Constitutional Convention

research to successfully match
each Founding Father to his biography!
your hand when your group is
James Madison, George
Washington, and one of your choice!
House of Reps.
Did not want slaves counted
in population, but did want
them counted for tax
House of Reps.
Slave Trade
Wanted to ban slave trade
3/5 Compromise: 3/5 of
the population counted to
determine number of reps.
Per state
Wanted slaves counted in the
population, but not for tax
purposes (for representation
Slave Trade
Wanted to maintain slave
trade (labor source)
Slave trade banned
in 1808 (20 years)
The struggle for ratification
Federalists(supported ratification ) vs.
Anti- Federalists (opposed ratification)
Conduct independent research or reference
your U.S. book pgs. 234- 235 or the North
Carolina book pg. 214 to complete the
Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist graphic
Read pgs. 224- 225 (US) or 210 (NC) “Shay’s
Rebellion” to answer the following
 Define Shay’s Rebellion
 What happened?
 What was the outcome?
 How does this rebellion show that the
Articles of Confederation were too
Topics include:
Articles of Confederation (questions 1- 7 and Notetaker)
Constitution: (Note-taker)
Constitutional Convention
Federalists vs Anti-Federalists
Small states objected to
this plan fearing that
large states would always
outvote them in
Determined that a
portion of slaves would
be counted in the
A law that described how
the NW territory would
be governed.
This resolved the conflict
of representation in
 Why
did delegates
decide to write a new
constitution in 1787?
No national court or
national regulation of
Gave the states the power
to tax and trade
Created a system of
checks and balances and
separation of powers
Created a republic
(Government in which
the power rests with the
people that elect
Created a federal system
Check the Wiki (Unit
4) for complete study
guide, terms to know,
and short answer
The Anti-Federalists did not want to ratify the
 It gave too much power to the national government at
the expense of the state governments.
 There was no bill of rights.
 The national government could maintain an army in
 Congress, because of the `necessary and proper clause,'
wielded too much power.
 The executive branch held too much power. What may
the President and the Senate become?
Quickwrite: Why did many states feel a Bill of Rights
needed to be added to the Constitution?
The Federalists supported the ratification of the
The separation of powers into three independent
branches protected the rights of the people.
Each branch represents a different aspect of the
people, and because all three branches are equal,
no one group can assume control over another.
A listing of rights can be a dangerous thing. If the
national government were to protect specific listed
rights, what would stop it from violating rights
other than the listed ones? Since we can't list all the
rights, the Federalists argued that it's better to list
none at all
North Carolina ratified (approved) The
Constitution on November 21, 1789.
States called for a Bill of Rights. These rights
would protect the rights and liberties of all the
citizens. James Madison drafted them.
¾ of the states approved the 1st 10
Amendments to The Constitution.