Public Policy Honors and Awards

2015 Key Issues
Steve Sidorek
Manager, Public Policy and Government Relations
6 January 2015
A different approach this year…
• Focal points of the Institute’s engagement with
Congress, the administration, state and local officials
• Number of KIs reduced
 Feedback from congressional staff
 More focused, a clear “ask”
• Support formation of panel discussions at annual
• Will form the basis of smaller focused events and
• Continued interaction with Congress
2015 Key Issues
The aerospace and defense (A&D) industry is the nation’s largest manufacturing exporter. A&D exports of
$110.8 billion provided the economy with a $72.1 billion foreign trade surplus in 2013. Sales in 2013
totaled $220 billion – leveling off after nine consecutive years of growth. Continued stability of the A&D
industrial base is critical to our economy, national security, infrastructure, and future workforce.
AIAA urges Congress to enact and sustain policies that will strengthen the long-term viability of the A&D
industrial base.
Related Issues
 Budget Instability
 Acquisition Reform
 Reauthorization of FAA
 Reauthorization of NASA
 End sequestration, and employ sound budgetary principles for the long-term development and
manufacture of complex aerospace systems and architecture necessary to accomplish strategic
national goals
 Reauthorize and adequately fund the FAA
 Reauthorize and adequately fund NASA
2015 Key Issues
The aerospace and defense (A&D) industry is the nation’s largest manufacturing exporter. A&D exports of
$110.8 billion provided the economy with a $72.1 billion foreign trade surplus in 2013. Sales in 2013
totaled $220 billion – leveling off after nine consecutive years of growth. Continued stability of the A&D
industrial base is critical to our economy, national security, infrastructure, and future workforce.
AIAA urges Congress to enact and sustain policies that will strengthen the long-term viability of the A&D
industrial base.
Related Issues
 Reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank.
 ITAR Reform.
 R&D Tax Credit.
 Pass a 5-year reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank so U.S. aerospace companies can remain
competitive in the global market
 Congress to modify existing regulations by updating protected technologies and alleviating unintended
complications of doing with friendly nations
 Make the R&D tax credit permanent
2015 Key Issues—as amended during the meeting
The full scope of cybersecurity threats is difficult to grasp and quantify. Vulnerabilities run the gambit from compromised
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on critical infrastructure all the way
to economic espionage and the subversion of critical national security and public safety systems. Relationships between
federal and private entities can leave both systems vulnerable to attack. Understanding the nature of the threat and
breaking down barriers to information sharing will be key aspects of developing a robust and viable national cybersecurity
AIAA urges Congress to enact policies that will address the growing threat, costs, and potential shortcomings relative to
cybersecurity at various federal agencies, and within the aerospace and defense (A&D) industry in general.
Related Issues
 Open Sharing of Information
 Development Cybersecurity Roadmaps for Defense and Space ( to complement Commercial Aviation Roadmap)A&D
Industry Assessment
 Comprehensive Federal Agency Assessment
 GAO conduct review of barriers to open sharing of information regarding cyber threats
 Direct the responsible agencies to participate in public-private partnerships in the development of Cybersecurity
Roadmaps for Defense and Space comparable to the AIAA “Framework for Aviation Cybersecurity
 GAO conduct federal agency stress test that will incorporate the relevant aspects of the DHS NIPP, NIST document,
and AIAA’s “Framework for Aviation Cybersecurity”
2015 Key Issues—as amended during the meeting
The adequacy of the U.S. science and engineering workforce is an ongoing concern of Congress and the aerospace industry. Scientists and
engineers are essential to U.S innovation and growth, including in the A&D sector. To that end, the Government Accountability Office recently
reported that the number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees awarded grew 55 percent from 1.35 million in
the 2002-2003 academic year to over 2 million in the 2011-2012 academic year. AIAA commends the programs that have been put in place by
Congress, and hopes to see these continually enhanced.
AIAA urges Congress to enact and sustain policies that will enhance a robust, technologically-proficient aerospace and defense (A&D) sector that
is essential to our national security.
Related Issues
Workforce Preparation
Foreign Professionals in STEM Fields
Maintaining a Skilled Workforce.
Integrating New Knowledge Into the Workforce
Pass legislation, with a theme similar to portions of the recent America COMPETES and FIRST Acts, that includes provisions to enhance
the pipeline of STEM-educated workers into the U.S. economy
Enhance NSF Graduate Research Fellowship funding
Provide tax incentives for industry to participate in STEM programs and training and development programs for the existing workforce
Build in minimum STEM outreach requirements under Federal Acquisition Regulations for STEM-related contract awards
Pass STEM visa legislation similar to that considered in the 112th Congress to encourage the retention of foreign professional STEM
workers in U.S. industry
Direct more exchange between government, industry, and academia in the A&D sector via inter-government personnel agreements, and
provide incentives as part of federal contracts to participate in these activities
Develop programs that enable integration of emerging A&D fields into the knowledge base and competency of the existing workforce,
including the skills necessary to complete end demonstrations of new technologies
Information Papers
• Support our KIs
• Provide…
 Information for external audiences
 Educational material w/ no formal recommendation
• Any AIAA member may initiate policy papers
• Looking for volunteers to draft sub-papers
Information Papers (cont.)
