Level D Vocabulary 8B (includes Word List, Synonyms/Antonyms

Level D, 8B Daily
1. Preposterous- adj- ridiculous, senseless
Synonyms: nonsensical, absurd, incredible
Antonyms: sensible, reasonable, realistic, plausible
2. Pugnacious – adjective – quarrelsome, fond of fighting
Synonyms: argumentative, combative, belligerent
Antonyms: peace-loving, friendly, amicable, congenial
3. Rabid – adjective – furious, violently intense, unreasonably extreme; mad; infected with
Synonyms: fanatical, zealous, raving, infuriated, berserk
Antonyms: moderate, restrained, blasé, indifferent
4. Realm – noun – a kingdom; a region or field of study
Synonyms: domain, duchy, jurisdiction
5. Rejuvenate – verb – to make young again; to make like new
Synonyms: revitalize, renew
Antonyms: wear out, exhaust, enervate, debilitate
6. Remunerate – verb – to reward, pay reimburse
Synonyms: compensate, satisfy, profit, benefit
7. Sparse – adjective – meager, scant; scatter
Synonyms: thin scanty, few and far between
Antonyms: plentiful, abundant, profuse, teeming
8. Sterling – adjective- genuine, excellent; made of silver of standard fineness
Synonyms: first-rate, outstanding, worthy, pure
Antonyms: mediocre, shoddy, second-rate, sham
9. Venture – noun- a risky or daring undertaking; verb- to expose to danger, to dare
Synonyms: (n) gamble; (v) try, chance, undertake
Antonyms: (v) withdraw, retire, shrink from, shy away
10. Warp – verb – to twist out of shape; noun – an abnormality
Synonyms: (v) bend, distort, misshape; (n) irregularity
Antonyms: (v) straighten, unbend, rectify
Name _______________________________________
Level D Vocab 8B Cloze
Considering the words from this vocabulary unit, choose the one which best completes each of the
following sentences. Write the correct word in the given space.
________________________ 1. Because his army was stronger than his rival’s, the pretender to the
throne was able to seize power throughout the entire _____.
________________________ 2. Can any amount of money _____ someone for years sacrificed to a
hopeless cause?
________________________ 3. You will need experience, ability, financing, and good luck to have any
chance of succeeding in so risky a business _____.
________________________ 4. Despite intense heat, meager rainfall, and ____ vegetation, many
animals have adapted to life in the desert.
________________________ 5. Weary from months of hard work, she was hopeful that a week at a spa
would ____ her.
________________________ 6. He is such a(n) ______ sports enthusiast that he spends almost all of his
spare time either playing ball or watching ball games on TV.
________________________ 7. The wooden staircase we had worked so hard to build was now
irregularly curved because the boards had _____.
________________________ 8. The idea that an incoming President can miraculously solve all of the
nation’s problems is simply ______.
________________________ 9. Although I cannot support her in the election, I fully appreciate her
many _____ qualities.
________________________10. I consider myself a very peaceful person, but if anyone approaches me
in a ____ manner, I am prepared to defend myself.
Name ______________________________________
Level D Vocab 8B Synonyms/Antonyms
Synonyms: Choose the word from this unit which is most nearly the same in meaning as the bold word
or expression in the given phrase.
________________________ 1. A potion to revitalize and energize
________________________ 2. A quarrelsome person ready to take offense
________________________ 3. Distorted her judgment
________________________ 4. Compensate the babysitter for his time
________________________ 5. Fall within the queen’s domain
________________________ 6. Chance a long pass for a touchdown
________________________ 7. The fanatical ravings of a rabble-rouser
Antonyms: Choose the word from this unit that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the bold word or
expression in the given phrase.
________________________ 8. A plausible explanation for the noise
________________________ 9. An area of abundant resources
________________________ 10. A person of mediocre reputation
Name _________________________________________
Level D Vocab 8B Past Word Review
_____ 1. disrespectful
A. assimilate
_____ 2. to make or become larger
B. assurance
_____ 3. self-confidence
C. asylum
_____ 4. to lessen, diminish
D. bogus
_____ 5. handicap
E. console
_____ 6. to comfort
F. dilate
_____ 7. waste products
G. dwindle
_____ 8. resistance to disease
H. dross
_____ 9. a place of safety
I. flippant
_____10. an organization for the promotion of learning
J. immunity
_____11. a long, angry speech
K. institute
_____ 12. to make one’s own
L. inundate
_____13. to wander about
M. liability
_____14. to flood
N. metropolis
_____15. lively, full of life
O. meander
_____16. dangerous
P. momentous
_____17. melancholy
Q. pensive
_____18. poor quality
R. perilous
_____19. false, counterfeit
S. shoddy
_____20. very important
T. sprightly
U. tirade