Level E Unit 1 Vocabulary ADULTURATE Definition: (v.) To corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value Synonyms: contaminate, pollute Antonyms: purify, purge AMBIDEXTROUS Definition: (adj.) able to use both hands equally well, very skillful, deceitful Synonyms: versatile, facile Antonyms: clumsy, all thumbs, maladroit AUGMENT Definition: (v.) to make larger, increase Synonyms: enlarge, supplement Antonyms: decrease, diminish BEREFT Definition: (adj., part.) deprived of, unhappy through loss of something Synonyms: bereaved Antonyms: replete, well-provided DEPLOY Definition: (v.) to position or arrange; to utilize; to form up Synonyms: station, organize DOUR Definition: (Adj.) stern, unyielding, gloomy, Synonyms: harsh, bleak, forbidding Antonyms: cheery, inviting, genial FORTITUDE Definition: (n.) courage in facing difficulties Synonyms: resolve, steadfastness, mettle Antonyms: fearfulness, timidity GAPE Definition: (v.) to stare with open mouth; to open wide Synonyms: gawk, ogle GIBE Definition: (v.) to utter taunting words; (n.) an expression of scorn Synonyms: ridicule, mock, jeer Antonyms: compliment, praise GUISE Definition: (n.) an external appearance, cover, mask Synonyms: costume, pretense INSIDIOUS Definition: (adj.) intended to deceive or entrap; sly Synonyms: cunning, underhanded Antonyms: frank, ingenuous, aboveboard INTIMATION Definition: (n.) a hint, indirect suggestion Synonyms: clue, indication, inkling OPULENT Definition: (adj.) wealthy, luxurious, grandiose Synonyms: rich, lavish, plentiful, abundant Antonyms: poverty-stricken, wretched PLIABLE Definition: (adj.) easily bent, flexible, easily influenced Synonyms: supple, adaptable, resilient Antonyms: rigid, inflexible REITERATE Definition: (v.) to say again, repeat Synonyms: restate, rehash, recapitulate STOLID Definition: (adj.) not easily moved mentally or emotionally, dull, unresponsive Synonyms: impassive, phlegmatic Antonyms: emotional, oversensitive The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.” Elie Wiesel TENTATIVE Definition: (adj.) experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant Synonyms: provisional, inconclusive Antonyms: definite, conclusive, confirmed UNKEMPT Definition: (adj.) not combed, untidy, rude Synonyms: sloppy, disheveled, rough Antonyms: well-groomed, tidy, neat VERBATIM Definition: (adj., adv.) word for word, exactly as written or spoken Synonyms: exact, precisely Antonyms: paraphrased WARILY Definition: (adv.) cautiously, with care Synonyms: carefully, prudently, gingerly Antonyms: recklessly, heedlessly