Integration of Molecular and Metric Traits in the Analysis of Genetic Structure and Differentiation in Cultivated Fig (Ficus carica L.) Malli Aradhya and Ed Stover* USDA Germplasm Repository, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Introduction The fig, Ficus carica L., (Moraceae) is a classical fruit tree of antiquity associated with the beginning of horticulture in the Mediterranean basin. The fig is known to have been domesticated from a group of diverse, spontaneous figs occurring in the Mediterranean region sometime in the Early Neolithic period (Zohary and Hopf, 1993). Although the cultivated fig is gynodioecious, it is functionally dioecious, with pollination facilitated by the mutualistic interaction of pollinator wasps (Balstophagous psenes L.) between two separate fig types, Caprifig and edible fig. Figs are generally classified into four types, mainly based on the floral biology and pollination behavior: Common, Smyrna, Caprifig, and San Pedro. Of the four types, Caprifig, bearing both male and female flowers within the same receptacle or fruit called syconium, is regarded as primitive, and the Common-type, with only pistillate flowers developing into parthenocarpic fruits, is considered highly developed and includes most commercial cultivars (Condit, 1947, 1955). Smyrna and San Pedro types represent intermediate forms. Fig has a long history of domestication and selection in the diverse Mediterranean and surrounding Near Eastern regions, and numerous cultivars have been recognized. Further spread of fig selections into other growing regions has resulted in ambiguity in the description and nomenclature of cultivars. Recently, microsatellite markers, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), restriction length polymorphism (RFLP), and mitochondrial DNA RFLP markers have been used in fingerprinting, assessing genetic diversity, structure and differentiation in fig collections (Khadari et al., 2001; Papadopoulou et al., 2002; Amel et al., 2004; Khadari et al., 2005). We are present here the results of an analysis of genetic diversity and structure within cultivated fig using a combination of mirosatellite and metric data. 10 100 26 1 40 55 55 65 22 97 20 1 91 22 99 31 10 49 15 98 29 10 7 100 2 20 24 98 28 67 25 91 6 87 96 60 33 8 3 100 Results and Discussion 64 1 Genetic relationships among fig cultivars 36 22 14 100 19 100 23 13 Although most fig genotypes possessed unique multilocus fingerprints indicating a significant amount genetic variability in the collection, there was no obvious evidence for any significant genetic structure. Fig being functionally dioecious and insect pollinated naturally maintains and circulates high levels of genetic variation within and among cultivar from Caprifig, Smyrna, San Pedro, and Common fig types. However, the cluster analysis revealed a total of six clusters with three major and three minor ones within cluster 1 (Fig 1). The cluster 1 contained mostly Common and San Pedro types with a concentration of San Pedro types (‘Pied de Boeuf’, ‘Dauphine’, ‘King’, ‘White San Pedro’) in subcluster 1a. There were several instances of identical genotypes with different cultivar names. For example the cultivars ‘Brunswick’, ‘Capital Long’, ;Red Italian’, ‘Doree’, and ‘Rattlesnake’, all had identical fingerprints. The popular Common type cultivars such as ‘Brown Turkey’, ‘Walker’, and Black Jack’ were genetically identical. Overall the subclusters 1b and 1c contained mostly Common type figs. Cluster 2 is the biggest cluster contained Common, Smyrna, and Caprifig clutivars. The Smyrna types (eg. ‘Calimyrna’, Marabout Smyrna’, ‘Snowden’, ‘Karayaprak’) are basically confined to this cluster. Cluster 3 and 4 contained some of the less known Common type figs except for the cultivars ‘zidi’, which is Smyrna type fig and ‘Ischia Black’, which is a Common type. Cultivars and selections from Candit’s breeding program such as ‘Gulbun selection’, ‘Jurupa’, ‘Deanna’, and many UCR selections are scattered in different groups suggesting the diversity of material included in his program. 