Power Point slide show (you can print for note taking and reference)

PantherSoft Financials
Travel & Expense
 Travel & Expense Terms
 Travel Authorization
 Cash Advance
 Expense Report
 Website
Travel Policy & Procedure
Travel & Expense Terms
Travel Authorization (TA): The formal document to secure approval to
travel on behalf of the University. The TA is submitted prior to travel on
official University business and must be fully approved prior to any
reservations or registrations. Please allow sufficient time to secure
appropriate approvals. TA’s are treated as an Encumbrance in the
General Ledger.
Cash Advance (CA): Cash Advances cannot exceed 80% of the total out
of pocket expenses as computed on the TA. CA’s are treated as an
Accounts Receivable in the General Ledger.
Expense Report (ER): The document used to reimburse travelers for
expenses incurred while on travel and to record expenses to ledgers.
ER’s are payments to the Employee.
Travel & Expense Terms
Per Diem: A subsistence allowance that a traveler is authorized
to receive when traveling on official University business.
Vicinity Travel: One-way travel within 50 miles from the
traveler’s official headquarters.
Non- Vicinity Travel: One-way travel over 50 miles from the
traveler’s official headquarters.
Foreign Travel: Travel to foreign countries and non U.S.
possessions and territories.
Official Headquarters: The University campus where the
employee’s office is located.
Travel & Expense Terms
Proxy – is when an employee has the access to create Travel
Authorizations, Cash Advances and Expense Reports for another
In order to add or become a Proxy do one of the following:
 The TRAVELER wanting to make another their Proxy:
 Navigate to MyFIU > Financials Self Service > Employee Self Service
>Travel & Expense Center > Profiles and Preferences > Delegate
Entry Authority > click the ‘+’ symbol – enter the Panther Id of the
person you wish to give the delegation – tab to insure this is the
correct person – click the yellow Save button – click the OK button
 Go to UPK training guide to practice and learn to perform action
stated above
Travel Authorization
A few reminders before creating a TA:
 Proxy access must be delegated in order to create a TA
for someone else.
 Traveler’s Panther Id
 Trip dates & destination
 Total estimated expenses
 Correct Speedtype
Travel Authorization
Using MYFIU Portal
Travel Authorization
PantherSoft Financials
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization
This is your DESTINATION
Travel Authorization
The Description field should be
explanatory and give everyone
an immediate sense of what or
why the document was
 1737204 – Golden Panther
 FIU01 – 4400010999
 Golden Panther Convention
@ Shark Valley
 Recruiting trip
 City, State
Travel Authorization
Higher Education User Group conf
2012. Departmental Travel card
paid for Hotel $600, Conference
$950, Airfare $700 = $2500.
The comment box is used to
give greater detail of the
travel, and it’s purpose and
the benefit to the University.
Additionally in this area you
will enter all estimated/actual
Departmental Travel Card
charges made for this trip
including the total for the TA.
List the estimated “Out of
Pocket” expenses for traveler
as actual Expense Types.
Billing Type is always
“FIU Expense”.
Travel Authorization
The Accounting
Defaults is the
employee’s default
department. It may or
may not be the desired
place where you wish to
charge this travel.
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization
Foundation: If a foundation funding source is being utilized
for travel, you may not use a Departmental Travel Card to
make arrangements.
To make travel arrangements you must contact Foundation
at ext. 7-3758.
Travel Authorization
If an error flag
appears, click
it and it will
take you to
the error to
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization - Expense Account & Cost PID
Cost PID is mandatory for all funds using 651 and 652
The “Expense Type” you choose will determine the Account and Alt Account to be charged.
Never change the Account and Alt Account that it is systematically populated.
Travel Authorization
Travel Authorization Workflow
Travel Authorization
HR Supervisor
Expense Manager
• Once T.A. is approved
• Make Travel arrangements
• Funds are encumbered
Project Manager
(Only if paid by a Project)
How to View a Travel Authorization
How to View a Travel Authorization
How to View a Travel Authorization
A few reminders before deleting a TA
 A TA can be deleted before submitted.
 If a TA has been submitted or is in queue it needs to be
sent back to the submitter before it can be deleted.
 If a TA has been fully approved and budget checked, it
needs to be cancelled; not deleted. (In order to release
the encumbrance)
How to delete a Travel Authorization
Main Menu>Employee Self Service>Travel and Expense Center>
Travel Authorization>Delete
Insert PID of the
How to delete a Travel Authorization
Cash Advance
To request a Cash Advance an Approved Travel Authorization is required.
Follow this navigation: Main Menu>Employee Self Service>Cash Advance>Create
Cash Advance
Cash Advance
Cash Advance
Only one line is needed for all
expenses in the cash advance.
Cash Advance Workflow
Prepare Cash Advance
HR Supervisor Approval
Prepay Auditor Approval
Expense Report
A few reminders before creating an ER:
 Panther ID for Traveler
 Receipts
 Agendas for Conferences, Conventions, Workshops or Seminars
 Travel Authorization Number & Cash Advance Number (If it applies)
 Correct Speedtype
 Departmental and FIU Travel Card charges
 All information to avoid a supplemental Expense Report if at all possible
 Prepare Lost Receipt(s) Form for all missing and lost receipts.
