Why Try (7 th & 8 th Grade) - 72004


2014 – 2015

Holly Middle School


Course Guide

Dear Holly Middle School Families,

Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 school year! The coming months will be filled with a variety of courses and activities that follow our mission to LEAD by learning, excelling, achieving, and doing! We are excited to continue The Leader in Me program along with our core curriculum classes and electives.

In addition to core content classes in language arts, math, science, and social studies, we are offering band, choir, French, Spanish, technology, jazz band, learning labs in reading and math, ecology, and

Why Try to our students this year. Art, music, and physical education will continue to be offered as electives as well. Eighth grade students have the opportunity to earn high school credit in French,

Spanish, and Algebra. Additional support for students will be provided in some team-taught classes.

The course descriptions in this guide provide an overview of the content in classes offered at HMS.

We look forward to greater involvement with students, parents, staff, and community to further build program opportunities for our students. Please do not hesitate to contact the counseling department or me if you have questions about your son or daughter’s placement.

Best wishes for an outstanding 2014 – 2015 school year.


Elise Schmidt, Ph.D., Principal


Holly Middle School Mission Statement

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Our vision at Holly Middle School is to develop habits and skills that INSPIRE us to be compassionate people, leaders, and lifelong learners.

Holly Middle School

Course Descriptions





6 th Grade Social Studies - 54436

The sixth grade social studies curriculum introduces students to cultures of the Western World. Emphasis is placed on the contemporary geography of North America, Latin America, and South America. Students study the geography of each of these world regions; explore cultural and natural features that characterize each region; trace the movement of people, ideas, and products within the regions; and discover ways that each can be divided into sub-regions. Historical background is provided to enable students to understand how these regions developed from the past to the present. Differences in governments and economies are examined. The economy of each region and its role in the global economy is explored. Special attention is paid to economic ties with the United States.

Using a variety of media, students compile, analyze, and present geographic and economic data pertaining to the regions. Throughout the course, students study public issues of global significance in the Western World.

6 th Grade Language Arts - 51034

This course is designed to bridge the elementary and secondary school experiences to expand students’ language skills. Students read and analyze a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts including novels, short stories and periodicals. As a result, students build their reading stamina and learn to interpret texts in meaningful ways.

Students also write informative, narrative and argumentative pieces such as a cause and effect essay and a literary essay. Grammar study, like the correct use of pronouns, and word study (Wordly Wise) will be incorporated throughout the year. Critical thinking, speaking, listening, and analyzing evidence is a major part of

6 th grade Language Arts.

6 th Grade Science - 53236

In sixth grade science, students gain a greater understanding of the nature and structure of scientific knowledge and will learn to recognize evidence and ways to think about designing solutions to problems. In life science, students will explore the variation of ecosystems. They will describe the relationships and interactions within ecosystems including those that cause ecosystems to change. In physical science students deepen their understanding of energy through investigations demonstrating the transformation of kinetic energy and energy transfer by radiation, conduction, or convection. In earth science, students extend their knowledge of earth processes such as plate tectonics, rock formations, and the surface features of the earth. Fossils are used to explore

the geologic history of the earth.

6 th Grade Math - 52036

In sixth grade math, students will continue to develop their number sense as they work with whole numbers and their properties, as well as build upon their understanding and fluency of operations with rational numbers

(including fractions, decimals, and percent). Students will also be introduced to ratios and rates, integers, data measures and displays, expressions and equations, and surface area and volume. Topics presented are emphasized through problem-solving investigations. It is imperative that students in this course are fluent with basic math facts (multiplication and division).




7 th Grade Social Studies - 54437

The seventh grade social studies curriculum introduces students to cultures of the East, with emphasis on the contemporary geography of Africa and Asia. Through the study of geography, students learn the locations of significant places in each of these world regions; explore cultural and natural features that characterize each region; trace movement of people, ideas, and products within the regions. Historical background is provided to enable students to understand how a region developed from the past to the present. Differences in governments and economies are examined. The economy of each region and its role in the global economy is explored. Special attention is paid to economic ties with the United States. Throughout the course, students study public issues of global significance in the East. A foundation is laid for the future study of World History in high school. Calling on the geography, economics, and civics that they have previously studied, students learn about the earliest humans and explore early migration and settlement patterns. The course includes an in-depth investigation of different world religions. Students examine why these religions became world religions. After exploring how this spread, students consider some of their influences in early world history.

