LONG-LIVED QUANTUM MEMORY USING NUCLEAR SPINS Laboratoire Kastler Brossel A. Sinatra, G. Reinaudi, F. Laloë (ENS, Paris) A. Dantan, E. Giacobino, M. Pinard (UPMC, Paris) NUCLEAR SPINS HAVE LONG RELAXATION TIMES Ground state He3 has a purely nuclear spin ½ Nuclear magnetic moments are small Weak magnetic couplings dipole-dipole interaction contributes for T1≃ 109 s (1mbar) Spin 1/2 No electric quadrupole moment coupling In practice T1 relaxation can reach 5 days in cesium-cotated cells and 14 days in sol-gel coated cells T2 is usually limited by magnetic field inhomogeneity Examples of Relaxation times in 3He T1=344 h T2=1.33 h Ming F. Hsu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2000) Sol-gel coated glass cells 0.Moreau et al. J.Phys III (1997) Magnetometer with polarized 3He 3He NUCLEAR SPINS FOR Q-INFORMATION ? Quantum information with continuous variables Squeezed light Squeezed light Spin Squeezed atoms Quantum memory SQUEEZING OF LIGHT AND SQUEEZING OF SPINS One mode of the EM field Y=i(a†-a) N spins 1/2 Coherent spin state CSS (uncorrelated spins) Sx= Sy= |<Sz>|/2 X=(a+a†) X = Y=1 X >1 Squeezed state Y <1 Coherent state Projection noise in atomic clocks Squeezed state Sx2 < N/4 Sy2 > N/4 R.F. discharge How to access the ground state of 3He ? Laser transition 1.08 m 23P 23S1 Metastability exchange collisions metastable 20 eV 11S0 ground He* + He -----> He + He* During a collision the metastable and the ground state atoms exchange their electronic variables Colegrove, Schearer, Walters (1963) Typical parameters for 3He optical pumping An optical pumping cell filled with ≈ mbar pure 3He Metastables : n = 1010-1011 at/cm3 Metastable / ground : n / N =10-6 Laser Power for optical pumping PL= 5 W The ground state gas can be polarized to 85 % in good conditions A SIMPLIFIED MODEL : SPIN ½ METASTABLE STATE n n S= s N I= i i1 N d< I >/dt = - m< S > g < I > + + i i1 Partridge and Series (1966) d< S >/dt = - i g<I> m< S > Rates m N g n Heisenberg Langevin equations /dt = dS dI /dt = - S + g I + fs m g I + m S + fi Langevin forces <fa (t) fb(t’)> = Dab (t-t’) PREPARATION OF A COHERENT SPIN STATE Atoms prepared in the fully polarized CSS by optical pumping Spin quadratures 3 Sx=(S21+S12)/2 ; Sy=i (S12- S21)/2 ↓ Sx= = n/4 2 1 ↑ N/4 Ix = Sy Iy = This state is stationary for metastability exchange collisions SQUEEZING TRANSFER TO FROM FIELD TO ATOMS Raman configuration Control classical field of Rabi freqency > , 3 1 A , A† cavity mode squeezed vaccum 2 H= g (S32 A + h.c.) Exchange collisions ↓ ↑ Linearization of optical Bloch equations for quantum fluctuations around the fully polarized initial state SQUEEZING TRANSFER TO METASTABLE ATOMS Linear coupling for quantum fluctuations between the cavity field and metastable atoms coherence S21 3 1 A 2 2 d gn S21 i A S21 dt shift coupling Adiabatic elimination of S23 Resonant coupling condition : (E 2 E1 ) ( 2 1 ) +shift = 0 Two photon detuning Dantan et al. Phys. Rev. A (2004) SQUEEZING TRANSFER TO GROUND STATE ATOMS 3 2 The metastable coherence S12 evolves at the frequency (1 2 ) A 1 2 Exchange collisions give a linear coupling beween S12 and I↑↓ Resonant coupling condition : ↓ ↑ E↑ –E↓ = (1 2 ) Resonant coupling in both metastable and ground state is Possible in a magnetic fieldsuch that the Zeemann effect in the metastable compensates the light shift of level 1 SQUEEZING TRANSFER TO GROUND STATE ATOMS A Zeeman effect : 2 E2-E1 = 1. 