28 38 35 3 22 16 98 34 99 28 3 20 1 23 72 100 37 2 2 34 96 68 36 10 100 7 15 100 35 100 34 99 3 Genetic variation within and between clusters 43 25 45 Contingency χ2 analysis indicated significant differences in the allele frequencies among clusters with some cluster specific low to moderate frequency alleles. The number of alleles/locus ranged form two for LMFC36 to 10 for LMFC30 with an average of 4.75 alleles/locus. There was excess of heterozygotes in all clusters suggesting heterozygote superiority (Table 1). Genetic differentiation based on Wright’s fixation index FIS indicated that there was significant excess of heterozygotes within clusters (Mean FIS = 0.200) for all loci except one locus (Table 2). FIT, which is a measure of inbreeding coefficient in total population indicated marginal reduction in heterogygosity (0.003), except for four loci showing low to moderate levels of excess of heterozygotes. FST, measure of genetic differentiation among clusters showed moderate reduction in heterozygosity (0.170) suggesting somewhat a weak differentiation among clusters. -0.16 A -0.16 Snowden Calimyrna Osborne_Prolific UCR291 Kadota B Marabout Marabout_smyrnay Adriatic St._Jean Hative_De_Argentù Marabout Marabout_smyrnay Adriatic St._Jean Hative_De_Argentù -4.38 -4.38 Orphan Orphan Dauphine Dauphine Axis III (13.3%) -8.60 Axis III (13.3%) -8.60 King King Brown_T urkey Brown_T urkey Mission Mission -12.82 -12.82 Zidi Zidi 20.64 Axis II (18.3%) 10.88 20.64 15.76 Violette_de_Bordù Axis II (18.3%) 10.88 6.00 1.12 -17.04 -7.97 15.76 Violette_de_Bordù 6.00 -4.96 Axis I (19.6%) -1.94 -17.04 1.12 -7.97 1.07 4.08 -4.96 -4.96 Axis I (19.6%) -1.94 1.07 4.08 Fig. 2. 3D projection of 17 selected genotypes of figs along the first three principal axes from a PCA based on metric data. MSTs are superimposed to show the pair-wise relationships. A, MST generated from the same metric data as used in the PCA; B, MST generated from 16 microsatellite loci. Superimposing of MSTs generated from metric and molecular data on to the 3D projection of 17 accessions along the first three principal axes accounting for 51.2 % of total variation in metric traits indicated significant incongruence in the pair-wise relationships among the 17 accessions included in the PC analysis (Fig. 2). The incongruence between metric data and molecular data in depicting the pair-wise relationships among the 17 fig accessions suggests significant differences in the variance-covariance structures between the metric and molecular traits as a complex response to either natural or mandirected evolutionary forces. 27 12 6 40 100 13 3 26 100 20 17 100 20 63 30 100 65 2 100 39 42 11 3 96 99 16 73 93 47 100 9 2 13 17 Integration of metric and molecular data Snowden Calimyrna Osborne_Prolific UCR291 Kadota 22 1 100 26 4 16 52 7 91 100 8 4 41 29 1 100 100 14 31 7 34 27 8 28 100 0.005 Nei and Li distance Fig. 1. Genetic relationships among the fig cultivars based on UPGMA cluster analysis. Bootstrap tree is shown on the left References Amel, S.-H., Mokhtar, T., Salwa, Z., Jihene, H., Messaoud, M., Abdel,ajid, R. and Mohamed, M. 2004. Inter-simple sequence repeat fingerprints to assess genetic diversity in Tunisian fig (Ficus carica L.) germplasm. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 51: 269-275. Condit, I. J. 1955. Fig varieties: a monograph. Hilgardia 23: 323-538. Condit, I.J. 1947. The fig. Waltham, Mass, USA. Khadari, B., Grout, C., Santoni, S. and Kjellberg, F. 2005. Contrasted genetic diversity and differentiation among Mediterranean populations of Ficus carica L.: A study using mtDNA RFLP. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 52: 97-109. Khadari, B., Hochu, I., Santoni, S. and Kjellberg, F. 2001. Identification and characterization of microsatellite loci in the common fig (Ficus carica L.) and representatives species of the genus Ficus. Molecular Ecology Notes 1: 191-193. Nei, M., Li, W., 1979. Mathematical model for studying genetic variation in terms of restriction endonucleases. Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences, USA. 76, 5269-5273. Papdopoulou, K., Ehaliotis, C., Tourna, M., Kastanis, P., Karydis, I. and Zervakis, G. 2002. Genetic relatedness among dioecious Ficus carica L. cultivars by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, and evaluation of agronomic and morphological characters. Genetica 114: 183-194. Wright, S. 1965. The interpretation of population structure by F-statistics with special regard to systems of mating. Evolution 19: 395-420. Zohary, D. & Hopf, M. 1993. Domestication of plants in the Old World. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Cluster 1c 27 Cluster 1b One-hundred eighty one cutivated fig (F. carica) accessions including one gentotype of F. palmata were sampled from the USDA germplasm. Sixteen microsatellite loci (Table 1) were PCR amplified and products resolved using capillary electrophoresis on an ABI Prism 3100 genetic analyzer. The data was analyzed using Genescan, Version 3.1 and Genotyper, Version 2.5 and data assembled as genotypes as well as in binary format. The binary data were used to compute a distance matrix using Nei and Li distance (Nei and LI, 1979) based on the proportion of alleles shared between two accessions for all possible pair-wise combinations. The resultant matrices were subjected to cluster analyses using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic means) method to produce a phenogram. The multilocus SSR genotype data were pooled into groups based on the results of NJ and UPGMA cluster analyses and analyzed for various within-group genetic variability measures such as mean number of alleles per locus and observed and expected levels of heterozygosities. Contingency χ2 analysis was performed to determine the heterogeneity among groups. Genetic differentiation within and among fig groups was computed using the Wright’s F-statistics (Wright, 1965). Metric data on twenty-seven horticulturally valuable traits (Table 1) were collected for seventeen representative genotypes from the collection. The variance-covariance matrix computed from the metric data was subjected to a principal components analysis (PCA) to elucidate the relationships among the genotypes. In an attempt to integrate metric and molecular data, minimum spanning trees (MST) generated separately from metric and microsatellite data were superimposed on 3D projection based on the metric data. Abruzzi Sals Dark Portuguese Hearty Chicago Pied De Boeuf Dauphine Italian 372 White San Pedro Dokkar Kadota Trojano Lemon LSU Everbearing Ficotto King Italian 253 Brunswick Red Italian Capitola Long Rattlesnake Doree LSU Gold Genoa Genoa White San Pietro Yougo #7 Green Germany Italian 215 Alma Drap Dor Encanto Brown Turkey Malcoms Super Giant Archipel Beers Black Vista Violette De Bordeaux Bourjassotte Grise Negro Largo Violet Sepor Black Madeira Col De Dame Maho