7 th Grade Science - 53237

In this physical science unit, students conduct investigations to trace the transfer of energy through matter. They begin by exploring mechanical waves such as sound waves, seismic waves and waves in water through a variety of activities. They measure speed, wavelength, frequency and magnitude. Students investigate light as a form of electromagnetic energy, examining the waves taking place on the sun, which produce light and heat for the earth.

In this life science unit, students use scientific equipment to observe single- and multi-cellular organisms. They identify ways in which cells accomplish the basic functions of life, such as acquiring and using energy, maintaining balance (homeostasis), and reproducing. Through observation and model construction students examine cell processes. Students recognize cells that make up different body tissues, organs, and organ systems and relate structure to function. To trace the source of energy for cell growth and other life functions, students investigate the conditions necessary for photosynthesis. In the earth science unit, students investigate the interactions of solar energy and matter on this planet, which result in weather and, ultimately, climate. They look at water cycles within the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Students learn that the sun drives the water cycle and explore the relationship between the warming of the atmosphere by the sun and weather and climate.

Students explore human activities that have altered the land, oceans, atmosphere, and biodiversity of plant and animal life in positive and negative ways and examine the causes of these activities. They engage in scientific conversations evaluating potential solutions to environmental problems.

7 th Math - 52037

In 7 th grade math, students will study concepts of numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, data analysis and probability.

Math 7 topics include operations with rational numbers; simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions; properties of real numbers; solving equations and inequalities; problem solving with algebra; rates, ratios, proportions and percents; area, surface area and volume; data analysis and display; probability; and geometric constructions and drawings. It is imperative that students in this course are fluent with basic math facts (multiplication and division through the 12's). They should have a solid understanding of equivalent and simplified fractions, as well as fluency in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. Students must be self-disciplined (good work habits) and be self-motivated. Students in this course are expected to make connections between previously learned materials and new concepts.

7 th Grade Advanced Math - 52040

Advanced 7 th grade math is designed to give a more in-depth study of 7 th grade math topics; will move at an accelerated pace and will prepare students for Algebra I. Must meet district requirements.

7 th Language Arts - 51035

Seventh Grade English Language Arts is course organized into six units of study: Narrative Reading, Independent Reading,

Literary Essay, Argument / Proposal Essay, Non-Fiction Reading, and Informational Writing about a Historical Event.

Students will be reading narrative text focusing on the elements of fiction, focusing on text connections within an independent reading book, writing a literary essay that presents a theory about a theme and includes evidence to support their claim,

`identifying and analyzing features in informational text, and writing a descriptive account of a historical event.




8 th Grade Social Studies - 54438

This course introduces students to the history of the United States from the Articles of Confederation to the end of the 19th century. Beginning with the political and intellectual transformations that preceded the Articles of Confederation, students review the ideas and principles that form the basis of our constitutional republic. Students further their understanding of

American government from an in-depth study of the United States Constitution. Students explore the challenges faced by the new nation and the role of political and social leaders in meeting these challenges. They analyze and evaluate early attempts to abolish or contain slavery and to realize the ideals of the Declaration of Independence for all. In studying the Civil War and

Reconstruction, students evaluate multiple causes, key events, and complex consequences of the war and its aftermath.

8 th Grade Language Arts - 51036

This course is designed to expand students’ language skills. Students read and analyze a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. They also have an independent reading unit, which is ongoing throughout the year. They write a variety of informative, narrative and argumentative pieces. Vocabulary and grammar will be incorporated throughout the year. Students also have opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills while improving their speaking and communication skills through small group and class presentations.

8 th Grade Science - 53238

The course opens with an important unit called ‘Introduction to the Earth Sciences’ where students engage in practices that exemplify the approaches and types of questions that will be explored in the Earth Sciences. The topics that follow are focused on earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorology, geologic time, and astronomy with a strong emphasis placed on inquiry, research and problem solving. By investigating the phenomena associated with the Earth and its place in the universe, students will

understand the impacts of human activities and develop an appreciation for the planet we call home.

8 th Grade Math - 52038

Eighth grade units of study will increase the depth of understanding and knowledge gained through study in sixth and seventh grades in the areas of number and operations, expressions and equations, functions, geometry, statistics and probability. Units of study include: approximating and performing operations with real numbers (including radicals and exponents), connecting and solving linear equations and systems, comparing and modeling functional relationships, applying formulas to geometric shapes (including the Pythagorean theorem), and analyzing and graphing bivariate data. It is imperative that students in this course are fluent with basic math facts (multiplication and division through the 12's). They should have a solid understanding of integers (positive and negative numbers), as well as fluency in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers.

