Standalone day hospital National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) NHCDC Overview The National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) is a valuable tool for use across the Australian health system. Having operated since the early 1990s, the Collection’s role in collating the vast majority of health system costs at a ‘product’ level makes it a remarkable evidence base and unique in the world. The Round 17 (2012/13) Private Sector standalone day hospital NHCDC primary purpose is to collate costs and activity volumes to determine cost relativities for various hospital products. The last time the NHCDC for private standalone day hospitals was published was in Round 13 (2008/09). The results of the collection can be very valuable for participating hospitals. The data generated can be used for benchmarking and understanding the costs of resources and inputs. The NHCDC does not collect or report on revenue. PwC was appointed by IHPA to coordinate the Round 17 Private Sector NHCDC. The Round 17 standalone day hospital NHCDC IHPA and PwC have been working with representatives of the Australian Day Hospital Association to ensure the Round 17 collection is effective. We are conscious that the process needs to be time efficient yet collect the most accurate data possible. Collection method PwC will collect the required data using an excel based data submission template. The template will be provided to all participants to allow the PwC costing team to interpret the data consistently. Guidance on the collection and the data requirements will be provided in the template. The template will collect the following information: 1. Hospital name and provider number; 2. Hospital expenses as set out in the ABS Private Health Establishment (PHE) submission. The template will specifically reference the PHE question description and number that is required; and 3. The total number of separations as per question 16 of the PHE submission. All other required data items (such as prostheses charges, admission date and time, separation date and time, etc.) will be obtained directly from the Private Health Data Bureau dataset (PHDB) submission. Independent Hospital Pricing Authority Level 6, 1 Oxford Street Sydney NSW 2000 I MDP 159 I PO Box 483 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 P +61 2 8215 1100 I F +61 2 8215 1111 ABN: 27 598 959 960 There will be a dedicated ‘help desk’ to assist with all your queries during the data submission phase. Reporting PwC will produce two reports; an external publication which will be publically available and a participant pack which will only be made available to participants and is specific to their hospital. External publication: The Round 17 external publication is a publicly released report that will contain cost weights (not average costs) per cost bucket for the whole collection. The following cost buckets will be included in the Round 17 publication (cost weights only): Procedures; Prosthesis; and Administrative costs (including hotel, on-costs, and depreciation) Participant pack Each participating hospital will be provided with a participant pack, which will include three individual reports; 1. Episode Level Report for the participating hospital - includes average costs in total and per cost bucket, average length of stay, DRG and CMBS code (where the hospital has provided this to PHDB). 2. A Report for all participating hospitals - includes average costs in total and per cost bucket and average length of stay. 3. Hospital Activity and Cost Summary – includes detailed analysis of hospital activity and costs, benchmarked against participating hospitals. Timeline The timeline that IHPA and PwC will be working towards for this collection is: Activity Dates Confirmation of sufficient participation By 23 April 2014 Data collection 12 May – 27 June 2014 PwC will conduct data analysis, quality assurance and provide feedback feedback to hospitals By 5 September 2014 External Publication 22 September 2014 Participant Packs are distributed 3 October 2014 Confidentiality arrangements IHPA has drafted a reciprocal and enduring deed of confidentiality. This is to protect the confidentiality of hospital data. Any queries with the deed of confidentiality can be directed to or 02 8215 1123 All hospitals will be required to sign the deed of confidentiality, prior to receiving their participants pack. Participation Level Required To ensure the NHCDC sample is robust and representative of the patient population and the population of private hospitals, a minimum participation level is required in order to proceed. In 2012, PwC on behalf of IHPA undertook calculations and determined the minimum participation level for the standalone day hospitals NHCDC is estimated at 37% of total separations, which equates to approximately 55 hospitals. A mix of large (5,000+ separations) and small day hospitals across major cities and non major cities is ideal. We understand that many standalone day hospitals have already indicated their interest in participating and we are looking forward to a very successful Round 17 collection. To confirm your participation, please complete the form attached to this document and return to by 17 April 2014. Round 17 Private Sector National Hospital Cost Data Collection Group / Hospital Name: ______________________________________ I __________________________ in the position of ________________________ am authorised to commit ________________________ hospital / s to participating in the Round 17 Private Sector, standalone day hospital National Hospital Cost Data Collection. Signature: ____________________________ By lodging your application via email, having typed your name here and sent from an address with the same name included in the address, you are considered to have “signed” and therefore agreed. Collection Details Earliest Date my hospital can submit data: _______________________________ Provider numbers ___________________________________________________ Collection Point of Contact Please note the details provided below will be used throughout the collection