Nucleon Spin Structure 30 Years of Experiment: What have we learned? M. Grosse Perdekamp, University of Illinois and RBRC Overview o Scientific Motivation and Early Beginnings The Rabi School of Physics The SLAC – Bielefeld -- Tsukuba – Yale Collaboration Modern Experiments o Nucleon Helicity Structure Quark spin ΔΣ Gluon spin ΔG Orbital angular momentum Lz GPDs ! o Transverse Spin Transverse spin in hard scattering QCD Transversity and Collins Quark Fragmentation The Sivers Effect June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 2 Scientific Motivation: Proton Structure Including Spin Degrees of Freedom Constituents: quarks = u, d, s and gluons Quark Spin : distributi on q( x )Total quark momentum q(x) q (x) - q (x) x 1 q (x) spin dependent quark distributi on q ,q x 0 Total Gluon Spin : x June 6 th pquark G(x) G (x) - G (x) x 1 spin dependent distributi G gluon G (x) on x 0 p proton Nucleon Spin Structure 3 Proton Spin Structure from Inclusive Deep Inelastic Lepton-Nucleon Scattering spin Large Q2: measure photon-quark absorption cross section double spin asymmetry spin electron or muon probe q ALL A1 proton target Extract spin dependent quark distribution functions from the spin structure function g1(x,Q2) q q q q g1 ( x, Q 2 ) g1 ( x, Q 2 ) q ( x) q ( x) q ( x) 1 q ( x)dx at Q 02 q ,q 0 June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 4 The Rabi School of Physics N. F. Ramsey, Eur. J. Phys. 11 (1990) 137 J. Rigden, Physics World, Nov. 1999 (I) Molecular beam laboratory at Columbia University with strong emphasize on the development of new experimental technology. Rabi, Nobel Prize 1944 (II) Field new, precise instrumentation to study fundamental questions of physics. Example: Precision Measurements of “Hydrogen Spin Structure” June 6 th g-2 of the electron, P. Kusch Lamb shift, W. E. Lamb Nobel Prize 1955 Dirac Theory QED Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman Nobel Prize 1965 Nucleon Spin Structure 5 SLAC: Quark Structure of the Proton New instrumental method & fundamental physics ! Experiment: Deep inelastic electron nucleon scattering Quantum Chromo Dynamics Nucleon Theory: quark structure of hadrons, QCD June 6 th Friedman, Kendall, Taylor Nobel Prize 1990 Nucleon Spin Structure Gell Mann Nobel Prize 1969 also Nakano, Nishijima 6 Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering a contribution from the Rabi School of Physics ! (I) Molecular beam technology as starting point for the development of polarized electron beams at Yale starting 1959. (II) Physics: (a) Proton spin structure (b) Test the Bjorken sum rule as fundamental QCD prediction Experiments E80+E130 at SLAC Bielefeld – CUNY – SLAC – Nagoya – Tsukuba – Yale (Coward, Kondo, Hughes) EMC experiment at CERN (Gabathuler, Sloan, Hughes) June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure Vernon W. Hughes 7 The Quark Spin Contribution ΔΣ Quark Spin Contribution to the Proton Spin. SLAC: 0.10 < xSLAC <0.7 CERN: 0.01 < xCERN <0.5 A1(x) First Thesis on Nucleon Spin Structure E80/Yale, 1977: Noboru Sasao 0.1 < xSLAC < 0.7 SLAC CERN 0.07 0.05 0.1 EMC, Phys.Lett.B206:364,1988 1338 citations in SPIRES 0.01 < xCERN < 0.5 “Proton Spin Crisis” x-Bjorken June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 8 Nucleon Spin Structure: 30 Years of Experiment Quark Spin – Gluon Spin – Transverse Spin – GPDs – Lz SLAC 2000 CERN ongoing E80-E155 EMC,SMC FNAL COMPASS E704 1995 DESY HERMES 2007 JLAB Halls A, B, C ongoing RHIC BRAHMS, PHENIX, STAR ongoing major experimental innovations DIS semi inclusive + exclusive processes, luminosity polarized pp polarized proton beams, polarized proton collider June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 