2015-2016 Pre-Registration Requesting your courses!! High School Transcript Pre-Registration Form Copy of the Elective Sheet Pencil SUBJECT Recommended DAP English 4 4 Mathematics 4 4 Science 4 4 Social Studies 4 4 Health .5 .5 P.E. 1 1 Speech .5 .5 Fine Arts 1 1 Technology 1 1 Foreign Language 2 3 Electives 3 4 TOTAL 26 26 The student must have a semester grade of at least a 65 to qualify for the averaging of two semesters. The average of both semesters must be a 70 or higher for credit to be earned. Averaging policy does not apply for lost credits due to attendance. SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 Language Arts 09/10 ENG 1:Q 10/11 ENG 2:H 73 78 10/11 ENG 2:R 80 1.00 *75 .50 84 .50 11/12 APENGLAN:P 64 Speech 08/09 COMMAPP J Mathematics 09/10 ALG 1 70 82 74 Averaging Policy .50 1.00 92 88 69 .50 75 10/11 ALG 2 10/11 PRE CALC 100 85 09/10 GEOM:Q Loss of Credit 1.00 80 1.00 1.00 Total Credits promoted 10th grade 6 credits 11th grade 12 credits 12th grade 18 credits Number of credits needed for Graduation 26 Local Credit by Exam--- students may take a local CBE for a course they have previously failed or lost credit in. (70%) Students may also take a CBE through Texas Tech or UT for a course they want to get ahead in. There is a charge of $40.00 for each half credit and students must earn a 90%. • Plato--recovery program available to students 2 days a week from 4-6:00 p.m. These classes are for courses that students have failed, or lost credit due to attendance, however, they must meet specific requirements. • Summer School---students can recover credits that they previously failed or lost credit in or can take classes (Speech, Health or BUSIM1) for acceleration for $150 per ½ credit. • Correspondence courses---through Texas Tech or the University of Texas at Austin, students may take correspondence courses. The course must be approved by the students’ counselor. Recommended Program The Recommended Program prepares students for a post secondary education at a 4 year university. Students must meet all state course requirements and pass all areas of the EOC exams. Or Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) The Distinguished Achievement Program recognizes students who demonstrate levels of performance equivalent to college students. In addition to the state course requirements and passing all areas of the EOC exams, students must complete four advanced measures. In addition to the third foreign language and a specific 4th math and science class, a student must meet a combination of ANY of the 4 following measures in order to graduate DAP: Earn a grade of “3” or better on an Advanced Placement (AP) exam. Earn a grade of “B” or better in a college course. Earn a grade of “B” or better in a Career and Technical Education articulated course that follows a coherent sequence (2 course maximum refer to 4 yr. plan). Meet commended performance on the PSAT. For additional details on 4 year plans, visit SHS website Counselor’s Corner, Career and Technical Education Courses Employment Opportunities: Dentist Nursing Nutritionist Pharmacist Physician Medical Terminology [10-12] (.5 Credit) STC Dual Enrollment Medical Science Academy (DEMSA) (2-Year Program) [11-12] Application Process Principles of Health Science [9-12] (1 Credit) Pathophysiology [10-12] (.5 Credit) Health Science [10-12] (2 Credits) Application Process Practicum in Health Science [11-12] (2 Credits) Child Development [10-12] (1 Credit) UTPA Early College Track I - Nursing/Health Sci. Track III – Biomedical Sci. (2-Year Programs) [11-12] Application Process Application Process Medical Microbiology [Grad. Jr.-12] (1 Science Credit) World Health Research [11-12] (1 Credit) Anatomy and Physiology [11-12] (1 Science Credit) Revised 01/30/13 CP College Prep Pre-AP Pre Advanced Placement AP Advanced Placement DE Dual Enrollment ELL English Language Learners Pre-AP, Dual and AP English courses will have a required summer reading list AP courses, including Math, Science, Social Studies and Foreign Language will have a required summer assignment Pre-AP and AP courses have a contract, outlining the level of commitment and exit criteria, which must be signed when classes begin For additional details on summer assignments, visit the SHS website, Counselor’s Corner PLEASE select your courses carefully based on your commitment level and interests….. When selecting classes, refer to your transcript, 4 year