Gangs, Drugs, and Cartels: Lecture Notes

Quiz 2 Gangs
Lecture Week 5
 First street gang  Irish in NY 1820
 Gangs were in society for a long time, dates back to 1620
 Gang population in US is underestimated
 CA is one of most active drug smuggling and production area in US
 Los Angeles is major drug hub for drugs distribution in US
 Marijuana 25-35% profit for cartels in Mexico
 Gangs today worldwide are all about money
 Transnational gang “the more money you have, the more you respect me”
 CA  meth, cocaine, heroin, marijuana
 Meth – CNS drug threat to CA (west_
 Cocaine – CNS drug threat to east coast
 Marijuana – most abused, active drug
 Mexican mafia – controls majority of drug trade in southern CA
 Mexican mafia – charged 18th street gang tax
 Sureno street gang report to the Mexican mafia (eme)
 Graffiti saying tax free, means you are not paying tax to the Mexican mafia
 Gangs are spreading throughout America  to rural areas  to increase drug
market area
 Gangs give out free samples of drug to get people addicted
 Mexico – CA  economic
 Plaza – cartel control for conbraband/money/ drugs to go back
 South border of US  2000 miles long, 800 miles fenced, tunnel to smuggle
contraband  pays itself in one week
 Cartel in south America built submarine
 198 colombian cartel attempted to buy nuclear submarine from Russian to
transport mass drugs to Europe
 alley boys – million dollar earning week for meth
 chasing the dragon – term for smoking heroin
 Colombians smuggling heroin in puppies
 Colombia cartel hire yogi master to teach people to swallow egg hole and people
swallow finger packet of cocaine – reward 5k
 Realignment – prison getting crowded, gov wants to relase 40k prisoner
 Spooling time – when 40k prisoners release, crime remains stagnant for a while
then increases
 Drug use in America has generated a lot of people to go prison
 Gangs conduct business in all 50 stats
 Mexican mafia is also transnational
 Guns give gangs instant power and control
 More violence in transnational gang
 Los angeles is major distrbuter of 5 illegal drugs
 Los angeles is major production for PCP
Green light list – Mexican mafia hit list
o Hard candy = death
o Staying in the car = staying in good standing of Mexican mafia
o Clean house = murder the problem
o Solution is murder
Mexican mafia controls most of drug sales in CA and is transnational
US street/prison/motorcycle gangs have direct connection to drug cartels
IV drug use – drug injected
Most popular drug injected – meth and cocaine
Addiction is brain disease  replaces neurotransmitter in your brain
Increase of use of drugs and addictions because of cartels
Media is greatest propaganda tool around
Illegal to be gang member in central America
Not illegal to be gang member in US
More tattoo = more time in prison in central America
Black hand tattoo = Mexican mafia prison gang
US gang population - ~2.5 million (more than double)
Chinese are present in mexico and central America, and are primary provide of
Ricky ross believes laws are racist
Man wrote book and was murdered about ricky ross  cia was helping ricky ross
with drug
Hunter  job to load plane with cocaine
 drug usage double amongst high school age people
 American drug market is worth ½ (50%) of world’s drug market
 Mexican drug trafficking organizations and gangs are responsible for smuggling
majority of drugs in America
 7 categories of drugs: CNS stimulants, CNS depressants, hallucinogens, PCP,
narcotic analgesics, inhalants, cannabis
 injection is fasting way to get drug to body
 stimulants: cocaine and amphetamines (meth) are two most commonly use
stimulant (crack, freebase, and ice)
o cocaine – south America
o cocaine hydrochloride – powered form of cocaine that is sold on street
o crack is most widely used form of cocaine today
o amphetamines (meth) are second most commonly used major CNS
stimulate: phetamine, dextroamphetamine and meth
o legal use: cocaine – anesthetic, meth – treat narcolepsy, sleep disorder,
treat obesity
o meth users can be known as tweeker, being under influence is called
 derivative of meth = MDMA aka ecstasy (adam, xtc, hug, beans, love drug)
o ecstasy – drug of choice in raves, parties, nightclubs
o most are manufactured in european countries and then smuggled into us
o most popular designer drug
o cause brain damage in animals
o develop tense to hug and kiss people
o injection sites – track markts
 depressants – barbiturates and benzodiapezine two common types of depressants
o street name – downers
o when used in combination to alcohol can lead to death
o tranquillers, sedatives, or sleeping pills
o common symptoms – staggering walk/slurred speach
o alcohol is most commonly abused drug and acts like a depressant
 GHB – drug used by body builders to stimulate muscle growth
o Late 1990s, use in rave and clubs
o Liquid or powder
o Relaxation
o Date rape drug
 Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)– roofies, forget pill, fuggies, rib, rope, roofenal
o Aka date rape drug
