USJFCOM Joint Fires Integration and Interoperability Team (JFIIT) EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW Col David Brown, USAF Commander, JFIIT UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 16 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM JFIIT Mission Investigate, assess, and improve the integration, interoperability, and operational effectiveness of Joint fires and combat identification. Grassroots efforts for Joint: Training and standardization Doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures Equipment/systems interoperability UNCLASSIFIED 05-14 16 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM The Joint Fires Team 1. Operators – Ground maneuver – Nonlethal/IO – Aerial and surface fires – Air defense/superiority – SOF – Command and control – TACP / FAC / ETAC – ISR 2. Organic test design, data collection, and analysis capabilities 3. Deployable ETAC FAC IO UNCLASSIFIED 05-14 4 Mar 05 Enlisted Terminal Attack Controller Forward Air Controller Information Operations ISR SOF TACP Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Special Operations Forces Tactical Air Control Party 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Functions 1. Develop Joint fires process models 2. Integrate Joint fires lessons learned into Joint training 3. Collaborate with combatant commands and Services 4. Provide Joint fires subject matter expertise 5. Support Joint National Training Capability UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 27 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM JFIIT Event Participation Projects March April May June July August September Joint Training Joint Red Flag 05 Weapons and Tactics Instructor 2-05 NTC observation NTC 05-08 (4th Infantry Division) NTC 05-09 (4th Infantry Division) NTC 05-10 (4th Infantry Division) JNTC Weapons and Tactics Instructor 01-06 JCAS Executive Steering Committee JCAS Symposium JTAC Digital Systems Matrix JTAC Schoolhouse accreditations JBMC2 Joint Mission Thread Campaign Plan Planning, meetings, conferences Exercise Urgent Quest (CCID ACTD) Warfare Analysis Laboratory Exercise Planning conferences and meetings End-to-end testing Field Testing JFIIT Special Projects Reference Point (RP) Field Test I Report RP Field Test II Execution USSOCOM Joint Readiness Exercise Patriot Positive ID Concept Demo Other Joint Fires initiatives Legend: Event planning UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 25 Aug 05 Event preparation Event execution Joint meetings/conferences 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Completed Products 1. Assisted 4th Infantry Division’s OIF preparations 2. Improved Joint training 3. Other products that improved Joint close air support and combat identification – Enhanced tactics, techniques, and procedures for Joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance supporting tactical targeting – Put Joint context into Service training – Change 1 to Joint Publication 3-09.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Close Air Support – Reference Point Method Field Test (targeting/target location error) – Coalition Combat Identification (United Kingdom exercise control/management) – Patriot positive identification (successful demonstration during Joint Red Flag 05) UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 16 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Scope Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts Major Combat Operations Stability Homeland Strategic Operations Security Deterrence …. Force Application Command and Control Battlespace Awareness Protection JFIIT Focus Areas Net Centric Environment Joint Targeting Focused Logistics Joint Interdiction … Joint Close Air Support Focus Areas 1. JFIIT-selected focus areas 2. Functional grouping of tasks, operational activities, and system functions directed to a common purpose 3. Facilitate interoperability and connectivity 4. Found throughout the Joint operating and functional concepts UNCLASSIFIED 05-14 28 Mar 05 Naval Surface Fire Support Surface-to-Surface Fire Support Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense Nonkinetic Means / Nonlethal Effects Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense / Offensive Counterair Combat Identification 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM UNCLASSIFIED 05-59 18 Jul 05 23 Sep 2005 The Joint Fires Spectrum Navy Marine Corps Army Air Force JFIIT Focus for National Training Center 05-10 Premise: The Brigade Combat Team’s ability to request, integrate, and process Joint and organic intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance data into actionable information to support decision making can be enhanced. Question 1: Did Joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support provide the information required for the decide, detect, deliver, and assess process at the Brigade and Battalion Tactical Operations Center? Question 2: Did the command and control nodes at the Brigade and Battalion Tactical Operations Center effectively apply Joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance to the decide, detect, deliver, and assess process? UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 16 Sep 05 Joint fires is a huge lane Find and fix…the problems Track…the results Target…relevant issues Engage… interoperability and training Assess…our progress 23 Sep 2005 The Joint Fires Spectrum Navy Marine Corps CJTFEX Fleet Synthetic Training CVW Training WTI Course CAX Mountain Warfare Training Center MAGTF Staff Planning Course Army Air Force NTC JRTC BCTP CMTC COCOMs Red Flag Air Warrior I, II Blue Flag Cope Thunder OIF OEF GWOT JRX Mission rehearsal exercises, field tests (digital targeting/target location error), Joint urban operations BCTP CAX CMTC CVW CJTFEX GWOT JRTC UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 19 Aug 05 Battlefield Command Training Program Combined Arms Exercise Combined Maneuver Training Center Carrier Air Wing Combined Joint Task Force Exercise Global War on Terrorism Joint Readiness Training Center JRX MAGTF NTC OEF OIF SOCOM WTI Joint Readiness Exercise Marine Air-Ground Task Force National Training Center Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Iraqi Freedom Special Operations Command Weapons and Tactics Instructor 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Vision 1. A permanent organization that links Joint fires requirements with emerging technology, Joint training, doctrine, and TTP 2. Quantifiable and lasting improvements to Joint fires effectiveness – Across DOTMLPF Enhance and sustain a culture of jointness DOTMLPF TTP UNCLASSIFIED 05-59 (from CP-05-14) 18 Jul 05 Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, and Facilities Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Questions? (850) 882-6700 (DSN 872-) 104 Biscayne Road Eglin AFB FL 32542 UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 19 Aug 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Fiscal Year 2006 Activities 1st Quarter Oct Nov 2d Quarter Dec Joint Training Joint exercise Jan 3/2 ID Feb 3rd Quarter Mar Apr May 4th Quarter Jun Jul Aug 2/1 CD 1/1 CD Blue Flag 06-1 (JNTC) WTI 1-06 (JNTC) JFCOM ITE TBD WTI 2-06 SOCOM (JRTC) USAFE JFCoE accredit. JCAS ESC Exercise Event Urgent execution Quest Special Projects JCAS Symp. ETWG Pac accredit. RPM II Field Test Rpt. Rpt. to JFCOM F-15 ID sharing WTI 1-07 JGOG accredit. JCAS JMT Event 1 JBMC2 BCTP III Corps MRX 1/25 ID ADF FACDU accredit. NSAWC accredit. Sep JCAS JMT Event 2 Legend: JNTC program JEFX 06 JCAS ESC JBMC2 CCID ACTD Special projects UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 16 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Fiscal Year 2007 and Beyond Joint Training—Joint National Training Capability JNTC accreditation/certification Expand to other Joint training events Joint Battle Management Command and Control Joint Close Air Support—Joint Mission Thread tasks Events 3 and 4 45% 10% 5% 5% 35% Joint Close Air Support Executive Steering Committee Joint Terminal Attack Controller Digital Systems Matrix Joint Terminal Attack Controller Schoolhouse accreditation Special projects Quick-reaction field tests Special tasking Other events Conferences, symposiums, training UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 16 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Tasking and Prioritization Issues Sources Services/combatant commands – Deployed forces – Soon-to-deploy forces – Training programs/venues Joint Center for Operational Analysis and Lessons Learned Joint experiments JFIIT Commander Technical Director J-3 Deputy Commander J-5 Prioritization Staff Criteria* Other: Coalition Combat Identification, Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment, field tests, etc. Feedback Joint National Training Capability Joint Battle Management Command and Control Direct impact on DOD transformation? Direct impact on current operations? Originates from high-level source? Direct major impact towards providing Joint-capable forces? Commander’s high interest objective? * Derived from USJFCOM Jul 05 Command Strategic Plan Execution UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 