September 8, 2015 Homework Get "history course requirements" sheet signed Bring txbk to class tomorrow Do Now Complete "citizenship test" Do Now: What is the difference between a Nomad & Settler? Which lifestyle would you rather live? Why? Homework: Map Quiz on Wednesday, start studying Do Now How would you define a civilization? Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Homework Quiz Monday on map of the United States Find Ch. 1 HW sheet on website Do Now Fill in U.S. map Thursday, September 10, 2015 Homework Read Ch. 1 sec. 1 and define key terms On Ch. 1 HW sheet, answer 1-8 Quiz Monday on U.S map Do Now How would you define a civilization? Roots of the American People Chapter 1 Section 1: The Earliest Americans How Did We Get Here…… Many scientists believe that the first people to migrate to the Americas as early as 100,000 years ago Three different theories: 1. Land Bridge Theory (Glaciers) 2. Coastal Route Theory 3. Creation Stories (Native Americans) The Land-Bridge Theory Earliest humans were nomads Travel from Siberia over to North America Today = Bering Strait Must have been looking for food! Visual Aid of the Land Bridge Theory Why did the inhabitants keep heading south? Warmer climate, followed the animals and better farming terrain. Coastal Route Theory Theory does not take into account the Land Bridge Theory Early inhabitants must have traveled along the coast Why is this theory hard to believe? Friday, September 11, 2015 Homework Study for QUIZ ON UNITED STATES MAP Monday! STUDY!!!!! Do Now Importance of Farming Farming will transform everyday life Nomads are now becoming settlers…. No longer need to go in search of food Leads to surplus, trade and city life Three Early Civilizations What characteristics make up a civilization? A civilization is an advanced culture in which people have developed cities, science and industries The largest of the early civilizations were the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas The Mayas Between A.D. 250 and A.D. 900, the Mayas of Mexico and central America built temples, pyramids and palaces. Known for: System of government, written language and the development of a calendar (observation of the stars). Mysteriously disappear from their cities around A.D. 900 Migration, disease or warfare?!?! Monday, September 14, 2015 Homework On Ch. 1 HW sheet answer questions 911 for section 1 Do Now Quiz today! Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Homework Review notes and remind parents about L.S. Orientation Quiz Friday on Ch. 1 sec. 1 and 2 Do Now Define key terms for ch. 1 sec. 2 The Aztecs Established around the 900s, with it’s capital city Tenochtitlan (present day Mexico City) The city was an actual island Population of 200,000 in the city of Tenochtitlan At the time, most populous city in the world!! Religion continually dominated every aspect of Aztec life Human sacrifices were common People eventually turned against the Aztecs which led to their demise in the 1400s The Aztecs Overview of Tenochtitlan The Impossible City? The Incas Developed in the 1100s along the coast of South America In the Andes Mountains! Capital of the Incan Empire was Cuzco Great accomplishments included vast network of roads and stone buildings Roads were used to connect the empire Roads were well known in Europe By the 1500’s the Incans would be eventually conquered by the Spanish The Incas Wednesday, September 16 2015 Homework Study for Quiz Friday on Ch. 1 Section 1and 2 On Ch. 1 HW sheet, Answer questions 1-6 for Section 2 Do Now Section 2: Cultures of North America First Cultures of North America North American cultures became very diverse Culture = A way of life Life of the North American continent depended upon where one lived Shelter, food, farming, clothing…. For example Inuits V. Cherokees See Page 13 in TB Historians classify these through culture areas (7) Groups with similar way of life North American Ways of Life Both men and women would have different roles within a particular culture Males = Hunters/Traders Females = Gathers (collected roots, seeds, nuts acorns Native Americans have a GREAT reverence to nature Creation stories, storytelling and rituals They had a god for EVERYTHING!!!! Thursday, September 16, 2015 Homework Study for quiz tomorrow on Ch. 1 sec. 1 and 2 Get quiz signed if unde 70 Do Now On txbk pg. 15, answer questions 1a, 1b and 2a North American Ways of Life Importance of agriculture able to grow and store food Extremely resourceful: Pointed sticks for digging Bones and shells were used as shovels Dead fish used as fertilizer Excellent farming skills lead to trade Items for trade Shells, flint, copper & salt NOT BIG INTO GOLD!!!! Major Native American Regions Great Plains Stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains Hunting and Farming Importance of the Buffalo Eastern Woodlands Home to the Iroquois Women highly respected Iroquois originally 5 distinct tribes with 5 different sachems Eventually become the League of Iroquois Friday, September 18, 2015 Homework On Homework sheet ch. 1 Sec. 2 answer questions 7 – 12 Test on ch. 1 Thursday Do Now Quiz Today! Monday, September 21, 2015 Homework Test on Ch. 1 Thursday Do Now Define key terms for sec. 3 Section 3: Trade Networks of Asia and Africa Trade and Networks of Asia and Africa Trade links three major continents together Europe, Africa and Asia China and India brought with them rare commodities By the 1500s, almost all trade went through the Arabian Peninsula. As more trade occurred, more people were exposed to the religion of Islam Islam Monotheistic religion Emerged in the 600’s from the prophet Muhammad Followers called Muslims, believe in the Quran (Koran) Words spoken to Muhammad by God Islam was transmitted rapidly through CONQUEST and TRADE Primarily through Africa The African Link to Trade East African Trade Center was Zimbabwe, flourished in the 1400s Traders had to pay taxes on their goods Kilwa – chief trading center Active slave trade developed between East Africa and Asia Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Homework Study for Test Thursday on Ch. 1 Complete ALL question in Sec. 3 of HW sheet Do Now Start working on HW sheet The African Link to Trade Ghana 1st major trade center in West Africa Traded for salt and gold 1200s the kingdom absorbed into the empire of Mali Mansu Musa – Muslim ruler of Mali, brought Mali to its height Mansu Musa – hajj, or pilgrimmage to the holy city of Mecca Empire declined from weak rulers and was replaced by Songhai Songhai rulers captured Timbuktu in A.D. 1468, restored the city as a center of Islamic learning East Asian Link in Trade The Silk Road One of the greatest ancient trade routes that connected Europe to Asia Not one single road, but rather a network of roads Leads to Europeans looking for a faster way to get to Asia…..