Additionally, students should be competent in working with equivalent and simplified fractions, as well as fluency in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. Students in this course are expected to make connections between previously learned materials and new concepts.

8 th Grade Algebra I

(fulfills requirement for HS Algebra 1) -


This class constitutes the Algebra I requirements from the State of Michigan as well as National Common Core State

Standards. Algebra I is the study of functions and representations. Algebra I is a year-long course designed to give students a solid foundation in algebraic concepts and skills. Areas of study include linear, quadratic, radical, and exponential functions and their graphs, equation solving skills including factoring quadratics for real and imaginary solutions, and radical equation solving using the Pythagorean Theorem. Other focuses include mathematical modeling and bivariate data-examining relationships.

Emphasis will be placed on students developing the following skills:


Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them


Reason abstractly and quantitatively


Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others


Model with mathematics


Use appropriate tools strategically


Attend to precision


Look for and make use of structure


Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning


Art (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) – 55186, 55187, 55188

Interested in making art that is fun, unique and expressive? Develop your creative skills through a variety of experiences that may include drawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking, or working with fiber and clay. Investigate the elements of art and principles of design and learn techniques to improve your art skills. Resources from art history, cultures and other artists will inspire your work.

Choir (8 th Grade) –55141

Choir is a full year course. Students who enroll are expected to participate for the full year. The course offers beginning choir students an exploration into the fundamentals of being in a middle school choir.

Students focus on basic music theory such as note and symbol recognition as well as reading and writing music. Students work daily on their class music in preparation for performances throughout the year.

Students analyze and critique their sound and performances regularly. Evaluation will be based on class participation, proficiency, as well as performance attendance. Prior singing experience is not required.

Attendance at all concerts and performances is mandatory, and students will also be required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and dress rehearsals. Activities include but are not limited to: four concerts and choral festival. Also available is optional participation in Solo and Ensemble festival and Honors Choir programs.

French (6 th & 7 th Grade) - 56120

Bonjour! Parlez-vous francais? If you don’t know what that means, come and find out in French class! In

French, students will have fun learning the basics of the French language and culture. We will also learn about the food, customs, and holidays of French speaking countries around the world. Some fun activities planned for this class include making crepes, playing games, learning about famous French people, and of course, talking about Paris. This class will help prepare you for French in 8 th grade, if you decide to take it the following year. Come and join the fun in French class and be able to tell people, “Oui, je parle francais!”

French 1 (8 th Grade)

(fulfills requirement for HS French 1)

- 56120

Bonjour! Do you love Paris and all things French: Are you interested in possibly working in or traveling to France/Europe, Canada (Quebec), Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, or the South Pacific? If so, then French is for you! In 8 th Grade French 1, students have the opportunity to earn high school credit towards the state of Michigan world language graduation requirement. This new requirement states that students must pass two years in the same world language. Students will be allowed to continue on to French II at the high school if they pass this class with a successful grade. Students will have fun learning how-to speak, understand, read, and write the French language. We will also learn about the food, customs, and culture of French speaking countries around the world. Some of the interesting projects planned for this class include making a French cookbook, a food day and a fashion show. A bientot!

General Music (6 th & 7 th Grade) – 55136, 55137

General music class is a exploratory course in which the student will be involved in listening, analyzing, composing and improvising music, as well as playing instruments and singing. Evaluation will be based on class participation, daily participation and weekly projects.

Concert Band (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 55102

Band classes are performance based music classes designed for developing middle school musicians. All courses will focus on a variety of music topics, including individual instrument performance technique,

ensemble technique, expression in music performance, and interpretation of aesthetics. Along with performing on instruments, students will learn music terminology, music history, and basic music theory.

Both bands will perform at a number of concerts throughout the year, as outlined in the course syllabus.

7 th and 8 th grade band students will also participate in a number of collaborations with the Holly High

School Bands throughout the year as well.

Jazz Band (7 th & 8 th Grade) - 55105

The jazz ensemble is a class offered to all 7 th and 8 th grade band students interested in learning to play jazz music. Students will learn the fundamental characteristics of playing in the swing style, basic soloing technique and ensemble performance technique. Various big band styles will be covered including swing, ballad, rock, Latin and modern music. Students will showcase their skills by performing at evening band concerts periodically throughout the year.

