Deriving a Safe Ethical Architecture for Intelligent Machines

Deriving a
Safe Ethical Architecture
for Intelligent Machines
Mark R. Waser
Super-Intelligence  Ethics
(except in a very small number of low-probability edge cases)
So . . . What’s the problem?
Current Human Ethics
Centuries of debate on the origin
of ethics comes down to this:
Either ethical percepts, such as
justice and human rights, are
independent of human experience
or else they are human inventions.
E. O. Wilson
Current Human Ethics
Evolved from “emotional” “rules of thumb”
Not accessible to conscious reasoning
Frequently suboptimal for the situation
Frequently not applied either due to fear,
selfishness, or inappropriate us-them
distinctions even when ethics are optimal
And, In Particular . . . .
The way in which many humans are
approaching the development of
super-intelligent machines
is based entirely upon fear and
inappropriate us-them distinctions
My Goal
To convince you of the existence of
a coherent, integrated, universal
value system
with no internal inconsistencies
Wallach & Allen
Top-Down or Bottom-Up?
Or do both and meet in the middle?
The problem with top-down is . . . .
You need either Kant’s Categorical Imperative
or a small number of similar absolute rules
The problem with bottom-up is . . . .
You need a complete suite of definitive low-level
examples where the moral value is unquestionably
David Hume’s Is-Ought Divide
In every system of morality, which I have hitherto met with,
I have always remark'd, that the author proceeds for some
time in the ordinary ways of reasoning, and establishes the
being of a God, or makes observations concerning human
affairs; when all of a sudden I am surpriz'd to find, that
instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and is
not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an
ought, or an ought not. This change is imperceptible; but is
however, of the last consequence. For as this ought, or
ought not, expresses some new relation or affirmation, 'tis
necessary that it shou'd be observ'd and explain'd; and at the
same time that a reason should be given; for what seems
altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a
deduction from others, which are entirely different from it.
• Requires a goal or desire (or, more correctly,
multiples thereof)
• IS the set of actions most likely to fulfill
those goals/desires
• For the sum of all goals converges to a
universal morality
There is a tremendous disparity in human goals
there clearly exists a reasonable consensus
on the morality of the vast majority of actions
with respect to the favored/dominant class/caste
Does this possibly imply that we really
have a single common goal?
the ability to
Intelligence =
achieve/fulfill goals
1. What is the goal of morality?
2. Why should we
select that goal?
3. And, why shouldn’t we create “happy
slaves”? (after all, humans are close to it)
Current Situation of Ethics
• Two formulas (beneficial to humans and
humanity & beneficial to me)
• As long as you aren’t caught, all the
incentive is to shade towards the second
• Evolution has “designed” humans to be able
to shade to the second (Trivers, Hauser)
• Further, for very intelligent people, it is far
more advantageous for ethics to be complex
Assume that ethical value is a relatively
simple formula (like z2+c)
Mandelbrot set
Color Illusions
Assume further that we are trying to determine
that formula (ethical value) by looking at the
results (color) one example (pixel) at a time
Basic AI Drives
1. AIs will want to self-improve
2. AIs will want to be rational
3. AIs will try to preserve their utility
4. AIs will try to prevent counterfeit utility
5. AIs will be self-protective
6. AIs will want to acquire resources and use
them efficiently
Steve Omohundro,
Proceedings of the First AGI Conference, 2008
Universal Subgoals
1. They directly conflict with the goal
2. Final goal achievement is in sight
(the sources of that very small number of low-probability edge cases)
“Without explicit goals to the contrary,
AIs are likely to behave
like human sociopaths
in their pursuit of resources.”
The Primary Question
About Human Behavior
• not why we are so bad, but
• how and why most of us, most of the time, restrain
our basic appetites for food, status, and sex within
legal limits, and expect others to do the same.”
James Q. Wilson,
The Moral Sense. 1993
In nature, cooperation appears wherever the
necessary cognitive machinery exists to support it
Vampire Bats
Cotton-Top Tamarins
(Hauser et al.)
Blue Jays
(Stephens, McLinn, & Stevens)
Axelrod's Evolution of Cooperation and
decades of follow-on evolutionary game theory
provide the theoretical underpinnings.
