ENGL1A: Composition § 80597 Instructor: Amber Durfield Instructor

ENGL1A: Composition § 80597
Instructor: Amber Durfield
Instructor contact information: amber.durfield@chaffey.edu
Class time and location: Monday & Wednesday, 12:30-1:50 p.m., LA-100
Office hours: Wednesday, 2:00-3:00 p.m., LA-108
Description of Course
Careful study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques and the frequent writing of
compositions with the ultimate goal of a research project. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected over the
course of the term. Three arranged hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is
required. Designed to prepare the student for satisfactory college writing. May be offered as an Honors course.
Required Materials
 Concise Guide to Writing (6th edition) by Rise B. Axelrod & Charles R. Cooper (e-book is acceptable)
 Supplemental readings as provided in class and/or via my blog
 Notebook, pen/pencil, writing paper, etc.
 For RWR in-class responses, mid-term and final exams: An 8 ½ x 11 inch size Blue Book (sometimes called
Green Book)
o Use of a Blue/Green Book other than the required size will result in -10% off the given
assignment/test grade.
Course Textbook Policy (strictly enforced)
 You may not share textbooks with other students.
 If you come to class without the textbook on a day that the textbook is used, you will forfeit any points that
may have been earned through the use of the text (e.g. in-class assignments).
 You must have the required course text (named above) OR proof of purchase (e.g. online purchase receipt
and shipment date) by the beginning of class Wednesday, January 21.
o If you miss class that date, you must provide proof of textbook purchase/ownership at the next
class meeting you attend.
o E-books are acceptable.
o Failure to show me proof that you have purchased and/or possess the required book for the course
by the beginning of class on Wednesday, Jan. 21, will result in your being dropped from the class.
Instructor’s blog
For assignment details, supplemental readings, and other materials not included in the course text, please consult
my blog: http://professordurfield.wordpress.com. As this blog is used for multiple courses across multiple
colleges, take care that you access the proper course information when you visit the blog, so as to minimize any
Communication with instructor
The best way to reach me is via e-mail (at the address above). I will generally respond to your message within 24
hours if I receive it during the week (Monday-Thursday), and within 48-72 hours if I receive it during the weekend
(Friday-Sunday) or on a holiday.
Please be advised that effective spring 2015, all students enrolled in credit courses will receive a Chaffey
College student e-mail (which will end with @panther.chaffey.edu). Starting January 21, 2015, your student e-mail
will be the e-mail address used to communicate official college information. This would include mass e-mail I send
to the entire class, or personal correspondence between you and me.
Please maintain a professional, courteous tone when communicating with me. I expect to see a salutation
and correct grammar/spelling in your correspondence. If your e-mail is written like a text message, if it has poor
grammar/spelling, or if you do not articulate your question(s)/concern(s) clearly enough, I may not reply. Also,
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please include your course section number or class meeting date/time somewhere in the e-mail so that I can
readily identify you.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
1. Write essays that deliberately connect audience and purpose in a variety of genres.
2. Demonstrate proficiency in evaluating, integrating, and documenting sources.
3. Support a complex thesis statement with sophisticated evidence.
Academic dishonesty/cheating/plagiarism policy
Violations of the Student Academic Integrity Code, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated in Chaffey College
English courses.
Plagiarism is defined as the misrepresentation of the published ideas or words of another as one’s own.
Cheating is defined as using a source other than one’s own knowledge to complete an assignment, either
inside or outside of class. A limited list of examples of sources include: a classmate (verbal communication or
looking at their work, with or without their knowledge), a cell phone or other device with stored data and/or
internet connectivity, a textbook or supplemental text, etc.
You are certainly welcome to use the internet, your textbook, academic journal articles, etc. as sources to
complete assignments that might necessitate information other than your personal knowledge. However, you are
expected to properly attribute all sources in correct MLA style. Failure to do this is considered plagiarism.
At the discretion of the professor, plagiarism, cheating, or other violations may result in zero points for the
assignment and/or failing the course. Additionally, the professor may file a Student Academic Integrity Form
documenting the violation and may seek other sanctions. The complete Student Academic Integrity Code appears
in the Chaffey College Student Handbook.
