Lesson Plan 2

Section 5- Moving onto individual lesson planning (first a lesson
catalogue for each lesson – followed by detailed lesson plan for each
Lesson # Overview
Lesson # 2 The Influence that Individuals,
Interest Groups, and Events have on
SOL: CE 9b, 9c and Brief Intro 10a
NCSS Theme: Theme V Individuals, Groups,
and Institutions
Big Question for
(from teaching
Specific lesson
Objectives (transfer
from above).
What impact do interest groups, individuals, and events
have on policymakers?
TSW differentiate by reflecting and analyzing
how individuals and interest groups influence
public policy.
TSW will analyze a local news article and
identify how the article links to an
international or national issue.
focused/action verbs
differentiate, reflect, analyze, create, describe,
Assessment of
e.g. Obj 1=
Obj 2=
(you do not need to
formally assess all
individually – can do
them as a group if
#1 The student will complete a frame
provided in the last class in order to guide
them in their understanding of how interest
groups, individuals, current international and
national issues have on public policy.
#2 The student will compare and contrast an
individual and an interest groups impact on
public policy.
#3 The student will look at various local news
sources and connect the article or story to an
international or national issue.
Brief explanation of
scope of lesson
(explanation of
tasks, and
The purpose of this lesson is for students to
understand the role that individuals, interest
groups, and international issues have on the
formation of public opinion and public policy.
The comparison and contrast worksheet on
the impact that individuals and interest
groups have on public policy and public
opinion is a perfect assessment because it
helps students differentiate and evaluate the
impact of these various factors. By analyzing
various local news articles and linking them
to international and national issues students
will be able to evaluate the various
relationships or links between events
throughout the world and their impact on
local public policy and public opinion.
How are you trying
to motivate students
in your opener?
What is your
The motivation for the opener is to get
students to review and think about past units.
The closure will be an overall review of the
class in the same format as the opener.
Section 6. Detailed lesson Plan
Title: The Influence that Individuals, Interest Groups, and Events
have on Policymakers.
Grade and Subject: Grade 8 Civics and Econ
Time Allotted: 45 minutes
SOL #:
CE 9b and
NCSS Theme:
What is the guiding
question for this lesson?
Must be presented in the
lesson to students
How will student
understanding be assessed?
-include assessments.
What impact do interest groups, individuals,
and events have on policymakers?
-Focus Questions
-Comparison and Contrast Worksheet
- Local News Article Assignment
-Wrap Up: Review of class
Key Concepts (no definition necessary):
Public Opinion
Public Policy
Interest Groups
Political Contributions
SWBAT (as many as required by lesson):
#1 The student will be able to analyze and evaluate various media
sources and their message regarding public policy and public
#2 The student will be able to compare and contrast an individual
and an interest groups impact on public policy by writing how they
are similar and different to one another.
#3 The student will analyze and evaluate various local news sources
and connect the article to an international or national issue.
Materials (List and attach primary sources and additional materials-ppt and
question frames /concept maps/ Frames etc.):
Attachment A: PowerPoint Slideshow Just Do It
Attachment B: Comparison and Contrast Worksheet
Attachment C: Local News Article Analysis Worksheet w/Rubric
Attachment D: Lesson 1 PowerPoint with Frame.
Just Do It (hook): White board focus questions on PowerPoint. (See Attachment
A Slides 1-4 )
Obj #
#1 (35mins
respond in
3 mins. 1
min go
over as
Description of Lesson Procedure
Check for Evidence of
Completed focus questions.
Complete frame. (See
Attachment D)
The instructor will begin by having
students getting out their white
boards and answering the focus
review questions. Students will define
the words listed on the PowerPoint
slides in their own words. The
instructor will hand out frame after
going over definitions. (See
Attachment D) Then students will
continue work on the frame when
instructor begins the PowerPoint
presentation. Students will fill out
frame as instructor goes through
PowerPoint. At the end of the
PowerPoint students will place
completed frame in personal
notebook with their other completed
frames for class.
Transition: Instructor will hand out media analysis worksheet. (See Attachment
#2 (Power Students will comparison and contrast Students will turn in
Point with worksheet. Instructor will then go
worksheet for a
frame will over worksheet.
take 5-10
will take
10 minutes
Transition: Instructor will hand out local news article worksheet. (See Attachment
#3 (This
Instructor will help students with
Students will turn in their
will take
completing worksheet. After students worksheet for a
maybe 15
complete their worksheet the
instructor will then ask for students to grade. See Rubric. (See
share their responses.
Attachment C)
Closure (How does this come back to the guiding question):
The closure will be several matching and multiple choice questions that will be
used for review over the material that we just covered in class. This closure
essentially will be a summary of all the class material that we went over last class
and this class period. (5 minutes) (See Attachment D Slides 7-10)
Frames will be used to facilitate differentiation.
Guided practice worksheets.
SPED and ELL Aids will be given worksheets/lesson plans/ all material in advance
of class.
SPED and ELL Aids will modify for students if they need to.
Class material will be modified according to a student’s IEP.