DPD - Eastern Oregon University

Eastern Oregon University
Course Syllabus
Number of Course: BA 461
Name of Course: Organizational Behavior
Catalog Description:
Study of behavior in organizations at the individual, small group, intergroup and organizational
levels. Students participate in projects applying behavioral science principles, such as theories
of motivation, leadership and conflict resolution, to organizations and the process of change.
Prerequisite: BA 321. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
Credit Hours: 5
Laurie Yates, DMgt
MHCC, AC 3334D
Office Hours: Tues: 12:30-4:30, Wed: 8:30-2:00, or by appointment
Time and place of the course: Campus, On-site, Online
Required Texts or Suggested Materials: McShane, S. L. & Von Glinow, M. A. (2010).
Organizational Behavior (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-338123-7
Prerequisites: BA 321, Principles of Management
Learning Outcomes:
College of Business Program Outcomes (CK)
Difference, Power, and Discrimination (DPD)
Upon completion of the course each student should be able to:
1. Define organizational behavior and examine various perspectives of the diverse
workforce. (CK, DPD)
2. Analyze theories and concepts involving corporate culture, organizational change,
ethics, and social responsibility in today's organizations. (CK)
3. Define and apply the managerial implications of attitudes, values, power, and ethics
in the workplace. (CK, DPD)
4. Analyze and apply a variety of motivational theories and concepts in the workplace,
considering diversity of workers and situations. (CK, DPD)
5. Describe how managers deploy decision-making actions and how organizations may
identify problems and subsequent solutions. (CK)
6. Describe team methodology and the nature of conflict within organizations. (CK,
7. Analyze the use of power and politics within organizations and explain the
relationship of individual and organizational power. Identify the causes and effects
of the unequal distribution of power that create the conditions for discrimination.
8. Define leadership and shared leadership. Identify the main competencies of
effective leaders. (CK)
9. Describe how the integration of strategy, structure, and the individual will lead an
organization to higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency. (CK)
Course Requirements:
Participation/Discussion Board (20%)
Discussion and analysis of relevant topics will form the foundation of the course. Topics will be
selected from the textbook and additional materials delivered by the instructor. These
discussions will take place in the classroom and on BlackBoard. Detailed instructions will be
provided on BlackBoard.
Self-Assessment Exercises (20%):
Students will complete and score the self-assessment exercises in the textbook (a list will be
provided on Blackboard) and write a 2-3 paragraph critique (or longer if applicable) of each
exercise. This evaluation can be a description of new knowledge and/or a method of
application of what was learned. Additionally, these self-assessment exercises will be
integrated into the discussion forums online.
Case Studies/Article Reviews (30%):
Selected cases will be assigned throughout the course. These may be assigned both as group
projects to be done during classroom time and/or as individual assignments. Details of these
cases will be provided on Blackboard and will be reviewed in the first class meeting (for on
campus and on-site classes).
Individual Research Paper (25%):
The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to research and report on a topic that is
personally interesting to them and explore further that area of organizational behavior. The
papers will be due at the end of the term. A specific date will be announced in class and posted
online. Final papers will be posted on Blackboard so that students can learn and benefit from
everyone’s hard work. In effect, this will serve to offer a collective summary and application of
much of what was studied during the term. Papers should be approximately 6-8 pages in length
(excluding the cover and reference pages) and incorporate both course material and outside
resources. APA style writing will be required for formatting, citation, and references.
Presentation of Final Paper (5%):
Students will present their research paper findings in class or online (video or BlackBoard
posting). This exercise is due the last week of class.
Grading Policies:
Original work is mandatory. Cheating or plagiarism is not tolerated and will result in failing the
course. Civil and respectful discourse is a must. This is not to say you cannot disagree,
challenge, and attempt to persuade or debate.
Prompt attendance is a must. Missing any class sessions will hamper your ability to master the
material. Should a student miss a class due to truly exceptional circumstances, he/she will not
be excused from any assignment work or knowledge of what was discussed in class. Late
assignments will not be accepted in this course.
Letter Grades are determined as follows:
A 940-1000
A- 900-939
B+ 870-899
B 840-869
B- 800-839
C+ 770-789
C 740-769
C- 700-739
D+ 670-699
D 640-669
D- 600-639
F 000-599
Means of Assessment:
Participation/Discussion Board (LO: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9)
Self-Assessment Exercises (LO: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Case Studies/Article Reviews (LO: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8)
Research Paper (LO: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9)
Presentation of Research Paper (LO: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9)
Brief Outline of Course:
Organizations are complex social entities whose members share a common vision and goals.
BA 461 will study and attempt to understand human behavior in today’s ever changing
organizational systems. This course will explore key organizational principles and elements of
organizational theory as they apply to the development of high performance organizations. By
gaining an understanding of human behavior and interdisciplinary influences, students will
acquire an appreciation of the unique nature of timeless topics such as motivation, leadership,
teamwork, communication, diversity, and change. This course will assimilate contemporary
trends in management with traditional theories for both classic and emerging issues. In
particular, students will examine organizational behavior and thought while grappling with such
dynamic forces as globalization, cultural diversity, demographic shifts, social responsibility, and
This course is designed for delivery as an on campus, online, or hybrid blend of in-class and
online venues, all designed to create a highly interactive environment in which students will be
expected to actively engage.
Class Schedule:
Ch. 1
Chs. 2, 3
SA: 2.8, 2.9,2.10, 2.11, 3.6, 3.7
In-Class Case 3.5
Chs. 4, 5
SA: 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
Chs. 6, 7
SA: 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9
Case 6.1 Regency Grand Hotel
Chs. 8, 9
SA: 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 9.6
In-Class Case/Activity
Chs. 10, 11 SA: 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 11.5
In-Class Case 10.1
Ch. 12
SA: 12.4
Post Leadership Article Review to DB
Chs. 13, 14 SA: 13.4, 14.4
Case Study
Ch. 15
SA: 15.4, Final Reflection of Assessments
Research Paper Presentations
Research Paper
Assignment Points
Participation/Discussion Forums
General Education Category and Outcomes: N/A
University Writing Requirement Outcomes: N/A
Statement on Academic Misconduct:
Eastern Oregon University places a high value upon the integrity of its student scholars. Any
student found guilty of an act of academic misconduct (including, but not limited to, cheating,
plagiarism, or theft of an examination or supplies) may be subject to having his or her grade
reduced in the course in question, being placed on probation or suspended from the University,
or being expelled from the University—or a combination of these. Please see Student
Handbook at: http://www.eou.edu/saffairs/handbook/honest.html
Statement on Americans with Disabilities:
If you have a documented disability or suspect that you have a learning problem and need
accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Program in Loso Hall 234. Telephone:
Syllabus Prepared By: Laurie Yates, DMgt
Date: 11/28/12