EC202 Microeconomics

Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
May 2008
Revision Lecture 1
EC202: Microeconomic Principles II
Frank Cowell
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Objectives of the lecture
A look back at Term 1
Introduction to exam preparation
Reference materials used (1)
exam papers (and outline answers)
2003 1(c)
2004 1(c)
2005 1(a)
2006 1(a)
2007 1(a)
Reference materials used (2)
CfD presentations 2.9
related to past exam question
(...more to follow next week)
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Scope of exam material
syllabus for 2007/8 is same as 2006/7
so resit candidates from last year get the same paper as new candidates
Structure and format of paper
what’s covered in the lectures…
… is definitive for the exam
follows that of last three years
check out the rubric from, say, 2007 paper
Mark scheme
40 marks for question 1 (8 marks for each of the five parts)
20 marks for each of the other three questions
multipart questions: except where it’s obvious, roughly equal marks across parts
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Question Style – three types
1 Principles
2 Model solving
a standard framework
you just turn the wheels
3 Model building
reason on standard results and arguments
can use verbal and/or mathematical reasoning
usually get guidance in the question
longer question sometimes easier?
from past
question 1
One type not necessarily “easier” or “harder” than another
get you to display different skills
part A (question 1) usually gets you to do both types 1 and 2
type 3 usually only in parts B and C of paper
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
2004 1(c)
“principles” question
Just say what you need
to say
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
2005 1(a)
Straight “principles”
Note contrast between
firm and consumer
Be sure to give your
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
2006 1(a)
Principles again
But format of question
gives you a hint…
…write out
decomposition formula
Then read off results
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
2003 1(c)
A model-solving
(i) just set E(r) = 0 and
(ii) check what
happens to E if you
change r
(iii) draw diagram and
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
2007 1(a) – question and approach
A “hybrid”
Mainly modelsolving
But there’s an
important principle
will a solution even
What’s the solution to the monopolist’s problem?
Find the expression for profits
Then try to maximise…
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
2007 1(a) – main answer
To get profits we
need demand
You could just
jump to last line
Now write down
profit expression
Note wording in
last line
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
2007 1(a) – finishing off answer
Use knowledge of
basic principles
Effectively the
competitive case
No solution!
(we covered this in
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Long questions
Let’s look at an example
Illustrates type 2 question
taken from exercise in the book
but of “exam type” difficulty
covered in CfD
Ex 2.9 is mainly model solving
next week: look at model building
Look out for tips
Use simple principles to give you a shortcut to the answer
Use pictures where they help
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(1): Question
purpose: demonstrate relationship between short and long run
method: Lagrangean approach to cost minimisation. First part can be solved by
a “trick”
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(1): Long-run costs
Production function is homogeneous of degree 1
CRTS implies constant average cost
increase all inputs by a factor t > 0 (i.e. z → tz)…
…and output increases by the same factor (i.e. q → tq)
constant returns to scale in the long run
C(w, q) / q = A (a constant)
so C(w, q) = Aq
differentiating: Cq(w, q) = A
So LRMC = LRAC = constant
Their graphs will be an identical straight line
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(2): Question
 Standard Lagrangean approach
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(2): short-run Lagrangean
In the short run amount of good 3 is fixed
z3 = `z3
Could write the Lagrangean as
But it is more convenient to transform the problem thus
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(2): Isoquants
Sketch the isoquant map
Isoquants do not touch the axes
So maximum problem must have an interior solution
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(2): short-run FOCs
Differentiating Lagrangean, the FOCS are
This implies
To find conditional demand function must solve for l
use the above equations…
…and the production function
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(2): short-run FOCs (more)
Using FOCs and the production function:
This implies
This will give us the short-run cost function
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(2): short-run costs
By definition, short-run
costs are:
This becomes
Substituting for k:
From this we get
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(2): short-run MC and AC
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(3): Question
 Draw the standard supply-curve diagram
 Manipulate the relationship p = MC
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(3): short-run supply curve
average cost curve
marginal cost curve
minimum average cost
supply curve
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9(3): short-run supply elasticity
Use the expression for marginal cost:
Set p = MC for p ≥ p
Rearrange to get supply curve
Differentiate last line to get supply elasticity
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Ex 2.9: Points to remember
Exploit CRTS to give you easy results
Try transforming the Lagrangean to make it easier to
Use MC curve to derive supply curve
Frank Cowell: EC202 Microeconomics
Next time
Think more about method for long questions
Look at a few CfD
4.12, 4.13
See how they illustrate method
Connect these to past exam questions