29Y Summary Protection Order.................................................................................................... 30Y Summary Protection Order and Summons to a Defendant................................................... 31Y Application to Vary or Revoke Summary Protection Order................................................. 32Y Summary Protection Order as Varied ................................................................................... 33Y Order of Revocation of Summary Protection Order ............................................................. 34Y Summary Protection Order and Summons to Defendant (telephone order)...................... 34AY 10 Firearms Order.................................................................................................................... 34BY Notice of Not Guilty Hearing ................................................................................................ 35Y 21.00 YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT FORMS 21.01 Forms under the following sections of the Young Offenders Act shall comply with the corresponding forms set out hereunder as numbered and appearing in the Schedule. Youth Offenders Act Section Section 26 Section 27 Section 32 Section 34 Description Undertaking and Notice to Youth Undertaking from guardian Request for social background and personal circumstances report Order that guardian(s) attend Court Youth Court Form Form No. 40 Form No. 41 Form No. 42 Form No. 39 22.00 ELECTION TO BE TREATED AS AN ADULT 22.01 The form of election pursuant to Section 17(3)(b) of the Young Offenders Act shall comply with Form No. 8Y. 22.02 The youth charged shall be provided with a form of election: a) b) where the youth is served with a summons at the time of service of the summons, and; in any other case when the youth first appears before the Court. 22.03 An election is made by filing a duly completed form of election in the Court. 11 SECTION D CHILD PROTECTION JURISDICTION 23.00 APPLICATION FOR INVESTIGATION AND ASSESSMENT ORDERS 23.01 An Application for an Investigation and/or Assessment Order shall be in accordance with Form No. 101 and shall set out precisely the grounds upon which the application is made and the order or orders sought. 23.02 An Application for Extension, Variation or Discharge of an Investigation and/or Assessment Order shall be in accordance with Form No. 104 and shall state precisely the grounds upon which the application is made and the order or orders sought. 24.00 APPLICATION FOR CARE AND PROTECTION ORDER(S) 24.01 An Application for Care and Protection Order(s) shall be in accordance with the Form No. 106 and shall state precisely the grounds upon which the application is made and the order or orders sought. 24.02 An Application for Variation or Revocation of a Care and Protection Order shall be in accordance with Form No. 109 and shall state precisely the grounds upon which the application is made and the order or orders sought. 25.00 ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS 25.01 Unless otherwise directed by the Court, all applications shall be accompanied by: (a) an affidavit sworn or affirmed by a person authorised by the Minister, Chief Executive Officer or the applicant (as the case may be) providing brief particulars of the evidence upon which the grounds are based and verifying the application; (b) any report or document referred to in the application or affidavit or upon which the applicant seeks to rely. 25.02 The applicant shall serve sealed copies of the application and all accompanying documents upon the other parties. 25.03 Any party opposing an application may file in the Registry and serve on all other parties one or more affidavits setting out the grounds upon which that party opposes the application and orders sought, and providing brief particulars of the evidence upon which such opposition is based, provided that a party shall not be required to file an affidavit in order to oppose any orders sought. 12 26.00 AFFIDAVITS 26.01 The first page of an affidavit shall have a heading which sets out the particulars of the Court, file number, parties, and date of filing in the same sequence as the application to which it relates. 26.02 The body of an affidavit shall be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively, each paragraph being as far as possible confined to a distinct portion of the subject matter. 26.03 A document to be used in conjunction with an affidavit shall be annexed to the affidavit. 