Spanish (6 th & 7 th Grade) - 56100 iHola y bienvenidos! Hello and welcome to Spanish. Students in this class will learn the basics of the

Spanish language, as well as celebrate the Spanish culture. This culture will include the food, customs and holidays of the many Spanish-speaking countries. In this class, we will play games, make and eat food, learn about Spanish celebrities and much, much more! Spanish is designed to bridge elementary

Spanish with the high school program, as well as help students succeed in 8 th grade Spanish for high school credit. You don’t want to miss out on this awesome opportunity!

Spanish I (8 th Grade

) (Fulfills requirements for HS Spanish 1)

- 56100

Do you want to make lots of money one day as a sought-after translator? Do you want to impress others with your sharp bilingual skills? Of course you do! So why not start learning one of the most spoken languages in the world: Spanish. Through engaging, fun-filled activities, you will learn not only about the Hispanic culture, but also you will be able to complete a high school graduation requirement. What are you waiting for? Sign up for Spanish today! iSi, se puede!

Why Try (7 th & 8 th Grade) - 72004

The WhyTry Program consists of ten visual analogies (pictures) with solutions and questions written around each picture to help gain insight into how to deal with daily challenges. The goal of the WhyTry

Program is to help students answer the question “Why try in life?” when they are frustrated, confused, or angry with life’s pressures and challenges. The course content may include study skills and individual tutorials; career exploration or job readiness skills; communication skills; personal assessment, awareness activities and speaker presentations. The WhyTry Program teaches students that trying hard in life and putting effort into challenges at home, at school and with peers is worth the effort.

Great Lakes Ecology (7 th & 8 th Grade) - 53201

This course will give students an historical perspective of Great Lakes dating back to the early 1900’s to today. Students will study timelines that will help them understand some of the ecological changes that have occurred in the Great Lakes overtime. The Salmon in the Classroom program will be introduced during this elective class and will run from October to May. This is an exciting program that teachers students about our state’s freshwater resources through interactive hands-on learning. Students will have the opportunity to raise, care for, and maintain the Chinook Salmon in our classroom. Students will learn the vital role that salmon play in maintaining a healthy balanced ecosystem of the Great Lakes.

Physical Education



, 7


& 8


Grade) –

58036, 58037, 58038

This class is designed to strengthen the core body strength and give you an exposure to a variety of sports. Fifty percent of the time will be devoted to conditioning and 50% of the time will be given to

participation in a sport. In addition, this class will serve as a stepping stone class to the high school physical education program. Proper warm-ups, stretching and cool down procedures are taught as well as working with proper heart rate and rest in between exercises and sets. Sports will include but are not limited to basketball, football, volleyball, handball, floor hockey, dodge ball, softball and soccer. Lastly, each student will be tested in the Presidential Fitness Award in a pre and post-test manner to show growth and maximize your chances of earning this award.

Advanced Physical Education (8 th Grade) - 58006

This class is designed to strengthen the “core” of your son/daughter’s body and prepare them for their sport above and beyond what our main P.E. class will provide. Students will participate in a variety of agility, plyometric and conditioning drills, on a daily basis.

Students will gain increased flexibility and core strength.

Students will gain nutritional information.

Students will be prepared for the expectations at the High School Level.

Learning Lab (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 72001

This class Lab is an exciting opportunity for students to improve important literacy skills. In this class, students will use an on-line reading program called Reading Plus (using MacBook Air laptops) to increase comprehension, fluency, and silent reading speed in a fun, motivating, and exciting way.

Students will also explore literacy strategies and support that will help them achieve in all academic areas.

Math Learning Lab (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 52986

This class is an exciting new opportunity for students to improve important mathematical skills. In this class, students will use a variety of online programs and apps along with real-life math applications to improve mathematical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. Students will explore mathematical strategies and learn ways to think like a mathematician.

Basic Computer Applications (6 th & 7 th Grade)-60004

Required by all students before entering high school

The purpose of this course is to prepare students in:

• Digital Citizenship and proper etiquette

Use of the HAS network, HAS email and Skyward

General Keyboarding/Typing (25 wpm goal)

Basic Office Applications including word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software

Advanced Computer Applications (7 th & 8 th Grade) - 60006

Prerequisite: Basic computer applications (formally Virtual Destinations or instructor approval)

The purpose of this course is to continue to focus and improve upon:

• General Keyboarding (35 wpm goal)

• Advanced features and use of Office applications (utilizing Microsoft Office, OpenOffice and Google Drive) including word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and Web 2.0 tools

You will utilize the skills taught in both Computers I and II and be expected to know how to keyboard, use a flash drive, use Google Drive, name/save files properly, and access them from home if necessary to continue working.