plan and elective course sheet (available on the website, Counselors Corner). You must select 9 courses. If you don’t , WE WILL !! You must write down the name and the number of the course you are selecting Indicate additional courses you are interested in. Student Name:_____________________________ ID #: _______________ Phone #: ______________ Graduation Plan: Rec _____ DAP _____ Current Grade Level: ________________________ _______4 year Graduate _______3.5 year Mid term Graduate _______ 3 year Junior Graduate : Current Schedule: 1) ______________ 2) _____________ 3) ______________ 4)_____________ 5) ____________ Recommended English I English II English III English IV DAP English I English II English III English IV Circle and Write down course name and number Lang Arts 4 Course English I English II English III CP 0122 0132 0142 PreAP 0120 0130 0148 AP DE ESL ESL 90 EXT 0126 0136 0146 0115/2115 0116/2116 N/A 0153 N/A 11-12th N/A N/A N/A N/A 0141 *0140/ 2140 English IV 0154 0158 0150 0151 * Year Long Course paired with DE US History English II 0132 1. (Language Arts) Recommended Algebra I Geometry MMA* Algebra II 4th Math DAP Algebra I Geometry Algebra II 4th Math (If MMA was not taken) Once a student takes Algebra II, a student cannot go back to take MMA and will be required to pass a more advanced math class in order to graduate…… Once a student takes Algebra II, a student can take Quantitative Reasoning as a 4th math under the recommended graduation program Mathematical Models with Applications (Not for DAP Graduates; must be taken before successfully completing Algebra II) Advanced Quantitative Reasoning (Not for DAP Graduates; must be taken after successfully completing Algebra II) Pre Calculus CP Pre Calculus Pre AP Pre Calculus-College Algebra DE AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics Mathematics 4 Course CP PreAP AP DE ESL ESL 90 EXT 11-12th Algebra I Geometry 0362 0370 0361 0372 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0363 N/A 0367/2367 N/A Math Models 0388 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Algebra II Quantitative Reasoning Pre Calculus 0382 0389 0380 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0392 0390 N/A N/A N/A N/A Pre Cal /Col Alg AP Calculus AB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *0397 0396 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A AP Calculus BC N/A N/A 0393 N/A N/A N/A AP Statistics N/A N/A 0922 N/A N/A N/A Geometry 0370 2. (Mathematics) Math Recommendation after Geometry: ________________________________ ________________________________ Teacher Signature Recommended Biology Chemistry Physics 4th Science DAP Biology Chemistry Physics 4th Science IPC may count as the 4th science if taken before Chemistry and Physics IPC taken at the Junior High will be an elective credit only Anatomy and Physiology CP & Pre AP Biology I & II DE AP Chemistry Chemistry I & II DE AP Physics 1 Scientific Research and Design CP & Pre AP Environmental Science Pre AP AP Environmental Science Forensic Science CP & Pre AP Medical Micro Biology CP & Pre AP IPC (Recommended plan only & must be taken before Chemistry & Physics) Science 4 Course CP PreAP AP DE 11-12th ESL IPC Biology 0402 0410 0400 0408 N/A N/A 0406 0414 Chemistry 0422 0420 0428 Physics Anatomy/Phys Scientific Research and Design Forensic Science Microbiology Env. Science 0432 0439 0446 0430 0438 0441 1 0436 N/A N/A N/A Bio I 0418 (fall) Bio II 2418 (spr) Chem I 0429(fall) Chem II 2429(spr) N/A N/A N/A 0906 0907 N/A 0910 0909 0449 N/A N/A 2449 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Chemistry Pre-Ap 0420 3. (Science) All shaded courses should be taken after Physics CP or Pre AP. Recommended World Geography World History U.S. History Government (.5) Plus Economics (.5) DAP World Geography World History U.S. History Government (.5) Plus Economics (.5) Social Studies 4 Course CP Pre-AP AP DE ESL 11-12th World Geo. World History US History Government 0302 0312 0322 0332 0300 0310 0323 0326 N/A 0311 0321 0324 Economics 0333 0327 0325 * Year Long Course paired with DE English III N/A N/A *0320/2320 Gov I 0330 Gov II 2330 0331 0306 0316 N/A N/A N/A 4. (Social Studies) For the next series of choices, select courses from, the required coursework indicated, your personalized 4 year plan and/or elective sheet available on the web site. Remember when participating in Band, Athletics, JROTC or other programs that require a full year, you