26.04 The Court may at any stage of the proceedings order to be struck out any matter in an affidavit which: (a) (b) is unnecessary, irrelevant, prolix, scandalous or argumentative, or; sets out opinions other than the opinions of persons properly qualified to give them. 26.05 Where in an affidavit an allegation is made based upon information and belief, the deponent shall identify the source and ground of the information upon which the belief is based provided that nothing in this Rule shall require the disclosure of information which would otherwise be in breach of the Children's Protection Act. 26.06 Where a deponent relies upon the opinion of an expert, that expert shall be identified, the date of the opinion so relied upon disclosed, and any report containing the opinion of expert annexed to the affidavit. 27.00 EVIDENCE 27.01 At the hearing of any application other than the trial of an Application for Care and Protection Orders, evidence shall be given by way of affidavit unless the Court otherwise directs. 27.02 At the trial of an Application for Care and Protection Orders, the evidence shall be given orally provided that upon the consent of all parties evidence may be given by way of affidavit or report. 27.03 In any proceedings before the Court pursuant to the Children's Protection Act, the Court may of its own motion call any person before it as a witness to give evidence or produce evidentiary material. 27.04 Where a person is called under the preceding Rule, the Court may give such directions as to the examination and cross-examination of that person as it thinks fit. 13 28.00 EXPERT EVIDENCE 28.01 "Expert" means a person who has such knowledge or experience of or in connection with a question arising in proceedings that his or her opinion on the question would be admissible in a Court as evidence. 28.02 The Court may at any stage of proceedings pursuant to the Children's Protection Act on application by a party or of its own motion: (a) (b) appoint an expert as Court Expert to inquire into and report on any issue of fact or opinion other than an issue involving questions of law or construction arising in the proceedings, and; give directions to extend or supplement, or otherwise in relation to any such inquiry or report. 28.03 A Court Expert shall be a person agreed upon between the parties or if agreement is not possible a person nominated by the Court. 28.04 A direction pursuant to the Rule 28.02(b) may authorise and make provision for the conduct of an experiment or a testing procedure for the purposes of an inquiry or report. 28.05 A Court Expert shall send the report together with as many copies of the report as the Registrar directs to the Registrar. 28.06 Where the report has been received by the Registrar the Registrar shall (unless otherwise directed by the Court) send one copy of the report to each of the parties to the proceedings. 28.07 The Court may receive the report in evidence and permit oral examination of the Court Expert. 28.08 Unless the Court otherwise directs, a party who intends to call expert evidence at any trial shall, in the case of the applicant not later than 14 days, and in the case of other parties not later than 7 days prior to the date fixed for trial, file in the Registry and serve on each party to the proceedings a copy of a report containing the substance of the evidence of that expert. 28.09 A party intending to adduce the evidence of two or more experts in relation to the same issue at a trial in proceedings pursuant to the Children's Protection Act, shall do so only with leave of the Court. 28.10 An application for leave to call two or more experts in relation to the same issue shall be made not less than four weeks before the date fixed for trial. 14 29.00 DETAILS OF EVIDENCE FOR TRIAL 29.01 Not later than fourteen days prior to the date fixed for trial the applicant shall file in the Registry and serve upon each of the other parties a list of all witnesses on whose evidence the applicant seeks to rely and a synopsis of the evidence of each witness relevant to the issues in question in the proceedings. 29.02 Not later than seven days prior to the date fixed for the trial each of the other parties shall file in the Registry and serve upon each of the other parties a list of all witnesses upon whose evidence that party seeks to rely and a synopsis of the evidence of each witness relevant to the issues in question in the proceedings. 30.00 DISCOVERY AND INSPECTION 30.01 A party to proceedings under the Children's Protection Act may serve on any other party to the proceedings a Request to make Discovery on oath of the documents and other evidentiary material that are or have been in the possession custody or control of the other party relating to all or any of the matters in question in the proceedings. 30.02 A request for discovery shall be in accordance with Form No. 114. 30.03 A party to proceedings on whom the request for discovery has been served shall make discovery of documents in accordance with Form No. 115 within fourteen days after service of that request or within such other time as the Court or requesting party allows. 