• Budget Funding and
 Budget Instability
 Acquisition Reform
 R&D Tax Credit
• Competitiveness
• Cybersecurity and Safety
• Workforce Enhancement
 Workforce Preparation and
 Workforce Sustainment
 U.S. Export-Import Bank
 Reauthorize Agencies
(FAA and NASA)
2015 AIAA Congressional Visits Day
A great way to get involved!
• New Date: Wednesday, 4 March 2015
• Key Issues form supporting pillars of CVD
• A day of advocacy, meeting with…
 Congressional delegation
 Congressional committee staff
Status and Training
• BoD to review/approve KIs today
• Participant travel subsidy requests were due Dec.
31 (hope to review requests this week)
• Training schedule:
 6 weekly telecons starting week of Jan. 20
90 min. calls with CVD attendees
Review and discuss KIs
Event logistics
Proper etiquette
Volunteers to lead?
State Activities Working Group (SA WG)
Status Report for the PPC
Phil Hattis
State Activities Working Group Chair
6 January 2015
• Upcoming events with AIAA participation in
• Existing events currently without formal AIAA
• Notes about Hawaii aerospace events
• States with nascent planning activities
• Status of CMC coordination
Upcoming Events with AIAA Participation in Planning
• California (CA): March 24-25 in Sacramento (tentative new dates)
 Planned dates changed to de-conflict with Agriculture Week
 Broadened theme sought this year: “State of Aerospace in California”
- A past focus was UAV-specific
 Events will include displays, panels, a reception, office visits
 John Rose is representing AIAA in CA Aerospace Week planning
• Florida (FL): Wednesday, March 24-25 in Tallahassee
 Focus is on space
 Events will include a reception, office visits
- Also a steering committee reception is planned in Cocoa Beach on February 4
 Joaquin Castro is representing AIAA in FL Space Day planning
• Georgia (GA): Wednesday, February 4 (tentative date)
 Event includes a stand-up breakfast held in the capitol building with legislators and
local aerospace leaders, enabling broad Georgia aerospace issue discussions
 Steve Justice represents AIAA and leads the annual GA event planning
Existing Events Currently Without Formal AIAA Roles
• Colorado (CO): TBD date (usually mid-March)
 A standing coalition holds an annual event
 No AIAA participation has been provided to planning since the 2013 event
 Seeking new, local AIAA volunteers to participate in CO event planning
• Virginia (VA): February 4
An existing group holds an annual event
Includes office visits and a reception
Past AIAA participation limited to staff attendance (Steve Sidorek will attend this year)
Seeking to establish an AIAA role in planning event for 2016 and after
- Could add to content: e.g. issue panels
 Robert Lindberg is helping to tie AIAA leadership to current VA event planners
• Texas (TX): TBD date for next event
 An existing coalition holds bi-annual events tied to the once-every-two-years TX legislative
 Local AIAA/TX volunteers need to be identified for future AIAA participation in planning
Notes About Hawaii Aerospace Events
Two major aerospace-advocacy events held in Hawaii (HI) during the last two years
 HI Aerospace Summit on Oahu: October 7-9, 2013
 Next Giant Leap on the Island of Hawaii: November 9-13, 2014
- Included panel participation by JR Edwards
There is an existing, multi-faceted aerospace coalition within HI
 Reflects a very large, local aerospace-related employment base
There is currently strong HI state government support for aerospace, including
direct sponsorship of research
Opportunities exist for AIAA leadership in planning future HI events
AIAA membership resident in HI is low, but there is opportunity to attract new, local
AIAA membership through high-profile events
Formulation of AIAA strategy for activity in HI could set precedent for other local
event planning serving interests of current/prospective AIAA/US members outside
States with Nascent Event Planning Activities
• Utah (UT)
 A local AIAA representative, Ronald Thue, is exploring paths to bring together UT
aerospace leaders and representatives of the state government
 AIAA national leadership is investigating how to help in UT
• Arizona (AZ)
 Local AIAA members have expressed interest in organizing AZ state-level
aerospace advocacy events
 Paths for working effectively with the AZ legislature and/or governor’s office still
need to be established
• Delaware (DE)
 The Region 1 DD for Public Policy, Tim Dominick, aims to hold an initial
“Aerospace Awareness Day” in DE
 Plans are still pending
Status of CMC Coordination
• Close coordination with the CMC is sought by the SA WG
• An SA WG briefing to the CMC occurred on August 6, 2014
• Specific CMC help was sought
 Assistance in recruiting volunteer leaders from corporate
members located in states with new SA WG initiatives
 Help building corporate participation span and sponsorship in
states with on-going SA WG activities
• CMC feedback regarding volunteers has not been received
to date
Public Policy Honors and Awards
Public Service Award
Mary L. Snitch
Vice President, Public Policy
6 January 2015
AIAA Public Service Award
• The Public Service Award honors a person outside the