will need to list the course twice. It does not matter which blanks you use, as long as each of the nine blanks are filled in. Recommended Foreign Lang. 2.0 credits PE 1.0 credits Health .5 credit Speech .5 credit Tech App 1.0 credits Fine Art 1.0 credits Electives 4.0 credits DAP 3.0 1.0 .5 .5 1.0 1.0 3.0 Foreign language 2(Rec) or 3 (DAP) Circle and Write down course name and number Course I II III Pre AP AP Lang AP Lit Spanish E 0348 0350 0352 N/A N/A N/A Spanish S 0340 0342 0344 N/A 0346 0347 French 0354 0356 0358 0357 0359 N/A 5. (Foreign Language or elective) If you have met requirement, select an elective. PE 1 I (9th) PE II(10th) III(11th) IV(12th) 0562/0564 For Individual Sports and additional PE Equivalent courses, see Elective Course Sheet 6. ( PE or Athletics or elective) If you have met requirement, select an elective. Remember when participating in Band, Athletics, JROTC or other programs that require a full year commitment, you will need to list the course twice. It does not matter which blanks you use, as long as each of the nine blanks are filled in. ½ Health ½ Speech Course 9th 10th 11th 12th Health N/A 0690 0690 0690 Speech N/A 0176 0176 0176 7. (H or S or Elec) / (H or S or Elec) If you have met requirement, select an elective. If participating in athletics 3rd or 5th block, it is recommended that you take Health through the athletic period study hall. Do not request class at this time. See your coach for details. If you intend on taking Health or Speech through the summer acceleration program, do not request class at this time. Please indicate your plan so your counselor is aware. Tech App 1 Course 9th 10th 11th 12th BUSIM1 0532 0532 0532 0532 For additional qualifying Technology Application courses, see Elective Course Sheet. 8. (Technology Application or Elect) If you have met requirement, select an elective. If you intend on taking Business Information Management I (BUSIM1) through the summer acceleration program, do not request class at this time. Please indicate your plan so your counselor is aware. Fine Art 1 Course I II III IV DE For additional qualifying Fine Art courses, see Elective Course Sheet. 9. (Fine Art or Elective) If you have met requirement, select an elective. Remember when participating in Band, Choir or other fine art programs that require a full year commitment, you will need to list the course twice. It does not matter which blanks you use, as long as each of the nine blanks are filled in. In the event that there are conflicts with my elective choices, I would be interested in the following Accounting I Painting I Principles of Law electives: _____________________, _____________________, _______________________ Do you need to retake a half semester of any course? If so, indicate course and circle Semester A or B ____________________A or B English I _____________________A or B Spanish I Student Signature ______________________________ __________________A or B Date ________________________ If you need the 2nd half of English II: Speech (0176) / English II B (0132) If you need only speech: Interior Design (0461) / Speech (0176) If you need the 1st half of Algebra I: Algebra I A (0362) / Health (0690) Fall English III (90) BusIM1 (90) Football (90) Algebra II (50) Spanish III E (90) Spring US History (90) Physics (90) Football (90) Continuation of Algebra II (50) Art I (90) At the end of the school year, you will have completed 9 credits of high school requirements. SHS website Counselor’s Corner New Courses for next year Arts /AV Technology 11-12 (fall) & (spring) Adv. Graphic Design and Illustration [2 Credit-Course] * New Course* 11-12 (fall) & (spring) Advanced Animation [2 Credit-Course] * New Course* 11-12 (fall) & (spring) Advanced Audio Video Production [2 Credit-Course] * New Course* 10-12 (fall) & (spring) Commercial Photography [2 Credit-Course] * New Course* Business Management and Administration/Finance 11-12 Human Resource Management * New Course* Education and Training or Human Services 10-12 Interpersonal Studies [½ Credit Course] * New Course* STEM 12 Engineering Design and Development 12 Engineering Internship • Share this information with your parents. • Make sure that you are selecting the correct level of courses for YOU. • Turn in the pre-registration form your counselor On behalf of the Counseling Department, thank you for your attention. We hope this presentation has been informative and helpful. See you soon.