Word of the Day: 8/18-8/22 dignity (noun) DEFINITION bearing, conduct, or speech that suggests seriousness, self-respect and self-control SYNONYMS class, self-respect, nobility USAGE EXAMPLE Jackie showed dignity despite her defeat at the Chess Championship. respect (noun) DEFINITION an understanding that someone or something is important or serious and should be treated in an appropriate way SYNONYMS regard, esteem, appreciate, consider USAGE EXAMPLE While I disagree with your opinion, I do respect your values. achievement (noun) DEFINITION a result gained by effort SYNONYMS accomplishment, result, success USAGE EXAMPLE The discovery of DNA was a major scientific achievement. zany (adjective) DEFINITION very strange and silly SYNONYMS absurd, crazy, kooky, wacky USAGE EXAMPLE My brother has a zany plan to ride across America on an ostrich. voracious (adjective) DEFINITION having a huge appetite SYNONYMS ravenous, insatiable, greedy USAGE EXAMPLE As a voracious reader, Elliott finished all of the books in the kids’ section of the Library over the summer. Word of the Day: 8/25-8/29 tantalize (verb) DEFINITION to torment with the sight of something desired but out of reach SYNONYMS tease, torment, bait USAGE EXAMPLE Justina was tantalized by the possibility of earning a lot of money quickly. forte (noun) /for –tay/ DEFINITION a person’s strong point SYNONYMS strong suit, specialty, talent USAGE EXAMPLE Cleaning my room is not my forte. plucky (adjective) DEFINITION having a lot of courage or determination SYNONYMS spirited, brave USAGE EXAMPLE The drowning girl was rescued by a plucky schoolboy. sedentary (adjective) DEFINITION not doing much physical activity SYNONYMS couch potato-like USAGE EXAMPLE Being sedentary caused all of Kyle’s physical ailments. gregarious (adjective) DEFINITION enjoying the company of other people SYNONYMS sociable, extroverted, outgoing USAGE EXAMPLE Chris is such a gregarious person that you will almost never see him alone. Word of the Day: 9/2-9/5 (Labor Day) fiasco (noun) DEFINITION a complete and ridiculous failure SYNONYMS catastrophe, flop, debacle USAGE EXAMPLE Letting kids eat lunch in classrooms was such a fiasco that Mr. Sullivan doesn’t want us to do it ever again. foreboding (noun) DEFINITION a feeling that something bad is going to happen SYNONYMS ominousness, premonition USAGE EXAMPLE Kevin was filled with foreboding when he realized that his alarm hadn’t gone off this morning. slope (noun) DEFINITION the slant of a line USAGE EXAMPLE The 45 degree slope of my driveway makes it scary in the winter. augment (verb) DEFINITION to increase the size or amount SYNONYMS boost, amplify, accelerate USAGE EXAMPLE Neeti hoped to augment her ACT score by studying every day. Word of the Day: 9/8-9/12 tenacious (adjective) DEFINITION very determined to do something or to continue SYNONYMS persistent, dogged, persevering USAGE EXAMPLE A tenacious trainer, Kelly adheres to her grueling running schedule no matter what. pacifist (noun) DEFINITION a person strongly and actively opposed to conflict and especially war SYNONYMS disarmer, peace maker, conscientious objector USAGE EXAMPLE Gandhi was a pacifist and believed that India should become independent through non-violent actions. fray (noun) DEFINITION a disorderly or protracted fight, struggle, or dispute SYNONYMS clash, dustup, fracas USAGE EXAMPLE Make sure that you don’t join the fray when two dogs fight. It can be dangerous! incontrovertible (adjective) DEFINITION not able to be doubted or questioned SYNONYMS inarguable, unquestionable, certain USAGE EXAMPLE Her fashion sense is incontrovertible. quench (verb) DEFINITION to relieve or satisfy