Attendance policy/participation points
You have the potential to earn at least 10 points per class (participation points—but not including the first day of
class, conference days, and the mid-term & final exam periods), but if you are absent when attendance is taken
(including simply being late to class), you forfeit your points for that class period. Excused absences will only
be given on a case-by-case basis upon discussion with the instructor, at the discretion of the instructor.
For maximum points (10 points), do the following:
 Show up on time,
 Have a positive attitude,
 Interact respectfully with me and your peers,
 Spend minimal time outside the classroom,
 Stay on-task during in-class work or group time.
For no points (zero points), do the following:
 Sleep in class (for any amount of time),
 Use your cell phone (not during cell phone break or
for other authorized purposes),
 Show up for the first few minutes of class and then
leave with no explanation,
 Show up after attendance is taken,
 Cheat on a quiz or other tested activity.
Policy on cell phone/tablet/other technology use in the classroom
1. Students caught using their cell phone or technology at any time in the classroom during class for any
reason (designated break time and approved e-textbook use are exempted) will lose their participation
points for that class period.
a. You may or may not be notified in class when I see you using your phone during an unauthorized
1. A two-minute “PHONE BREAK” will be given at some time during the class period for the whole class to check
their phones. Cell phone usage in the classroom is permitted only during this time.
2. If you must take a call/send a text during class time, you should go outside the classroom to do so.
3. If you have an e-textbook, you are permitted to have technology on your desk when appropriate (not all
class periods will necessitate the use of the textbooks); however, if I observe an inordinate amount of
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“activity” in a given class period—like, for example, you keep “looking” at your e-book and yet I’m not
lecturing from it—I reserve the right to inquire and treat the situation appropriately.
1. There will be absolutely no exceptions to the preceding policy.
2. There will be no discussion for policy-violating students to “explain” why you were using your technology
after you have been clearly prohibited from doing so.
a. Remember: Everyone has a good excuse. 
Assignments/point values
This class is worth 3,000 points total. Assignment point breakdown is as follows:
4 @ 150 points each
4 @ 25 points each
In-class activities
10 @ 15 points each
Participation (does not include
first day of class, conference days,
mid-term and final exam period)
Misc homework
25 @ 10 points each
6 @ 25 points each
Success Center activities
3 @ 100 points each
Real World Reading (RWR)
discussion circles
5 @ 100 points each
 in-class discussion (50 points)
 in-class written response (50 points)
5 @ 50 points each
Writing conference w/
Mid-term test
2 @ 100 points each
1 @ 100 points
Final test
1 @ 200 points
1 @ 200 points
RWR reviews
Total points available 3,000
Turnitin Many assignments for this class will be submitted online via www.turnitin.com. You must register with
Turnitin in order to submit your work. Follow these instructions:
1) In the upper right hand corner of the home page, click on “Create Account.”
2) In the box “Create a User Profile” under “Create a New Account,” click on “Student.”
3) Complete the required fields, including the following:
a. Class ID: 9261549
b. Class enrollment password: MW1230
4) Click “I Agree—Create Profile” at the bottom of the page and voila! Your profile is completed!
a. Please do NOT create multiple profiles.
b. After you create your profile, write down your login information for safekeeping.
5) When you log in from now on, just click the “Log In” button at the top right of the home page.
Grades will be determined based on the following:
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= 97 – 100%
= 93 – 96.9%
= 90 – 92.9%
= 87 – 89.9%
= 83 – 86.9%
= 80 – 82.9%
= 77 – 79.9%
= 70 – 76.9%
= 67 – 69.9%
= 63 – 66.9%
= 60 – 62.9%
= 0 – 59.9%
• Passing = C or better (70% )
There are no C- grades at Chaffey. Except for Eng 675, all courses have letter grades.
Engrade You can keep track of your grades in this course by registering for and logging on regularly to Engrade
(www.engrade.com). Logon information will be provided for you in class during the 2nd or 3rd week of the term.
Class schedule
The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to this course schedule as needed throughout the semester. You
will be informed of any changes in a timely fashion.
