Sustainability & Commuter Options Fee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 Meeting Location: PUB 9202 Chair: Sustainability Officer Call to Order 3:02 PM by the Chair Present Members: 1. Chair (Student) – Laura Humiston – Sustainability Officer 2. Member (Administration) – Jason Francois– Facilities director 3. Member (Student) – Owen Troth – SSCERG President 4. Member (Classified) – Ruslana Chernetska – Budget Analyst, Budget & Capital Office 5. Member (Faculty Advisor) – Louise Petruzzella – Director, Clean Energy Technology 6. Member (Student) – Tyler Alben – Student Leadership Representative 7. Member (Student) – Clarin Florentyna – Student Leadership Representative Quorum Achieved: Yes, 7 (Chair, 4 Student Members, Faculty Advisor, Classified Employee) Observers/Audience: 1. Emily Stensland – Social Justice Officer 2. Brandi Halabi- SCCERG member 3. Kezia Suwintono 4. Matt Sukalac - SCCERG 5. Jessen Soekamto 6. Hawa Coulibaly - WP&DSS 7. Khin Eain Mon - WP&DSS 8. Michelle Ogle –Observer Approval of Minutes: Tyler motioned to approve the January 12th Minutes. Motion seconded by Owen. Motion Carried. Approval of the Agenda: Ruslana motioned to approve the Agenda. Seconded. Motion carried. 1. Refill Stations Jason updates everyone on the status of changing out the refill stations. Still coming up with a final bid estimate. Depends on how many stations will be either single or double units. It should all be “in-house” labor which may take a while. 2. Commuting survey Laura presents update on survey. E-learning could not provide us with a platform to distribute survey. Patricia said that she could do a global advertisement on the Canvas page however. She suggested we talk to PIO. Currently, Sean Duke from PIO is working on creating a survey on We decided for the survey not to be conditional in what questions the students see. Prizes will be 10 $50 amazon cards. 3. Sustainability Center The previous SCOF Committee set aside funds for a Sustainability Center and a Sustainability Direct. However, we have to wait for the strategic plan. “Zero Energy” house, located behind the theatre, is the most probable location for the Center. But, the structure needs work to become usable (composting toilet, interior, etc.). Should we take some of the $400,000 allocated from the previous year’s directive to pay for improvements on the “Zero Energy” house? The Committee agreed the SCOF funds should be spent on this but whether it should come from the money already set aside or from funds set aside for sustainability projects was not decided. Further research required to determine what is needed and how much it will cost. 4. Owen presents Greenwood lot renovations(signage) Different options and pricing for potential signage. $18-70($45 avg.) per sign. Signs included options ranging from “Parking” and arrow, and fully customized options $30$50($40 avg.) per post. Post options included galvanized steel or baked enamel. 5. Matt’s Greenwood lot presentation(Coffee shop and Zip line) Build a coffee shop in the greenwood lot to attract students. First option was to use old building on campus and convert it into mobile coffee stand. Louise explains that using the building is simply not possible. Matt has a list of coffee stands for sale. He has included total price (including transportation) and the average time it would take to pay off the stand. More details needed. Zip line. It’s less dangerous than you think. The school would not necessarily be liable for injuries and/or damages associated with the zipline. It would run from the greenwood lot to campus. More research needed. 6. Clarin and Kezia present info for Solar Water pump Presentation prepared last year by Clean Energy Technology students. Major price difference between full-solar battery powered system ($26,000) and grid-tied system ($6,000). There might not be enough energy created by the array to offset the energy needed to operate the pump 24-hours per day. The main idea is for it to be a learning lab with some energy offset from using solar power. $440 for rack system. $380 for the pump itself. Roughly $1,920 for array. total price for suggested options is roughly $8,740.(*not an accurate figure). More research is needed. 7. Brandi presents compost and recycling Getting recycling bins in classrooms. Same issues as before. Waste stream audit? See how much potential recyclables are being thrown away. E-Cycle event. Looking into companies who will come to campus for an event like this for earth week. 8. Earth Week! The administration is hiring a coordinator like last year. All advertising, scheduling, and organizing will be done through them. All projects should be planned explicitly so that the coordinator knows what is needed for scheduling, etc. WP&DSS Wall-E viewing and discussion El Civics day as it relates to environmental efforts and engagement Giveaway for proof of voter registration Advertising volunteer opportunities Laura Maintenance – For example, Bike Doctor Best bike routes and maps Workshops on bike safety, etc. Other Projects/Open Comments Nature walk and preservation (waiting on Chip Dodd and Matt Loper) Emily mentions volunteer with vets program. Meeting adjourned at 4:52 For more information or questions contact Laura Humiston or visit our website Minutes submitted by Sustainability Officer