30.04 A party to proceedings or that party's solicitor or counsel shall be entitled to inspect all documents discovered (which are not privileged from production) during normal business hours at the address nominated for inspection on giving 3 working day's notice or at such other time as may be ordered by the Court or agreed between the parties. 30.05 Unless the Court otherwise orders, a party who inspects a document may make a copy of or take an extract from the document at that party's cost. 30.06 In proceedings under the Children's Protection Act, a party to the proceedings may apply to the Court for an order directing a person who is not a party to produce for inspection a document or evidentiary material in the possession, custody or control of that person relating to any matter in question in the proceedings being a document or evidentiary material which that person could be required to produce at the hearing. 30.07 An application under this Rule shall be served on each of the other parties to the proceedings and on the person against whom the order is sought. 30.08 An order made requiring a party to produce a document or other evidentiary material may require the party who obtains the order to tender reasonable expenses to the person who is the subject of the order. 31.00 CONFERENCES 31.01 A conference of parties pursuant to Section 42 of the Children's Protection Act may be adjourned from time to time. 31.02 Unless the Court otherwise directs, each party attending the conference shall produce at the conference all discoverable documents and evidentiary material in that party's 15 possession, custody or control, or which with reasonable diligence that party could obtain. 31.03 The judicial officer conducting the Conference may do all or any of the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) attempt to resolve the whole or any part of the proceedings by agreement; explore all possibilities of a settlement; express opinions about the merits of any aspect of the case or likely outcome of the case as thought fit; make any necessary orders in relation to procedural and pre-trial matters; fix a date for trial, and; give any appropriate directions to facilitate the trial of the matter; settle minutes of order. 31.04 The Conference shall be conducted in one or more sessions but shall consist of a conciliation Conference which attempts to resolve the matter by agreement and a directions hearing and trial listing hearing to prepare the matter for trial. 32.00 PROCEDURAL ORDERS 32.01 Where a party fails to comply with any procedure in accordance with these Rules, another party may apply to the Court for an order to direct compliance including an order for costs against the party in default. 32.02 An application for Procedural Order(s) may be made orally at any hearing or Conference in the matter or in accordance with Form No. 113. 32.03 Any formal application shall be listed not more than 10 days from the date of filing of the application. 32.04 The applicant shall serve a sealed copy of the application upon the party in default and such other parties as the applicant shall think fit or the Registrar directs. 33.00 UNDERTAKINGS 33.01 Any undertaking made to the Court by a party or other person must be recorded in writing in accordance with Form No. 116 and signed by the person giving the undertaking (or if the person is not available to sign it personally by the person's legal representative unless the Court otherwise directs). 16 34.00 PERSONS NOT PARTY/JOINDER 34.01 Where an applicant seeks an order to be binding on a person not a party, the applicant shall file in the Registry and serve notice upon that person in accordance with Form No. 112 together with true copies of the application and accompanying documents. 34.02 Upon the making of any order to join a person as a party to proceedings, all other parties shall within 7 days of the order serve upon the party so joined copies of any documents filed by that party prior to the order for joinder. 35.00 SERVICE 35.01 An Investigation and/or Assessment Order or a Care and Protection Order shall be served personally provided that a person who is present in Court when an Investigation and/or Assessment or Interim Care and Protection Order is made may be served with such an order by posting the same to the last known address of that person. 35.02 A procedural or directions application or order may be served by posting it to the last known address of that party or to the address for service on the last document filed by that party in the proceedings. 