 Additional Documents may be required by the Travel Department
 Any questions refer to the Travel Manual
Expense Report
 Use marker to block or fold under any “Bar Codes” from vendors
so as to not interfere with the Expense Report Bar code
Expense Report
Expense Report
Choose the Panther ID of the
traveler you wish to create
the Expense Report for.
Expense Report
After choosing the traveler, a list of open TA’s
will appear for this person for the time period
you choose. This period can be adjusted.
These are travel dates; not submission dates.
If you are reimbursing only for incurred
expenses not associated to travel, Select
“Return to Expense Report Entry.”
Expense Report
You can also
associate a TA by
using More Options
Expense Report
Expense Report
Accounting Defaults:
If Expense Report is populated from a Travel Authorization, the
default is what was entered on the TA.
If blank Expense Report (non travel or vicinity travel) – the default
department is the employee’s department.
It may or may not be the desired place where you wish to charge a
Expense Report
Higher Education User Group conf 2012.
Departmental Travel card paid for Hotel $525.50,
Conference $950.00, Airfare $645.25 = $2195.75.
Expense Report
Expense Report
Importing My wallet Transactions to an ER reminders:
 To get reimbursed for an expense that was charged to your T&E
Card, it is important that you remember to import the charges from
“My Wallet”.
 Your My Wallet is a list of charges (loaded daily) that you have
accrued on your T&E Card.
 You can import these charges directly to your expense report.
 These charges will come over to your ER as a “University Credit
Expense Report
Expense Report
Higher Education User Group conf 2012.
Departmental Travel card paid for Hotel $525.50,
Conference $950.00, Airfare $645.25 = $2195.75.
Expense Report
Expense Report
Expense Report
Expense Report
Expense Report
Expense Report
Expense Report
If an error flag
appears, click
the arrow and
you will be
taken to the
error to make
Expense Report
Expense Report
Expense Report
Steps to faxing ER to Image Now:
When you have completed the ER and “Saved for Later” print the document
to produce a page that includes the “Bar Code” for the ER.
ER must be signed by the individual whose name the report is created in
before it is submitted.
Scan & upload in a PDF file or fax the documents to 305-348-1355.
Once imaged or faxed, return to ER and click the ImageNow hyperlink to
review faxed/scanned documents.
If missing some documents, take the ER and the pages missing in image now
and redo the process.
Repeat process until all pages appear in Image Now.
Contact the Travel department at ext. 7-2543 if images do not appear.
Contact Financial Systems & Support Services if assistance is needed in
completing the process.
Expense Report
Expense Report
Reimbursement of Non-Employees:
 Check off the appropriate boxes as non-reimbursable
 Scan & upload in a PDF file or fax the Signed Expense Report to 305348-1355
 Scan & upload in a PDF file or fax all receipts with the
Reimbursement of Travel Expenses for Non-Employee Form to 305348-1355
Expense Report
Reimbursement of Students:
This procedure is intended to provide guidance and direction for setting up in
PeopleSoft Financial non-employee students registered at Florida International
University who need to travel or incur expenses on behalf of the University in
accordance with applicable University guidelines and procedures.
The Department will complete a Student information Form for Travel and Expense
Reimbursement and fax it or mail it to Purchasing Services for validation into the
Financial System.
Once validated, the Department should be able to enter a Travel Authorization (TA)
or an Expense Report (ER) for the student in the same manner as they are done for
Expense Report Workflow FIU 01
Expense Report
Expense Manager
Prepay Auditor
All receipts should be
scanned & attached
It can also be faxed 7-1355
• Expense Report Approved
• Payment is issued
Project Manager
(Only if paid by a Project)
Expense Report Workflow FIU 02
Expense Report
Expense Manager Prepay Auditor
(if amount is less than $1000)
All receipts should be
scanned & attached
It can also be faxed 7-1355
• Expense Report Approved
• Payment is issued
Project Manager
(Only if paid by a Project)
Supplemental Approver
(if amount is greater than $1001)
Total Workflow
Make Travel
TA Approved
Trip Occurs
(If applies)
Useful Queries
Travel Authorization Info
Cash Advance Info
Expense Report Info
FIU Dept. Approvers by Dept
Lookup HR supervisor of traveler
Travel Authorization Queue
Expense Report Queue
Is TA linked to ER?
Approval history for Exp Report
People that you are a proxy of
Travel Policy & Procedure
Please read the following University’s policy and procedure
manuals prior to traveling:
Travel Manual:
Travel Policy:
Travel Team Contacts
Inez Stokes
Travel Manager
Sandra Ocampo Ciak
Travel (A, G, I, J, M, R)*
Yaniz Gallimore
Travel (B, D, K, N, S, V)*
Alejandra Blanco
Travel (C, F, L, P, U, W, Z)*
Noel Urbina
Travel (E, H, O, Q, T, X, Y)*
*Represents the First letter of the Employee Last Name
Website &
Tips & Tools
User Productivity Kit (UPK): An on-demand learning tool,
which provides learning activities to assist users in
becoming familiar with the Campus Solutions environment.
Questions ?