Branded Templates Tutorial

Branded Templates for
Microsoft PowerPoint
Locating existing templates
1. Go to the Strategy Tool Kit, located in
the News Room section of the Business
School website (you will be required to
log into iMpact)
2. Click Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
3. The template files will appear
4. Select your choice of backgrounds by
double clicking on the file name:
dark blue
ppt template_blue.pot
5. A new presentation will appear in the
Master View
6. The new presentation is blank (no
existing content), but is pre-formatted
with all fonts, colors, brand graphic, and
footer information
Branded Templates for
Microsoft PowerPoint
Making the template your
1. From the Master View, click in the bottom
left corner to edit or delete the footer text
2. Click on the text box placeholder to delete
the footer
Brand Graphic
1. Click in the bottom right corner to change
the brand graphic used
2. To use a different version of the brand
graphic, delete the existing mark and
insert a new picture
3. Go to the Insert menu, click Pictures,
From File…
4. Select the file you wish to use
5. GIF format is recommended for
PowerPoint documents
6. Right click on the newly inserted brand
7. Select Format Object… to make
adjustments to the size and position of the
brand mark
Branded Templates for
Microsoft PowerPoint
Applying branded
templates to existing
With an existing presentation open, go to
the Format menu and select Slide
2. Or, in the upper right corner of the
screen, click the Design button on the
3. A task pane called Slide Design will
appear along the right column
4. At the bottom of the Slide Design pane,
click the Browse… link
5. A pop-up screen called Apply Design
Template will appear
6. Click the Look in… drop-down to
navigate to the public location of the
branded templates. The file path is:
R:\Public\Share\MS Office Templates with
7. Select your choice of backgrounds by
double clicking on the file name:
dark blue ppt template_blue.pot
ppt template_white.pot
8. The branded template, including fonts,
colors, brand graphic, and footer
information, has now been applied to
your original presentation
9. Review the complete presentation for
any necessary adjustments. Font sizes
and colors, sizes and colors of graphics,
and overlapping graphics may require
adjustment for consistency, screen/print
readability, and to maximize the use of
space on each slide.
• If your original presentation was not
created using a title and slide master,
it may be necessary to strip any
backgrounds created as color
graphics. For example, if a
background in your existing
presentation was created using a blue
rectangle, the blue rectangle will
appear over the background of the
template when you apply the
• If your original presentation does not
use slide layouts, it may be
necessary to apply title and text
layouts to the existing headers and
text. The template will not recognize
Application Tips
• For all applications, the signature can be
incorporated by using it in headers or footers
• For all applications, templates can be created and
customized to apply fonts, colors, brand graphics,
and signatures to your preferences
• These suggestions may help to maximize the
readability of your documents:
~ Granjon - letters and text-based documents
~ News Gothic – headlines and PowerPoint
~ News Gothic Demi Bold – overheads
• Do not change the proportions of the brand
mark’s elements
• Do not separate the elements
• Do not change the standard color combinations