8 MHz/G ↓ E↑ –E↓= 3.2 kHz/G ↑ Resonance conditions in a magnetic field 2 E 2 E1 E↑ E↓ (1 2 ) GROUND AND METASTABLE SPIN VARIANCES When polarization and cavity field are adiabatically eliminated Pumping parameter N m 2 in 2 Iy 1 (1 Ax ) 4 m n in 2 S 1 (1 Ax ) 4 m 2 y 2 2 (1 C) Cooperativity 2 C gn ≃ 100 Strong pumping m the squeezing goes to metastables Slow pumping m the squeezing goes to ground state GROUND AND METASTABLE SPIN VARIANCES in 2 x (1 A ) 0.5 C 500 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 10-3 2 y 2 y I 10-2 S 10-1 100 / m 101 102 103 EXCHANGE COLLISIONS AND CORRELATIONS n n n S s si s j n(n 1) si s j 4 i1 i j 2 2 i N n N I i ii i j N(N 1) ii i j 4 i1 i j 2 2 i Exchange collisions tend to equalize the correlation function When exchange is dominant ( m ) , and for n,N 1 I 2 N S 2 A weak squeezing in metastable 1 1 maintains strong squeezing /4 in the ground state N /4 n n WRITING TIME OF THE MEMORY Build-up of the spin squeezing in the metastable state Sy2 (t) Sy2 s 0.55 exp(2t) 10 m 5 107 s1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 2 2 Sy Iy 10 /m Build-up of the spin squeezing in the ground state 2 Iy (t) Iy2 s 0.55 exp(2g t) 2 g g 1 s1 m 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 2 2 Sy Iy 0.1 /m TIME EVOLUTION OF SPIN VARIANCES Ix2 2.0 1.5 css 1.0 Iy2 0.5 0.0 0.0 Ax2 1 2 3 The writing time is limited by 4 5 g n t(s) (density of metstables) READ OUT OF THE NUCLEAR SPIN MEMORY Pumping Writing 3 Reading Storage 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ 10 s 1s hours 1s By lighting up only the coherent control field , in the same conditions as for writing, one retrieves transient squeezing in the output field from the cavity READ OUT OF THE NUCLEAR SPIN MEMORY Ain Aout E LO (t) exp(g t) T Fourier-Limited Spectrum Analyzer Temporally matched local oscillator d P(t0) = T toT i (tt' ) ELO(t) ELO(t’) <Aout(t) Aout(t’)> dt e to Read-out function for T 1/g Rout (t 0 ) 1 P(t 0 ) / P(t ) / 0 CCS (1 Iy2 )exp(2g t 0 ) REALISTIC MODEL FOR HELIUM 3 Real atomic structure of 3He 23P0 A A F=1/2 F=3/2 23S1 11S0 Ýg g (g Tre m ) Ým m (m g Trn m ) Exchange Collisions REALISTIC MODEL FOR HELIUM 3 Real atomic structure of 3He 23P0 23S1 0 A 0 0 11S0 A 0 F=1/2 F=3/2 Exchange Collisions Lifetime of metastable state coherence: 0 =103s-1 (1torr) NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS We find the same analytic expressions as for the simple model if the field and optical coherences are adiabatically eliminated 1.0 0.9 Adiabatic elimination not justified 0.8 Effect of 0 0.7 2 Iy 0.6 2 Sy 0.5 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 10 2 3 1 mbarr / m T=300K m 5 106 , 2 107, 0 103, 100 , C 500, 2 103 EFFECT OF A FREQUENCY MISMATCH IN GROUND STATE We have assumed resonance conditions in a magnetic field E4 - E3 + 2 = E↑ – E↓ = (1 2 ) E4 - E3 ≃ 1. 8 MHz/G E↑ –E↓= 3.2 kHz/G What is the effect of a magnetic field inhomogeneity ? the squeezed field and the ground state De-phasing between coherence during the squeezing build-up time e2r e-2r 1 HOMOGENEITY REQUIREMENTS ON THE MAGNETIC FIELD 1E-7 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 0.01 1.0 0.9 0.8 B Tesla B = 5x10- 4 B 0.7 B 4 10 0.6 B B=0 0.5 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 / m Example of working point : 0.1 m , B 57 mG, Larmor 184 Hz LONG-LIVED NON LOCAL CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TWO MACROSCOPIC SAMPLES Julsgaard et al., Nature (2001) : 1012 atoms OPO correlated beams Correlated macroscopic spins (1018 atoms) ? =0.5ms INSEPARABILITY CRITERION Duan et al. PRL 84 (2000), Simon PRL 84(2000) Two modes of the EM field Quadratures Ax1(2) (A1(2) A1(2) ) 1 2 F (Ax1 Ax2 ) 2 (Ay1 Ay 2 ) 2 2 Two collective spins Ay1(2) i(A1(2) A1(2) ) Iz1 Iz2 N 2 2 2 A (Iy1 Iy2 ) 2 (Ix1 Ix 2 ) 2 N LONG-LIVED NON LOCAL CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TWO MACROSCOPIC SAMPLES in 1 A 3 A OPO in 2 correlated beams 1 2 ↓ ↑ coupling in i I A g y1(2) x1(2) noise in i I A g x1(2) y1(2) noise 3 1 2 ↓ ↑ LONG-LIVED NON LOCAL CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TWO MACROSCOPIC SAMPLES In terms of inseparability criterion of Duan and Simon coupling m 1 A F 2 m m m C m noise from Exchange collisions Spontaneous Emission noise C m A F g2n 1