9 A novel experimental method: Probing Proton Spin Structure in High Energy Polarized Proton Collisions Instrumentation Absolute Polarimeter (H jet) Siberian Snakes RHIC pC Polarimeters High current polarized proton source BRAHMS & PP2PP High energy proton polarimetry PHOBOS Control of spin coherence during acceleration + storage Siberian Snakes RHIC Spin Instrumentation Spin sorted luminosity measurements Development 1995-2005 Spin Flipper PHENIX Physics STAR Spin Rotators Helical Partial Partial Snakecharge Probes directly sensitive to color Snake Strong Snake Polarized Source Utilize Parity violation in W-production Large Q2 clean pQCD interpretation US-Japanese collaboration at LINAC 200 MeV Polarimeter AGS BOOSTER Brookhaven National Laboratory RIKEN Radiation Laboratory RIKEN BNL Research Center Rf Dipole AGS pC Polarimeter June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure RHIC SPIN: Proton Structure with Quark and Gluon Probes at ultra-relativistic energies the proton represents a jet of quark and gluon probes For example, direct photon production ~ probe gluon content with quark probes quark gluon The related double spin asymmetry: photon quark ALL N N N N G ( x1 ) aLL (qg q ) A1 ( x2 ) G ( x1 ) pQCD June 6 th experimental double spin asymmetry Nucleon Spin Structure ? DIS 11 Nucleon Helicity Structure Quark spin ΔΣ , Δq(x) Gluon spin ΔG(x), ∫ ΔG(x)dx Orbital angular momentum Lz GPDs ? Inclusive Measurements of g1p, g1d and g1n S. Paul, X. Lu, H. Gao, INPC 2007 Proton Neutron HERMES ΔƩ = 0.33 ± 0.011(th) ± 0.025 (exp) ± 0.028 (evo) at 5 GeV2 COMPASS ΔƩ = 0.35 ± 0.03 (stat) ± 0.05 (syst) at 3 GeV2 Bjorken sum June 6 th 0.1821 ∓ 0.0019 (NNNLO) Nucleon Spin Structure 13 Semi-Inclusive DIS: e+p e+ h +X Quark & Anti-Quark Helicity Distributions [HERMES, PRL92(2004), PRD71(2005)] xΔu(x) Future: uPrecision quarks large polarization DIS positive at JLAB-12 and at a electron – ionpolarization collider! dpossible quark have negative Howquarks well do(u, wed,know hadron sea s ,s) compatible with 0 fragmentation functions in the measured x-range?0.02 < x < 0.6. xΔd(x) new analysis of e+e- data, Hirai, Kumano, Nagai, Sudo hep-ph/0612009, INPC 2007 u -0.002 0.043 Possible Improvements d -0.054 0.035 s 0.028 0.034 xΔu(x) include e-p, p-p and e+e- in fragmentation function analysis done! De Florian, Sassot, Stratmann hep-ph/0703242 xΔd(x) xΔs(x) June 6 th “add data” from b-factories e+e- hadrons x Nucleon Spin Structure 14 Possible Impact on the Knowledge of Hadron FFs from Analysis of b-Factory Data Compilation of data available for the charged hadron FF FF Belle MC: Charged h+/-, pions, kaons, protons FF Belle MC Input for precision measurements of quark helicity distributions in SIDIS, with JLab-12 and a possible future electronpolarized proton collider. <1% of data sample work in progress June 6 th Eh z s /2 h+,pions kaons protons precision at high z! z Nucleon Spin Structure 15 Another Alternative: W-production at RHIC Hermes – 243 pb-1 SIDIS: large x-coverage uncertainties from knowing fragmentation functions PHENIX – 800 pb-1 Ws in polarized p-p: limited x-coverage high Q2 theoretically clean no FF-info needed June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 16 Gluon Spin Contribution ΔG(x) gP1(x,Q2) from scaling violation of world g1(x,Q2): Hirai, Kumano, Saito Phys.Rev.D74:014015,2006 ΔG=∫ΔG(x) dx = 0.47 ∓ 1.08 , Q2=1GeV2 June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 17 Gluon Polarization from Photon Gluon Fusion in DIS S. Paul, X. Lu INPC 2007 “direct” measurements • golden channel: charm production • hadron production at high PT Photon-Gluon Fusion (PGF) Favors small ΔG(x≈0.1) June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 