16 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM JFIIT Organizational Process Commander Supporting Supported Subject matter experts assigned project requirements Project Project Project Project lead Project lead lead lead lead Project lead may be any subject matter expert based on managerial skill (while expert on another project at the same time); maximize resources UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 19 Aug 05 J3 Tasking J1 J2 J4 J5 J6 J8 Senior Analysis Team Empowered Tasking Subject Matter Experts Assigned as project lead by J3 Support multiple projects Provide services which are organization wide 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM JFIIT Concept of Operations Receive issues Conduct research Refine models Select tasks Build data management and analysis plan Investigate JFIIT Focus Areas Joint Fire Tasks DOTMLPF Improve Implement solutions through combatant command Service interaction Incorporate products into USJFCOM Lessons Learned UNCLASSIFIED 05-14 31 Mar 05 Assess Observe events/conduct experiments Collect, reduce, analyze data Identify solutions Develop products 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Completed Products 1. Joint Training—4th Infantry Division Joint National Training Capability (JNTC) Joint fires integration – Recommended improvements to the National Training Center’s Joint command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance training architecture and processes – Provided tactics, techniques, and procedures enhancements for 4th Infantry Division’s use when they redeploy to Iraq – Provided the JNTC Observer Controller Data Collection Plan and supporting software – Developed the JNTC Analysis Plan that leverages expertise of existing subject matter organizations—to be verified at JNTC event (NTC 05-10) – Provided the JNTC Collection, Reduction, Analysis Input Tool for the Joint Warfighting Center – Produced models of the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance process (doctrinal vs. training) UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 25 Aug 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Completed Products 2. Joint Close Air Support Executive Steering Committee tasking – Joint Terminal Attack Controller Digital Systems Matrix to identify capabilities, limitations, and interoperability of digital terminal attack control equipment across the Services – Joint Pub. 3-09.3—update of types of close air support control 3. Joint Battle Management Command and Control – JFIIT provided the Joint Mission Thread Assessment Campaign Plan, Annex A (Joint Close Air Support) document that defines the concept of how the four events will accomplish the completion of the Joint close air support Joint test and assessment objectives UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 25 Aug 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Completed Products 4. JFIIT Special Projects – Reference Point Field Test I Report I—tactics, techniques, and procedures refinement, safety msg. – Reference Point Field Test II—added software-based target refinement, urban environment – Patriot Positive Identification Concept Demonstration supported by 10 years of previous evaluations— scheduled for Army requirement in 08-13 Program Objective Memorandum Unfunded List – USSOCOM Joint Readiness Exercise training feedback enhancement UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 25 Aug 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Fiscal Year 2006 Projected Impact Joint Training Events National Training Center Weapons and Tactics Instructor Joint Readiness Training Center Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment 40% 15% 5% 5% Special projects Reference Point Field Tests I and II 10% 25% Other events JICO Conference Link 16 Conference WWAMD Conference ITEA Symposium EAD/TAMD Conference I/ITSEC IAMD Symposium JEFX 06 Joint Battle Management Command and Control JCAS Joint Mission Thread Events 1 and 2 JCAS Executive Steering Committee JTAC Digital Systems Matrix JTAC Schoolhouse accreditation Coalition Combat Identification Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration EAD IAMD I/ITSEC Extended Air Defense Integrated Air and Missile Defense Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference ITEA International Test and Evaluation Association JCAS Joint Close Air Support JEFX Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment JICO Joint Interface Control Officer JNTC Joint National Training Capability JTAC Joint Terminal Attack Controller NTC National Training