Distributed Systems Distributed Systems Name Services Dr. Sunny Jeong. spjeong@uic.edu.hk Mr. Jerry Li. jerryli@uic.edu.hk With Thanks to Prof. G. Coulouris, Prof. A.S. Tanenbaum and Prof. S.C Joo 1 Distributed Systems Overview Naming concepts name space, contexts, hierarchies The service function and goals name resolution replication and caching Examples Domain Name Service (DNS) Jini discovery service Global directory Service X.500 directory service 2 Distributed Systems Distributed Service 3 Distributed Systems Naming concepts Names = strings used to identify objects (files, computers, people, processes, objects). Textual names (human readable) used to identify individual services, people email address: xxx@uic.edu.uk URI(Uniform Resource Identifier): www.cdk3.net URL(Uniform Resource Locator) URI’s particular type URN(Uniform Resource Name) URI’s other particular type URC(Uniform Resource Characteristics or Citations) URN’s subset Groups of objects multicast address (e.g. IP Multicast, group of hosts) broadcast address (e.g. Ethernet, all hosts) 4 Distributed Systems Naming concepts -ctd Numeric addresses (location dependent in Internet, now), Object identifiers( = object handle) pure names (=bit patterns), usually numeric and large[Needham, 1993] never reused (include timestamp) location independent used for identification purposes =>No real distinction between names and addresses. =>Both must be looked up to obtain lower-level data (= name resolution). 5 Distributed Systems Examples of name services DNS (=Domain Name Service) maps domain names to IP addresses Jini discovery service looks up objects according to attributes(service) GNS (=Global Name Service) GNS directory tree maps global names to their attributes (Resource Location, Mail address. Authentication) scalable, can handle change X.500 directory service (attribute service) maps person’s name to attributes (email address, phone number) 6 Distributed Systems DNS names & look-ups URL http://www.cdk3.net:8888/WebExamples/earth.html DNS lookup Resource ID (IP number, port number, pathname) 8888 WebExamples/earth.html Web server Network address file 2:60:8c:2:b0:5a Socket 7 Distributed Systems Name space Name space = collection of all valid names recognized by a service with a syntax for specifying names, and rules for resolving names (left to right, etc) Naming context = maps a name onto primitive attributes directly, or onto another context and derived name (usually by prefixing) telephone No. : country, area, number Internet host names : contexts = domains Unix file system : contexts = directories 8 Distributed Systems Name space -ctd Name binding an association between a name and an object names bound to attributes, one of which may be address Naming domain has authority that assigns names to objects within a name space or context object may be registered more than once within context( replication) Multiple names alias (alternative name for an object) symbolic name (alternative name which maps to a path name in the name space) 9 Distributed Systems Hierarchic name spaces Sequence of name tokens resolved in different context syntax: name token (text string) + delimiter DNS: cs.bham.ac.uk Unix: /usr/bin Structure reflects organizational structure name changes if object migrates names relative to context or absolute local contexts managed in a distributed fashion Examples domain names, Unix file system, etc 10 Distributed Systems Flat name spaces Single global context and naming authority for all names computer serial number Ethernet address remote object reference (IP address, port, time, object number, interface id) Names (are) not meaningful difficult to resolve (no tree hierarchy) easy to create easy to ensure uniqueness (timestamps) 11 Distributed Systems Name Resolution Iteratively, presents name to a naming context, start with initial naming context repeat as long as contexts+derived names are returned aliases introduce cycles Two solution for no cycle abandon after threshold No. of resolutions ensure no cycles by administrator Replication used for improved fault-tolerance on large services (more than one server, cf DNS) may need navigation, i.e. accessing several servers 12 Distributed Systems Iterative navigation NS2 2 Client 1 NS1 Name servers 3 NS3 - Database partitioned into servers according to its domain. - A client iteratively contacts name servers NS1–NS3 in order to resolve a name. - Servers returns attributes if it knows name, otherwise suggests another server. 