Gazir Fico Verde Ischia Green Paradiso Monstrueuse Italian 320 Encanto Barbillone Hative de Argntteuil Ischia White Italian 395 Kukurchinskii Bosnat Calvert Verte Ak inzhyr Koinekashirskii Beall Early Violet Zheltoplodnyi Okruglyi Charles Allen Cuello Dama Negro Noire de Caromb Mission Igo Persistent Capri1 Verdal Longue Black Jack Brown Turkey Braun Turkey Walker Blue Giant St Jean Moissoniere Adriatic Lampeira Capri W Capri Q Gulbun Selection Jurupa Conadria Persistent Capri2 Marabout smyrnay Ucr291 4 Hurricane Tena Calimyrna Vina 4 Osborn Prolific Snowden Capri X Maslin 150 Maslin Edible Dawalki Calabacita Catarulla Green Italian 06 Double Header Green Panachee Panachee Pastiliere Rouge de Bordeaux Roscoff San Joao Branco Santa Cruz Light Santa Cruz White Diredo Flanders Sierra Sierra6 38 Bourjassotte Blanche Chater Green Chater Green Karayaprak Oregon Little Red Stanford Honigal Renans Strawberry Roeding #2 Algerian Watts Orphan Deanna Ucr278 128 T30E Persistent Capri3 Long Fellow Furtado Long Yellow Vernino Capri A Roeding #3 Armenian Milco Bournabat Marylane Excel Italian 169 Italian 358 Yellow Neches Asisi hybrid1 Marabout Marabout Monaco Italian 88 Aked Blanquette Celeste Nero Cesar Becane LSU Kop Fiomi Hollier Barada Ucr291 Afghan Caucasus 2b Caucasus 1a Caucasus 6c Ak inzhyr Kuruzhdeiskii Kugitangskii Chernyi Kury Gol Shevlan 1 Shih Berdy2 Inzhyr from Sopyev Zheltyi from Seidov Nuhurskii Chikishlyarskii Shevlan 2 Shevlan 3 Hacin Zidi Barnissotte Bianco Yede Vern Cluster 4 Ischia Black Nero Giant Amber Santa Cruz Dark pseudocarica hybrid2 Cluster 2 100 30 Abruzzi Dark Portuguese Sals Hearty Chicago Pied De Boeuf Adriatic Lampeira Capri W Afghan Caucasus 2b Caucasus 1a Caucasus 6c Aked Blanquette Calimyrna Vina 4 Osborn Prolific Snowden Capri X Maslin 150 Maslin Edible Ak inzhyr Koinekashirskii Kop Fiomi Black Jack Braun Turkey Brown Turkey Walker Blue Giant Persistent Capri1 Ak inzhyr Kuruzhdeiskii Kugitangskii Chernyi Kury Gol Shevlan 1 Shih Berdy2 Inzhyr from Sopyev Zheltyi from Seidov Nuhurskii Armenian Milco Algerian Watts Orphan Ucr278 128 Deanna T30E Long Fellow Furtado Long Yellow Persistent Capri3 Alma Drap Dor Encanto Brown Turkey Malcoms Super Giant Archipel Italian 320 Dauphine Italian 372 White San Pedro Dokkar LSU Everbearing Kadota Trojano Lemon Ficotto King Ischia White Asisi Honigal Barada Ucr291 Barbillone Hative de Argntteuil Black Madeira Col De Dame Maho Gazir Fico Verde Monstrueuse Ischia Green Paradiso Barnissotte Karayaprak Oregon Little Red Stanford Bourjassotte Blanche Chater Green Chater Green Beall Early Violet Charles Allen Cuello Dama Negro Noire de Caromb Mission Igo Giant Amber Santa Cruz Dark Becane Celeste Nero Cesar LSU Hollier Beers Black Violette De Bordeaux Vista Bourjassotte Grise Negro Largo Violet Sepor Italian 395 Kukurchinskii Bianco Yede Vern Ischia Black Nero Italian 88 St Jean Bosnat Calvert Verte Bournabat Marylane Pastiliere Rouge de Bordeaux Yellow Neches Brunswick Red Italian Doree Capitola Long Rattlesnake LSU Gold Genoa Genoa White San Pietro Yougo #7 Italian 253 Calabacita Catarulla Green Italian 06 Double Header Green Panachee Panachee Roscoff San Joao Branco Santa Cruz Light Santa Cruz White Capri A Roeding #3 Vernino Renans Strawberry Roeding #2 Capri Q Gulbun Selection Jurupa Conadria Marabout smyrnay Ucr291 4 Dawalki Chikishlyarskii Shevlan 2 Shevlan 3 Encanto Moissoniere Diredo Flanders Sierra Sierra6 38 Excel Italian 169 Italian 358 Green Germany Italian 215 Hurricane Persistent Capri2 Tena hybrid1 Marabout Marabout Monaco Verdal Longue Zheltoplodnyi Okruglyi Hacin Zidi pseudocarica hybrid2 Cluster 3 Materials and Methods 34 Cluster 1a 99 30 62