Key: Real World Reading = RWR  Conference = Conf.  First draft = D1  Final draft = D2  Monday = M 
Wednesday = W  Friday = F  Homework = HW
class topics (subject to change)
M 01-12
W 01-14
M 01-19
W 01-21
Course introduction
Semester project; MLA style
MLK Jr. holiday (no class)
Semester project/conference 1; RWR;
Quiz 1
Conference 1
Conference 1
RWR 1 in-class discussion & response
M 01-26
W 01-28
M 02-02
W 02-04
M 02-09
W 02-11
M 02-16
W 02-18
Due (in class OR Turnitin.com, as specified)
*Note: Success Center deadlines are always a Friday;
ENGL1A deadlines are always a Monday/Wednesday.
HW 1 (in class)
RWR 1 review (Turnitin.com)
HW 2 (in class)
Essay 1 D1/prewriting peer review
President’s Day holiday (no class)
M 02-23
RWR 2 in-class discussion & response
W 02-25
Quiz 2
M 03-02
W 03-04
M 03-09
mid-term exam review
W 03-11
Mid-term exam
Spring Break: March 16-22 (no class)
M 03-23
W 03-25
RWR 3 in-class discussion & response
Essay 1 D1/prewriting (in class)
RWR 2 review
Due F 02-20: Success
Center activity 1
Essay 1 D2 (Turnitin.com)
HW 3 (in class)
Essay 2 D1/prewriting (in class)
Essay 2 D2 (Turnitin.com)
RWR 3 review (Turnitin.com)
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class topics
Due (in class OR Turnitin.com, as specified)
M 03-30
W 04-01
M 04-06
Quiz 3
Essay 3 D1/prewriting peer review
HW 4 (in class)
Due F 04-03: Success Center activity 2
Essay 3 D1/prewriting (in class); RWR 4
review (Turnitin.com)
*Note: Success Center deadlines are always a Friday;
ENGL1A deadlines are always a Monday/Wednesday.
W 04-08
M 04-13
W 04-15
M 04-20
W 04-22
RWR 4 in-class discussion & response
M 04-27
W 04-29
RWR 5 in-class discussion & response
Quiz 4
Essay 3 D2 (Turnitin.com)
FLEX day teacher training (no class)
Essay 4 D1/prewriting peer review
HW 5 (in class)
Essay 4 D1/prewriting (in class); RWR 5
review (Turnitin.com)
Essay 4 D2
Due F 05-01: Success
Center activity 3
HW 6 (in class/at conference)
M 05-04
Conference #2
W 05-06
Conference #2
M 05-11
Conference #2
W 05-13
Final exam review
Portfolio (in class)
M 05-18
Finals week (no regular classes)
W 05-20
Final exam 11:30-2:00 p.m., LA-100
Note: All Turnitin.com assignments are due at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard or Daylight Time (as
appropriate) on the stated due dates, above.
Late/Make up Work Policy
The definition of late work in this course:
 Work that you failed to submit in class or via Turnitin.com on the assigned due date/at the assigned time;
 A quiz/test/in-class assignment that you did not take in class on the assigned date/at the assigned time
(regardless of the reason).
Planned absences: If you already know you are going to miss class on an assignment’s due date (e.g. you have a
medical procedure scheduled, you have been called up in the Army Reserves, etc.), it is your responsibility to notify
the instructor in advance so that arrangements can be made for you to submit your assignment in advance.
Is late work accepted? And, if so, how late?
 Homework
 In-class quizzes/activities
 Mid-term & final exams
 D1/prewriting of any essay (including Success Center
tutoring for said essay)
 Success Center “stamps”/signatures (for DLAs and
 Conferences with instructor
 RWR in-class discussion & response
 Portfolio
Yes (timeframes of acceptability)
 D2 of any essay (up to 2 weeks late, with penalty)
 Any RWR review (up to 2 weeks late, with penalty)
Important deadlines & late penalties (including late D2s and RWR reviews)
“Early bird” due Assignment due
1 week late
RWR review n/a
See syllabus
-10 points
Essay D2
See syllabus
-20 points
deadline in syllabus
2 weeks late
-15 points
-30 points
2+ weeks late
Not accepted
Not accepted
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Important dates to remember
MLK Jr. holiday
January 19
Deadline to ADD
January 20
Refund deadline
January 26
Deadline to DROP w/o “W”
February 2
President’s Day holiday
February 16
Spring Break
March 16-22
Deadline to DROP w/ “W”
April 6
Final exams
May 14-20
Student expectations
You are expected to follow the Chaffey College Student Academic Integrity Code at all times while participating in
this class.