aerospace community who has shown consistent and visible
support for national aviation and space goals. Nominees may
not be current AIAA members but may be a public figure who
is widely known outside of aerospace community, positive
public image, a supporter of the aerospace industry who has
shown consistent and visible support of national aeronautics
and/or astronautics research and development, shown
unhesitant willingness to be identified with aerospace
programs/supporters, and is not a member of the aerospace
community or who has no personal vested interest for
advocacy. Because of the unique nature of this annual award,
it is generally presented at the Aerospace Spotlight Awards
AIAA Public Service Award--2015 Nominee
U.S. Congressman Ralph M. Hall
4th District, Texas
Nominated by: Sandy Coleman
Referred by:
 Dr. Scott Pace, George Washington University
 Frank Culbertson, Orbital Sciences
 Charlie Precourt, ATK
Basis for Award
Hall has been a champion of ensuring America’s leadership in space to preserve competitiveness
and national security since he was first elected to Congress in 1980. Highlights of his service on
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:
Has served continuously on the Committee since first elected to Congress in 1980
The only Member to serve as Ranking Member both as a Democrat and as a Republican
Former chairman of the Space Subcommittee
Chairman of the full Committee in the 112th Congress and Chairman Emeritus in the 113th
Hall Citation
• “For outstanding service and leadership to the
U.S. space program, advancing its economic
competitiveness and ensuring the nation’s
AIAA Public Service Award
• 2016 Process
• Typically all awards require at least 3 nominations
• HAC Chair George Muellner granted an exception to PPC for the
2015 nomination
• If PPC foresees an ongoing challenge to meeting the minimum
nomination requirements, a formal request to change the award
criteria granting an permanent exception will need to be brought
to HAC at regularly scheduled HAC meeting.
Public Service Award Process and Schedule
• Nomination Deadline
• PPC Recommendation
1 October 2015
NLT 15 November 2015
• PPC Recommendation to HAC
• HAC Presentation to the BoD for approval
1 January 2016
January 2016
Note: Annual schedule will be dependent on the annual Board
meeting schedule.
Past Recipients
Kathie L Olsen
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Miles O'Brien
Amanda Wright Lane
David L. Hobson
Harold W Gehman
Robert S Walker
Eilene M Galloway
James F Sensenbrenner
John Holliman
Barbara A Mikulski
Michael DeBakey
Norman Y Mineta
Gerald L Baliles
Hugh Downs
Douglas S Morrow
Walter Cronkite
June V Scobee Rodgers
Barry M Goldwater
T Wendell Butler
Gene Roddenberry
Durand Lectureship in Public Service
Rodger Williams
Managing Director, Strategic Outreach
6 January 2015
Durand Lectureship in Public Service
• The Durand Lectureship, named in honor of William
F. Durand, was approved by the Board of Directors
in 1983. It is presented for notable achievements by
a scientific or technical leader whose contributions
have led directly to the understanding and
application of the science and technology of
aeronautics and astronautics for the betterment of
mankind. This lectureship is delivered as the
keynote address for the AIAA Public Policy
Luncheon during the AIAA Science and Technology
(SCITECH) Forum.
Durand Lectureship Process and Schedule
• Nomination Deadline
• PPC Recommendation Decision
• PPC Recommendation to HAC
• HAC Presentation to the BoD for approval
1 February 2015
NLT 15 April 2015
30 April 2015
6 May 2015
Note: Annual schedule will be dependent on the Spring Board
meeting schedule.
Durand Lectureship (cont.)
• Need 3 complete nominations to be presented
• Nominees not selected will carryover for next
• Not eligible
 Current Board members are not eligible until term
 PPC members also not eligible until 12 months after
term of service on PPC.
• To Nominate
Durand Lectureship—Past Winners
Michael Wynne
Scott Pace
John R “Jack” Dailey
Robert T Bigelow
Norman R Augustine
Sheila E Widnall
A Richard Seebass
Eugene E Covert
Konrad K Dannenberg
Donald P Hearth
Robert C Seamans Jr.
Simon Ramo
Recent Suggestions (all details need to be updated)
Ron Sega (first considered in 2013)
Dan Mote (suggested for PSA)
President, National Academy of Engineering
Regents Professor, University of Maryland (current/on leave)
Former President, University of Maryland
France Cordova (suggested for PSA)
Professor of Systems Engineering and Vice President for Energy and the Environment- Colorado
State University
Vice President and Enterprise Executive for Energy and Environment-The Ohio State University
Former Undersecretary of the Air Force
Retired Major General United States Air Force and Former NASA astronaut
Director, National Science Foundation (current)
President Emerita, Purdue University
Former Chief Scientist, NASA
Len Fisk (suggested for PSA)
Thomas M. Donahue Distinguished Professor of Space Science, University of Michigan
Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications, NASA (1987-1993)