18 Gluon Polarization from Inclusive Hadrons and Jets in Polarized pp K.Aoki, R. Fatemi, B. Surrow INPC 2007 2005 data ALL also for p , p , J/Y June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 19 Gluon Polarization from Inclusive Hadrons and Jets in Polarized pp 2006: 7.5 pb-1 @ 60% polarisation projections June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 20 NLO QCD Analysis of DIS A1 + ALL(π0) Hirai, Kumano, Saito Phys.Rev.D74:014015,2006 DIS A1 + ALL(π0) ACC03 G ( x )dx DIS A1 ALL (p 0 ) 0.31 0.32 0.27 0.07 DIS A1 0.47 1.08 0.25 0.10 AAC03 0.5 1.27 0.21 0.14 x DIS +DIS pp ∫ΔG(x) dx = 0.31 Only 0.47 ∓ 0.32 1.08 , Q2=1GeV2 June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 21 PHENIX π0 ALL vs GSA-LO and GSC-NLO ALL PHENIX-2005 GSA-LO: ΔG = ∫ΔG(x)dx = 1.7 GSA-LO and GSC-NLO courtesy Marco Stratmann and Werner Vogelsang GSC-NLO: ΔG = ∫ΔG(x)dx = 1.0 GSA-LO GSC-NLO Large uncertainties resulting from the functional form used for ΔG(x) in the QCD analysis! pT[GeV] June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 22 ΔG(x) A, B and C from Gehrmann Stirling Much of the first moment ΔG = ∫ΔG(x)dx might emerge from low x! present x-range Some theoretical guidance: ΔG(x) ≤ x G(x) but G(X) diverges faster than x-1 ! NEED TO EXTEND MEASUREMENTS TO LOW x !! June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 23 Next Steps for ΔG(x) at RHIC Increase integrated luminosity by factor 10 (2008) Extend measurements to low x Di-hadron Production extends measurements to x 0.01 (2008) NLO treatment available: Marco Stratmann -- INPC 2007 (EMC forward calorimeters available in STAR and PHENIX!) Forward detector upgrades for direct photons and heavy flavor + electron cooling (2011) reach x 0.001 Polarized Electron Ion Collider measure ΔG(x) through scaling violations June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 24 Generalized Parton Distributions vs Orbital Angular Momentum ? GPDs Hu, Hd, Eu, Ed provide access to total quark contribution to proton angular momentum in exclusive processes l + N l’ + N + γ ½ = ½ (u+d+s) + Lq + Jg Proton spin sum Jq J q 1 xdx [H q( x , x , 0 ) E q( x , x , 0 )] 2 1 1 X. Ji, Phy.Rev.Lett.78,610(1997) June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 25 First Model Dependent Constraint of Ju vs Jd E. Burtin, P. Bertin, X. Lu, INPC 2007 June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 26 Transverse Spin Transverse spin in hard scattering QCD Transversity and Collins Quark Fragmentation The Sivers Effect Transverse Spin Phenomena in Hard Scattering QCD QCD: Asymmetries for transverse spin are small at high energies (Kane, Pumplin, Repko, PRL 41, 1689–1692 (1978) ) Experiment AN mq 4 example, mq 3MeV , s 20GeV , A 10 N + (E704, Fermi National Laboratory): s π QCD pp p Test X ! π0 s 20 GeV 1 R L Observable : AN P R L π- Is QCD the correct theory of the strong interaction? June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 28 Single Transverse Spin Asymmetries AN M. Chiu at √=62.4 GeV and 200 GeV INPC 2007 √s=200 GeV STAR √s=62.4 PHENIX and BRAHMS AN AN STAR xF Large single spin asymmetries persist at higher √s=62.4 and 200 GeV June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure xF 29 Inspect Factorized Expression for Cross Section s p1 qi ( x1 ) Proton Structure q j ( x2 ) P2 p fragmentation process x1P1 ij a LL x2 P2 hard scattering reaction Jet Can initial and/or final state effects generate large transverse spin asymmetries? (ALL ~10-1) pQCD Proton Structure 3 d ˆ (qi q j qk ql ) d 3 pp p X qi ( x1 , kq ,T ) q j ( x2 ) FFqk .l ( z, ph,T ) dx1dx2 dz dx1dx2 small spin dependence (aLL~10-4) June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure fragmentation function 30 Transverse Spin in QCD: Two Solutions (I) “Transversity” quark-distributions and Collins fragmentation Correlation between proton- und quark-spin and spin dependent fragmentation AN π+ q( x) H1 ( z2 , k 2 ) Quark transverse spin distribution π0 Collins FF π- (II) Sivers quark-distribution Correlation between proton-spin and transverse quark momentum q 1T f ( x, k ) D ( z) 2 h q xF Sivers distribution June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 31 Collins Effect in the Quarkfragmentation into the Final State ss q π q Collins q Effect sq pp h, p h q k π NL : pions to the left q Collins Effect: Fragmentation of a transversely polarized NL AN = quark q into spin-less hadron h carries an NL azimuthal dependence: NR : pions to the right - NR + NR pp ph =0 k ph s q sin June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 32 Artru Model for Collins Fragmentation A simple model to illustrate that spin-orbital angular momentum coupling can lead to left right asymmetries in spin-dependent fragmentation: Proton spin is pointing up! String breaks and a dd-pair with spin 1 is inserted. L = -1 u-quark absorbs photon/gluon and flips it’s Spin. June 6 th π+ picks up L=-1 to compensate for the pair S=1 and is emitted up. Nucleon Spin Structure 33 Measurements of Quark Transversity Distributions and Collins Fragmentation Functions (I) SIDIS New HERMES results for Collins Asymmetries Diefenthaler, DIS 2007, Lu INPC 2007 Collins Asymmetries in semiinclusive deep inelastic scattering e+p e + π + X ~ Transversity (x) x Collins(z) AUT sin(s) June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 34 Measurements of Quark Transversity Distributions and Collins Fragmentation Functions (II) e+eNew Belle Collins Asymmetries Seidl, DIS 2007 PRELIMINARY Collins Asymmetries in e+eannihilation into hadrons e++e- π+ + π- + X ~ Collins(z1) x Collins (z2) j2p Q Ph 2 e- Ph1 e+ A12 cos(12) June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 35 j1 First Extraction of Quark Transversity Distributions and Collins Fragmentation Functions SIDIS + e+eFit includes: HERMES SIDIS + COMPASS SIDIS + Belle e+e transversity dist. + Collins FF Anselmino, Boglione, D’Alesio, Kotzinian, Murgia, Prokudin, Turk Phys. Rev. D75:05032,2007 June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 36 The Sivers Effect Sivers: Correlation between the transverse spin of the proton and the transverse momentum kT of quarks and gluons in the proton (link to orbital angular momentum?) Sivers function: proton D. Sivers 1990 Sp Observed asymmetry: June 6 th Sp proton ( Pˆ kT ) S P q 2 AN q( x1 ) f1T ( x2 , k ) M Nucleon Spin Structure 37 Sivers Asymmetries at HERMES and COMPASS implies non-zero Lq p/ K/ June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 38 Sivers Effect and Orbital Angular Momentum M. Burkardt > June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 39 The Sivers Effect : Needs Final State Soft Gluon Exchange M. Burkardt June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 40 What have we learned from this? The Sivers effect arises from soft gluon interactions in the final state (SIDIS) or initial state (Drell Yan). Need to modify naïve concepts of factorization which reduce hard scattering to partonic processes and neglect soft gluon interactions in the initial or final state: hard scattering matrix elements are modified with gauge link integrals that account for initial and final state soft gluon exchange. A modified concept of universality has been obtained which shows how the presence of initial or final state interactions can impact transverse momentum dependent distribution; eg. the Sivers function changes sign between SIDS and Drell