Keynote - Utah Higher Education Service Desk Forum

The Necessity of Collaboration
A State-Wide Plan
Ray Walker
Welcome to UVU
Technology Impact
IT Impact on Students
 They want services on-line and not in line.
 Students depend on IT for virtually every aspect of their
academic career.
Tuition payment
Financial aid
Fees and activities
Library and research information
Course materials
Faculty and student
communication and collaboration
 Residential living and campus life
–and more . . .
Homework assignments and tests
Viewing and listening to lectures
Lab experimentation
Creation and submission of original
papers, art, music
Media production
News reporting
Complex mathematic and statistical
Course evaluations
IT Impact on Faculty
 Teaching (imparting knowledge) and Research (creating
knowledge) depend on IT infrastructure.
Communications with students,
staff and colleagues
Distribution of course
On-line courses
Media on demand
Classroom video capture
Classroom network access
Student Grades
Submission of research grants
and applications
Computational research
Access to journals and other
research data
Collaboration with global
and more . . .
IT Impact on Administration
 Administrative and asset management functions come to a
halt without IT systems.
Payroll and human resource
Financial services
Inventory, asset tracking
Building access
Police information
Building and classroom
Building access
Heating / Air Conditioning
Security alarms and
Sprinkling systems
–And on, and on, and on . . .
 Why is it necessary?
 Ray Noorda – “Coopetition”
 Dragon and Knight
Collaboration Reasons
 Financial Advantages
– Opportunities to save money, quantity purchases
– (we are all tax payers, members of society)
 Resource Advantages
– Share resources, create efficiencies
 Knowledge sharing
– More minds, more stats, faster improvement
 Synergy
– Energy & strength in sharing
 We all NEED each other!!
State Plan
 Stephen Hess - USHE CIO
 CIOs from each Institution meet bi-monthly
 Annual Retreat
 State Plan
USHE CIO Responsibilities
 Leads college and university CIO’s in planning,
coordination and relationships with the Utah
Education Network
 Develops an annual system IT plan
 Organize system wide IT committees on key issues:
– Administrative Computing Committee
– Network & Systems Infrastructure and Unified
– IT Security, Disaster Recovery and Business
Continuity Committee
– Legislative Funding Initiatives
USHE CIO Responsibilities
 Negotiates contracts and make all central software
purchases for the system
Prepares IT requests for the Regents to the Legislature
Develops IT Policy for the Regents
Chairs the Information Technology Committee of the
Office of the Commissioner
Organizes and leads the IT college and university security
audits and present them to the Regent’s Audit Committee
Advises staff on major IT purchases
Negotiates Network Connectivity Agreements
USHE CIO Responsibilities
 Advises the commissioner and presidents on the
strategic impact of IT on higher education
 Represents higher education on the Utah State IT
Advisory Committee
 Reviews campus IT departments and assists in the
development of campus IT plans when asked
 State wide Strategic IT plan for USHE
 State Funding of Major Software
 State purchases of Software with savings
 Sharing of products (Blackboard,
CompuWare, Wimba, DR site, etc.)
 Support of small schools – Banner, portal
 Subcommittees
– Infrastructure, security, Banner, DR, HPC
IT Trends/Needs and Project Plans
Cloud Computing joint policy
Use of social networking best practice, Face Book
Continued E-Mail Outsourcing
Managing the increasing number of E Books
Increase demand for data storage
Government regulation, Higher Education Opportunity
Act, peer to peer requirements, Purchase Card Industry
(PCI) Compliance
 Web site design to play on smart phones
 Update wireless to 802.11n
 IP Video, steaming, video on demand, video
IT Trends/Needs and Project
Plans FY2010
 Open source ERP operating systems
 Open source course management systems, Moodle,
 Improved campus cell phone coverage
 Product, portfolio and project management training
 Shared data center use
 Shared performance metrics
 Unified communications: smart phones, land line
phones, voice mail, email, texting, voice over the
 Inadequate nonsystematic funding, aging
infrastructure, legislative request, ways to do
more with less
IT Trends and Project Plans
 Lack of Comprehensive IT Security, follow
up on 2009 IT audits
– Upgrade research computing capability and
network capacity per recommendations of Utah
Cyber-infrastructure Committee.
Collaboration with HelpDesk?
Collaboration Ideas
 Share best practices
 Share ideas for innovation
 Solutions to common problems
 Establish best practice metrics, statistics
 Joint Training
 Joint Purchasing
 Shared Tools?
 Shared Software licensing?
 External Evaluation of each other’s helpdesks?
 Shared 24x7 – service, monitoring, phones?