Campus Resources
Student Success Centers
Chaffey College has created a network of Student Success Centers – offering free tutorials, workshops,
learning groups, directed learning activities, and computer/resources access – to assist students in their academic
development and success.
Chino Campus Success Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm, Friday 10am-4pm
Multidisciplinary Success Center
(CHMB-145) 909-652-8150
Fontana Campus Success Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm, Friday 10am-4pm
Multidisciplinary Success Center
(FNFC-122) 909-652-7408
Rancho Campus Success Centers
Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm, Friday 10am-4pm, Su 10am-3pm
Language Success Center
(BEB-101) 909-652-6907/652-6820
Math Success Center
(Math-121) 909-652-6452
Multidisciplinary Success Center
(Library) 909-652-6932
A current Chaffey College photo ID card is required for all Success Center services. Walk-ins are welcome, and
advanced appointments are available for most services. Call the centers or consult the college website at
www.chaffey.edu/success/ for more information. Online appointments: https://chaffey.mywconline.com/
Career Center
The Career Center helps Chaffey College students find meaningful careers. The program offers career
counseling, career assessments, résumé assistance, interviewing skills preparation, job referrals, student
employment, and career related workshops. The Career Center is located on the Rancho Cucamonga Campus in
MACC-203. Please call (909) 652-6511 for more information.
Disability Programs & Services
Chaffey College’s Disabled Students Programs and Services, or DPS, serves an estimated 1500 students
across all Chaffey campuses. DPS serves students with physical, learning, and psychological/psychiatric disabilities
by providing accommodations based on the type of disability and verifying documentation. Services include
academic counseling, disability related counseling and referral for community resources, test accommodations,
tram services, adapted computer lab, assistive technology training, assessment, and equipment loan. (909) 6526379.
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is designed to ensure student retention and success
through academic support and financial assistance for eligible students. Cooperative Agencies Resources for
Education (CARE) is a program that serves a limited number of EOPS students who are single heads of household
parents. It provides additional support services beyond those available through EOPS. The ultimate goal is
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completion of a certificate program, an associate degree, and/or transfer to a four-year college. Call (909) 6526345 for more information.
Honors Program
The Honors Program provides an intellectual and cultural community for students at Chaffey College.
Program benefits include smaller classes, creative and challenging coursework, academic enrichment activities,
and scholarships. Students also have opportunities to present research at scholarly conferences, build social
responsibility through community service, and receive ongoing personalized academic advisement as well as
support during the transfer process. Students who complete the Honors Program may take advantage of our
transfer agreements with prestigious institutions like UCLA. Visit http:///www.chaffey.edu/honors or SSA-122 for
more information and admission requirements.
Student Health Services
Student Health Services is dedicated to assisting students to achieve and maintain optimum physical,
mental and emotional health. We are committed to providing quality healthcare at a reasonable cost. All currently
enrolled full and part time Chaffey College students on the Rancho Cucamonga Campus or any off campus site may
utilize the services of the Student Health Office. Please have your Chaffey ID ready.
Rancho Campus
(909) 652-6331
Chino Campus
(909) 652-8190
Transfer Center
The Transfer Center is located in SSA 120 on the Rancho Cucamonga Campus. We are open Monday and
Thursday from 7:30am to 7:00pm; Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:30am-4:30pm and Friday, 7:30am-2:00pm.
Transfer services are also available at Fontana on Monday afternoons from 1:30 to 4:30pm and at Chino on
Tuesdays from 1:30 to 4:00pm. Call us at (909) 652-6233 or visit the website at www.chaffey.edu/transfer.
Veterans and Eligible Family Members
Chaffey College’s Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is dedicated to assisting veterans and eligible family
members in achieving their educational goals efficiently and without impediments. If you are a veteran or eligible
family member, please contact the Veterans Resource Center at (909) 652-6235 or vrc.staff@chaffey.edu for
information regarding educational benefits and opportunities. The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is located in
AD-125 on Chaffey College’s Rancho Cucamonga campus.
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