Center TAMD Theater Air and Missile Defense WTI Weapons and Tactics Instructor WWAMD Worldwide Air and Missile Defense Event execution and test report UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 16 Sep 05 23 Sep 2005 USJFCOM Joint National Training Capability Collection Management Plan Process Improvements Joint Close Air Support Action Plan Joint training Joint National Training Capability Event Summary Report 1. Findings 2. DOTMLPF observations Analysis Universal Joint Task List Measures Joint Tactical Task TA 3.2.2, Conduct Close Air Support Key processes 1 Data collection Operational and tactical model Plan Key nodes Prep. Execute 11 Key tasks UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 19 Aug 05 DOTMLPF is Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, and Facilities 23 Sep 2005 ISR Support to Maneuver Plan IPB provides basis for ISR plan Develop ISR plan Develop PIR/IR Develop SIR to answer PIR/IR Issue WARNOs – – – – – – Mission Commander’s intent Objectives CCIR Focus, tempo, engagement criteria Specified tasks Verify plan includes all available Joint and organic assets Verify ISR tasking matrix completed Verify enemy situation template complete Manage Intel requirements – Anticipate, develop, analyze, verify, prioritize Request information/assets from – Joint assets – Higher echelons – Adjacent units Develop ISR sync matrix Annex L, OPORD published UNCLASSIFIED 05-67 8 Sep 05 Prepare Begin implementation of the ISR plan Conduct rehearsal – Identify Joint and organic ISR assets – Verify areas of responsibility – Determine impacts of assets in zone— e.g., airspace and no fire areas – Identify ISR shortfalls Modify plan Update Intel synch matrix Execute Receive ISR information Verify ISR information is valid and current Verify information used as appropriate (D3A)—e.g., targeting and SA Share information vertically/horizontally Evaluate effectiveness of ISR effort Modify ISR plan as needed Next planning cycle begins CCIR D3A IPB IR ISR OPORD PIR SA SIR WARNO Commander’s Critical Information Requirements Decide, Detect, Deliver, and Assess Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace Intelligence Requirement Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operation Order Priority Intelligence Requirement Situational Awareness Specific Information Requirement Warning Order 23 Sep 2005 JFIIT Focus for NTC 05-10 Nodes to Process Model Premise: The brigade combat team’s ability to request, integrate, and process Joint and organic ISR data into actionable information to support decision making can be enhanced. Question 1: Did Joint ISR support provide the information required for the D3A process at the BDE and BN TOC? Question 2: Did the command and control nodes at the BDE and BN TOC effectively apply Joint ISR to the D3A process? Typical Joint ISR assets (LVC) HUMINT – SOF – TACP COMINT – EP-3E Orion (Aries II) IMINT – E-8C JSTARS – RQ-1A Predator – U-2 JWFC Venue Program trainers J/ITR focused JNTC JMO Service JTRAT programs CRAIT Implement JNTC training improvements JWFC SMO Recommend capability improvements BAT BDE BN CALL Battlefield Assessment Team Brigade Battalion Center for Army Lessons Learned COMINT Communications Intelligence CRAIT SMO (JFIIT) JTRAT SMEs Data collection – Instrumentation – BATs Data reduction Analysis Training feedback Collection, Reduction, Analysis Input Tool D3A Decide, Detect, Deliver, and Assess ELINT Electronic Intelligence HUMINT Human Intelligence IMINT Imagery Intelligence ISR Commander and staff Outputs Effects Targeting ELINT – EA-6B Prowler – EC-130H Compass Call JNTC Analysis Partners—Capability Need Service program (NTC) Inputs Q1 Q2 D3A Lethal Nonlethal Info. Products Quick-time ISR findings to the 4th Infantry Division through NTC Human versus system factors in ISR USJFCOM/JNTC analysis demonstration NTC/JWFC issue resolution CRAIT for USJFCOM database Models of the ISR process overlaid – Doctrinal versus training – Tells what happened NTC CALL ISR findings article(s) Initial input to NTC for JNTC accreditation Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance J/ITR Joint Interoperability Training Requirements JMO Joint Management Office JNTC Joint National Training Capability JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System JTRAT Joint Training Requirements and Assessment Team JWFC Joint Warfighting Center LVC Live, Virtual, Constructive NTC SME SMO SOF TACP TOC National Training Center Subject Matter Expert Subject Matter Organization Special Operations Center Tactical Air Control Party Tactical Operations Center