What’s On This Week Wed 12/8 10.30 am Thurs 13/8 9.10 am 9.30 am 1.30 pm WESTON CREEK Fri 14/8 9.30 am Praise and Fellowship Service in the Chapel. Contact Alison Craige Prayer time Bible Study in Concourse. Contact Margaret Johnston Men’s Shed. Contact Graham Giles Blue Wrens’ Play Group. Contact Linda Simmons Sun 16/8 8.00 am 9.30 am Traditional Service in the Chapel. Family Service in the Worship Centre UNITING CHURCH Contact Details Address: 16 Parkinson Street, Weston ACT 2611 Phone: 02 6287 1981 Email: wcuc@westnet.com.au Website: www.wcuc.org.au Postal Address: PO Box 3104, Weston ACT 2611 Church office open: Tuesday to Friday 9.00am – 12 noon. Minister : Rev Dr Ross Kingham Thank you to everyone who makes a contribution to our church. SUNDAY 16 AUGUST Preacher Leader Pianist Stewards 08.00 AM Rev Elizabeth Richardson Alison Craige Lyn West Bible Readers Irene Roberts Morning Tea Ann & Ewan Carr PowerPoint Producer Power Point Operator Sound 09.30 AM Rev Elizabeth Richardson Charles Mailler Alison Craige Wendy Dickson & Jason Francis Charlotte & Simon Hearder Louise Dutton & Trudy Battye Kimberly Francis Kimberly Francis Stephen Francis SUNDAY 9 AUGUST 2015 08.00 AM Preacher – Rev Dr Ross Kingham 0930 AM Preacher – Rev Dr Ross Kingham Leader –Margaret Johnston Bible Readings – Psalm 111 and 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 31-33 Dear Visitors Welcome to our Church family today. We are so glad that you could join us! We would be grateful if you would please sign the visitor’s book in the foyer. If you would like to be contacted during the week, please let us know. All are welcome to join us for Morning Tea in the Concourse. Communion Preparer Communion Servers Kids Church Teacher Robin Neideck Kids Church Helper Jan Kilsby Flowers Alison Craige Cleaning B Jackson, Giles, Tranter Grounds Carr, Simmons, Norman, Cook WORSHIP SERVICES First Sunday of the month: 9.00am (Holy Communion) Combined Service 8 am Traditional Service in the Chapel 9.30 am Family Service in the Worship Centre Missions Paul and Chaa Flack - keep them in your prayers as they continue to work with children in hospital and those along the railway line. Their Sunday School English class is attracting more members. Paul is also teaching English part-time in a local high school in southern Thailand, with opportunities to share the Gospel with the students. If you would like to support them financially, their bank details are: 012984, number 500936526. BSB Account Michelle Kallmier - keep her in your prayers as she completes her studies and seeks God's guidance about her future work with WEC (news on board at the back of the church). Lukins family are back in Australia settling their daughters into university. They will be on leave from their work in Ethiopia and hope to return in due course and possibly undertake new projects with SIM. Council Matters Three new members were welcomed to Council. Irene Roberts was elected to the position of Treasurer and Duncan Simmons to Deputy Chair, and Charles Mailler as a member. Task Groups - Council members will be contacting members in each group to arrange a meeting to appoint a convenor. Services - some initial discussion was had on a proposal to hold only one service on Sunday mornings. The matter is to be explored further. JNC - meetings. (These meetings have now been held and the procedure will continue as necessary.) OUR CHURCH CRAFT SHOW – Make a note in your diary for the 23 and 24 October, 2015. FORWARD NOTICE On Sunday 6 September (a Combined Service) we will be holding a Frontier Services morning. A fund-raiser Sausage Sizzle for Frontier Services will be held after the Service at a cost of $3.00 per person. We would love everyone to come along. WITH LOVE TO THE WORLD FOR YOUR PRAYERS For our church For the JNC deliberations in Calling our new Minister, and Pray for the wellbeing of members of our Church family who are facing surgery, stays in hospital, and recuperation. For Presbytery –Queanbeyan Uniting Church - Please pray:: That QUC community will continue to receive God’s guidance and blessing as it seeks to live-out the vision: “The Whole of Creation Reconciled and Renewed”; For the leadership of QUC Office bearers, Church Council, group leaders and Minister (Steve Coster) and Pastor for Children, Youth and Young Adults (Daniel Mossfield); For the QUC Church Council as it implements a new structure based on four teams to focus on Vision, Ministry Development, Discipleship and Resources; Copies of this Bible Study for 10 August to 8 November 2015 is now available for collection at the Office. Cost $5.00. For the wide range of existing ministries conducted by QUC, and the newer ministries of Messy Church, Safe Shelter, Community Garden, and A Quiet moment; DONATION The wonderful Market Table has made a donation of $250 to the Operation Cleft Australia to cover cleft repair surgery for one child. For the work and partnership with St Benedict’s Community Day centre and for the ecumenical programme of scripture teaching and chaplaincy in schools. PRESBYTERY MEETING/GATHERING Saturday 15 August 10.00-12 noon at Gungahlin Uniting Church, 108 The Valley Ave, Gungahlin. Theme : The Heart of the Matter – What is the Church really about”. Speaker Mark Berry on “Exploring New Monasticism” . ADVANCE NOTICE - WOMEN’S RETREAT Saturday 19 September 2015 commencing at 9 am. Greenhills Conference Centre. Theme : Women Going to the Well” Organised by the Tuggeranong UC. Speaker Rev Margaret Middleton. Cost $65.00 includes lunch. RSVP Janine Sharwood 6231 6582 or Mary Howard 6231 3812. CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NO. Betty Fiedler has changed her telephone no. to 6154 1341.