35.03 Where service is required by the Acts or the Rules and no specific provision is made in the Act or the Rules for the method of service, such service is sufficient if served: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) personally; by pre-paid post to the last known address of the party; by pre-paid post or personal delivery to the address for service indicated on the last document filed by the party in the proceedings; or, upon the legal practitioner representing the party - if that practitioner has instructions to accept service. 36.00 AMENDMENT 36.01 Any party may at least 14 days before the pre-hearing conference without leave and at any other time with leave of the Court, amend any application in proceedings under the Children's Protection Act provided that the party so amending forthwith files in the Registry and serves upon all other parties a true copy of the document so amended, clearly marking the amendments made. 36.02 The Court may, at any time upon such conditions as to costs or other conduct of proceedings as it thinks fit, give to any party leave to amend an application or document notwithstanding that the effect is to add or substitute a ground, seek a further order, or join another person as a party. 17 Magistrates Court Rules 1992 incorporated. Rule 19.01 incorporates Rules 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (except 21.01, 21.02 and 21.03), 32, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35 43 and 44 of the Magistrates court rules 1992 as they applied on the 1st January 1994. Those Rules are set out below. 7.00 CRIMINAL JURISDICTION 7.01 In this Section "the Act" means the Summary Procedure Act 1921 unless otherwise provided. 11.00 CHALLENGE TO CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENCE. 11.01 A challenge pursuant to section 5(8) of the Act must be made and determined before the matter is given a trial date. 12.00 COMPLAINT 12.01 A complaint reduced to writing shall comply with Form No. 1. 12.02 The complainant (or other duly authorised person) may make and lay a complaint by stating the matter of complaint to a witness who must be a Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Justice of the Peace. 12.03 The complaint when reduced to writing must be (i) signed by the complainant (or other duly authorised person) (ii) signed and dated by the witness. 12.04 A "public authority" or "public officer" (as defined in section 57a of the Act) or a legal practitioner may make and lay a complaint in writing on signing and dating it without appearing before a witness. 12.05 Where a complaint is made and laid by a police officer in the execution of his duty the complaint and proceedings thereon may be entitled "Police v. ..... ". 12.06 There a complaint is made and laid by a "public authority" (as defined in section 57a of the Act) the complaint and proceedings thereon may be entitled " (Name of public authority) v.........". 12.07 A complaint must be filed in the Court within seven days of being made unless not practicable. 12.08 A copy of the complaint shall be given to the defendant on or before the time of the first Court appearance. 12.09 A complaint for contempt of Court may be made and laid by a judicial officer as provided for in Rule 12.04. 12.10 A complaint shall comply with Rule 15.02 13.00 PLEA OF GUILTY WITHOUT APPEARANCE - SUMMARY OFFENCE. 18 13.01 A complaint and summons under section 57a of the Act shall comply with Form No 3. 13.02 A written notice of intention to plead not guilty under section 57a(7a) must be served personally or by post on the Registrar at least three clear days before the date of appearance in the summons and at the address stated therein. 14.00 NOTICE OF PECUNIARY PENALTY 14.01 A notice under section 62b(8) of the Act shall comply with Form No 18. 15.00 NOTICE BY PROSECUTION OR COURT BEFORE IMPOSITION OF PENALTY 15.01 A notice under section 62c(2) of the Act or whenever the Court requires that the defendant be notified of the order or penalties the Court could make or impose shall comply with Form No 15 or Form No 16 as the case may be. 15.02 Where a complainant or informant seeks an order of forfeiture, compensation, additional penalty, destruction or the like, the complaint or information must so state. 15.03 Rule 15.02 shall come into operation on the 1st day of July 1993. 16.00 PROOF OF PREVIOUS CONVICTIONS 16.01 A notice under section 62d of the Act shall comply with Form No 17. 17.00 APPLICATION TO SET ASIDE 17.01 An application under section 76a of the Act shall comply with Form No 19. 17.02 A copy of the application shall be served on the other party. 17.03 Service and proof thereof shall be effected as for notices. 17.04 Upon the filing of the application the Registrar shall notify the parties of a hearing date and time. 18.00 RESTRAINT ORDER - APPLICATION TO VARY OR REVOKE 18.01 An application under section 99(10) of the Act shall comply with Form No 32. 18.02 The application shall be filed in the Court and a copy served on the other party. 18.03 Service and proof thereof shall be effected as for notices. 