Assignments will be multi-part on-going projects involving the use of many general office applications and files at one time in a real world setting. Some example projects include a Virtual Vacation, A Band Tour, Family

Reunion, etc.

Show Me the Money Class: (7 th & 8 th Grade) - 52157

Do you want to be a millionaire before you’re 35? Do you want to learn good habits before you make mistakes that will put you in debt for the rest of your life? Although the typical teens have limited

income, they tend to spend a LOT of money! This course will show you how to avoid the pitfalls of your peers who wait until later in life to learn how to make the most of their money. Does your money make money? How do you keep from being buried in debt? How can you become a wiser consumer and make a better life for your family? This class will help you prepare to live the life you deserve confidently. We will explore the world of earnings and taxes, budgeting, banking, credit, saving and investing, the stock market and insurance.

Student Lighthouse Class: (7 th & 8 th Grade) - 72101

In this class, students will learn different aspects of leadership and have fun doing so. This class will also strengthen students’ personal and group leadership skills. Students will explore different leadership responsibilities and roles throughout the trimester/year, and form action teams to work on different projects that focus on making our school and community a better place to learn, work, play and live. The students will also be in charge of planning and facilitating school events and assemblies such as the upcoming Leader in Me leadership day in the spring. While all students are responsible for the transformation of the middle school into a Lighthouse Status Leader in Me school, the SLT will be the driving force behind the student-led changes in our school.

Leadership Class

(Homeroom) (6


, 7


& 8



- 72101

The leadership class is required for all students. This class will work on the Leader in Me curriculum.

The Leader in Me is a whole-school transformation model that acts like the operating system of a computer – it improves the performance of all other programs. Based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective

People, The Leader in Me equips students with the self-confidence and skills they need to thrive in the

21 st -century economy.

Special Education Department

Language Arts Lab (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 51067

This class Lab is an exciting opportunity for students to improve important literacy skills. In this class, students will use an on-line reading program called Reading Plus (using MacBook Air laptops) to increase comprehension, fluency, and silent reading speed in a fun, motivating, and exciting way.

Students will also explore literacy strategies and support that will help them achieve in all academic


Math Learning Lab (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 52996

This class is an exciting new opportunity for students to improve important mathematical skills. In this class, students will use a variety of online programs and apps along with real-life math applications to improve mathematical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. Students will explore mathematical

strategies and learn ways to think like a mathematician.

Study Skills (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 73039

This is a course designed to teach the student study skills, learning strategies and coping skills that help students organize, process, and use information effectively. These skills are important not just for academic success but also for everyday life. Students participate in social skills activities with the school social worker. These activities include learning how to make good decisions, working cooperatively, and learning to advocate for themselves. Students also have the opportunity to work on homework, unfinished classwork, and receive assistance with projects if needed.

RR ELA (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 51139

This course is designed to expand and remediate the students’ language skills, including writing.

Students will read and analyze a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. They will cite evidence from the

text and do a variety of writing. Improving our critical thinking, speaking, listening and ability to analyze evidence will be a major part of this Language Arts class. Vocabulary and grammar are

incorporated throughout the year also.

RR Math (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 52039

This course is designed to expand and remediate the students’ basic math skills. Students will work on basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts, telling time on an analog and digital clock, money skills, basic fractions and story problems. Math vocabulary and sentence structures are incorporated throughout the year.

RR Social Studies (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 54439

This course is designed to introduce, expand and remediate students’ basic map and social studies skills.

Students will work on atlas’, different types of maps, map parts as well as the study of their home community and state. This course will teach the basics of each topic and focus on re-teaching basic social studies skills.

RR Science (6 th , 7 th & 8 th Grade) - 53239

This course is designed to introduce, expand and remediate students’ basic biology, ecology and basic science skills. Students will work on learning about different animals, environments, magnets, solar system, electricity and other important sciences. This course will teach the basics of each topic and focus on re-teaching basic science skills.

