Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology Cell Division Essential Questions: Enduring Understandings: All cells come from division of pre-existing cells. The cell cycle is regulated by internal and external chemical signals. Cells must divide because they cannot maintain homeostasis if they grow too large. DNA (and sometimes RNA) is the primary source of heritable genetic information necessary for cells (and organisms) to survive, grow and reproduce. DNA must be replicated before cells can divide. Prokaryotic cell division is simpler and faster than eukaryotic cell division because only single circle DNA. Mitosis produces copies of eukaryotic cells for growth, development, repair and asexual reproduction. Meiosis produces gametic cells with half the normal number of chromosomes for sexual reproduction. Human lifecycle: fertilization> zygote> mitosis>mature organism>meiosis (gametes) > fertilization Organisms typically have two alleles for every gene; one copy of each gene randomly inherited from each parent. Organisms resemble family members because they share common genes, but are not identical to relatives because alleles may be mutated, shuffled, and randomly recombined during sexual reproduction into trillions of possible variations. 1 How and why do cells copy themselves? What is the main advantage bacteria have over eukaryotic organism? Why do organisms need meiosis to engage in sexual reproduction? How do processes in meiosis and fertilization create genetic variation? How are genes from parent organisms passed on to offspring? Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology Cell Division Critical Skills: Critical Content: Cell cycle Mitosis Meiosis Fertilization Mutation Genetic variation DNA Chromosome Centromere Chromatids Interphase S phase Cytokinesis Spindle fibers Prophase Metaphase Telophase Anaphase Daughter cells Cell differentiation cell stem cells Sex chromosomes contact inhibition cancer Homologous chromosomes Diploid Haploid Tetrad Crossing over Gamete Sperm Egg Polar bodies Fertilization Zygote Mutation 2 Identify structures associated with cell division from illustrations or descriptions. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis processes and purposes. Identify and organize cell division stages from key attributes in diagrams. Explain how DNA is passed from parents to offspring. Analyze how a change in mitosis or meiosis will affect chromosome structure, gamete viability and genetic diversity. Properly use a compound microscope. Determine volume and surface area of a cube. Calculate and compare ratios. Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology Big Idea: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. Cells have a lifecycle in which heritable information is passed to the next generation (new cells & new organisms) via DNA replication, mitosis, meiosis and fertilization. Synopsis: All cells come from the division of a parent cell. In eukaryotes, mitosis is cell division in which each daughter cell receives and complete and identical set of chromosomes. Mitosis allows organisms to grow, repair and reproduce asexually. Conversely, sexual reproduction is the combination of gametic cells from two parents to form a zygote (fertilization). Meiosis is the mechanism for producing gametes, or sex cells, with a unique half set of normal chromosomes. Meiosis and fertilization produce the genetic and phenotypic variation upon which natural selection operates. Approximate Instructional Days: 12 Learning Targets 3.1.1 Cells have particular structures that underlie their functions. 3.1.2 Most cell functions involve chemical reactions. 3.1.3 Cells store and use information stored in DNA to guide their function. Most of the cells in a human contain two copies of each of 22 different chromosomes. 3.2.2 3.2.3 Changes in DNA (mutations) occur spontaneously at low rates. 3 Focused Assessed Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology Suggested Learning Experiences with Ideas for Differentiation R)=Remediation E)=Extension Vocabulary Cell Size Lab - investigate changing ratios of surface area to volume Determine changes in surface area relative to volume as a cell grows E: Cell surface area/volume affected by other factors http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/ genbio/biolink/j_explorations/ch02expl.htm Model mitosis and meiosis with magnetic toys, sockosomes, string & pipe cleaners, etc R: Mitosis & Meiosis video animations – (google each for pbs, mcgraw-hill; cells alive, etc) Create flipbooks for mitosis & meiosis R: Shorten flipbook assignment or use premade flipbooks for coloring and labeling Compare & Contrast mitosis and meiosis E: Compare/contrast poster for cell division: binary fission, mitosis and meiosis Identify stages of mitosis in Allium root tip slides Extension ideas Cancer – unregulated cell division Stem cell research – potential in undifferentiated cells Fun cell cycle game at http://www.nobelprize.org/ Mitosis thrillionare game Quia quizzes online 4 Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology Resources Biology by Miller & Levine. Pearson (2010) Chapter 10 – Cell cycle and Mitosis; Chapter 11.4 – Meiosis Teacher notes for cell division – major concepts, student misconceptions and link to a modeling exercisehttp://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/files/MitosisMeiosisConceptsTN.pdf Cell size Lab – Biology (p275) or http://www.biologyjunction.com/cell_size.htm or http://colgurchemistry.com/Sc10/Sc10BIOLOGY/PDFS/Sc10BiologyAct10SurfaceAreaVo lumePDF.pdf Flipbook templates