Exploding Ants Assessment - 5thgradereadingresourcesmcboe

Name: _______________________ Class: ____________ Exploding Ants Assessment
Directions: Match each word to its definition. Write the letter of the correct definition beside the
____ enables
____ scarce
____ specialize
____ critical
____ mucus
____ sterile
a. clean
b. in short supply
c. makes it possible
d. adapt to an environment
e. necessary
f. thick substance made in the body
Directions: Circle the synonym for each word listed below.
7. A synonym for scarce is
8. A synonym for sterile is
Directions: Circle the antonym for each word listed below.
9. An antonym for scarce is
10. An antonym for sterile is
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
11. According to what you read on pages 442-443 why do different animals have different
food needs?
12. According to what you read on page 444 how are repletes different from ordinary
worker ants?
13. What is the most likely reason the author wrote the selection?
Directions: Choose the best answer for the questions below. Circle the correct letter.
14. Which of the following is a fact?
a. Animals do things that seem gross to us.
b. One predator eats flesh, while another feeds on blood.
c. They make their homes in disgusting places.
15. Which of the following is an opinion?
a. All of these things contain nutrients.
b. Their bodies provide sterile, airtight food containers.
c. They make their homes in disgusting places.
16. Which of the following contains a fact and an opinion?
a. The owl gets rid of the waste by regurgitating a pellet. They normally spit
up two pellets a day.
b. Camponotus ants have unusual and disturbing behavior. They will spew
out deadly chemicals on their enemies.
c. Repletes spend their lives hanging upside-down from the roof of their
nest waiting to feed or be fed.
17. What is the main idea of the selection?
a. Most animals eat more food than they need.
b. Animals do whatever is needed to find food, shelter, and safety.
c. Animals often find it difficult to locate their prey.
d. Most animals provide shelter for each other.
18. Which sentence states a generalization that is valid?
a. All animals have disgusting habits.
b. We understand everything that animals do.
c. Most animals have the ability to store food.
d. There are usually good reasons for animal behaviors.
19. We know that valid generalizations are supported by facts or reasons. List a fact
/ reason from “Exploding Ants” to support your choice above.
20. Choose your favorite animal that we read about in “Exploding Ants.” Then
write a paragraph to summarize what you read and learned about this animal.
Please be specific so someone who hasn’t read about this selection would
understand about this animal. Write your paragraph on the back of this page or
on an additional piece of paper.