Questions that go along with "Playing God"

PBS DNA Episode 2: Playing God
1. What is genetic engineering?
2. Why are bacteria ideal experimental subjects?
3. How did toad DNA get into bacterial DNA?
4. What is "gene splicing"?
5. Why were some people concerned about gene splicing and genetic engineering?
6. What did the lawyers say about gene splicing and genetic engineering?
7. What did Sydney Brenner do before coming to the conference?
8. What was the outcome of the conference on genetic engineering?
9. What were the grades that the conference came up with? What distinguished between the
10. What organism was the first to test the US patent law?
11. Can living things be patented?
PBS DNA Episode 2: Playing God
12. Why was insulin production targeted for genetic engineering? What advantage did this have
over the traditional method of extracting insulin for human use?
13. How are bacteria used to produce insulin for human medical use?
14. What is Genentech?
15. How are genetically modified plants produced?
16. What was the first genetically modified plant to be produced in the lab?
17. What are some potential benefits of genetically modified food crops?
18. What was the first genetically engineered food crop?
19. What percent of processed food in the United States contain genetically modified organisms
20. What are some of the concerns about GMOs?