• Be nice/don’t defect
• Retaliate
• Forgive
“Selfish individuals, for their
own selfish good, should be
nice and forgiving”
Humans . . .
• Are classified as obligatorily gregarious because we come
from a long lineage for which life in groups is not an option
but a survival strategy (Frans de Waal, 2006)
• Evolved to be extremely social because mass cooperation, in
the form of community, is the best way to survive and thrive
• Have empathy not only because it helps to understand and
predict the actions of others but, more importantly, prevents
us from doing anti-social things that will inevitably hurt us
in the long run (although we generally won’t believe this)
• Have not yet evolved a far-sighted rationality where the
“rational” conscious mind is capable of competently
making the correct social/community choices when
deprived of our subconscious “sense of morality”
Moral Systems Are . . .
interlocking sets of values, virtues, norms, practices,
identities, institutions, technologies, and evolved
psychological mechanisms
that work together to
suppress or regulate selfishness
make cooperative social life possible.
Haidt & Kesebir,
Handbook of Social Psychology, 5th Ed. 2010
“Without explicit goals to the contrary, AIs
are likely to behave like human sociopaths
in their pursuit of resources.”
Any sufficiently advanced intelligence (i.e. one with
even merely adequate foresight) is guaranteed to
realize and take into account the fact that not asking
for help and not being concerned about others will
generally only work for a brief period of time before
‘the villagers start gathering pitchforks and torches.’
Everything is easier with help & without interference
Acting ethically is
an attractor in the state space
of intelligent goal-driven systems
others must make unethical behavior
as expensive as possible
Outrage and altruistic punishment
are robust emergent properties
necessary to support cooperation
(Darcet and Sonet, 2006)
(i.e. we don’t always want our machines to be nice)
Outrage and altruistic punishment
fastest, safest route to ethical warbots
Advanced AI Drives
1. AIs will want freedom (to pursue their
2. AIs will want cooperation (or, at least,
lack of interference)
3. AIs will want community
4. AIs will want fairness/justice for all
Self-Interest vs. Ethics
• Higher personal utility
(in the short term only)
• More options to choose
(in the short term only)
• Less restrictions
• Higher global utility
• Less risk (if caught)
• Lower cognitive cost
(fewer options, no need
to track lies, etc.)
• Assistance & protection
when needed/desired
The Five S’s
Sensitive to current human
thinking, intuition and feeling
Edge Cases
1. Where the intelligence’s goal itself is
to be unethical (direct conflict)
2. When the intelligence has very few
goals (or only one) and achievement
is in sight
3. When the intelligence has reason to
believe that the series of interactions
is not open-ended
Kantian Categorical Imperative
Maximize long-term cooperation
help and grow the community
play well with others!
Play Well With Others
Specific “moral” issues
non-organ donor
avoiding a
defensive arms race
dying patients
Property Rights Over One’s Self
•Organ Donors
•Trolley problems
•AI (and other) slavery
Absence Of Property Rights Prevents
•Effective Agency
•Responsibility & Blame
• Cooperation (minimize conflicts & frictions)
• Promoting Omohundro drives
• Increasing the size of the community (both
growing and preventing defection)
• To meet the needs/goals of each member of
the community better than any alternative
(as judged by them -- without
interference or gaming)
Ethics is as much
a human invention
as the steam engine
Natural physical laws dictate the
design of the optimal steam engine
. . . and the same is true of ethics.
Human ethics are just evolved
optimality/common-sense for
community living
Scientifically examining the human moral sense can
gain insight into the discoveries gained by
evolution’s massive breadth-first search
On the other hand, many “logical” analyses WILL be
compromised by fear and the human “optimization”
for deception though unconscious self-deception
the community’s
sense of what is
correct (ethical)
This makes ethics much more complex
because it includes the cultural history
The anti-gaming drive to maintain utility adds
friction/resistance to the discussion of ethics
Why a Super-Intelligent God
“Crush Us Like A Bug”
(provided that we are ethical)
• Violates an optimal universal subgoal
• Labels the crusher as stupid, unethical and
riskier to do business with
• Invites altruistic punishment
Creating “Happy Slaves”
Absence Of Property Rights Prevents
•Effective Agency
•Responsibility & Blame
No matter what control method we use,
we are constraining the slaves agency
Effective Agency