18.04 Upon the application being filed the Court shall notify all parties of the hearing date and time. 19.00 INFORMATION 19.01 An information shall be reduced to writing and comply with Form No 4. 19 19.02 The informant in person may lay an information by stating the matter of information to a witness who must be a Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Justice of the Peace. 19.03 The information when reduced to writing must be (i) signed by the informant, (ii) signed and dated by the witness. 19.04 A "public authority" or "public officer" (as defined in section 57a of the Act) or a legal practitioner may lay an information in writing on signing and dating it without appearing before a witness. 19.05 Where an information is laid by a police officer in the execution of his duty the information and proceedings thereon may be entitled "Police v................". 19.06 Where an information is laid by a "public authority" (as defined in section 57a of the Act) the information and proceedings thereon may be entitled " (Name of public authority) v.............". 19.07 An information must be filed in the Court within seven days of being laid unless not practicable. 19.08 An information shall state as to each charge whether it is a major indictable, minor indictable or summary offence. 19.09 A copy of the information shall be given to the defendant on or before the time of the first Court appearance. 19.10 An information shall comply with Rule 15.02. 20.00 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 20.01 The prosecutor shall file and serve the documents specified in section 104(1)(a) within such period not exceeding six weeks as the Court at the defendant's first appearance before the Court may specify. 20.02 The defendant must by the court appearance next following two weeks after service of the section 104(1)(a) documents give notice in writing to the Court and to the prosecution of the witnesses in relation to whom application to examine orally will be made and a brief outline of the reason they are required. 20.03 A statement referred to in section 104(3)(a) must be verified as follows : "This Statement consisting of ...... pages signed by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated the ...... day of ..................... 199 .... Signed................................. Signature witnessed by : 20 " 20.04 The documentary material required to be filed by the prosecution pursuant to sec. 104 of the Act shall be: (i) in triplicate (ii) accompanied by a document: (a) (b) containing the names of the witnesses providing each statement; identifying exhibits and other evidentiary material. 21.00 ELECTION 21.04 Unless an election has been sooner made, the prosecution shall, upon the request of the defence or direction of the Court, provide the defence with a summary of the evidence in support of each charge. 21.05 A request for a summary of evidence must be made not later than three weeks after the first appearance of the defendant before the Court. 21.06 A summary of evidence shall be provided within three weeks of the request being made or a direction given. 21.07 An election must be made within 14 days of the delivery of the summary of evidence, or where no summary has been requested or directed, not later than 6 weeks after the defendant's first appearance before the Court. 21.08 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this rule, an election may not be made after a matter has been set for trial. 21.09 When a defendant makes an election the provisions of Rule 20 apply mutatis mutandis as if the election had been made at the first appearance of the defendant before the Court. 21.10 The Registrar shall notify the prosecutor of the filing of an election. 21.11 If an election is made it must be made with respect to all the charges in the information unless the Court orders otherwise. 21.12 Except for sub-rule 21.11 this Rule does not apply to an election made pursuant to section 107(3)(b)(ii) of the Act. 22.00 WRITTEN PLEA OF GUILTY WHERE INFORMATION LAID. 22.01 A written plea pursuant to section 105(1)(a) of the Act shall comply with Form No 9. 22.02 A written plea can only be made if it is a plea of guilty to all charges. 22.03 The defendant shall be provided with the form at the time the defendant is provided with a copy of the information. 21 22.04 The form shall be signed by the defendant in the presence of a solicitor who shall certify that the defendant has had legal advice before signing the form. 22.05 If the information does not include a major indictable offence the written plea must be accompanied by a duly completed form of election. 