Reading guide quiz #2 Suggested exercise: If you haven’t already, outline chapter 2. Tomorrow night I will give you HW with the instructions to outline chapter 4. In class on Thurs you will compare your outlines with others in your group and ultimately mine. But if you practice on chapter 2, it will be easier when you do chapter 4. Chapter 1 - Introduction: Biology Today p14-18 Key Terms controlled experiment discovery science hypothesis hypothesis-driven science science scientific method theory The Process of Science 1. Compare discovery science and hypothesis-driven science. Provide examples of each regarding the study of trans fats in the human diet (this will not be on the quiz but I still want you to think about it and try to answer it before lecture. 2. Checkpoint p16 on the order of the scientific method. 3. Fig. 1.15 Understand how the scientific method is used in the example of the with the TV remote 4. Distinguish science from other styles of inquiry. 5. Describe examples of the interdependence of technology and science. Chapter 2 - Essential Chemistry for Biology pg23-28 Key Terms acid base cohesion evaporative cooling heat hydrogen bonds (again) pH scale polar molecule (from lecture today) solute solution solvent temperature For solute, solution and solvent, it might not be clear what each of those terms mean and how they are different from each other. Don’t worry I will not give a quiz question on those particular distinctions but I do want you to try to figure out those differences. Water and Life 1. Describe the four life-supporting properties of water (hint: look at the headings). Describe an example of how each property affects some form of life. I will not quiz you on the examples but I still want you to think about it 2. There is more __________ (higher concentration) in acids but more ____________ in bases. 3. Checkpoint 33 on the relationship between pH 8 and pH 5 Evolution Connection: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life 4. Explain why the search for extraterrestrial life centers on the search for water (again I won’t quiz you on this but please think about it). Chapter 3: The Molecules of Life Key Terms amino acid carbohydrates disaccharide DNA double helix fat lipids monomers monosaccharides nucleic acids nucleotides organic compounds polymers polypeptide polysaccharides protein RNA starch triglyceride For some of these terms it may seem like they are the exact same thing such as with triglycerides, fats and lipids however, they are not the exact same but I will go over this in lecture. Another example might be proteins and polypeptides. Do not worry about those distinctions for now but please understand that proteins are different than fats and some ways they are different and examples of each. I realize that this is an unclear set of instructions because I am not telling you exactly what to worry about and what not to worry about, so yes that means you will have to use your best judgment. The other point is that some of those terms are higher level categories than others such as DNA and nucleic acids (which one contains the other?) so try to put each of those terms in an outline if it is appropriate. Biology and Society: Got Lactose? 1. Lactose and lactase are not the same thing, in fact they are quite very different, which one is the sugar and which one is the enzyme? 2. What kind of macromolecule is an enzyme? Look in further sections of the book in this chapter, and/or refer to lecture notes from the first day in class. Organic Compounds 3. What element is required for any compounds to be considered an organic compound? Large Biological Molecules 4. What is the relationship between monomers and polymers? 5. Checkpoint p40 on carbohydrates 6. What are the 4 classes of large biological macromolecules? 7. For each of the following, name the class of large biological macromolecules (from the list you wrote down in the previous question): Butter, glucose, hemoglobin, oil, starch, DNA. (Hint: look at the figures) 8. What is the term that means “water-fearing?” Look for it either on page 42 or page 43. 9. Be able to name one way DNA is different than RNA.