http://sciencespot.net/Media/mitosisbook.pdf ; http://sciencespot.net/Media/meiosispg1.pdf CELL DIVISION UNIT OUTLINE (attached) Vcell cell cycle with mitosis video - http://vcell.ndsu.edu/animations/mitosis/movieflash.htm Mcgraw-Hill animations- cell cycle: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__how_the_cell_cycle_ works.html; mitosis: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__mitosis_and_cytokin esis.html; meiosis: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter3/animation__how_meiosis_works. html ; compare mitosis and meiosis: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__comparison_of_mei osis_and_mitosis__quiz_1_.html PBS Nova mitosis & meiosis compared http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/miracle/divi_flash.html Cell Cycle game http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/2001/cellcycle.html Mitosis Thrillionaire game (review mitosis) http://www.syvum.com/cgi/online/tgamem.cgi/squizzes/biology/mitosis.tdf?0 Quia Quiz – compare - http://www.quia.com/pa/44116.html?AP_rand=12254302 5 Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology Unit Outline I. CELL COPIES FOR GROWTH, REPAIR AND ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION A. Why can’t cells just get bigger and bigger?- Can’t maintain homeostasis! 1. DNA Overload - If a cell get too big, then there isn’t enough DNA directions to make all of the needed proteins. 2. Problems moving materials If the cell gets too big, food, gases, etc. cannot easily travel across the cell Surface area and volume: The volume of the cell grows faster than the surface area of the cell membrane. There isn’t enough room on the membrane to get enough stuff in and out of the cell for the increasing volume that needs materials. B. CELL DIVISION - Process by which a cell becomes two daughter cells Each daughter cell has increased surface area relative to volume = better exchange of materials 1. Why do we need more cells? 1. Make more organisms (asexual reproduction = make clones!) 2. Growth and Development - all multi-cell creatures start out as a single cell 3. Repair and Replacement – millions of our cells die every second of every day 2. Cell Division Requires Preparation! 1. cells only have one set of DNA instructions!! 2. First step to making an identical second cell is making a copy of the DNA. 3. Once done, the copies must be separated and sorted into the two sides of the cell. 4. Then the cell can split into two. BINARY FISSION – Prokaryotes Divide = asexual reproduction 1. Circular DNA copied 2. DNA separates to opposite sides of the cell 3. The cell membrane/wall divides into two cells MITOSIS – Eukaryotes Divide - The nucleus must divide before the cell can C. CELL CYCLE - the series of events that eukaryotic cells go through as they grow and divide. During the cell cycle a cell grows; prepares for division; divides to form two daughter cells, each of which begins the cycle again 1. Interphase – period between cell divisions in which cells grow, function and prepare for division (longer phase) ◦ 3 phases: G1; S; and G2 6 Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology 2. M phase = period cell is actually dividing (quick phase) 1. Mitosis = division of the nucleus 4 phases: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase 1. Cytokinesis = division of the cytoplasm D. 3 PHASES OF INTERPHASE 1. G1phase- cell grows and does its special jobs 2. S phase - DNA replicates (copied) 3. G2 phase - organelles and other materials needed for division are reproduced E. STAGES OF MITOSIS Centromere 1. PROPHASE (first) a) DNA condenses b) Spindles form at poles c) Nuclear membrane dissolves DNA Condenses into Chromosomes. Chromosomes- condensed DNA coiled around proteins in the nucleus; two copies of genetic code (made during S phase) chromatids -duplicated chromosomes attached at the center by the centromere Centromeres - like a “twist tie” that holds the sister chromatids together. o Number of centromeres = number of chromosomes 2. METAPHASE (middle) a) Spindles force chromosomes to line up on cell “equator” 3. ANAPHASE (apart) a) Spindles pull chromatids apart 4. TELOPHASE (Far end) a) Single chromosomes move to poles b) nuclear membrane reforms around each group c) Cytokinesis begins CYTOKINESIS - division of cytoplasm Starts during telophase animal cells – cytoplasm is pinched inward by cell membrane plant cells –a cell plate forms midway to become cell wall & membrane Mitosis makes 2 cells that are Identical to original cell Same chromosome number and exact genes Some cells stop mitosis after cell differentiation (specialization) 7 Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology Skin cells divide often - constantly renewed and repaired. Liver cells - can divide to repair minor damage Most nerve and muscle cells do not divide - Why? Critical functions might be interrupted G. CELL CYCLE REGULATORS 1. Proteins regulate the timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells (cyclins) Two types of regulatory proteins ◦ internal regulators = control events inside the cell (regulate mitosis phases) ◦ external regulators = respond to signals from outside the cell (growth hormones, contact inhibition) 2. Cell division can be turned on and off a) Hormones b) Contact Inhibition - when cells come into contact with each other, normal cells stop dividing. ◦ When space is found between cells, cells begin dividing once again H. CANCER - uncontrolled cell division. If cells continue to divide over and over, eventually a mass of cells can be formed called a tumor that may interfere with normal tissue or cell functions. Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that regulate the growth in most cells Causes a) Carcinogens – known cancer causing agents a. (Tobacco, asbestos, chemicals) b) radiation exposure (X-ray, sun) c) viral infections (HIV, Leukemia, EBV) d) high number of cancer cells have a defect in a gene called p53, which normally halts the cell cycle until all chromosomes have been properly duplicated Types of Cancer a) Benign b) Malignant/ metastasis II. MEIOSIS A. CHROMOSOME NUMBER Organisms have different numbers of chromosomes. Fruit flies =8, dogs = 78, chimps = 48 Chromosomes occur in pairs because organisms have one set of from each parent. Human cells (except sex cells) have 23 pairs of chromosomes: 23 from mom and 23 from dad for a total of 46 chromosomes 8 Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology 1. HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES - Matched set from each parent which contain the same type of genetic information although not necessarily the exact same gene expression. Sister chromatids are exactly the same, but homologous chromosomes are not EX: a pair of homologous chromosomes may have genes for eye color, but the one from mom codes for brown eyes and the one from dad codes for blue. a) DIPLOID (2n) = “two sets” - a cell that contains two sets of homologous chromosomes, usually one from mom and one from dad N = number of chromosomes from each parent Human diploid (2n) cells = 46 chromosomes 2 x23 from each parent = 46 b) HAPLOID (n) - a cell that contains only one set of chromosomes Human haploid cells (n) = 23 What was the purpose of mitosis? To divide into two cells that are Identical to original cell Same chromosome number and exact genes Diploid cells undergo mitosis and produce diploid daughter cells HOW DO WE AVOID CHROMOSOME DOUBLING EACH GENERATION? If sex cells (gametes) had the usual number of 46 chromosomes, they would produce a zygote with 92 chromosomes. If this happened again in the next generation, then 92 + 92 = 184 chromosomes…and in the next generation we would have 368, and each generation would keep doubling. Obviously, this can’t happen 1. Cell would have too many instructions 2. Nucleus would burst with too many DNA molecules A single DNA strand is about 5cm (2 inches) long B. GAMETES - haploid sex cells Sperm(male) and egg (female) contain half the normal number of chromosomes (hapliod) than other cells produced by meiosis, not mitosis. C. MEIOSIS - cell division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half by separating homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell Produces haploid gametes from a diploid starting cell 2 STAGES: Meiosis I – separates homologous chromosomes to form two new haploid cells Meiosis II – separates chromatids in the two cells from first stage to form four 9 Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology haploid cells MEIOSIS I 1. INTERPHASE I Cells undergo a round of DNA replication, forming duplicate chromosomes 2. PROPHASE I Each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a tetrad. There are 4 chromatids in a tetrad. Tetra = four CROSSING OVER - Homologous tetrads exchange portions of their chromatids during prophase I Crossing-over produces new combinations of GENES. 3. METAPHASE I Tetrads line up in center and spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes. 4. ANAPHASE I Fibers separate tetrads homologous chromosomes pulled toward opposite ends of the cell. 5. TELOPHASE I & CYTOKINESIS Nuclear membranes form. The cell separates into two cells. New cells are haploid and genetically different MEIOSIS II The second stage of meiosis is exactly like mitosis but with haploid cells. Chromosomes line up, chromatids travel to opposite sides of the cell, and the cell splits. Prophase II>MetaphaseII>Anaphase II>Telophase II> cytokinesis D. MAKING GAMETES 1. Sperm - four equal-sized MALE gametes formed by meiosis 2. Egg - one female gamete formed by meiosis. o POLAR BODIES - the other three cells made but usually not involved in animal reproduction E. FERTILIZATION = SEXUAL REPRODUCTION - The union of two haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote Combining gametes from two different parents leads to a variety of people with 10 Unit Title: Cell Division Course: Biology high genetic diversity Humans - sperm with 23 chromosomes combines with egg with 23 chromosomes to form a zygote with 46 chromosomes. Zygote = fertilized egg > will undergo mitosis and cell differentiation to become a multicellular organsism Meiosis allows for sexual reproduction which increases genetic variation in the offspring. More variation = more adaptable population How? 1. Produces haploid cells so don’t constantly double DNA each generation 2. DNA mixed up during crossing over of prophase I & random alignment in Metaphase I Mutations – permanent changes to your DNA, most occur during DNA replication but some can occur during mitosis and meiosis 1. Separation mistakes (nondisjunction) 2. Chromosome breaks (deletions, inversions, translocations) Somatic chromosomes - 22 pairs of our chromosomes have the same type of information (same genes) on both copies Sex chromosomes - determine gender, X and Y code for different sets of genes X X= female & XY = male Meiosis Mitosis Start with a diploid cell Start with a diploid cell Occurs in two phases: Occurs in one phase. Genetic information remains the same. Meiosis I & Meiosis II Genetic information is shuffled Results in 2 identical diploid daughter cells. Results in 4 different haploid daughter cells 11