and for the log in details on the data submission portal Name: __________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________ Phone number: ___________________________________________________ Deed of Confidentiality The Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) [Insert name of other party] (Recipient) Deed of Confidentiality ~*~ Details 7 Agreed terms 8 1. Defined terms & interpretation 8 1.1 1.2 Defined terms Interpretation 8 8 2. Disclosure and use of Confidential Information 9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Use of Confidential Information Conditions of consent Disclosure of Confidential Information Disclosure required by law Permitted disclosures 9 9 9 10 10 3. No transfer of intellectual property 10 4. No reduction in privacy obligations 10 5. Termination 10 5.1 5.2 5.3 Each party may terminate Consequences on termination Accrued rights and remedies 10 10 10 6. General 11 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Commencement Approvals and consents No assignment or novation Waiver Severability Counterparts Entire agreement Further action Governing law and jurisdiction 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Schedule 1 – Confidential Information 12 Details Parties ABN Short form name Notice details The Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority 27 598 959 960 IHPA Level 6, 1 Oxford Street, Sydney NSW Name ABN Short form name Notice details [Insert name of other party] [Insert ABN] Recipient [Insert address] Name Background A. IHPA has functions under section 131 of the National Health Reform Act 2011 (Cth). IHPA has the responsibility for the National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) which collects cost information regarding the treatment of patients in both public and private hospitals. B. The Recipient may from time to time provide IHPA with access to certain Confidential Information. IHPA has agree to keep secret and confidential all Confidential Information disclosed to it by the Recipient in accordance with this Deed. C. IHPA may from time to time provide the Recipient with access to certain Confidential Information, including Participant Reports. The Recipient has agreed to keep secret and confidential all Confidential Information disclosed to it by IHPA in accordance with this Deed. Agreed terms Defined terms & interpretation Defined terms In this Deed, unless the contrary intention appears: Confidential Information of a party means any information, irrespective of its form, that: (a) is described in 0 of this Deed; (b) is designated by IHPA as confidential; or (c) the Recipient or IHPA knows or ought to know is confidential and is by its nature confidential, but does not include: (d) information which is or becomes pubic knowledge, other than by breach of this Deed or any other confidentiality obligation; or (e) is in the possession of the Recipient or IHPA (as applicable) without restriction in relation to disclosure before the date of receipt from the other party. Deed means this deed of confidentiality. Participant Report means a report that details cost information about the private hospital National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) participants as a whole, and which may also provide a comparison between the Recipient's cost information and the aggregate participant cost information of all the hospital participants. Permitted Purpose, in relation to: (a) the Recipient, means the purposes directly related to the internal management purposes of the Recipient; and (b) IHPA, means internal Commonwealth analysis and the publication of cost weight relativities. Private Sector NHCDC means the National Hospital Cost Data Collection focusing on private sector hospital costing data. Interpretation In this Deed, unless a contrary intention appears: the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and a gender includes other genders; another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning; a reference to time is to Australian EST; a reference to a party includes the party's executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes; the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, for example or similar expressions; a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a party because the party was responsible for the preparation of this Deed or any part of it; a word or expression defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) has the meaning given in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth); headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation; and a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity. Disclosure and use of Confidential Information Use of Confidential Information Each party must: treat all Confidential Information of the other party as confidential, and not disclose any Confidential Information of the other party to any person, other than in accordance with clause 0, 0 or 0, unless the other party has provided prior written consent to the disclosure of that Confidential Information; take all reasonable steps to ensure the maintenance of the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of the other party; use all Confidential Information of the other party solely for the Permitted Purpose; not copy or record the Confidential Information of the other party other than for the Permitted Purpose; cease to use the Confidential Information of the other party on the written direction of the other party; and comply with the provisions of this Deed. Conditions of consent IHPA may withhold its consent under clause 0 in its absolute and unfettered discretion. If IHPA grants consent pursuant to clause 0 IHPA may impose conditions on the consent and (without limitation) require the Recipient to procure the execution of a deed in such terms as IHPA may direct by any person to whom Confidential Information is to be disclosed by the Recipient. Disclosure of Confidential Information Each party may only disclose Confidential Information of the other party to: those of its officers and employees who: have a need to know for