Intro and Conclusion Handout

How to Write an Essay Introduction
The purpose of the introductory paragraph is to introduce the reader to the subject of the paper as well as your
main argument (thesis). An introduction paragraph has three main sections:
The Hook
The hook is what catches the reader’s attention at the beginning of an essay. The purpose
of a hook is to engage the reader in your ideas and orient them to your argument. You
must also include a transition that links your hook to the next part of your introduction.
Common types of hooks might:
 Use a quotation
Example: According to Robert Burns, the eighteenth century Scottish poet, “Man’s
inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn.” In To Kill a Mockingbird,
Harper Lee writes about the “inhumanity” of racism …
Pose an interesting, non-clichéd rhetorical question (this is harder than it seems!)
Is there a way to address the long standing problem of racism in our
society? This question anchors John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, a novel
in which…
No (Cliché): “Have you ever...”
“Do you know…”
“Imagine if…”
“Do you wonder if…”
Create an analogy
Example: Mothers have been known to exhibit courage in extraordinary circumstances
to save and protect their children. Likewise, in To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee writes
about the power of courage to save and protect innocent victims of racism and …
Create an interesting mood that captures a moment in time and connect it to your
Example: An aging man sits in his armchair in the shadows. His brow is furrowed and
his eyes are shut closed, as though he is struggling to contain the emotional turmoil
inside of him. Outside, the soft murmur of two children playing can be heard. Atticus
knows that as the trial grows nearer, it will become impossible for him to protect his
children’s youthful innocence. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus, a lawyer defending a
black man, is forced to exhibit multiple kinds of courage when …
After catching the reader’s interest, the writer must introduce the text the essay will be
discussing. Here the writer introduces the title and author of the book(s) or text(s) and
gives any important information the reader needs to know before he/she reads your
The introduction ends with the main argument of the paper—your thesis. Your thesis
should be the last sentence (or two) of the introductory paragraph.
Sample Introductory/Thesis Paragraph
According to Robert Burns, the eighteenth century Scottish poet, “Man’s inhumanity to man
makes countless thousands mourn.” Discriminating against someone because of their race, gender,
sexual orientation, or any other arbitrary characteristics is one of the cruelest and devastating forms of
inhumanity. Our American society today continues to “mourn” many horrific instances of discrimination
committed in the past. Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird and the documentary “The Untold Story of
Emmett Till” both narrate events in which innocent African-American young men are targeted,
discriminated against, and ultimately killed simply because of their race. However, both texts do not leave
their readers with a sense of hopelessness. Instead, they also reveal that several kinds of courage can play
a significant role bringing about social change and addressing racial discrimination. Both “The Untold
Story of Emmett Till” and To Kill a Mockingbird reveal that social courage has more potential to bring
about social change than physical courage because social courage is more visible to others. Courage can
only bring about social change if society sees an individual exhibiting courage.
Claim #1:
Atticus’ social courage caused the people of Maycomb to reconsider their deeply held racist
Claim #2:
Mamie demonstrated physical courage when she attended her son’s trial even after receiving
death threats.
Claim #3:
Atticus’ social courage influenced more individuals to rethink their racist beliefs than Mamie’s
physical courage because his courage was more public.
How to Write a Conclusion
The purpose of the conclusion paragraph is to tie the argument of the paper to its social and universal
significance. The ultimate purpose of any essay is to give the reader insight into a larger universal truth. The
conclusion is where you show the reader why everything you have been discussing really “matters.” This is called
the “so what?”
The format of the conclusion is almost an upside down introduction. It starts rather than ends with the thesis,
and the issues raised in the hook come at the end rather than the beginning of the paragraph.
The conclusion paragraph has three main sections:
Restatement of Thesis
and Supporting Points
Now that the different sections of the thesis have been argued, the writer
reminds the reader of the main argument of the paper immediately at the
beginning of the final paragraph. These few sentences should quickly restate in
new words (i.e. to say the same thing but in different words) the thesis. It is not
necessary for your restatement to be extremely concise—you may use more than
1-2 sentences.
The “So What?”
After reminding the reader of the argument, the writer must then explain the
deeper significance of the argument. Answer questions like, “so what?” Why
should the reader care about this issue? What implications does your argument
have for the “real world” or the way we live? What are the practical applications
for these lessons in our own lives?
Final Point/ Return to
The conclusion paragraph ends with a statement(s) that sums up
the larger purpose of the essay. It is often artful to return to or allude to the
opening hook in some way. This creates a sense of closure, the end of the essay
now circling back to the beginning and shedding some new light on the opening
Sample Conclusion Paragraph
Restatement of Thesis
Racism may appear to be an overwhelming and almost impossible problem to address in our
society. However, Harper Lee in To Kill a Mockingbird and the documentary “The Untold Story of
Emmett Till” illustrate the power courage has in addressing racial discrimination. On the other hand,
not all kinds of courage have the same potential to create social change because not all types of
courage are visible to others. Social courage perhaps has the most potential because of all the many
“So What?”
kinds of courage it is the most public and therefore can reveal the inhumanity of racism to the most
people. Although we might never be given the opportunity Atticus and Mamie Till had to demonstrate
social courage in the courtroom, we can still demonstrate social courage in our own families, circle of
Final Thought
friends, and classroom communities. We have hope that our social courage, though less public than
Atticus’ or Mamie Till’s, can help end the “inhumanity” of racism and set an example of how to treat
others with respect and dignity.