RSS and the Web OPAC Applications at the Kresge Business

RSS and the WebPAC
Using Incoming Feeds Display and
RSS Feed Builder Applications
Corey Seeman
Kresge Business Administration Library
University of Michigan
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Incoming Feeds
• Value for the library
• Code Structure
• RSS Feed Pages
– Federal Reserve Documents & Research
– Reports New Releases (Forrester & Frost)
• RSS Feed Builder Product
• RSS Resources & Links
• Future Plans – Journal Pages
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Value for the Library
• RSS Feeds - very personalized (portals and
readers -- not “shared”)
• RSS Feeds are frequently changing XML
• Allows us to push data and news to people as a
group – need to be things of common interest
• Add ability for patrons to copy to their own RSS
• A tool for alerting patrons about new resources
• A tool for alerting patrons to events in their
library record **
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Code Structure
Innovative Manual (2006LE and later)
Page # 106681 (General Listing)
Page # 106684 (RSS Feeds Coding)
Page # 105262 (Classes for Style Sheets)
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Code Structure
[URL] -- URL of the RSS feed*
[ITEMS] -- # of items that will display in the page
[DES] -- T/F include the description
[DATE] -- T/F include the date & time
[IMAGE] -- Include the image
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Code Structure
Style Sheet
• rssChannelTitle (title)
• rssChannelEntries (all entries)
• rssChannelEntry (single entry)
• rssChannelEntryDate (time/date)
• rssChannelEntryHead (header)
• rssChannelEntryDesc (description)
• rssChannelImage (image)
• rssChannelNoContent (text to display for no
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Style Sheet
.rssFeedSource {font: bold 14px verdana; display: block; marginbottom: 10px;}
.rssFeed {border: none;}
.rssFeedName {}
.rssChannelEntries {margin: 20px 10px 40px 10px;}
.rssChannelEntry {margin: 5px 10px;}
.rssChannelEntryHead {}
.rssChannelEntryDesc {}
.rssChannelEntryDate {font: italic 10px verdana; color: #999;}
.rssChannelImage {border: none; margin: 10px;}
.rssChannelNoContent {}
.rssFeed h3, .rssFeedND h3, .rssFeedAB h3 {font-size: 12px;
margin: 10px;}
.rssgif {position: relative; bottom: -3px; left: 10px;}
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Code Structure
Style Sheet
• NOTE: A great deal can be done with the
style sheet that cannot be set in the
WWWOption. These include:
– Allowing for a portion of the entry to display
(first 5 lines).
– Allowing for a portion of the entry to print (first
5 lines).
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Style Sheet
• /*styles for RSS feeds with no descriptions*/
• .rssFeedND .rssChannelEntryDesc {display:none;}
• .rssFeedAB .rssChannelEntryDesc {height: 50px; overflow:
hidden; }
• You can add also elements to control printing
• Need to take into account “caching” of feeds by
the Innovative Server.
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Concept Pages
• Do not have to have feeds on a /feeds.html page
• Can be anywhere on a page in the screens
• Cannot be in bib records*
– NOTE: you can place a display token in the
bib_display.html page (this controls the bib display in
WebPAC Pro)
– It would be the same for all the bib records
– It might be good place for library news or latest
collection items
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Concept Pages
• Pages at Kresge Library:
– /screens/guide_[name].html
– /screens/guide_fedres.html
– /screens/per_mii.html
• Organized like this for ease of finding and
• Incoming Links are updated when TTL expires
(Time to Live) – an element in the feed
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC – Incoming Links
Federal Reserve Documents
• Shows Research, Speeches & Publications from Federal
Reserve Banks
• All freely available content
• Some of the 12 regional banks have RSS Feeds
• Including all in guides page (for easy expansion and
documentation of Fed publications)
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Incoming Links
Best Practices (Reports Database)
• Databases that are “report driven” with full
text searching in these reports
• Using RSS Feed Displays to showcase new
additions and news from the vendors
• Descriptions on page:
– WebPAC caches feed content
– You cannot have a page with descriptions and
one without using the same feed.
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007**
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Incoming Links
Frost and Sullivan (Reports Database)
• Databases that are “report driven” with full text
searching in these reports
• Using RSS Feed Displays to showcase new
additions and news from the vendors
• If user logs in first, they can then follow the links
from the feeds (no proxy issue) – not always the
• Offers many RSS Feeds – will offer selected to the
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Incoming Links
Forrester (Reports Database)
• Databases that are “report driven” with full
text searching in these reports
• Using RSS Feed Displays to showcase new
additions and news from the vendors
• Offers many RSS Feeds – will offer selected
to the community
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Incoming Links
Missing Ann Arbor??
• Some can be fun
• Offer a chance to get the feel for campus for
people who are away from Ann Arbor
• Include weather, news, sports, business
school news, etc.
• URL:
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS and the WebPAC - Feed Builder
• Pages for “locally” hosted ejournals
– Records in the Millennium Catalog - Issue TOC in
Notes Fields for Keyword Searching
– Static Page with RSS Feed display & search ‘widget’
• Medical Industry Intelligence
• Soon: National Real Estate Index, The Dividend (Ross
School Journal), other locally hosted resources.
• News searches for subject/topic pages
• Incorporating Library News in subject/topic
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Feed Builder Product
Separate Product (ask customer sales)
User Manual Page #106987
Configuring Feed Builder - Page #106988
Setup is done with Millennium Web Master
• Works from Create Lists Saved Searches OR
Review Files
• Can have up to 100 saved searches in Create
• TTL for all Feed Builder files is 24 hours
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS Feed Builder
• Allows the library to strategically push
information to selected audiences.
• Provides an additional mode of
delivery for library related information.
• Any records you gather with Create
Lists can be pushed out via Feed
• Each Feed is built with an independent
configuration file
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Editing the Configuration Files
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Sample Configuration File
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Config File
title=Medical Industry Intelligence
desc=A new issue of Medical Industry Intelligence is
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Elements of a *.conf file
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Create Lists - Saved Searches
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Create Lists - Saved Searches
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
File Naming Conventions
Configuration File:
Listed under Feeds just as “mii”
RSS Feed:
Sample Page:
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Old Display – Medical Industry Intelligence
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
New Display – Medical Industry Intelligence
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
New Display – Medical Industry Intelligence
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Public Display - XML
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS Feeds into catalog pages
ebrary (e-book package Database)
• New books added monthly.
• RSS Feed Builder will show latest editions.
• Catalog search widget
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS Feed Builder - ebrary
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS Feed Builder - ebrary
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Future Plans – Journal Pages
• Create pages with RSS feeds for Table of
Content Alerts
• Links to full text through proxy
• RSS Feeds need to hold data or the public
display will be blank
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
RSS Resources & Links
• RSS Compendium
• US Government Feeds (First Gov)
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007
Corey Seeman
University of Michigan
RSS and the WebPAC - IUG 2007