13 Distributed Systems Navigation methods Multicast navigation client multicasts name to be resolved server who knows name responds with attributes problem: what if name unbound? Non-recursive server controlled any name server can be chosen by the client chosen server multicast/iteratively calls other peer servers Recursive server controlled each iteration through a single server calls continue recursively until resolution 14 Distributed Systems Server controlled navigation NS2 NS2 2 2 1 1 NS1 client 4 client 3 4 3 NS1 5 NS3 Non-recursive server-controlled NS3 Recursive server-controlled - A name server NS1 communicates with other name servers on behalf of a client. 15 Distributed Systems Replication & Caching Replicate some directories for performance & availability. Updates write to single master, master propagates updates write to any replica: later merge updates (timestamps) weak consistency (some entries out of date) Look-ups try any local server: go to root and then down the tree Caching names & addresses of recently used objects 16 Distributed Systems Internet Domain Name Service (DNS) Used mainly for host names and email addresses Extensible number of fields, separated by dot(.) gromit.cs.bham.ac.uk Host name resolution resolves host name into IP address Mail host location to resolve xxx@cs.bham.ac.uk, query DNS with domain name cs.bham.ac.uk and type ‘mail’ returns list of mail hosts, marked with preference value Reverse look-up (Maps IP address to domain name) 17 Distributed Systems DNS name servers Resource record holds domain name for which record applies time to live: initial validity time for cached entries type (IP address, mail server, name server, alias) value fields Replicated and partitioned information update master server Secondary servers periodically download from master and save in cache hold addresses of one or more masters up the tree recursive look-up 18 Distributed Systems DNS name servers ctd a.root-servers.net (root) Note: Name server names are in italics, and the corresponding domains are in parentheses. Arrows denote name server entries ns1.nic.uk (uk) uk purdue.edu yahoo.com ns.purdue.edu (purdue.edu) co.uk ac.uk ns0.ja.net (ac.uk) * .purdue.edu ic.ac.uk qmw.ac.uk dcs.qmw.ac.uk *.qmw.ac.uk *.dcs.qmw.ac.uk alpha.qmw.ac.uk (qmw.ac.uk) dns0.dcs.qmw.ac.uk (dcs.qmw.ac.uk) *.ic.ac.uk dns0-doc.ic.ac.uk (ic.ac.uk) 19 Distributed Systems DNS in typical operation a.root-servers.net Without caching ns1.nic.uk (uk) (root) uk purdue.edu yahoo.com .... ns.purdue.edu (purdue.edu) co.uk ac.uk ... ns0.ja.net (ac.uk) * .purdue.edu ic.ac.uk qmw.ac.uk ... alpha.qmw.ac.uk (qmw.ac.uk) dns0.dcs.qmw.ac.uk (dcs.qmw.ac.uk) IP: alpha.qmw.ac.uk 2 dns0-doc.ic.ac.uk client.ic.ac.uk (ic.ac.uk) IP:jeans-pc.dcs.qmw.ac.uk IP:ns0.ja.net dcs.qmw.ac.uk *.qmw.ac.uk 2 0 *.dcs.qmw.ac.uk 14 *.ic.ac.uk jeans-pc.dcs.qmw.ac.uk ? IP:dns0.dcs.qmw.ac.uk 3 * Distributed Systems DNS summary DNS relatively short average response time for look-ups limited variety of data infrequent changes in system inconsistency of data possible (stale data may continue to be used) Problems (resolved in GNS) rigid structure of the name space lack of customization of name space to local needs 21 Distributed Systems Directory and discovery services Directory service stores collections of bindings between names and attributes provides look-up according to attributes (match all) examples Microsoft Active Directory Services, X.500 Discovery service directory service that registers the services in a spontaneous networking environment clients & services change dynamically Example Jini discovery 22 Distributed Systems Jini discovery service Function to enable users to access services (printing etc.) from laptops while away, without their involvement laptops look-up the services services tell system of their existence and attributes Components lookup service (registers and stores information about services) Jini services (provide objects and attributes for the service) Jini clients (request services that match requirements) Java/JVM based, uses RMI plus download code 23 Distributed Systems Service discovery in Jini admin Client Printing service 1. in ‘finance’ group lookup service? admin Client Lookup service Network 2. Here I am: ..... 4. Use printing service ( by RMI) Corporate infoservice Printing service admin, finance 3. Request printing Lookup service finance 24 Distributed Systems Jini – How to works How it works services and clients join Jini dynamically services have leases, which they have to renew periodically every t time units look-up registers services (e.g. printer(name), what type(attributes), etc) on entering, clients/services send request to multicast address look-up services listen to such requests, and reply with unicast address of service (e.g. printer), and then, client contacts the service directly via RMI 25 Distributed Systems Global Name Service GNS DEC system research center[1986] providing facilities(resource location, mail addressing, authentication) The Global