RANGER COLLEGE SYLLABUS VOCATIONAL NURSING DEPARTMENT Course Number and Title: VNSG 1429 Medical-Surgical Nursing I Credit Hours: 4 Lecture Hours/Wk: 4 Lab: 1 Combination: 5 Instructor: Brenda Woolsey, RN Office Location: Comanche, Ranger, Ronda Poindexter, RN Early Office Phone: 325-356-2170 Email Address:bwoolsey@rangercollege.edu 325-641-5726 rpoindexter@rangercollege.edu Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday 0900-1600 I. CATALOG DESCRIPTION A continuation of instruction for student vocational nurses on: member of the profession, provider of patient centered care, patient safety advocate and member of the profession, utilizing application of the nursing process in care of patients experiencing medical surgical conditions. II. REQUIRED BACKGROUND/PREREQUISITES Successful completion of previous semester. III. TEXTBOOK(S) Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Ed., Timby/Smith, LWW Medical Terminology, A Systems Approach, 6th Ed., Gylys-Wedding, Davis Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 21st Ed., F.A. Davis Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 12th Ed., Deglin/Vallerand, F.A. Davis IV. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Lecture, discussion, audio visuals, handouts, computer simulations. V. SCANS COMPETENCIES This course covers Scan Competencies #s C14, C15, F1, F5, F8, F9, F13, F14. VI. COURSE OBJECTIVES TO REACH DEC REQUIREMENTS The student will learn to: A. As Member of the Profession: 1. Function within the nurse’s legal scope of practice and in accordance with the policies and procedures of the employing health care institution or practice setting. 2. Assume responsibility and accountability for the quality of nursing care provided to patients and their families. 3. Contribute to activities that promote the development and practice of vocational nursing. 4. Demonstrate responsibility for continued competence in nursing practice, and develop insight through reflection, self-analysis, self-care, and lifelong learning. B. Provider of Patient-Centered Care: 1. Use clinical reasoning and established evidence-based policies as the basis for decision making in nursing practice 2. Assist in determining the physical and mental health status, needs, and preferences of culturally, ethnically, and socially diverse patients and their families based on interpretation of health-related data. 3. Report data to assist in the identification of problems and formulation of goals/outcomes and patient-centered plans of care in collaboration with patients, their families, and the interdisciplinary health care team. 4. Provide safe, compassionate, basic nursing care to assigned patients with predictable health care needs through a supervised, directed scope of practice. 5. Implement aspects of the plan of care within legal, ethical, and regulatory parameters and in consideration of patient factors. 6. Identify and report alterations in patient responses to therapeutic interventions in comparison to expected outcomes. 7. Implement teaching plans for patients and their families with common health problems and well-defined health learning needs. 8. Assist in the coordination of human, information, and material resources in providing care for assigned patients and their families. C. Patient Safety Advocate: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the Texas Nursing Practice Act and the Texas Board of Nursing Rules that emphasize safety, as well as federal, state, and local government and accreditation organization safety requirements and standards. 2. Implement measures to promote quality and a safe environment for patients, self and others. 3. Assist in the formulation of goals and outcomes to reduce patient risks. 4. Obtain instruction, supervision, or training as needed when implementing nursing procedures or practices. 5. Comply with mandatory reporting requirements of the Texas Nursing Practice Act. 6. Accept and make assignments that take into consideration patient safety and organizational policy. D. Member of the Health Care Team: 1. Communicate and collaborate with patients, their families, and the interdisciplinary health care team to assist in the planning, delivery, and coordination of patient-centered care to assigned patients. 2. Participate as an advocate in activities that focus on improving the health care of patients and their families. 3. Participate in the identification of patient needs for referral to resources that facilitate continuity of care, and ensure confidentiality. 4. Communicate and collaborate in a timely manner with members of the interdisciplinary health care team to promote and maintain optimal health status of patients and their families. 5. Communicate patient data using technology to support decision making to improve patient care. 6. Assign nursing care to LVNs or unlicensed personnel based upon an analysis of patient or unit need. 7. Supervise nursing care provided by others for whom the nurse is responsible. VII. COURSE CALENDAR Weekly lectures. Exams weeks –see class schedule . Final exam week of TBA. Dates subject to change. Medical Terminology, A Systems Approach will be useful in preparing for all exams. There will be test questions from Med-Surg and from coordinating chapters in Medical Terminology. VIII. COURSE/CLASSROOM POLICIES See VN Handbook. ADA Statement: Ranger College provides a variety of services for students with learning and/or physical disabilities. The student is responsible for making the initial contact with the Ranger College Counselor. It is advisable to make this contact before or immediately after the semester begins. Academic dishonest according to Ranger College Handbook is defined as copying from another student’s test paper or academic work, or collaboration with another person in preparing written work for credit. Students who commit any of these violations on first offense will be given a “0” on the test or assignment. Repeated offenses will go before the Dean of Students and most likely will lead to dismissal from the nursing program. IX. ASSESSMENT GRADING 100 – 92 = A 91 – 86 = B 85 – 80 = C Below 80 = F All students must achieve an average grade of 80% to remain in the program. There will be 6 major exams. Each exam will have a minimum of 75% application and analysis questions. These questions will cover all course objectives listed in this syllabi. Test blue prints will be made available prior to each exam. Usually multiple choice exams will be given, but essay, fill-in-the-blank questions or matching may also be given. Pop tests and homework assignments may be given throughout the semester. These pop tests and homework assignments count as daily grades. All daily grades are averaged to equal one major exam grade. There is no make-up work for missed daily grades. All exams are worth 100 points and will cover assigned reading, class discussions and handouts and videos. Anything previously tested over is subject to come up again on any given test. An alternate test may be given if the test is not taken at the scheduled time. This course will include a final exam that counts 25%. Final exams must be taken on assigned time with no make-ups. VII. NON-DISCRIMINATON Admission, employment, and program policies of Ranger College are non-discriminatory in regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, disability, and national origin. VIII. RECEIPT OF SYLLABUS Separate page; signed and returned to instructor. Medical-Surgical Nursing I Schedule Week 1---Review Syllabus Lecture Unit 3 - Foundations of Med Surg Nursing Week 2---Lecture Unit 4 - Multisystem Disorders Week 3---Lecture Unit 4 (Continued) Week 4---Exam #1 Units 3 & 4 Lecture Unit 5 - Respiratory Disorders Week 5---Lecture Unit 6 - Cardiovascular Disorders Week 6---Exam #2 Unit 5 & 6 Lecture Unit 7 Hematopoietic & Lymphatic Disorders Week 7---Lecture Unit 8 - Immune Disorders Week 8---Spring Break Week 9--- Exam #3 Units 7 & 8 Lecture Unit 9 - Neurologic Disorders Week 10---Lecture Unit 9 (Continued) Week 11---Exam #4 Unit 9 Lecture Unit 10 - Sensory Disorders Week 12---Lecture Unit 10 (Continued) Week 13---Exam #5 Unit 10 Lecture Unit 11 - Gastrointestinal Disorders Week 14---Lecture Unit 11 Week 15---Exam #6 Unit 11 Week 16---Review for Final Week 17---Final Exam - TBA