Section 2.1 Second Day Transforming data, density curves

Chapter 2: Modeling Distributions of Data
Section 2.1
Describing Location in a Distribution
The Practice of Statistics, 4th edition - For AP*
In Chapter 1, we developed a kit of graphical and numerical
tools for describing distributions. Now, we’ll add one more step
to the strategy.
Exploring Quantitative Data
1. Always plot your data: make a graph.
2. Look for the overall pattern (shape, center, and spread) and
for striking departures such as outliers.
3. Calculate a numerical summary to briefly describe center
and spread.
Sometimes the overall pattern of a large number of
observations is so regular that we can describe it by a
smooth curve.
Describing Location in a Distribution
 Density
A density curve is a curve that
•is always on or above the horizontal axis, and
•has area exactly 1 underneath it.
A density curve describes the overall pattern of a distribution.
The area under the curve and above any interval of values on
the horizontal axis is the proportion of all observations that fall in
The overall pattern of this histogram of
the scores of all 947 seventh-grade
students in Gary, Indiana, on the
vocabulary part of the Iowa Test of
Basic Skills (ITBS) can be described
by a smooth curve drawn through the
tops of the bars.
Describing Location in a Distribution
 Density
Mean and Median of a Density
 Symmetric:
Mean = Median
 Skewed
Left: Mean < Median
 Skewed
Right: Mean > Median
 The
median of a density curve is the equal-areas
point, where ½ of the area is to the left and ½ of the
area is to the right.
 The
mean of a density curve is the balance point,
where the curve would balance if it were made of
solid material.
For each of
these density
curves, which
line represents
the mean? The
For any density curve…
How much area is to the left of the first quartile?
How much area is to the right of the first quartile?
How much area is between the first and third quartiles?
The uniform distribution
 The
uniform distribution is a special kind of
density curve. It looks like a rectangle.
 It
has a constant height (i.e. horizontal line)
over some interval of values.
 So, this density curve describes a variable
whose values are distributed evenly
(UNIFORMLY) over some interval of
Accidents on a level, 3-mile bike path occur uniformly along the
length of the path.
A) Show that this density curve satisfies the two requirements
for a density curve.
B) The proportion of accidents that occur in the first mile of the
path is the area under the density curve between 0 miles and 1
mile. What is this area?
C) Sue’s property adjoins the bike path between the 0.8 mile
mark and the 1.1 mile mark. What proportion of accidents
happen in front of Sue’s property?
Normal Distributions
 Density
curves have an area = 1 and are always
 Normal curves are a special type of density curves.
 T/F All density curves are normal curves.
 T/F All normal curves are density curves.
Characteristics of Normal Curves
Single-peaked (also called
The mean, μ, is located at the center of the
The standard deviation, σ, is located at the
inflection points of the curve.
Parameters of the Normal Curve
 The
same way a line is
defined by its slope
and y-intercept, a
normal curve is
defined by its mean
and standard
Why Be Normal?
 Normal
curves are good descriptions for lots
of real data: SAT test scores, IQ, heights,
length of cockroaches (yum!).
 Normal
curves approximate random
experiments, like tossing a coin many times.
 Not
all data is normal (or even approximately
normal). Income data is skewed right.
We abbreviate the Normal distribution with mean µ and
standard deviation σ as N(µ,σ).
IQ scores on the WISC-IV are distributed Normally with a
mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
IQ ~ N(100,15).
Women’s heights ~ N(64.5”, 2.5”)
Normal Distributions
 Normal
Remember z-scores?
What’s the formula to standardize a value?
If a person’s IQ has a z-score of 0, what does that mean?
What does a z-score of -1 mean?
On the normal curve, we draw 3 standard deviations on either
side of the mean.