Yan! There may be exciting applications elsewhere, eg. other transverse momentum dependent effects or the understanding nuclear effects in hard scattering. June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 41 Goals for the Future Quantitative understanding of transverse spin phenomena in QCD Do Sivers and Collins mechanisms reconcile QCD with transverse spin phenomena? Precision measurements of transversity distributions and Collins fragmentation function measurements. This will complete the experimental survey of the nucleon at leading twist. Determine sum of first moments (tensor charge) which can be compared to lattice calculations. Survey Sivers and Boer Mulders effects in SIDIS and pp Fundamental understanding of factorization and universality in hard scattering. Relation to orbital angular momentum ?! Future results expected from COMPASS, RHIC, JLAB, Belle, JLAB-12-GEV, JPARC FAIR and EIC. This includes high precision measurements in e-p, e-e and p-p possibly first systematic study of factorization + universality June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 42 Transversity, Sivers and Boer Mulders in the Proton Wavefunction Transversity : correlation between transverse proton spin and quark spin q( x2 ) Sp– Sq – coupling ? Sivers : correlation between transverse proton spin and quark transverse momentum f1Tq ( x2 , k 2 ) Sp- Lq– coupling ?? Boer/Mulders: correlation between transverse quark spin and quark transverse momentum h1q ( x1 , k 2 ) Sq- Lq– coupling ?? June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 43 Summary Bjorken sum rule holds Integral quark spin contributions are well known Δq(x), Δq(x) only well known for up-quarks only Hints that ΔG(x) is small at x~0.1. ∫ΔG(x)dx remains largely unconstraint RHIC luminosity, low-x Possible route to OAM through Exp. Observation of Sivers and Collins asymmetries Theoretical advance in understanding TMD + concepts of factorization and universality Plenty of work for theory + existing and future experimental tools! June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 44 Sivers in SIDIS and Drell Yan vs Factorization and Universality June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 45 Transverse Spin Drell Yan at RHIC vs π-Sivers Asymmetry in Deep Inelastic Scattering • Important test at RHIC of the fundamental QCD prediction of the non-universality of the Sivers effect! • requires very high luminosity (~ 250pb-1) June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 46 Non-universality of Sivers Asymmetries: Unique Prediction of Gauge Theory ! Simple QED example: DIS: attractive Drell-Yan: repulsive Same in QCD: As a result: June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 47 Experiment SIDIS vs Drell Yan: Sivers|DIS= − Sivers|DY *** Test QCD Prediction of Non-Universality *** Sivers Amplitude HERMES Sivers Results RHIC II Drell Yan Projections 0 0 Markus Diefenthaler DIS Workshop Műnchen, April 2007 0.1 June 6 th 0.2 0.3 x Nucleon Spin Structure 48 Is pQCD applicable at RHIC? 2 I) Can one extract G(x,Q ) from pp? II) NLO pQCD vs RHIC data June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 49 Global QCD Analysis for G(x,Q2) and q(x,Q2): J. Pumplin JEHP 0207:012 (2002) CTEQ6: use DGLAP Q -evolution of 2 quark and gluon distributions to extract q(x,Q2) and G(x,Q2) from global fit to data sets at different scales Q2. u at Q 3.16GeV error on G(x,Q2) +/- 10% Quark and Gluon Distributions H1 + Zeus F2 CTEQ6M up-quarks gluon CDF + D0 Jets CTEQ5M1 10-410-3 10-2 error for u(x,Q2) down d -1at Q 3.16GeV 10 0.5 error for d(x,Q2) anti-down +/- 5% 10-410-3 10-2 June 6 th 10-1 0.5 +/- 5% x Nucleon Spin Structure 50 x G(x,Q2) and q(x,Q2) + pQCD beautifully