Year 10 Digital Photography/Director’s Cut Assessment Task Two: Visual Diary Throughout this course you are required to maintain a visual diary, which will form a major part of your assessment. It will contain all the background material for the practical work you do in this course. Students use visual diaries to plan, explore and document the design process when making a media text for a particular audience. Essentially, your visual diary is an ongoing record of your emerging understanding of the historical, aesthetic and technical aspects of photography and cinematography. You can also use the Visual Diary Rubric to check your own progress and to make sure that the Visual Diary is not just an afterthought but is an evolving folio, just as important as your finished product (Visual Expression). Your visual diary should contain the following: -Ongoing record of your observations, inspirations and ideas (related to appreciation, creation and impact of the visual image). -Initial research about various photographers, and/or questions about aspects and forms of photography that interest you. This should include ‘Street Photography’ task on Eric Kim -Annotated photographs, selected from your own folio of work as well as other sources. These should identify composition, design and aesthetic elements. -A record of all your reflections on photographic exercises completed individually and in groups. This should include your own learning (about technical, aesthetic and expressive elements) as well as peer feedback on your photographs (at least two external evaluations for each exercise). -Notes and personal reflections that relate to content covered in class. This should include: ‘Trop Fest’; ‘Visions of Light’ and ‘SimCam’ -Reflections on peer research presentations. This should demonstrate a capacity to compare and evaluate the features of photography and cinematography created by a range of artists and made in particular times and cultural contexts. -Description of the stages undertaken in the planning, creating and presenting stages of producing your Visual Expression, including an analysis of your work and how it might have been improved. Criteria Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Exploration and investigation of styles, forms, techniques used by a range of photographers in various historical and social contexts, including commentary on peer research assignments Visual diary contains notes on only a few topics covered in class. There are limited personal reflections on aspects of photography. Has completed notes on many topics covered in class. Personal reflections demonstrate an interest in some aspects of photography. Has consistently maintained notes on most topics covered in class. Personal reflections suggest engagement with various aspects of photography. Has consistently maintained comprehensive and insightful notes on topics covered in class. Personal reflections reflect strong engagement with many aspects of photography. Some photographic briefs have been completed and some creativity is apparent in the folio of work. Many photographic briefs have been completed and the folio of work shows creativity. Most photographic briefs have been completed and the folio of work is creative and expressive. All photographic briefs have been completed and the folio of work is highly creative and expressive. Original photographs show a reasonable use of design elements and principles from the initial explorations through to the finished portfolio/product. Original photographs show evidence of appropriate use of design elements and principles from the initial explorations through to the finished portfolio/product. Original photographs show evidence of highly effective use of design elements and principles from the initial explorations through to the finished portfolio/product. There is limited documentation and discussion of the visual image. Annotations show basic awareness of photographic elements, principles and aesthetics. Some peer feedback is included along with an adequate discussion of photographic folio. Good documentation of the visual image and comments on photographic works. Annotations show some understanding of the use and manipulation of photographic elements, principles and aesthetics. Reflective discussion of photographic folio includes peer feedback. Evidence of regular and wide ranging documentation of the visual image and evaluation of a range of photographic works. Detailed annotations show understanding of the use and manipulation of photographic elements, principles and aesthetics. Has reflected on peer feedback and critiqued own photographic folio. Evidence of ongoing documentation and critical evaluation of a range of photographic works. Extensive annotations show a deep understanding of the use and manipulation of photographic elements, principles and aesthetics. Has reflected thoughtfully on peer feedback within insightful critiques of own photographic folio. Limited use of art language. Some attempt to use visual language, design elements and principles to communicate the student’s personal art responses, ideas, concepts and observations. Some use of art language. Appropriate use of visual language, design elements and principles to communicate the student’s personal art responses, ideas, concepts and observations. Evidence and use of a very good level of understanding of art language. Appropriate and accurate use of visual language, design elements and principles to communicate the student’s personal art responses, ideas, concepts and observations. Evidence and use of a high level of understanding of art language. Highly skilled and effective use and manipulation of visual language, design elements and principles to comprehensively communicate the student’s personal responses, ideas, concepts and observations. (Description and discussion of photography) Development and refinement of ideas, skills and processes; documentation of working practices (Photographic folio) Original photographs show some application of design elements and principles from the initial explorations through to the finished portfolio/product. Reflective annotation of a range of photographic works, including critique of own folio (based on peer feedback) (Description, discussion and analysis of photographs) Understanding and application of visual language and the elements and principles in photography/cinematography (How you discuss and describe photographs)