American Literature Midterm Essay Exam

American Literature Midterm Essay Exam
Please number the essay question on your paper
1. There are several examples of lying throughout the play, The Crucible.
Choose two specific lies and explain what the motivations are of those
who told them. How does lying play a role in the final outcome? (20 pts.)
2. Choose two of the following aphorisms and explain what Franklin’s
message is. Do you agree with the messages? Why or why not? Why do
you think that Franklin chooses these aphorisms to convey messages or
ideas rather than just simply state it? (20 pts.)
a. “A little neglect may breed mischief; for a want of a nail the shoe was
lost; for want of a shoe a horse was lost; for want of a horse a rider
was lost; for want of a rider the battle was lost.”
b. “Love your neighbor; yet don’t pull down your hedge.”
c. “If a man could have half his wishes he would double his troubles.”
d. “He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas.”
3. There are many themes that can be identified in Nathanial Hawthorne’s short
story, “Rappaccini’s Daughter”. Among them are; Exceeding the Bounds of
Morality, Love, Hatred, Isolation, Artificiality, Exploitation, and Curiosity. In essay
form, state the meaning of theme, select one of the mentioned themes and
explain how it relates to the story. Be sure to use evidence from the story to
support your answer. (20 pts.)
4. Jack London is considered a Naturalist writer. Using his story, To Build a
Fire, give at least two examples in his writing that illustrate characteristics
of the Naturalist period. Be specific (20 points)
5. There are several examples of symbolism in “The Raven.” Explain the
symbolism of the following items: The raven, the bust of Pallas, and the
dreary December night.
American Literature Midterm Essay Exam