Holly Middle School Administrative/Teaching Staff


Baldwin, Ben

Briggs, Naomi


Oakland University

Marygrove College

Michigan State University

University of Michigan






Music Education

Art of Teaching


El. Social Science/L.A.

Brower, Lydia

Burns, Connie

Campbell, Lena

Chamkhi, Alyssa Michigan State University

Crowder, Tammy

Grand Valley State University

University of Toledo

Eastern Michigan University

Wayne State University

Central Michigan

Marygrove College

Eastern Michigan University

Central Michigan University

Curl, Eric

Curl, Mackenzie

Finkle, Rob

Ford, Keriann

Gillespie, Ryan

Marygrove University

Bowling Green University

Marygrove College

Marygrove College

Eastern Michigan University

Michigan State University

Michigan State University

Lawrence Tech University

Western Michigan University











Bowling Green State University B.S.









Godoshian, Kristin Campbell University

Golden, Lynne

Graham, Vicky

Haney, Mary

Holek, Tricia

University of Michigan

Hubbard, Rachael Wayne State University

Hughes, AmyJo

Hughes, Dan

Jensen, Tracey

Kenwell, Deborah Central Michigan University

Michigan State University

Marygrove University

University of Michigan/Flint

Eastern Michigan University

Central Michigan University

Oakland University

Oakland University

Oakland University

Kuciemba, Sarah

LaMothe, Kathleen Michigan State University

Loria, Marc

Saginaw Valley University

Eastern Michigan University

University of Michigan

University of Michigan

Oakland University

Olivet College

University of Michigan

Michigan State University

Michigan State University

Marygrove College

Walden University

University of Michigan-Flint

K-12 P.E./Health

Special Education

Reading Instruction

Social Work

Sociology/Social Work


Art of Teaching

Special Education – E.I.

Special Education – C.I.



Secondary Science Education

Art of Teaching

Art of Teaching

Special Education – C.I.

Special Education/El. Ed.

Integrate Science

Science Education

Biology/Group, Science




Health/P.E/Athletic Training

B.S./M.A. Speech Language Pathology








Inclusion Specialist

El. Ed. - Math/Science

Special Education


Literacy Education

El. Ed. – Math/LA

Secondary Science Education

















Art of Teaching


Guidance and Counseling

Science Major Math DX

Educational Studies

El. Ed. – Science/Math

Special Education – E.I.




Speech Language Pathology

Art of Teaching


Elementary Ed/LA,Math, SS

Martin, Lindsey

Mattingly, Mark

McCarthy, Sarah

Orrin, Devon

Ott, Paul

Oakland University

Alma College

Eastern Michigan University

New Mexico Highlands

Michigan State University

M.A. Music Education

B.A./B.M.E. General Ed./Music Ed.




Western Governors University M.A.

Oakland University

Michigan State University

Marygrove College

Wayne State University







Special Education/L.D. – El. Ed.

Education/Teaching English


Education - English/Spanish

Art of Teaching

El. Ed. – Math, Science

Owen, MaryJo

Pinch, Tracey

University of Michigan-Flint

Eastern Michigan University

Central Michigan University

Marygrove College

University of Michigan

Walsh College

Piotrowski, Sarah Oakland University

Plaskon, John

Western Michigan University

Marygrove College

Western Michigan University

Prechowski, Jack Western Michigan University

Rarus, Martha

Schmidt, Elise

Michigan State University

Eastern Michigan University

Oakland University

Oakland University

Alma College

Oakland University

Oakland University

Smith, Brian

Smith, Ryan

Stefanko, Sue

Volkman, Bev

Walters, Joe

University of Michigan

Michigan State University

Michigan State University

Michigan State University

Marygrove College

University of Michigan

Michigan State University

Michigan State University

Michigan State University

Wayne State University

Central Michigan University

Weisdorfer, Matt Central Michigan University

Central Michigan University

Whitman, Megan Michigan State University

Michigan State University






Educational Leadership


Art of Teaching

Elementary Ed. - S.S./L.A.



B.A./B.F.A. Art Education - Ceramics




Educational Studies


Science DX/Social Studies

























Guidance and Counseling

Criminal Justice

Social Studies, Geography

Special Education - L.D.



Educational Leadership


Education K-8

Music Education

Curriculum and Teaching

El. Ed. – Math, Environ. Science

Art of Teaching

Elementary Ed. – S.S./L.A.

Curriculum and Teaching


Criminal Justice/Psychology



Athletic Administration


Literacy Instruction

Elementary Education
