MAE 4261: AIR-BREATHING ENGINES Exam 2 Review Exam 2: November 18th, 2008 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk EXAM 2 TOPICS • Turbofans – Section 5.5 – Figure 5.23, 5.29, 5.30, 5.31, 5.32, 5.33, 5.34 • Non-rotating components – Inlets: Section 6.1- (first half of) 6.3 – Nozzles: Section 6.7 – Combustors (burners): Section 6.4-6.5 • Figures 6.21, 6.22, 6.23, 6.24, 6.26 • Energy exchange with moving blade rows – Section 7.1-7.2 • Axial compressors – Section 7.3-7.7 – Figures 7.7, 7.8, 7.11, 7.12, 7.27, 7.32, 7.33 BYPASS RATIO: TURBOFAN ENGINES Bypass Air Core Air Bypass Ratio, B, a: Ratio of bypass air flow rate to core flow rate Example: Bypass ratio of 6:1 means that air volume flowing through fan and bypassing core engine is six times air volume flowing through core TRENDS TO HIGHER BYPASS RATIO 1958: Boeing 707, United States' first commercial jet airliner Similar to PWJT4A: T=17,000 lbf, a ~ 1 1995: Boeing 777, FAA Certified PW4000-112: T=100,000 lbf , a ~ 6 EFFICIENCY SUMMARY • Overall Efficiency – What you get / What you pay for – Propulsive Power / Fuel Power – Propulsive Power = TUo – Fuel Power = (fuel mass flow rate) x (fuel energy per unit mass) • Thermal Efficiency – Rate of production of propulsive kinetic energy / fuel power – This is cycle efficiency • Propulsive Efficiency – Propulsive Power / Rate of production of propulsive kinetic energy, or – Power to airplane / Power in Jet TU o overall m f h m eU e2 m oU o2 2 2 thermal m f h propulsive TU o 2 m eU e2 m oU o2 1 U e Uo 2 2 overall thermal propulsive PROPULSIVE EFFICIENCY AND SPECIFIC THRUST AS A FUNCTION OF EXHAUST VELOCITY Ue T 1 m U o U o Conflict 2 propulsive Ue 1 Uo COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY ENGINES (APPROX. SAME THRUST, APPROX. CORRECT RELATIVE SIZES) GE CFM56 for Boeing 737 T~30,000 lbf, a ~ 5 • • • • • • • • • • Demand high T/W Fly at high speed Engine has small inlet area (low drag, low radar crosssection) Engine has high specific thrust Ue/Uo ↑ and prop ↓ Demand higher efficiency Fly at lower speed (subsonic, M∞ ~ 0.85) Engine has large inlet area Engine has lower specific thrust Ue/Uo → 1 and prop ↑ P&W 119 for F- 22, T~35,000 lbf, a ~ 0.3 CRUISE FUEL CONSUMPTION vs. BYPASS RATIO SUMMARY OF IN-CLASS EXAMPLES RAMJETS T M 0 b 1 m 0 a0 Cycle analysis employing general form of mass, momentum and energy overall TU 0 m f h Energy (1st Law) balance across burner • Thrust performance depends solely on total temperature rise across burner • Relies completely on “ram” compression of air (slowing down high speed flow) • Ramjet develops no static thrust TURBOJET SUMMARY t T 2 o c t 1 m o ao 1 o c T 2 1 t 1 m o a o 1 o c overall M o 0 c 1 M o T M 0 1 m 0 a 0 t c 0 Cycle analysis employing general form of mass, momentum and energy Turbine power = compressor power How do we tie in fuel flow, fuel energy? Energy (1st Law) balance across burner TURBOJET TRENDS: IN-CLASS EXAMPLE Plot of Non-Dimensional Thrust and Specific Impulse for Maximum Thrust Condition 7 Heating Value of Fuel = 4.3x10 J/kg, Specific Heat Ratio = 1.4, T0=200K 10000 5 Max Non-Dim Thrust: Theta_t=6 Max Non-Dim Thrust: Theta_t=9 Max Thrust Isp: Theta_t=6 Max Thrust Isp: Theta_t=9 Maximum Specific Thrust 4 9000 8000 3.5 7000 3 6000 2.5 5000 2 4000 1.5 3000 1 2000 0.5 1000 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Flight Mach Number 2 2.5 3 Specific Impulse, Maximum Thrust, s 4.5 TURBOJET TRENDS: IN-CLASS EXAMPLE Plot of Thrust Normalized by Compressor Inlet Area and Ambient Pressure vs. Flight Mach Number for Compressor Inlet Mach Number, M 2=0.5 30 Thrust Normalized by A2 and P0 Theta_t=6 Theta_t=9 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Flight Mach Number 2 2.5 3 TURBOJET TRENDS: HOMEWORK #3, PART 1 Tt4 = 1600 K, pc = 25, T0 = 220 K 5.00 120% 4.50 100% 4.00 80% 3.00 2.50 60% 2.00 40% 1.50 Specific Thrust Propulsive Efficiency Thermal Efficiency Overall Efficiency 1.00 0.50 20% 0.00 0% 0 0.5 1 1.5 Mach Number 2 2.5 3 Efficiency