agree Tevatron + HERA! D0 Jet Cross Section June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure J. Pumplin JEHP 0207:012 (2002) ZEUS F2 51 and at RHIC ? q(x,Q2), G(x,Q2) and D(z,Q2) + pQCD are nicely consistent with experiment! PHENIX π0 cross section a |η|<0.35 Phys.Rev.Lett.91:241803,2003 STAR π0 cross section a 3.4<η<4.0 Phys.Rev.Lett.92:171801,2004 gluon fragmentation !? o Good agreement between NLO pQCD calculations and experiment can use a NLO pQCD analysis to extract spin dependent quark and gluon distributions from RHIC data! June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 52 Direct Photons: NLO pQCD vs RHIC data • NLO-pQCD calculation – – – – Private communication with W.Vogelsang CTEQ6M PDF. direct photon + fragmentation photon Set Renormalization scale and factorization scale pT/2,pT,2pT Theory calculation show good agreement with the experimental cross section. June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 53 W Production in Polarized pp Collisions Single Spin Asymmetry in the naive Quark Parton Model W L A u( x1 , M ) , x1 x2 u( x1 , M ) 2 W 2 W Parity violation of the weak interaction in combination with control over the proton spin orientation gives access to the flavor spin structure in the proton! Experimental Requirements: W dominates for pT 20 GeV tracking at high pT June 6 th W event selection for muons difficult due to hadron decays and beam backgrounds Z control of all backgrounds Nucleon Spin Structure 54 Extraction of quark polarizations at LO Machine and detector requirements: – ∫Ldt=800pb-1, P=0.7 at √s=500 GeV – trigger upgrade – Control of backgrounds contributions both from FVTX and NCC! 2009 to 2012 running at √s=500 GeV is projected to yield ∫Ldt ~950pb-1 June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 55 Run 5 ALL(p0): First constraints for ∆G(x) PANIC, October 2005 PHENIX Asymmetries are consistent with gluon spin contributions from ʃ∆G(x)dx ~ 0 to 0.5 curves: comparison with ALL obtained with ∆G from deep Inelastic lepton nucleon scattering ∆G =0 (M. Glück, E. Reya, M. Stratmann, und W. Vogelsang, Phys. Rev. D 53 (1996) 4775). ¨ June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 56 EMC-RICH Trigger (RBRC/UIUC, UCR, Tokyo) Physics (p-p, d-Au) : p0 p0 d for p 0 , , J / dpT EMC Trigger Efficiency ALL , AN , Information from EMC (172 elements with 4 energy thresholds) and RICH (256 elements with one threshold) is used to tag high energy electrons and photons: June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 57 ∆G Measurements by 2012 see Spin report to DOE s=200 GeV incl. p0 prod’n s=500 GeV incl. jet prod’n Final results on ∆G will come from combined NLO analysis of RHIC and DIS RHIC measurements will span broad range in x with good precision. Multiple channels with independent theo. and exp. uncertainties. June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 58 Sivers Function in PHENIX: The Muon Piston Calorimeter (MPC) Measure the Sivers function through the asymmetry AN in hadron-hadron correlationen, for neutral pions (Boer and Vogelsang Phys.Rev.D69:094025,2004) AN p0 Jets Hadron Paare ∫Ldt = 0.35pb-1 (Run 3) p0 June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 59 First attempt at lower x: ALL(2π0) from Les Bland (for STAR FMS) Measure ALL for neutral pion pairs: one in the central arm the second in the MPC 0.1 > x 0.001 ! MPC June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 60 ΔG(x) – x-range with Detector Upgrades NCC direct photons June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure 61 Gluon Polarization from Inclusive Hadrons and Jets in Polarized pp June 6 th Nucleon Spin Structure K.Aoki, R. Fatemi, B. Surrow INPC 2007 62