Name Service Use of caching essential renders it extremely difficult to maintain complete consistency between all copies of a database entry The cache consistency strategy adopted A naming database that is composed of a tree of directories holding names and values Names in GNS directory name, value name(EC/UK/AC/QMW, Peter.Smith/password) the first part identifies a directory, second refers to a value tree, or some portion of a value tree 26 Distributed Systems GNS Directory tree DI: 599(EC) DI: 543 DI: 437 UK FR DI: 574 AC DI: 633(WORLD) Well-known directories: DI: 322 #599 = #633/EC #642 = #633/NORTH AMERICA QMW Peter.Smith mailboxes Alpha NORTH AMERICA EC DI: 599 DI:642 password Beta Gamma GNS directory and value tree for Peter.Smith DI: 543 UK FR DI: 574 DI: 732 US CANADA DI: 457 Merging trees under a new root(next page) 27 Distributed Systems GNS Directory Restructuring DI: 633 (WORLD) Well-known directories: #599 = #633/EC #642 = #633/NORTH AMERICA DI: 599 DI: 543 UK EC NORTH AMERICA symbolic link FR US DI: 574 DI: 642 DI: 732 US CANADA DI: 457 #633/EC/US Restructuring the directory 28 Distributed Systems GNS Discussion Discussion of GNS descended form Grapevine & Clearinghouse[1982] successful naming systems developed primarily for the purposes of mail delivery by the Xerox Corporation scalability and re-configurability adopted for merging and moving directory trees results in a requirement for a database that must be replicated at every node in a large-scale network, reconfigurations may occur at any level 29 Distributed Systems X.500 Directory Service Directory service providing attributed-based name service using the existing name service together CCITT & ISO standard organizations called the Directory Information Tree(DIT) Directory Information Base(DIB) X.500 Architecture Client : Directory User Agent Server: Directory Service Agent DUA DUA DSA DSA DSA DSA DUA DSA DSA 30 Distributed Systems X.500 Directory Information Tree(DIT) X.500 Service (root) ... France (country) Great Britain (country) Greece (country)... ... BT Plc (organization) University of Gormenghast (organization) ... ... Computing Service (organizationalUnit) Department of Computer Science (organizationalUnit) Engineering Department (organizationalUnit) ... ... Departmental Staff (organizationalUnit) ely (applicationProcess) Research Students (organizationalUnit) ... ... Alice Flintstone (person) ... Pat King (person) James Healey (person) Janet Papworth (person) ... 31 Distributed Systems X.500 Directory Information Base(DIB) info Alice Flintstone, Departmental Staff, Department of Computer Science, University of Gormenghast, GB commonName Alice.L.Flintstone Alice.Flintstone Alice Flintstone A. Flintstone surname Flintstone telephoneNumber +44 986 33 4604 uid alf mail alf@dcs.gormenghast.ac.uk Alice.Flintstone@dcs.gormenghast.ac.uk roomNumber Z42 userClass Research Fellow 32 Distributed Systems X.500 Directory Information Base(DIB) Functions of Directory access request read : a request resembles the lookup access defined in DNS model search : attribute-based access request Administration and updating of the DIB DSA(Directory Service Agent) interface includes the following operations adding, deleting and modifying entries DIB if DIB is partitioned, with the expectation that each organization will provide at least one server holding the details of the entities in that organization Developed at University College, London(QUIPU) both caching and replication are performed at the level of individual DIB entries, and at the level of collections of entries descended from the same node values may become inconsistent after an update, and the time interval in which the consistency is restored may be several minutes Discussion of X.500 the implementation and application of X.500 is at a pilot stage(1994) 33 Distributed Systems Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP) One of Directory Access protocol(DAP) for X.500 DAP works on OSI stack and requiring lots of computing resources LDAP works on TCP/IP stack and enable users access X.500 directory x.500 LDAP Application TCP IP OSI IP Physical media Network 34 Distributed Systems Summary Name services Store(= register) names and their attributes of objects, provide look-up Requirements handle very large name spaces, long lifetime high availability, fault tolerance Design issues structure of the name space (syntax, resolution rules, is it changing over time?) distribution across servers, navigation replication & caching Case studies Domain Name Service (DNS) ( domain name IP) Jini discovery service( object attribute) Global Directory Service( global name attributes (resource location… )) X.500 directory service(person’s name to attributes (email address, phone number)) 35