Nursing Process Unit III

Nursing Process Unit III
NURS 2210
Nancy Pares, RN, MSN
Metro Community College
RN Role in developing nursing dx
• First used in 1953, but not implemented until
• Currently five steps
– Assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification,
implementation, evaluation
• Emphasis on professionalism, accountability,
multiculturalism and scientific method of
problem solving
Comparison of nursing vs medical
• Focuses on illness, injury or
disease process
• Focus on responses to
actual or potential diseases
• Remains constant until
• Changes as client condition
• Identifies conditions that
can be treated by qualifying
healthcare practitioner
• Identifies situations in
which the nurse is qualified
to intervene
Assessment Step 1
• Collection of data, organizing data, validating
data, identifying patterns, recording data
• Primary source
• Secondary source
• Subjective vs objective
Types of nursing diagnosis
• Actual
– Problem exists
• Risk
– Factors are present to cause problem
• Possible
– Problem could arise unless preventative action
• Wellness
– ‘potential for enhanced…’; expressed desire
Developing Nursing dx- Step 2
• What are the problems?
• What are causes? Risk factors?
• Could a problem occur if prevention not
• What data is needed to answer these
• If more than one problem…which is priority?
Planning- Step 3
• List priority of nursing dx
– Use critical thinking- what needs attention first?
• Long and short term goals are written
• Specific interventions are developed
• Plan of care is recorded
Implementation- Step 4
• Communicate with team to solve complex
• Accurately report data and clues
• RN needs to know what can be delegated
• Is there a need to alter the intervention?
Evaluation- Step 5
• Was the goal met? Why not?
– Assessment incomplete
– Goal not SMART
– Goal not appropriate for individual client
Maslow’s Priority of Care
Safety and security
Love and belonging
Self esteem
Self actualization
Delegation decision tree
• Are there rules and laws in place supporting the rules of
• Is the task within the scope of practice
• Has there been an assessment of the client needs
• Is the person being delegated tasks competent
• Does the ability of the caregiver match the needs of the client
• Can the task be completed without nursing judgment
• Is the result of the task predictable
• Can the task be safely performed according to directions
• Can the task be completed without repeat assessment
• Is the appropriate supervision available
NCLEX questions LPN –cannot:
Do new admission assessments
Give IV push meds
Write nursing diagnosis
Do complex skills
Care for clinically unstable clients
Care for clients with acute conditions
Lowest level of skill
Least complicated task
Most stable
Look for client with chronic illness
Client care needs
Admission Assessment
IV meds/blood products
Care plan
Client teaching
Unstable clients/acute
Vital signs
Uncomplicated skills
Basic skills
Stable clients/chronic
Stable clients/chronic
Oral and IM meds
• The nursing dx, ‘alteration in skin integrity R/T
immobility as manifested by Stage 1 pressure
ulcer on coccyx ‘ is what type of nursing dx?
• 1. Risk
• 2. Possible
• 3. Wellness
• 4. Actual
• Which of the following is an accurate
summary of the difference between medical
and nursing dx.?
• 1. Nursing dx determined by med dx
• 2. Med dx can be treated by nurse
• 3. Nursing dx reflects a human response to
actual problem
• 4. Only physicians can treat a pathophysiology.
• Client will ambulate 20 ft with walker twice a
day. Which phase of nursing process is this?
• 1. assessment
• 2. planning
• 3. implementing
• 4. evaluation
• An example of an independent nursing
intervention is:
• 1. admin IV fluids for client with nutritional
• 2. turning and repositioning q 2 hr
• 3. ordering chest xray for client with
breathing problem
• 4. reviewing lab values and reordering tests
for abnormal values.
• Using aseptic techniques, a nurse
demonstrates insulin preparation to a client.
This is an example of which phase of nursing
• When a task is delegated, the role of the nurse
is to
• 1. validate the skill level of the care provider
• 2. assume the task was completed as
• 3. allow the care provider independence
• 4. review care provider notes
• You determine that the client has not met an
expected outcome..What action do you take?
• 1. call a meeting of team
• 2. ask the client why the goal was not
• 3. call for a nursing consultation
• 4. review and revise the care plan
• A nursing audit is used to evaluate
1. the nursing process
2. institutional standards
3. quality of nursing care
4. client outcomes and goal achievement
• The purpose of evaluation is
• 1. determine whether problems are resolved
• 2. determine if the nurse developed outcome
criteria for the client
• 3. select appropriate goals and objectives
• 4. develop a time frame for completing the
nurse client relationship.