the purpose of carrying out the Permitted Purpose; and are aware that Confidential Information must be kept confidential; and its financial or other advisors, and their respective employees and officers, who: have a need to know for the purpose of the advisor providing its professional advice in relation to the Permitted Purpose; are aware that the Confidential Information must be kept confidential; and have signed a deed of confidentiality in respect of the Confidential Information of the other party in a form acceptable to the other party acting reasonably. Disclosure required by law Notwithstanding anything else in this Deed, each party may disclose Confidential Information of the other party to the extent to there is a legally enforceable requirement to do so, including a requirement of a government agency or a court order. In the event that a party (the disclosing party) is compelled to disclose Confidential Information of the other party as described in clause 0, the disclosing party must: notify the other party at least before the disclosure is made; only disclose the Confidential Information of the other party to the extent reasonably necessary to comply with the legally lawful requirement; use reasonable efforts to ensure that the Confidential Information of the other party is kept confidential; and follow any reasonable directions of the other party concerning the disclosure. Permitted disclosures Notwithstanding clause 0, the Recipient may share Confidential Information of IHPA which is comprised in a Participant Report, or was gained from the Private Sector round NHCDC which is not directly related to the Recipient, with other private hospitals who participated in that specific year’s collection, as identified in the annex of the annual Private Sector NHCDC publication. No transfer of intellectual property The parties acknowledge that this Deed does not convey any interest of a proprietary nature, and in particular does not transfer any interest in any intellectual property. No reduction in privacy obligations Nothing in this Deed derogates from any obligations which either party may have under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as amended from time to time, in relation to the protection of Personal Information as defined in that Act. Termination Each party may terminate Either party may terminate this Deed at any time with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party. Consequences on termination Any existing obligations of confidentiality under this Deed in respect of Confidential Information disclosed prior to termination continue indefinitely and survive termination of this Deed (and IHPA's right to use this Confidential Information for the Permitted Purpose survives termination of this Deed). Accrued rights and remedies Termination of this Deed does not affect any accrued rights or remedies either may have. General Commencement This Deed commences on the date it is executed by the parties. Approvals and consents Except where this Deed expressly states otherwise, a party may, in its discretion, give conditionally or unconditionally or withhold any approval or consent under this Deed. No assignment or novation The Recipient must not assign or otherwise transfer any or all of its rights or obligations arising out of this Deed without the written consent of IHPA, which may be withheld at its absolute and unfettered discretion. Waiver No failure by IHPA to exercise, or delay by IHPA in exercising, any right in respect of this Deed operates as a waiver of that right. Waiver of any right, power or remedy: must be in writing signed by the party entitled to the benefit of that provision or right; and is effective only to the extent set out in any written waiver. Severability A provision or part of a provision of this Deed that is illegal or unenforceable shall be severed from this Deed and the remaining provision or parts of the provision of this Deed continue in force. Counterparts This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts. All executed counterparts constitute one document. Entire agreement This Deed constitutes the entire agreement between the parties in connection with its subject matter. Further action Each party must use reasonable efforts to do all things necessary or desirable to give full effect to this Deed. Governing law and jurisdiction This Deed is governed by the law of New South Wales and each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales. – Confidential Information IHPA Confidential Information Confidential Information of IHPA: Participant Reports; and any information not directly related to the Recipient gained from the Private Sector Round 17 NHCDC or and any subsequent Private Sector NHCDC round conducted during the term of this Deed. Recipient Confidential Information Confidential Information of the Recipient: information from to the financial systems of the Recipient, including hospital input costs; and Case mix data. Signing page EXECUTED as a deed on [insert day] day of [insert month] 201[3/4]. Signed, sealed and delivered for the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority by an authorised officer in the presence of: Signature of officer Signature of witness Name of officer (print) Name of witness (print) Office held [Note to users: Select one of the following execution clauses. Where the Recipient is: a company, select the first execution block below; or a delegate authority, select the second execution block below.] Executed by [insert name of company] in accordance with Section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in the presence of: Signature of director Signature of director/company secretary/sole director and sole company secretary (Please delete as applicable) Name of director (print) Name of director/company secretary/sole director and sole company secretary (print) Signed, sealed and delivered for and on behalf of [insert name of other party] by its duly authorised officer in the presence of: Signature of witness Signature of authorised officer Name of witness (print) Name of authorised officer (print)