 Hallucinogens - LSD
o Mushrooms, cactus
o Popular abuse with some skinhead gangs
o Human anesthetic
o Common symptom – walking up stairs, being nude
 Special K – ketamine hydrochloride – burst of energy
o Animal tranquilizer
o K hole/vitamin k
 Narcotic analgesics – pain relief medicine
o Asian poppy – Mediterranean – opium
o Morphine and codeine (heroin and opium)
 Inhalants
o Amyl nitrite – snappers or poopers
o Batyl nitrite – locker room or rush
o Inhaling aerosol spray from spray paint cains has become popular with
latin street gangs – gold or silver
o NOS – laughing gas
 Cannabis – marijuana
o Most popular recreational drugs of choice
o THC – can be detected up to 30 days after use
 15 % of population smoke marijuana
 drug use is common in gangs and 40-80% of street gang members are involved in
drug trafficking
prison gangs
 prison gangs are ethnic based and group together for protection (even non
 rival gang members are housed together for safety reason
prison gangs are like professional gangs and looked up upon by youth members
no nationally accepted definition of prison gang
Mexican mafia
o 13 CYA wards sent to vocational institute and then transferred to San
Quentin and formed Mexican Mafia/La Eme (13)
o LA sureno/southern California gang member
o Formation of gang: Luis “Huero” Flores
o All us citizens, spoke English and Calo
o Members were rivals on street but allies in prison
o One rule: one member sponsored by four bonefide Mexican Mafia
members, another to take blood oath to confirm unquestioned allegiance to
o 1960s – gained reputation that many street members aspired to join
o 1967 – rivalry between Mexicans in Northern and Southern CA. Eme
Rudy was trying to unite all Mexican inmates under Mexican Mafia
o stolen pair of shoes, gift, and insult to EME gang member and stabbing of
inmate from northern California created north and south rilvary
o northern California prison gang – Nuestra Familia (our family) – formed
to protect against Mexicam Mafia
o 1972 mexican mafia – Joe / Peg leg became figurehead leader – solidfy
alignment between Mexican mafia and aaryan brotherhood
o 1975 – La EME – infiltrated federally funded comnnunity organizations –
Project Get Going , project writer was murdered while traveling to
Sacramento to testify against Mexican mafia
o Mexican mafia enemies - Nuestra Familia (northern California gang) and
Black Guerrilla Family (BGF)
o EME would save heads when they went to war
o Mexican Mafias referred to themselves as “carnales” (blood brother)
o North south dividing line – Bakersfield  moved to San Jose?
o Joe Morgan helped establish truce between MM and BCF
o 1990s – 18th street gang formed 1966 – broke race barrier - but stayed
towards Hispanic because were conforming to Surenos
o meetings on street of Eme Edict issued by MM to direct hipanic street
gangs to stop all drive by shoppings and end brown on brown violence
o were required to pay tax
o 1993 – peg leg died of liver cancer
o MM – transnational and largest prison gang in US and international prison
o MM – lack business skill – black hand tattoo with M
o Loosely structured
o Mexicanos
o blue
Nuestra Familia
o Tattoos – sombrero and bloody dagger with nuestra familia written, or NF
or sword
o Highly structured
o First nuestra familia street gang was found in Fresno and referred to as
“Car” aka Fresno Car
o Northern structure – Northern Raza , members are free to leave gang when
they want to, all other prison gangs have mandatory lifetime membership
o 14
o chicanos
o red
o 1986 – changed to Fresno Bulldogs or BDS
Aryan Brotherhood
o White supresmist philosophies
o Was known as diamond tooth gang, because each member had piece of
glass embeeded in tooth then became blue bird gang, because of tattoo of
blue bird on neck
o Loose alliance with MM, housed in San Quentin and Folsom
o Organized, lifetime commitment
o Tattoo – cloverleaf, swastika, lighning bolts, 666, AB, or any supre white
power words, AB (for innmates)
o Use sign language
o Ordered race riot in east coast
Black Guerrilla Family
o Most poltically oriented of all prison gangs
o Followed Marxist
o Jackson from panther started this group
o African americans
o Tattoos – prison guard tower with dragon, silhouette of rifle with sword
o Membership – sponsoered and open to straight African American males
o Call each other comrade
o Rivals - MM and Aryan
Texas Syndicate
o Grew because of recruitment effort
o Referred to as canarles but singal member is carnal, new recruits are
o Tattoo – ts, figure of woman face, ribbons, flowers
o Rival of MM, NF, etc
Blood/Crips Rivalry on street, alliance in prison
o Northeast, Puerto rican them imported to US
o Rivals – latin kings and los solidos
o Members – secretive
o Red, white, blue
o Military trained  Marielitos, scaring Tattoos – secret code or language
Asian  Model prisoners
No reports of female prison gangs forming within US
West coast – not recruit street version, Midwest, not true  black gangster
disciple from chicago