Specific Thrust 3.50 TURBOJET TRENDS: HOMEWORK #3, PART 2a Tt4 = 1400 K, T0 = 220 K, M0 = 0.85 and 1.2 3.00 90% 80% 2.50 2.00 60% 50% 1.50 40% 1.00 30% Specific Thrust, M=0.85 Specific Thrust, M=1.2 Propulsive Efficiency, M=0.85 Thermal Efficiency, M=0.85 Overall Efficiency, M=0.85 Propulsive Efficiency, M=1.2 Thermal Efficiency, M=1.2 Overall Efficiency, M=1.2 0.50 20% 10% 0.00 0% 0 10 20 30 Compressor Pressure Ratio 40 50 Efficiency Specific Thrust 70% Specific Thrust TURBOJET TRENDS: HOMEWORK #3, PART 2b Tt4 = 1400 K and 1800 K, T0 = 220 K, M0 = 0.85 4 80% 3.5 70% 3 60% 2.5 50% 2 40% 1.5 30% 1 20% Specific Thrust, Tt4=1400K Specific Thrust, Tt4=1800 K Propulsive Efficiency, Tt4=1400 K Thermal Efficiency, Tt4=1400 K Overall Efficiency, Tt4=1400 K Propulsive Efficiency, Tt4=1800 K Thermal Efficiency, Tt4=1800 K Overall Efficiency, Tt4=1800 K 0.5 10% 0 0% 0 10 20 30 Compressor Pressure Ratio 40 50 TURBOFAN SUMMARY T 2 o c t 1 t m ao 1 o c 2 M o 1 M 0 1 0 f 2 T 0 f 1 M 0 1 ma o 1 T m ao Two streams: Core and Fan Flow Turbine power = compressor + fan power Exhaust streams have same velocity: U6=U8 1 2 2 t 1 0 1 M 0 1 1 max Maximum power, c selected to maximize f TURBOFAN TRENDS: IN-CLASS EXAMPLE Non-Dimensional Thrust vs. Flight Mach Number t=6, To=200 K (PW4000 Series, ~ 5-6) Higher of interest in range of Mo < 1 and lower of interest for supersonic transport 16 Bypass Ratio = 1 Bypass Ratio = 5 Bypass Ratio = 10 Bypass Ratio = 20 Non-Dimensional Thrust 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Flight Mach Number, M0 2.5 3 TURBOFAN TRENDS: IN-CLASS EXAMPLE Propulsive Efficiency vs. Flight Mach Number t=6, To=200 K 1 0.9 Propulsive Efficiency 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Bypass Ratio = 1 Bypass Ratio = 5 Bypass Ratio = 10 Bypass Ratio = 20 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Flight Mach Number, M0 2.5 3 INLETS OVERVIEW: INLETS AND DIFFUSERS • Purpose: 1. Capture incoming stream tube (mass flow) 2. Condition flow for entrance into compressor (and/or fan) over full flight range • At cruise, slow down flow to 0.4 < M2 < 0.7 • At take-off, accelerate flow to 0.4 < M2 < 0.7 • Remain as insensitive as possible to angle of attack, cross-flow, etc. • Requirements 1. Bring inlet flow to engine with high possible stagnation pressure • Measured by inlet pressure recovery, pd = Pt2/Pt1 2. Provide required engine mass flow • May be limited by choking of inlet 3. Provide compressor (and/or fan) with uniform flow EFFECT OF MASS FLOW ON THRUST VARIATION m 2 2U 2 A2 • m 2 P 2U 2 2 M 2 RT2 P2 M2 A2 RT2 RT2 • m 2 Pt 2 A2 RT2 m 0 P0 A2 RT0 M2 1 2 M2 1 2 1 2 M2 1 2 T m 0 T a0 A2 P0 m0 a0 A2 P0 Mass flow into compressor = mass flow entering engine Re-write to eliminate density and velocity • Connect to stagnation conditions at station 2 • Connect to ambient conditions • Resulting expression for thrust – Shows dependence on atmospheric pressure and cross-sectional area at compressor or fan entrance – Valid for any gas turbine 1 2 1 1 2 1 M2 1 2 M2 1 2 1 2 1 NON-DIMENSIONAL THRUST FOR A2 AND P0 Plot of Thrust Normalized by Compressor Inlet Area and Ambient Pressure vs. Flight Mach Number for Compressor Inlet Mach Number, M 2=0.5 30 Theta_t=6 Theta_t=9 Thrust / (A2 P0) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Flight Mach Number • • Thrust at fixed altitude is nearly constant up to Mach 1 Thrust then increases rapidly, need A2 to get smaller 2 2.5 3 OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW High Thrust Low Speed, M0 ~ 0 High Mass Flow Stream Tube Accelerates Low Thrust High Speed, M0 ~ 0.8 Low Mass Flow Stream Tube Decelerates 2 Ui T 1 1 U 2 A U 0 0 i Aerodynamic force is always favorable for thrust production 2 NORMAL SHOCK TOTAL PRESSURE LOSSES 1 0.9 0.8 M2, P02/P01 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Downstream Mach Number, M2 Total Pressure Ratio, P02/P01 0.1 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Upstream Mach Number, M1 4 4.5 5 Example: Supersonic Propulsion System • Engine thrust increases with higher incoming total pressure which enables higher pressure increase across compressor • Modern compressors desire entrance Mach numbers of around 0.5 to 0.8, so flow must be decelerated from supersonic flight speed • Process is accomplished much more efficiently (less total pressure loss) by using series of multiple oblique shocks, rather than a single normal shock wave • As M1 ↑ p02/p01 ↓ very rapidly • Total pressure is indicator of how much useful work can be done by a flow – Higher p0 → more useful work extracted from flow • Loss of total pressure are measure of efficiency of flow process NOZZLES OVERVIEW: NOZZLES • • • Subsonic Aircraft: Usually a fixed area convergent nozzle is adequate – Can be more complex for noise suppression Supersonic Aircraft: More complex, variable-area, convergent-divergent device Two Primary Functions: 1. Provide required throat area to match mass flow and exit conditions 2. Efficiently expand high pressure, high temperature gases to atmospheric pressure (convert thermal energy → kinetic energy) KEY EQUATIONS FOR NOZZLE DESIGN Nozzle area ratio as a function of engine parameters Once nozzle area is set, operating point of engine depends only on t A7 Athroat Pt 2 A2 A2 Pt 7 Tt 7 1 M2 Tt 2 1 1 M 2 2 2 1 2 1 Compare with Section 6.7 H&P A7 is the throat area, how do we find the exit area of the nozzle? Found from compressible channel flow relations, recall that M7=1 Set by jet stagnation pressure and ambient A8 A exit A7 Athroat 1 2 1 M8 1 2 1 M8 2 1 2 1 Compare with Equation 3.15 COMBUSTORS MAJOR COMBUSTOR COMPONENTS • Key Questions: – Why is combustor configured this way? – What sets overall length, volume and geometry of device? Turbine Compressor Fuel WHY IS THIS RELEVANT? • Most mixtures will NOT burn so far away from stoichiometric – Often called Flammability Limit – Highly pressure dependent • Increased pressure, increased flammability limit – Requirements for combustion, roughly f > 0.8 • Gas turbine can NOT operate at (or even near) stoichiometric levels – Temperatures (adiabatic flame temperatures) associated with stoichiometric combustion are way too hot for turbine – Fixed Tt4 implies roughly f < 0.5 • What do we do? – Burn (keep combustion going) near f=1 with some of ingested air – Then mix very hot gases with remaining air to lower temperature for turbine Compressor Air Turbine SOLUTION: BURNING REGIONS Primary Zone f~0.3 f ~ 1.0 T>2000 K RELATIVE LENGTH OF AFTERBURNER J79 (F4, F104, B58) Combustor Afterburner • Why is AB so much longer than primary combustor? – Pressure is so low in AB that they need to be very long (and heavy) – Reaction rate ~ pn (n~2 for mixed gas collision rate) AXIAL COMPRESSORS WHERE IN THE ENGINE? PW2000 Fan Compressor 2 SPOOL DEVICE: PW2000 Low Pressure Compressor (wlow) High Pressure Compressor (whigh) High and Low Pressure Turbines REVIEW: PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION • • Rotor – Adds swirl to flow – Adds kinetic energy to flow with ½v2 – Increases total energy carried in flow by increasing angular momentum Stator – Removes swirl from flow – Not a moving blade → cannot add any net energy to flow – Converts kinetic energy associated with swirl to internal energy by raising static pressure of flow – NGV adds no energy. Adds swirl in direction of rotor motion to lower Mach number of flow relative to rotor blades (improves aerodynamics) AXIAL COMPRESSOR ENERGY EXCHANGE w Centerline • • Rotor – Adds swirl to flow – Adds kinetic energy to flow with ½v2 – Increases total energy carried in flow by increasing angular momentum Stator – Removes swirl from flow – Not a moving blade → cannot add any net energy to flow – Converts kinetic energy associated with swirl to internal energy by raising static pressure of flow – NGV adds no energy. Adds swirl in direction of rotor motion to lower Mach number of flow relative to rotor blades (improves aerodynamics) EXAMPLES OF BLADE TWIST