SYNONYMS slake, cool, extinguish USAGE EXAMPLE Jacob quenched his thirst with a cold glass of lemonade. Word of the Day: 9/15-9/19 AMICABLE (adjective) – \ˈa-mi-kə-bəl\ DEFINITION demonstrating good will SYNONYMS peaceable; friendly USAGE EXAMPLE Thomas and Sam reached and amicable agreement about who got the next turn at the go kart. bland (adjective) DEFINITION not interesting or exciting SYNONYMS dull, mild, insipid USAGE EXAMPLE Josiah thinks that pepperoni is too bland. alternate (adjective) DEFINITION occurring in or forming a repeated series SYNONYMS every other USAGE EXAMPLE The light and dark woods alternate to form an elegant pattern around the window. lackadaisical (adjective) DEFINITION feeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm SYNONYMS languid, listless USAGE EXAMPLE His mom did not approve of his lackadaisical approach to chores. conundrum (noun) DEFINITION a confusing or difficult problem SYNONYMS puzzle, enigma USAGE EXAMPLE Eli had quite a conundrum trying to decide between ice cream or candy for dinner. Word of the Day: 9/22-9/26 bedlam (noun) DEFINITION a very noisy and confused state or scene SYNONYMS madhouse USAGE EXAMPLE Without a leader for the meeting, the Boy Scout group was in utter bedlam. edification (noun) DEFINITION teaching that improves the mind or character SYNONYMS instruction, education, enlightenment USAGE EXAMPLE These books will both entertain and edify readers. skullduggery (noun) DEFINITION devious or dishonest activity SYNONYMS trickery, jiggery-pokery, subterfuge USAGE EXAMPLE The spy was arrested once his skullduggery was revealed. waffle (verb) DEFINITION to be unable to make a clear decision about what to do SYNONYMS vacillate, equivocate, flip-flop USAGE EXAMPLE Mara waffled for an hour about which dress to wear to prom. Malodorous (adjective) DEFINITION having a bad odor SYNONYMS foul, funky, stinky USAGE EXAMPLE People that didn’t wear deodorant when we ran the mile became malodorous. Word of the Day: 9/30-10/3 sage (adjective) DEFINITION wise through reflection and experience SYNONYMS insightful, discerning USAGE EXAMPLE The sage old teacher counseled his student to learn as much as he could about skunks before trying to catch one. prudent (adjective) - /prew-dent/ DEFINITION marked by wisdom SYNONYMS judicious, shrewd, intelligent USAGE EXAMPLE He always listened to her prudent advice, except for the time he bought a Lamborghini when she told him Prius was the way to go. influx (noun) DEFINITION the arrival or inward flow of a large amount of something SYNONYMS inrush, inflow USAGE EXAMPLE The city is preparing for a large influx of tourists this summer. bucolic (adjective) /byoo-call-ick/ DEFINITION of or relating to the country or country life SYNONYMS rustic, pastoral USAGE EXAMPLE Wildlife Prairie Park is outside of Peoria in a bucolic setting. Word of the Day: 10/6-10/10 mediocre (adjective) /me-dee-o-kur/ DEFINITION of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance SYNONYMS ordinary, so-so USAGE EXAMPLE Clifford is picky about who he dates and doesn’t want a mediocre girl. ablution (noun) /a-blu-shun/ DEFINITION the act of washing or bathing USAGE EXAMPLE If you forget your daily ablution, eventually your hair will look like Professor Snape’s. deft (adjective) DEFINITION skillful and clever SYNONYMS expert, adroit USAGE EXAMPLE My grandma’s deft hands sewed up my torn sleeve like it never happened. escapade (noun) /ess-ka-paid/ DEFINITION an exciting, foolish, or dangerous experience or adventure SYNONYMS antic, caper USAGE EXAMPLE As a teenager, Indiana Jones embarked on a series of ill-advised escapades. hearten (verb) /har-ten/ DEFINITION to cause someone to feel more cheerful or hopeful SYNONYMS encourage, inspire USAGE EXAMPLE Worried about his grade, Vincent was heartened to see the 100% for his project grade. Word of the Day: 10/13-10/17 disheveled (adjective) /dish-shev-uld/ DEFINITION marked by disorder or disarray SYNONYMS chaotic, messy USAGE EXAMPLE Please don’t come to the dance looking disheveled. abundant (adjective) /uh-bun-dent/ DEFINITION existing or occurring in large amounts SYNONYMS plentiful, ample USAGE EXAMPLE I start the year with abundant pencils and paper, but then in November they are all gone. auspicious (adjective) /aw-spi-shus/ DEFINITION showing or suggesting that future success is likely SYNONYMS hopeful, encouraging USAGE EXAMPLE His acclaimed first novel was an auspicious beginning to his career. polarize (verb) /po-ler-ize/ DEFINITION to break up into opposing factions or groupings SYNONYMS unify, consolidate USAGE EXAMPLE The Civil War polarized the nation. Word of the Day: 10/20-10/24 prattle (verb) /prat-tul/ DEFINITION to talk for very long about something that is not important or interesting SYNONYMS babble USAGE EXAMPLE When he is nervous, Jim tends to prattle on about the weather. boorish (adjective) /boo-rish/ DEFINITION exhibiting crude or insensitive behavior SYNONYMS uncouth, loutish, rude USAGE EXAMPLE I will not tolerate boorish behavior, such as yelling for service in restaurants. balk (verb) -- pronounce the “L” DEFINITION to stop quickly and refuse to continue going SYNONYMS thwart, block, foil USAGE EXAMPLE Owen balked at the idea of making a chess set out of his antique army men. curb (verb) DEFINITION to control or limit something SYNONYMS check, constrain, inhibit USAGE EXAMPLE The mold on Dexter’s sandwich really curbed his appetite, once he noticed it. bauble (noun) /bah-bul/ DEFINITION an inexpensive piece of jewelry SYNONYMS trinket, knickknack, ornament USAGE EXAMPLE 6-year-old girls are ususally obsessed with wear as many baubles as they can, and my little sister is no exception. Word of the Day: 10/27-10/31 disconcert (verb) /dis-kuhn-sert/ DEFINITION to throw into confusion SYNONYMS rattle, fluster, confound USAGE EXAMPLE Sid was disconcerted by the addition of a third player to his chess game. buttress - (verb) pronounce like mattress, but with a butt DEFINITION to support, hold up, strenghten SYNONYMS bolster, brace, shore up USAGE EXAMPLE The column buttresses the roof above the statue. trepidation (adjective) /tre-pid-a-shun/ DEFINITION a feeling of fear that causes you to hesitate because you think something bad or unpleasant is going to happen SYNONYMS dread, alarm, apprehension USAGE EXAMPLE Shaking with trepidation, I stepped into the old abandoned house. Demise (noun) /de-mize/ DEFINITION a cessation of existence or activity SYNONYMS expire, decease, USAGE EXAMPLE We have not had truly local news coverage since the town newspaper's demise three years ago. ominous (adjective) /om-min-us/ DEFINITION foreboding or foreshadowing evil SYNONYMS dire, menacing, threatening USAGE EXAMPLE Ominous rumblings from the volcano encouraged everyone to pack up and leave. Word of the Day: 11/3-11/7 ambivalence (noun) /am-biv-a-lense/ DEFINITION continual fluctuation between one thing and its opposite SYNONYMS uncertainty, going back and forth USAGE EXAMPLE We had some serious ambivalence about the horror movie. It was either really funny or really stupid. accolade (noun) /ak-co-lade/ DEFINITION an award or expression of praise SYNONYMS tribute, citation USAGE EXAMPLE For their exceptional bravery the firefighters received accolades from both local and national officials. synchronized (verb) /sink-crow-nized/ DEFINITION to make things happen at the same time and speed SYNONYMS coincide, concur USAGE EXAMPLE The dancer team practiced until they synchronized their movements. onerous (adjective) /on-er-us/ DEFINITION difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with SYNONYMS harsh, burdensome, tough USAGE EXAMPLE Mr Sullivan has the onerous task of cleaning up after the games and dances at our school. Inundate (verb) /in-un-date/ DEFINITION to cause (someone or something) to receive or take in a large amount of things at the same time SYNONYMS overwhelm, flood USAGE EXAMPLE The police were inundated with phone calls about the alien ships flying overhead. Word of the Day: 11/10-11/14 quadrant (noun) /quad-rent/ DEFINITION one part of something that is evenly divided into four parts SYNONYMS quarter, section USAGE EXAMPLE Yellowstone National Park is located in the northwest quadrant of Wyoming. cursory (adjective) /curse-urry/ DEFINITION done or made quickly SYNONYMS hasty, hurried, rushed USAGE EXAMPLE Even the most cursory look at Aaron’s homework shows problems. Diurnal (adjective) /die-ur-null/ DEFINITION active or happening mainly during the day SYNONYMS daily, daytime USAGE EXAMPLE Humans are diurnal, no matter what teenagers think. Patriarch (noun) /pate-re-ark/ DEFINITION a man who controls a group, family, or government SYNONYMS founding father, King, man of the house USAGE EXAMPLE Kristen’s grandfather is the patriarch of her family. Word of the Day: 11/17-11/21 Hiatus (noun) /hi-ate-us/ DEFINITION an interruption in time or continuity SYNONYMS break, discontinuity USAGE EXAMPLE After a 5 year hiatus, the final book in the trilogy came out in stores. eloquent (adjective) /el-o-kwint/ DEFINITION having the ability to use language clearly and effectively SYNONYMS articulate, well-spoken USAGE EXAMPLE Shawn was such an eloquent speaker that we all knew his election to Class President was certain. proportion (noun) /pruh-por-shun/ DEFINITION the relationship that exists between the size, number, or amount of two things SYNONYMS ratio, percentage USAGE EXAMPLE Babies heads are sized way out of proportion to their tiny bodies. Perplex (verb) /pur-plex/ DEFINITION to confuse very much SYNONYMS complicate USAGE EXAMPLE Her crazy behavior perplexed even her best friends. Antediluvian (adjective) /ant-uh-duh-lew-vee-un/ DEFINITION very old or old-fashioned, literally “before the flood” SYNONYMS ancient, aged, antique USAGE EXAMPLE My grandpa’s car is so old it might actually be antediluvian. Word of the Day: 11/25-11/26 Altruism (noun) /all-true-is-um/ DEFINITION behavior that shows a desire to help other people and a lack of selfishness SYNONYMS kindness USAGE EXAMPLE Clare’s altruism kept me from having to babysit during the party. Instead, she entertained my little sister while I met our friends. prodigious (adjective) /prah-di-jus/ DEFINITION very impressive or large SYNONYMS amazing, staggering USAGE EXAMPLE I plan to eat a prodigious amount of turkey on Thursday. Word of the Day: 12/01-12/05 dour (adjective) /dower/ DEFINITION relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance. SYNONYMS harsh, forbidding, austere USAGE EXAMPLE The dour skies of winter came early this year. symmetry (noun) DEFINITION being the same on opposite sides of a dividing line or around an axis SYNONYMS correspondence, similarity, uniformity USAGE EXAMPLE Starfish have radial symmetry, while humans only have bilateral symmetry. dolt (noun) rhymes with bolt DEFINITION a foolish person SYNONYMS airhead, dunce USAGE EXAMPLE When she told me the answer to her riddle, I felt like a dolt for not getting it. inverse (adjective) DEFINITION opposite in order, nature, or effect SYNONYMS opposite, reverse USAGE EXAMPLE Ann had blue pants and a white top, while I had the inverse—white pants and a blue top. despot (noun) /des-pot/ DEFINITION a ruler who has total power and who often uses that power in cruel and unfair ways SYNONYMS dictator, tyrant USAGE EXAMPLE He was a successful businessman, but many people regarded him as a petty despot. Word of the Day: 12/08-12/12 copious (adective) /kope-e-yus/ DEFINITION present in large amounts SYNONYMS plentiful, profuse USAGE EXAMPLE Teenagers tend to eat copious amounts of pizza and French fries. ransack (verb) DEFINITION to search for something in a way that causes disorder or damage SYNONYMS rummage, comb, loot, plunder USAGE EXAMPLE Carter ransacked his room looking for his homework and library books. Ruminate (verb) /roo- min-ate/ DEFINITION to think carefully and deeply about something SYNONYMS contemplate, reflect, mull over, ponder USAGE EXAMPLE The class ruminated about how it would feel to be bored and scared at the same time after we read Anne Frank’s diary. Confiscate (verb) /con-fuh-skate/ DEFINITION to take something away to enforce rules or as punishment SYNONYMS seize, revoke, commandeer USAGE EXAMPLE The teacher confiscated all cell phones for the duration of the field trip. Pristine (adjective) /priss-teen/ DEFINITION in perfect condition, not changed by people SYNONYMS clean, mint, brand-new USAGE EXAMPLE Sydney’s locker is always pristine, while mine is really messy. Word of the Day: 12/15-12/19 domain DEFINITION SYNONYMS USAGE EXAMPLE agog DEFINITION SYNONYMS USAGE EXAMPLE Interminable DEFINITION SYNONYMS USAGE EXAMPLE obnoxious DEFINITION SYNONYMS USAGE EXAMPLE flimsy DEFINITION SYNONYMS USAGE EXAMPLE tedious DEFINITION SYNONYMS USAGE EXAMPLE DEFINITION SYNONYMS USAGE EXAMPLE Hygge (Danish) Denmark’s mantra, hygge is the pleasant, genial, and intimate feeling associated with sitting around a fire in the winter with close friends. ostensible estrange xenophobic proficient simultaneous/ espouse reproach requisite writhe shunt exonerate garner bandy mogul deter Forthright Profound Opaque Sublime Armament Circumvent Atone/make amends Devoid travail ancillary Pecuniary Gradient malcontent eminent rhetoric Replete pliable Ethereal choleric logistics circumspect adroit defunct succinct palpable accountable/responsible –day1 Paradigm infraction pedestrian cavalier mete/allot embroil ascribe abide/endure latent diffident egregious muster pertinent incite introspective Maladroit/inept Malaise Strife Appease Boon Brazen Covert Bootleg Crux Proximity Accrue Exemplar Dire Inure Mitigate Hamper Doff Svelte Squalid Capitulate Validate Pretext Elucidate constant linear Repentant/penitent Cogent Aplomb Volatile Unruly Filch Traverse Quiescent Brevity Ratify Voluble Falter Vernacular Digress Pragmatic usurp Vacillate Coup Malleable Liability Immutable Abate Curator Aberration Indiscriminate Badger Implore Drudgery Perceive Laconic Accost Reticent Gesticulate Vigilant Cajole Rudimentary Jostle anathema Incipient Tremulous Cessation Stipulate rash Obstinate Efficacy spurious mundane berserk fallacious complex gullible quirky barbarous ambiguous ludicrous debonair subsequent languid delirious parsimonious cynical cloistered insurgent savory finicky shun rhetorical sluggish nebulous capricious penitent malicious quaint truculent nuisance tenuous cryptic slog provoke outcast divergent zealous incident gawky fudgel- Pretending to work when you're not actually doing anything at all snickersnee kerfuffle defenestration – the act of throwing something out of the window Anencephalous - Absence of a brain.