IB Math Studies

IB Math Studies
Test Taking Strategies
Studying for the test.
Practice every test problem
ever given to you!
Use the formula packet when
practicing to familiarize
yourself with where
everything is located!
Studying for the test.
Financial Math! For the "we buy “,
"we sell" problem remember to use
the rate for what the bank is
Be careful of conversions!
King Henry Died _ Drinking Chocolate Milk
Know what is contained in each of
the number sets: reals, rationals,
irrationals, integers and natural
Studying for the test.
For chi-squared, if your value of
chi-squared is greater than the
CRITICAL VALUE you reject the
null hypothesis.
For p-values, the opposite is true.
If your p-value is less than the
reject the null hypothesis.
Studying for the test.
Remember that a linear
regression always goes through
the mean point ( x , y )
The derivative is = 0 at a
maximum or minimum!!!
When using substitution into a
formula, use ( ) around
Make sure you can find the
intersection of two graphs with
the calculator
CALC (2nd TRACE  option 5)
Make sure you know how to find
maxes and minimums using a
CALC (2nd TRACE  option 3 or 4)
Make sure you know how to use the
calculator stat functions.
STAT  Edit
1-Var Stats for L1
2-Var Stats for L1 and L2
LinReg for linear regression
Use linreg for r as well!
Know how to run the chi-squared
test in the calculator.
MATRIX  Edit (put in table without
STAT  TESTS  X2- Test…
Normal Distribution functions!
normalcdf(lower, upper, mean, sd)
Use when given a % in the probelm:
invnorm(% to the left & out of %
form, mean, sd)
Before the test.
Sleep well the night before.
Eat breakfast.
Eat lunch.
Be hydrated, but not so much
that you float away.
During the test.
Your calculators have been
cleaned out!
Make sure you are in degree
Make sure your diagnostics
are turned on.
During the test.
Start each problem on a new
In Paper 1, always write the
full answer before rounding in
the working box.
Looking at point values…low
point values on Paper 2 items
imply use of the calculator.
During the test.
If you don't know an
equation/answer...make it up.
Finish the problem using the
made up equation.
Look at the problem: “Show
that” means they want you to
get that answer. And that
answer will most likely be used
in future parts.
During the test.
Graphing: label the axes!
Make sure you know what a cm
is on our graph paper.
Use the appropriate scale
given in the problem.
Make sure you “show your
work” on the graphs if you get
information from the graph.
During the test.
If you must draw a Venn
Diagram remember to label
the Universal Set!
Pace yourself! When you read
the exam make a strategy for
how you want to attack the