Before Darwin: Early Ideas about Evolution Ch. 10.1 pp. 298 – 301

Before Darwin: Early Ideas about Evolution Ch. 10.1 pp. 298 – 301
What processes are responsible for life’s unity and diversity?
KEY CONCEPT: There were ideas about biological and geological change prior to Charles
Darwin that set the stage for Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.
1. Evolution (p. 298) –
2. Species (p. 298) –
3. Fossils (p. 300) –
4. Catastrophism (p. 301) –
5. Gradualism (p. 301) –
6. Uniformitarianism (p. 301) –
7. What contribution to understanding evolution did each of the following early naturalist’s
a. Carolus Linnaeus –
b. George Buffon –
c. Erasmus Darwin –
d. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck –
8. What ideas in Lyell’s theory of Uniformitarianism were important for evolutionary theory?
9. What are key differences between the theories of gradualism and catastrophism?
10. Why are the ideas that Earth undergoes change and is billions of years old important for
evolutionary theory?
11. How can you use the concept of genetic inheritance to disprove Lamarck’s idea of
inheritance of acquired characteristics?