22.06 Upon due completion of the form pleading guilty to all charges the defendant shall return it by delivering it or posting it to the Court at the place indicated in the form so that it reaches the court : (a) if the defendant does not wish to attend the date fixed for attendance - at least two clear days before that date. (b) Subject to (a) at any time before completion of the preliminary examination. 22.07 A defendant who does not appear after duly pleading guilty in writing shall be informed of the outcome by the Registrar by service on the defendant or the defendant's representative of a notice which shall comply with Form No 20. 22.08 Service of the notice may be by post. 22.09 A copy of the notice endorsed with the manner of service shall accompany the documents to be forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions. 22.10 The Registrar shall inform the prosecutor of the receipt of a written plea of guilty. 23.00 ALIBI STATEMENT. 23.01 The written statement referred to in section 107(5) of the Act shall comply with Form No 21. 22 24.00 PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS - C.L.C.A. 24.01 The following provisions of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1934 apply (with necessary adaptations and modifications) to the trial or sentencing of a person charged with a minor indictable offence : Section 181, section 195(2) & 3, section 196(4), section 198(2), so much of rule 6 of Schedule 3 as relates to the naming of the owner of property, and rule 10 of Schedule 3. 25.00 ORDER OF COMMITTAL 25.01 An order of committal for trial or sentence shall comply with Form No 10. 26.00 PRE-TRIAL PREPARATION 26.01 Prior to any matter being listed for summary trial the parties must have ascertained the precise matters in issue both as to fact (in detail) and law so as to : (a) fully explore the possibility of disposing of the charge other than by way of trial; (b) enable the duration of the hearing to be estimated as accurately as possible, (c) determine what evidence if any may be proved by affidavit; (d) facilitate the course of the trial, and shall inform the Court as to each of the above. 26.02 To the extent necessary to comply with this Rule the parties must confer fully and frankly. 26.03 Prior to a matter being set down for hearing the defence must give notice to the prosecution if evidence of alibi may be called. The notice must give details of the proposed evidence including the name and address of the witnesses. 26.04 Insufficient compliance with this Rule must be taken into account on the question of costs. 26.05 To ensure compliance with Rule 8 and this Rule the Court may on notice to the parties require that they attend a pre-trial conference. 26.06 A pre-trial conference may be presided over by such person as the Court may nominate. 27.00 SUMMONS TO DEFENDANT 27.01 Unless otherwise provided a summons to a defendant shall comply with Form No.2, Form No.3, Form No.5 or Form No.5A as the case may be. 33.00 PROCEEDINGS BROUGHT FORWARD 33.01 Notwithstanding that proceedings are listed for a future date and time the Court may of its own motion or on the application of a party bring the proceedings forward. 23 34.00 SUBSTANTIATION ON OATH 34.01 Where it is necessary for a complaint or information to be substantiated on oath before a warrant to arrest can issue it is not necessary that the substantiation be by the informant or complainant. 35.00 AFFIDAVIT EVIDENCE 35.01 In any proceedings before the Court unless the Court directs otherwise any matter may be proved by affidavit without the necessity of calling oral evidence unless the other party objects. 35.02 The party intending to rely on the affidavit must serve the other party with a copy thereof at least 21 days before the hearing together with a copy of this Rule. 35.03 The party upon whom the affidavit is served may object by notice in writing (giving detailed reasons therefor) to the party intending to rely on it at least 10 days before the hearing. 35.04 Service of the affidavit or notice may be effected by post either on the party or the party's legal representative. 35.05 The manner of service must be endorsed on a copy of the affidavit or notice. 35.06 The Court may order costs against a party unreasonably objecting to the use of an affidavit. 35.07 The Court may if it is not satisfied that a genuine dispute exists between the parties or that compliance with the rules of evidence might involve unreasonable expense or delay direct that certain evidence be given by way of affidavit. 43.00 Summary Protection Orders by Telephone. 43.01 The document referred to in section 99(4b)(c)of the Act shall comply with Form 34A. 43.02 The copy of the completed document returned or sent to the court pursuant to section 99(4b)(c)(ii) shall be accompanied by the complaint reduced to writing. 44.00 Firearms Orders. 44.01 Orders made under section 99a of the Act for service on the defendant shall comply with Form 34B. Youth Court Rules